package org.openstack.atlas.logs.itest; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.openstack.atlas.auth.AuthService; import org.openstack.atlas.auth.AuthServiceImpl; import org.openstack.atlas.auth.AuthUser; import org.openstack.atlas.config.HadoopLogsConfigs; import org.openstack.atlas.config.LbLogsConfiguration; import org.openstack.atlas.config.LbLogsConfigurationKeys; import org.openstack.atlas.exception.AuthException; import org.openstack.atlas.logs.common.util.CacheZipDirInfo; import org.openstack.atlas.logs.common.util.CacheZipInfo; import org.openstack.atlas.logs.common.util.ReuploaderThread; import org.openstack.atlas.logs.common.util.ReuploaderUtils; import org.openstack.atlas.logs.hadoop.util.HdfsUtils; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.pojos.LoadBalancerIdAndName; import org.openstack.atlas.util.debug.Debug; import org.openstack.atlas.util.itest.hibernate.HibernateDbConf; import org.openstack.atlas.util.itest.hibernate.HuApp; import org.openstack.atlas.util.staticutils.StaticDateTimeUtils; import org.openstack.atlas.util.staticutils.StaticFileUtils; import org.openstack.client.keystone.KeyStoneAdminClient; import org.openstack.client.keystone.KeyStoneException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class ReuploadCli { public static final String DEFAULT_HADOOP_CONF_FILE = "/etc/openstack/atlas/hadoop-logs.conf"; public static final String DEFAULT_CONF_FILE = "~/conf.json"; private static final int BUFFSIZE = 1024 * 32; private static final Comparator<CacheZipInfo> lidComparator; private static final Comparator<CacheZipInfo> aidComparator; private HdfsUtils hdfsUtils; private Configuration conf; private Map<Integer, LoadBalancerIdAndName> lbMap; private HuApp huApp; private HibernateDbConf hConf; private ReuploaderUtils ru; private List<CacheZipDirInfo> zipDirInfoList = new ArrayList<CacheZipDirInfo>(); private List<CacheZipInfo> zipInfoList = new ArrayList<CacheZipInfo>(); private Comparator<CacheZipInfo> ziComp; private Comparator<CacheZipDirInfo> zidComp; private BufferedReader stdin; static { lidComparator = new CacheZipInfo.LidComparator(); aidComparator = new CacheZipInfo.AidComparator(); } public void run(String[] argv) throws ParseException, UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, AuthException { if (argv.length < 1) { System.out.printf("usage is <conf.json> [hadoop-logs.conf]\n"); System.out.printf("Externally test the reuploader code for CloudFiles\n"); System.out.printf("the json conf file will be of the form:\n%s\n", HibernateDbConf.exampleJson); System.out.printf("if the hadoopConfiguration.xml file param is blank the value\n"); System.out.printf("will be deduced from the %s file\n", DEFAULT_HADOOP_CONF_FILE); System.out.printf("\n"); } List<ReuploaderThread> uploaders = new ArrayList<ReuploaderThread>(); stdin = StaticFileUtils.inputStreamToBufferedReader(, BUFFSIZE); //System.out.printf("Press enter to continue\n"); //stdin.readLine(); String jsonDbConfFileName; if (argv.length <= 0) { System.out.printf("using Default conf.json file %s since no conf file specified on command line\n", DEFAULT_CONF_FILE); jsonDbConfFileName = StaticFileUtils.expandUser(DEFAULT_CONF_FILE); } else { System.out.printf("Using db conf file %s\n", argv[0]); jsonDbConfFileName = StaticFileUtils.expandUser(argv[0]); } if (argv.length >= 2) { System.out.printf("Useing confFile %s\n", argv[1]); HadoopLogsConfigs.resetConfigs(argv[1]); } else { System.out.printf("useing confFile %s\n", LbLogsConfiguration.defaultConfigurationLocation); } hdfsUtils = HadoopLogsConfigs.getHdfsUtils(); String user = HadoopLogsConfigs.getHdfsUserName(); conf = HadoopLogsConfigs.getHadoopConfiguration(); HadoopLogsConfigs.markJobsJarAsAlreadyCopied(); System.setProperty(CommonItestStatic.HDUNAME, user); System.out.printf("ReuploadTestStatic.main Spinning up\n"); System.out.printf("JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH=%s\n", System.getProperty("java.library.path")); huApp = new HuApp(); hConf = HibernateDbConf.newHibernateConf(jsonDbConfFileName); System.out.printf("Useing db config %s\n", hConf.toString()); huApp.setDbMap(hConf); System.out.printf("Reading LoadBalancers from databases\n"); lbMap = CommonItestStatic.getLbIdMap(huApp); System.out.printf("HadoopLogsConfig=%s\n", HadoopLogsConfigs.staticToString()); ru = new ReuploaderUtils(HadoopLogsConfigs.getCacheDir(), lbMap); ziComp = new CacheZipInfo.ZipComparator(); zidComp = new CacheZipDirInfo.HourAccountComparator(); while (true) { try { System.out.printf("reuploadClient> "); String cmdLine = stdin.readLine(); if (cmdLine == null) { break;// Eof } String[] args = CommonItestStatic.stripBlankArgs(cmdLine); Map<String, String> kwArgs = CommonItestStatic.argMapper(args); args = CommonItestStatic.stripKwArgs(args); if (args.length < 1) { System.out.printf("usage is help\n"); continue; } String cmd = args[0]; if (cmd.equals("help")) { System.out.printf("gc #Run garbage collector\n"); System.out.printf("mem #Display memory usage\n"); System.out.printf("exit #exit program\n"); System.out.printf("clzinfo #reset the zipInfo from memory from memory\n"); System.out.printf("getzinfo [lastHour] #Scan the cache dir for the zips still in localcache\n"); System.out.printf("setComp <size,hour> reverse=false # Set the comparator to sort by size or by hour\n"); System.out.printf("showzinfo #Display all the zipDirectories found\n"); System.out.printf("showzips #Show all zips\n"); System.out.printf("countzinfo #scan the zinfo block and count the zips by account and lid\n"); System.out.printf("countlids #Count the zips grouping by the lids\n"); System.out.printf("countaids #Count the zips grouping by the aids\n"); System.out.printf("counthours #Count the zips grouping by the hours\n"); System.out.printf("showAuth <accountId> #Get information on account via the god AuthClient\n"); System.out.printf("rmlid <lid> #remove zips in the zinfolist that are for the specified loadbalancer\n"); System.out.printf("rmaid <aid> #remove zips in the zinfolist that are for the specified account\n"); System.out.printf("auth <accountId> #Get service token and other user info from keystone auth\n"); System.out.printf("clearDirs <minusHours> #Remove any empty directories\n"); System.out.printf("delDir <path> #Delete directory if its empty\n"); System.out.printf("utc [minusHours] #Get the time stamp in utc for the hour Key that clearDirs would scan\n"); System.out.printf("addLock <fileName> #Test the file locker\n"); System.out.printf("showLocks #Show the current file locks\n"); System.out.printf("clearOldLocks <secs> #Test the lock expiration counter\n"); System.out.printf("ru #run the uploader thread\n"); System.out.printf("joinThreads #Join reuploader threads\n"); } else if (cmd.equals("countzinfo")) { countZinfo(); } else if (cmd.equals("showAuth") && args.length >= 2) { System.out.printf("showing AuthUser info for user %s\n", args[1]); showAuth(args[1]); } else if (cmd.equals("auth") && args.length >= 2) { System.out.printf("getting auth tokens for user %s\n", args[1]); auth(args[1]); } else if (cmd.equals("ru")) { int nThreads = (args.length >= 2) ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : 1; List<ReuploaderThread> newThreads = new ArrayList<ReuploaderThread>(); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { System.out.printf("Init thread %d of %d\n", i, nThreads); ReuploaderThread uploader = new ReuploaderThread(new ReuploaderUtils(HadoopLogsConfigs.getCacheDir(), lbMap)); newThreads.add(uploader); } System.out.printf("Running Threads\n"); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { System.out.printf("Running thread %d of %d\n", i, nThreads); ReuploaderThread uploader = newThreads.get(i); uploader.start(); uploaders.add(uploader); } System.out.printf("All threads running\n"); } else if (cmd.equals("joinThreads")) { int nThreads = uploaders.size(); System.out.printf("Joining %d threads\n", nThreads); for (int i = 0; i < uploaders.size(); i++) { System.out.printf("Joining %d of %d threads\n", i, nThreads); uploaders.get(i).join(); } uploaders = new ArrayList<ReuploaderThread>(); } else if (cmd.equals("addLock") && args.length >= 2) { String fileName = args[1]; System.out.printf("Locking file %s = ", fileName); System.out.flush(); System.out.printf("%s\n", ReuploaderUtils.addLock(fileName)); } else if (cmd.equals("clearOldLocks") && args.length >= 2) { System.out.printf("Clearing locks older then %s\n", args[1]); int secs = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); ReuploaderUtils.clearOldLocks(secs); } else if (cmd.equals("showLocks")) { showLocks(); } else if (cmd.equals("delDir") && args.length >= 2) { delDir(args[1]); } else if (cmd.equals("clearDirs") && args.length >= 2) { int minusHours; System.out.printf("Removing empty directories\n"); try { minusHours = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); clearDirs(minusHours); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.printf("Error could not convert %s to integer\n", args[1]); } } else if (cmd.equals("setComp") && args.length >= 2) { boolean reverse = false; if (kwArgs.containsKey("reverse") && kwArgs.get("reverse").equals("true")) { reverse = true; } setSortComparator(args[1], reverse); } else if (cmd.equals("utc")) { int minusHours = 0; if (args.length >= 2) { try { minusHours = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.printf("minusHours %s is not an integer defaulting to 0\n", args[0]); } } utcStamp(minusHours); } else if (cmd.equals("gc")) { gc(); } else if (cmd.equals("mem")) { mem(); } else if (cmd.equals("clzinfo")) { clearZipInfo(); } else if (cmd.equals("getzinfo")) { long endHourKey; if (args.length >= 2) { try { endHourKey = Long.parseLong(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.printf("lastHour parameter must be of the form YYYYMMDDHH\n"); continue; } } else { endHourKey = 9999999999L; } System.out.printf("Searching for zips before HourKey=%d\n", endHourKey); getZipInfo(endHourKey); } else if (cmd.equals("rmlid") && args.length >= 2) { int lid; try { lid = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.printf("Error converting %s to loadbalancer id\n", args[1]); continue; } deleteLidZips(lid); } else if (cmd.equals("rmaid") && args.length >= 2) { int aid; try { aid = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.printf("Error converting %s to loadbalancer id\n", args[1]); continue; } deleteAidZips(aid); } else if (cmd.equals("showZips")) { showZips(); } else if (cmd.equals("showzinfo")) { showZipsDirInfo(); } else if (cmd.equals("countlids")) { countIds(CountTypes.LOADBALANCER); } else if (cmd.equals("countaids")) { countIds(CountTypes.ACCOUNT); } else if (cmd.equals("counthours")) { countIds(CountTypes.HOUR); } else { System.out.printf("Unknown Command %s\n", cmdLine); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.printf("Exception: %s\n", Debug.getExtendedStackTrace(ex)); } } } public void setSortComparator(String arg, boolean reverse) { String compOption = arg; if (compOption.equals("size")) { System.out.printf("Setting comparator for size\n"); ziComp = new CacheZipInfo.ByteCountComparator(); zidComp = new CacheZipDirInfo.CountComparator(); } else if (compOption.equals("hour")) { System.out.printf("Setting comarator for hour\n"); ziComp = new CacheZipInfo.ZipComparator(); zidComp = new CacheZipDirInfo.HourAccountComparator(); } else { System.out.printf("Comparator operator must be either \"size\" or \"hour\"\n"); return; } System.out.printf("Sorting zinfo and zips\n"); Collections.sort(zipInfoList, ziComp); Collections.sort(zipDirInfoList, zidComp); if (reverse) { System.out.printf("reversing order\n"); Collections.reverse(zipInfoList); } } public void showZipsDirInfo() { System.out.printf("ZipDirInfo:\n"); for (CacheZipDirInfo zdi : zipDirInfoList) { System.out.printf("%s %d\n", zdi.getDirName(), zdi.getZipCount()); } } public void showZips() { System.out.printf("Zips:\n"); for (CacheZipInfo zi : zipInfoList) { System.out.printf("%s %d\n", zi.toString(), zi.getFileSize()); } } public void clearZipInfo() { System.out.printf("clearing zinfo\n"); zipDirInfoList = new ArrayList<CacheZipDirInfo>(); zipInfoList = new ArrayList<CacheZipInfo>(); } public void getZipInfo(long endHour) { clearZipInfo(); zipDirInfoList = ru.getLocalZipDirInfo(endHour); int totalZips = 0; int totalDirs = 0; long totalBytes = 0; for (CacheZipDirInfo dirInfo : zipDirInfoList) { totalDirs++; for (CacheZipInfo zipFileInfo : dirInfo.getZips()) { zipInfoList.add(zipFileInfo); totalZips++; totalBytes += zipFileInfo.getFileSize(); } } System.out.printf("Scan complete\n"); System.out.printf("TotalDirs = %d\n", totalDirs); System.out.printf("TotalZips = %s\n", totalZips); System.out.printf("TotalBytes=%d\n", totalBytes); } public void mem() { System.out.printf("Memory\n================================\n%s\n", Debug.showMem()); } public void gc() { System.out.printf("Invoking garbage collector\n"); Debug.gc(); } private void utcStamp(int minusHours) { long hourKey = ReuploaderUtils.getCurrentHourKeyMinusHours(minusHours); DateTime dt = StaticDateTimeUtils.nowDateTime(true).plusHours(0 - minusHours); DateTime lt = StaticDateTimeUtils.toDateTime(dt.toDate(), false); System.out.printf(" hourKey = %d\n", hourKey); System.out.printf(" sqlDate = %s\n", StaticDateTimeUtils.sqlDateTimeFormat.print(dt)); System.out.printf(" apacheDate = %s\n", StaticDateTimeUtils.apacheDateTimeFormat.print(dt)); System.out.printf(" iso8601 = %s\n", StaticDateTimeUtils.isoFormat.print(dt)); System.out.printf(" localTime = %s\n", StaticDateTimeUtils.isoFormat.print(lt)); System.out.printf("\n"); } private void clearDirs(int minusHours) { ru.clearDirs(minusHours); } private void delDir(String path) { ReuploaderUtils.deleteIfDirectoryIsEmpty(path); } private void showLocks() { System.out.printf("Locks = "); System.out.flush(); System.out.printf("%s\n", ReuploaderUtils.showLocks()); } private void showAuth(String userName) throws AuthException { AuthService authService = new AuthServiceImpl(new LbLogsConfiguration()); AuthUser user = authService.getUser(userName); System.out.printf("%s\n", user); } private void auth(String userName) throws AuthException, KeyStoneException { KeyStoneAdminClient keyStoneAdminClient; LbLogsConfiguration cfg = new LbLogsConfiguration(); String adminAuthUrl = cfg.getString(LbLogsConfigurationKeys.auth_management_uri); String adminAuthUser = cfg.getString(LbLogsConfigurationKeys.basic_auth_user); String adminAuthKey = cfg.getString(LbLogsConfigurationKeys.basic_auth_key); keyStoneAdminClient = new KeyStoneAdminClient(adminAuthUrl, adminAuthKey, adminAuthUser); } private void deleteLidZips(int lid) throws IOException { int nDeleted = 0; List<CacheZipInfo> doomedZips = new ArrayList<CacheZipInfo>(); List<CacheZipInfo> sortedZips = new ArrayList<CacheZipInfo>(zipInfoList); Collections.sort(sortedZips, lidComparator); for (CacheZipInfo zipFile : sortedZips) { if (zipFile.getLoadbalancerId() == lid) { System.out.printf("%s\n", zipFile.getZipFile()); doomedZips.add(zipFile); } } System.out.printf("Are you sure you want to delete the above %d zips(Y/N): ", doomedZips.size()); if (CommonItestStatic.inputStream(stdin, "Y")) { System.out.printf("Deleting files\n"); for (CacheZipInfo doomedZip : doomedZips) { if (deleteFile(doomedZip.getZipFile())) { nDeleted++; } } } else { System.out.printf("Bailing out\n"); } System.out.printf("Deleted %d files\n", nDeleted); } private void deleteAidZips(int aid) throws IOException { int nDeleted = 0; List<CacheZipInfo> doomedZips = new ArrayList<CacheZipInfo>(); List<CacheZipInfo> sortedZips = new ArrayList<CacheZipInfo>(zipInfoList); Collections.sort(sortedZips, aidComparator); for (CacheZipInfo zipFile : sortedZips) { if (zipFile.getAccountId() == aid) { System.out.printf("%s\n", zipFile.getZipFile()); doomedZips.add(zipFile); } } System.out.printf("Are you sure you want to delete the above %d zips(Y/N): ", doomedZips.size()); if (CommonItestStatic.inputStream(stdin, "Y")) { System.out.printf("Deleting files\n"); for (CacheZipInfo doomedZip : doomedZips) { if (deleteFile(doomedZip.getZipFile())) { nDeleted++; } } } else { System.out.printf("Bailing out\n"); } System.out.printf("Deleted %d files\n", nDeleted); } private static boolean deleteFile(String fileName) { File doomedFile = new File(fileName); try { if (!doomedFile.delete()) { System.out.printf("File %s didn't delete perhaps its already deleted\n", fileName); return false; } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.printf("Error attempting to delete file %s: %s\n", fileName, Debug.getExtendedStackTrace(ex)); return false; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException, UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, AuthException { ReuploadCli cli = new ReuploadCli();; } public void countIds(CountTypes countType) { Map<Long, Integer> counts = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); String countTypeStr; switch (countType) { case ACCOUNT: countTypeStr = "AccountId"; break; case LOADBALANCER: countTypeStr = "LoadBalancerId"; break; case HOUR: countTypeStr = "Hour"; break; default: countTypeStr = "Unknown count type Bailing out"; return; } System.out.printf("Counting %s:\n", countTypeStr); for (CacheZipInfo zipFile : zipInfoList) { long key = -1; // Cause the compiler will complain if you don't initialize switch (countType) { case ACCOUNT: key = zipFile.getAccountId(); break; case HOUR: key = zipFile.getHourKey(); break; case LOADBALANCER: key = zipFile.getLoadbalancerId(); break; } if (!counts.containsKey(key)) { counts.put(key, 0); } int count = counts.get(key); counts.put(key, count + 1); } List<Long> keys = new ArrayList<Long>(counts.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys); for (Long key : keys) { System.out.printf(" %d = %d\n", key, counts.get(key)); } } private void countZinfo() { int nCount; Map<AccountIdLoadBalancerIdKey, Integer> counts = new HashMap<AccountIdLoadBalancerIdKey, Integer>(); for (CacheZipInfo zipFile : zipInfoList) { AccountIdLoadBalancerIdKey aidLidKey = new AccountIdLoadBalancerIdKey(); aidLidKey.setAccountId(zipFile.getAccountId()); aidLidKey.setLoadbalancerId(zipFile.getLoadbalancerId()); if (!counts.containsKey(aidLidKey)) { counts.put(aidLidKey, 0); } nCount = counts.get(aidLidKey); nCount++; counts.put(aidLidKey, nCount); } List<AccountIdLoadBalancerIdKey> keys = new ArrayList<AccountIdLoadBalancerIdKey>(); for (AccountIdLoadBalancerIdKey key : counts.keySet()) { keys.add(key); } nCount = 0; Collections.sort(keys, new AccountIdLoadBalancerIdKeyComparator()); System.out.printf("(accountId,LoadbalancerId)=count\n"); for (AccountIdLoadBalancerIdKey aidLidKey : keys) { int aid = aidLidKey.getAccountId(); int lid = aidLidKey.getLoadbalancerId(); int count = counts.get(aidLidKey); System.out.printf("(%d,%d) = %d\n", aid, lid, count); nCount++; } System.out.printf("Total files = %d\n", nCount); } }