package org.openstack.atlas.api.validation.expectation; import org.junit.Ignore; //TODO: For reimplementation of this idea, I've left a few breadcrumbs but no implementation. See the return value of result(...) and must(...) @Ignore public class ExpectationDependencyTest { // private SimpleBean testObjectA; // private SimpleBean testObjectB; // @Before // public void setUpObjectsToValidate() { // testObjectA = new SimpleBean("1", null, null, 1, null, null); // testObjectB = new SimpleBean(null, null, null, null, null, null); // } // // @Test // public void shouldMeetExpectationWithDependency() { // final RestValidator<SimpleBean> validator = build(new ValidatorBuilder<SimpleBean>(SimpleBean.class) { // // { // Expectation ex1 = result(validationTarget().getIntProperty1()).must().exist().withMessage("IntProperty1 is required."); // result(validationTarget().getStringProperty1()).must().exist().withMessage("StringProperty1 is required.").setDependency(ex1, testObjectA); // } // }); // // assertTrue(validator.validate(testObjectA).passedValidation()); // } // // @Test // public void shouldNotReturnResultsWithDependencies() { // final RestValidator<SimpleBean> validator = build(new ValidatorBuilder<SimpleBean>(SimpleBean.class) { // // { // Expectation ex1 = result(validationTarget().getIntProperty1()).must().exist().withMessage("IntProperty1 is required."); // result(validationTarget().getStringProperty1()).must().exist().withMessage("StringProperty1 is required.").setDependency(ex1, testObjectB.getIntProperty1()); // } // }); // // ValidatorResult result = validator.validate(testObjectB); // // assertFalse(result.passedValidation()); // assertEquals(1, result.getValidationResults().size()); // } }