package org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.repository; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.entities.*; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.pojos.Customer; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.pojos.LoadBalancerCountByAccountIdHostId; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; @Repository @Transactional public class HostRepository { final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HostRepository.class); @PersistenceContext(unitName = "loadbalancing") private EntityManager entityManager; public Host getById(Integer id) throws EntityNotFoundException { Host host = entityManager.find(Host.class, id); if (host == null) { String errMsg = String.format("Cannot access host {id=%d}", id); LOG.warn(errMsg); throw new EntityNotFoundException(errMsg); } return host; } public List<Host> getAllHosts() { String hqlStr = "from Host h where h.hostStatus in ('ACTIVE_TARGET', 'FAILOVER') "; List<Host> hosts; hosts = entityManager.createQuery(hqlStr).getResultList(); return hosts; } public List<Host> getAllOnline() { String hqlStr = "from Host h where h.hostStatus not in ('OFFLINE', 'SOAP_API_ENDPOINT', 'REST_API_ENDPOINT') "; List<Host> hosts; hosts = entityManager.createQuery(hqlStr).getResultList(); return hosts; } public List<Host> getOnlineHostsByLoadBalancerHostCluster(LoadBalancer lb) throws EntityNotFoundException { String hqlStr = "from Host h where h.hostStatus not in ('OFFLINE', 'SOAP_API_ENDPOINT', 'REST_API_ENDPOINT') and = :clusterId"; List<Host> hosts; hosts = entityManager.createQuery(hqlStr).setParameter("clusterId", lb.getHost().getCluster().getId()).getResultList(); return hosts; } public List<Host> getAll(Integer... p) { List<Host> hosts = new ArrayList<Host>(); Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT h FROM Host h order by"); if (p.length >= 2) { Integer offset = p[0]; Integer limit = p[1]; if (offset == null) { offset = 0; } if (limit == null || limit > 100) { limit = 100; } query = query.setFirstResult(offset).setMaxResults(limit); } hosts = query.getResultList(); return hosts; } public List<Backup> getAllBackups() { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT b FROM Backup b"); List<Backup> allBackups = (List<Backup>) query.getResultList(); if (allBackups == null) { return new ArrayList<Backup>(); } return allBackups; } public List<Host> getAllActive() { List<Host> allHosts = getAll(); List<Host> activeHosts = new ArrayList<Host>(); for (Host host : allHosts) { if (host.getHostStatus().equals(HostStatus.ACTIVE) || host.getHostStatus().equals(HostStatus.ACTIVE_TARGET)) { activeHosts.add(host); } } return activeHosts; } public List<Backup> getBackupsForHost(Integer hostId, Integer... p) throws EntityNotFoundException { getById(hostId); // Need lazy loading!!! <-- Host is already Lazy loading your already good. :) Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT b FROM Backup b WHERE = :hostId").setParameter("hostId", hostId); if (p.length >= 2) { Integer offset = p[0]; Integer limit = p[1]; if (offset == null) { offset = 0; } if (limit == null || limit > 100) { limit = 100; } query = query.setFirstResult(offset).setMaxResults(limit); } return query.getResultList(); } public List<Integer> getLoadBalancerIdsForHost(Integer hostId) { List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String sql = "SELECT from LoadBalancer lb where = :id)"; Query qry = entityManager.createQuery(sql); qry.setParameter("id", hostId); List values = qry.getResultList(); for (Object i : values) { ids.add((Integer) (i)); } return ids; } public List<LoadBalancer> getLoadBalancers(Integer hostId) { return entityManager.createQuery("SELECT lb FROM LoadBalancer lb where = :hostId").setParameter("hostId", hostId).getResultList(); } /* Used by usage poller */ public List<LoadBalancer> getLoadBalancersWithStatus(Integer hostId, LoadBalancerStatus status) { List<Object> loadBalancerTuples; List<LoadBalancer> loadBalancers = new ArrayList<LoadBalancer>(); loadBalancerTuples = entityManager.createNativeQuery("SELECT, lb.account_id FROM loadbalancer lb where lb.host_id = :hostId and lb.status = :status").setParameter("hostId", hostId).setParameter("status",; for (Object loadBalancerTuple : loadBalancerTuples) { Object[] row = (Object[]) loadBalancerTuple; LoadBalancer lb = new LoadBalancer(); lb.setId((Integer) row[0]); lb.setAccountId((Integer) row[1]); loadBalancers.add(lb); } return loadBalancers; } /* Used by usage poller */ public List<LoadBalancer> getSslLoadBalancersWithStatus(Integer hostId, LoadBalancerStatus status) { List<Object> loadBalancerTuples; List<LoadBalancer> loadBalancers = new ArrayList<LoadBalancer>(); loadBalancerTuples = entityManager.createNativeQuery("SELECT, lb.account_id FROM loadbalancer lb, lb_ssl s where lb.host_id = :hostId and = s.loadbalancer_id and lb.status = :status").setParameter("hostId", hostId).setParameter("status",; for (Object loadBalancerTuple : loadBalancerTuples) { Object[] row = (Object[]) loadBalancerTuple; LoadBalancer lb = new LoadBalancer(); lb.setId((Integer) row[0]); lb.setAccountId((Integer) row[1]); loadBalancers.add(lb); } return loadBalancers; } public void save(Host host) { entityManager.persist(host); } public void delete(Host host) { host = entityManager.merge(host); entityManager.remove(host); } public Host update(Host host) {"Updating Host " + host.getId() + "..."); host = entityManager.merge(host); entityManager.flush(); return host; } public Host getEndPointHost(Integer clusterId) { String hqlStr = "from Host h where h.soapEndpointActive = 1 " + "and h.hostStatus in ('ACTIVE_TARGET', 'FAILOVER','SOAP_API_ENDPOINT') " + "and = :clusterId " + "order by h.hostStatus desc, asc"; Query q = entityManager.createQuery(hqlStr).setParameter("clusterId", clusterId).setMaxResults(1); List<Host> results = q.getResultList(); if (results.size() < 1) { LOG.error(String.format("Error no more SOAP endpoints left for ClusterId %d.", clusterId)); return null; } return results.get(0); } public Host getRestEndPointHost(Integer clusterId) { String hqlStr = "from Host h where h.restEndpointActive = 1 " + "and h.hostStatus in ('ACTIVE_TARGET', 'FAILOVER', 'REST_API_ENDPOINT') " + "and = :clusterId " + "order by h.hostStatus desc, asc"; Query q = entityManager.createQuery(hqlStr).setParameter("clusterId", clusterId).setMaxResults(1); List<Host> results = q.getResultList(); if (results.size() < 1) { LOG.error(String.format("Error no more REST endpoints left for ClusterId %d.", clusterId)); return null; } return results.get(0); } public List<String> getFailoverHostNames(Integer clusterId) { String hql = "select h.trafficManagerName from Host h where h.hostStatus = 'FAILOVER' and = :clusterId"; Query q = entityManager.createQuery(hql).setParameter("clusterId", clusterId); List<String> results = q.getResultList(); return results; } public List<Host> getFailoverHosts(Integer clusterId) { String hql = "select h from Host h where h.hostStatus = 'FAILOVER' and = :clusterId"; Query q = entityManager.createQuery(hql).setParameter("clusterId", clusterId); List<Host> results = q.getResultList(); return results; } public String getEndPoint(Integer clusterId) { Host host = getEndPointHost(clusterId); if (host == null) { return null; } return host.getEndpoint(); } public Host getHostsByLoadBalancerId(Integer loadBalancerId) { LoadBalancer lb = entityManager.find(LoadBalancer.class, loadBalancerId); if (lb != null) { return lb.getHost(); } else { return null; } } public Backup getBackupByHostIdAndBackupId(Integer hostId, Integer backupId) throws EntityNotFoundException { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT b FROM Backup b WHERE = :hostId and = :backupId").setParameter("hostId", hostId).setParameter("backupId", backupId); List<Backup> backups = query.getResultList(); if (backups == null || backups.isEmpty()) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Backup could not be found"); } return backups.get(0); } public Cluster getClusterById(Integer clusterId) { Cluster cluster = entityManager.find(Cluster.class, clusterId); return cluster; } public Backup createBackup(Host host, Backup backup) { backup.setHost(host); backup.setBackupTime(Calendar.getInstance()); backup = entityManager.merge(backup); return backup; } public void deleteBackup(Backup backup) { backup = entityManager.find(Backup.class, backup.getId()); entityManager.remove(backup); } // For Jira public List<LoadBalancerCountByAccountIdHostId> getAccountsInHost(Integer id) { List<LoadBalancerCountByAccountIdHostId> lbCounts = new ArrayList<LoadBalancerCountByAccountIdHostId>(); List<Object> results; String query; if (id == null) { // Assume we want to grab all Clusters query = "select l.accountId ,,count(*) from LoadBalancer l " + "join h where l.status != 'DELETED' group by l.accountId,"; results = entityManager.createQuery(query).getResultList(); } else { query = "select l.accountId ,,count(*) from LoadBalancer l " + "join h where = :id and l.status != 'DELETED' group by l.accountId,"; results = entityManager.createQuery(query).setParameter("id", id).getResultList(); } for (Object r : results) { Object[] tuple = (Object[]) r; LoadBalancerCountByAccountIdHostId lbCount = new LoadBalancerCountByAccountIdHostId(); lbCount.setAccountId((Integer) tuple[0]); lbCount.setHostId((Integer) tuple[1]); lbCount.setLoadBalancerCount((Long) tuple[2]); lbCounts.add(lbCount); } return lbCounts; } // According to Jira: //SITESLB-918 removed nodes modify query once removal of nodes is finalized public List<Customer> getCustomerList(Object key) { List<Customer> customerList = new ArrayList<Customer>(); LoadBalancer loadBalancer = new LoadBalancer(); Customer customer = new Customer(); List results; String queryHead = "select l.accountId,,,, n.ipAddress, l.status " + "from LoadBalancer l left join l.nodes n join h "; String queryTail = " order by l.accountId,"; String fullQuery; int currAid = -1; int currLid = -1; if (key instanceof Integer) { fullQuery = String.format("%s where = :hid %s", queryHead, queryTail); results = entityManager.createQuery(fullQuery).setParameter("hid", (Integer) key).getResultList(); } else if (key instanceof String) { fullQuery = String.format("%s where = :hname %s", queryHead, queryTail); results = entityManager.createQuery(fullQuery).setParameter("hname", (String) key).getResultList(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("getCustomerList can only handle Integers and Strings please be reasonable"); } for (Object r : results) { Object[] row = (Object[]) r; Integer aid = (Integer) row[0]; Integer lid = (Integer) row[1]; String lname = (String) row[2]; Integer nid = (Integer) row[3]; String nip = (String) row[4]; LoadBalancerStatus status = (LoadBalancerStatus) row[5]; if (currAid != aid) { customer = new Customer(); customer.setAccountId(aid); currAid = aid; customerList.add(customer); } if (currLid != lid) { loadBalancer = new LoadBalancer(); loadBalancer.setAccountId(aid); loadBalancer.setName(lname); loadBalancer.setStatus(status); loadBalancer.setId(lid); loadBalancer.setLoadBalancerJoinVipSet(null); loadBalancer.setNodes(null); customer.getLoadBalancers().add(loadBalancer); currLid = lid; } //SITESLB-918 removed nodes /* if (nid != null) { Node node = new Node(); node.setId(nid); node.setIpAddress(nip); node.setWeight(null); if (loadBalancer.getNodes() == null) { loadBalancer.setNodes(new HashSet<Node>()); } loadBalancer.addNode(node); } */ } return customerList; } public long getHostsConnectionsForCluster(Integer clusterId) { long utilization = 0; String queryMaxConnection = "select sum(maxConcurrentConnections) from Host h where = :id"; List<Long> results = entityManager.createQuery(queryMaxConnection).setParameter("id", clusterId).getResultList(); if (results.size() > 0 && results.get(0) != null) { utilization = results.get(0).longValue(); } return utilization; } public Integer getNumberOfUniqueAccountsForHost(Integer id) { List<Object> results; String query = "SELECT distinct(l.accountId) FROM LoadBalancer l WHERE = :id AND l.status != 'DELETED'"; results = entityManager.createQuery(query).setParameter("id", id).getResultList(); return results.size(); } public long getActiveLoadBalancerForHost(Integer id) { long lbs = 0; String query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM LoadBalancer l WHERE = :id AND l.status != 'DELETED'"; List<Long> results = entityManager.createQuery(query).setParameter("id", id).getResultList(); if (results.size() > 0 && results.get(0) != null) { lbs = results.get(0).longValue(); } return lbs; } public Host getDefaultActiveHost(Integer clusterId) throws EntityNotFoundException { //get a host based on the following algorithm //status = ACTIVE_TARGET, fewest concurrent connections and fewest number of assigned loadbalanders. String sql = "SELECT h from Host h where = :clusterId AND h.hostStatus= :hostStatus " + "AND h.maxConcurrentConnections = (select min(i.maxConcurrentConnections) " + "from Host i where = :clusterId AND i.hostStatus = :hostStatus)"; // String sql = "SELECT h from Host h where = :clusterId" // + " AND h.hostStatus = '" // + HostStatus.ACTIVE_TARGET + "'" // + " AND h.maxConcurrentConnections = ( select min(i.maxConcurrentConnections) from Host i where i.hostStatus = '" // + HostStatus.ACTIVE_TARGET + "')"; Query qry = entityManager.createQuery(sql).setParameter("hostStatus", HostStatus.ACTIVE_TARGET).setParameter("clusterId", clusterId); List<Host> hosts = qry.getResultList(); if (hosts != null && hosts.size() > 0) { if (hosts.size() == 1) { return (hosts.get(0)); } else { Host minhost = null; long mincount = 0; long count = 0; //fewest number for (Host h : hosts) { String query = "select count(*) from LoadBalancer lb where = :id"; List<Long> lst = entityManager.createQuery(query).setParameter("id", h.getId()).getResultList(); count = lst.get(0).longValue(); if (count == 0) { return h; } else { if (mincount == 0) { mincount = count; minhost = h; } else if (mincount <= count) { //do nothing } else { mincount = count; minhost = h; } } } return minhost; } } throw new EntityNotFoundException("ACTIVE_TARGET host not found"); } }