package org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.repository; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.entities.*; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.exceptions.DeletedStatusException; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.pojos.*; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.util.Constants; import org.openstack.atlas.util.converters.StringConverter; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.LockModeType; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import java.util.*; @Repository @Transactional public class NodeRepository { final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NodeRepository.class); @PersistenceContext(unitName = "loadbalancing") private EntityManager entityManager;/**/ public Set<Node> addNodes(LoadBalancer loadBalancer, Collection<Node> nodes) { Set<Node> newNodes = new HashSet<Node>(); for (Node node : nodes) { node.setLoadbalancer(loadBalancer); newNodes.add(entityManager.merge(node)); } loadBalancer.setUpdated(Calendar.getInstance()); loadBalancer = entityManager.merge(loadBalancer); entityManager.flush(); return newNodes; } public LoadBalancer delNodes(LoadBalancer lb, Collection<Node> nodes) { String qStr = "from LoadBalancer lb where lb.accountId=:aid and"; List<LoadBalancer> lbList; Query q = entityManager.createQuery(qStr).setLockMode(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE). setParameter("aid", lb.getAccountId()). setParameter("lid", lb.getId()); lbList = q.getResultList(); if (lbList.size() < 1) { LOG.error("The list is incomplete..."); } lb = lbList.get(0); NodeMap nodeMap = new NodeMap(nodes); Set<Node> lbNodes = new HashSet<Node>(lb.getNodes()); for (Node node : lbNodes) { Integer nodeId = node.getId(); if (nodeMap.containsKey(nodeId)) { lb.getNodes().remove(node); } } lb.setUpdated(Calendar.getInstance()); lb = entityManager.merge(lb); entityManager.flush(); return lb; } public void deleteNodesByIds(Collection<Integer> nodeIds) { List<Node> nodes; String idsStr = StringConverter.integersAsString(nodeIds); String qStr = String.format("from Node n where in (%s)", StringConverter.integersAsString(nodeIds)); nodes = entityManager.createQuery(qStr).getResultList(); for (Node node : nodes) { entityManager.remove(node); } entityManager.flush(); } public void delNode(LoadBalancer lb, int nid) { List<Node> nodes; String qStr = String.format("from Node n where == %s", String.valueOf(nid)); nodes = entityManager.createQuery(qStr).setLockMode(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE).getResultList(); for (Node node : nodes) { entityManager.remove(node); } entityManager.flush(); } public NodeMap getNodeMap(Integer accountId, Integer loadbalancerId) { List<Node> nodes; NodeMap nodeMap = new NodeMap(); String qStr = "from Node n where and n.loadbalancer.accountId=:aid"; Query q = entityManager.createQuery(qStr).setParameter("aid", accountId). setParameter("lid", loadbalancerId); nodes = q.getResultList(); for (Node node : nodes) { nodeMap.addNode(node); } return nodeMap; } public List<Node> getNodesByIds(Collection<Integer> ids) { List<Node> doomedNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); String nodeIdsStr = StringConverter.integersAsString(ids); String qStr = String.format("from Node n where in (%s)", nodeIdsStr); if (ids == null || ids.size() < 1) { return doomedNodes; } doomedNodes = entityManager.createQuery(qStr).getResultList(); return doomedNodes; } public LoadBalancer update(LoadBalancer loadBalancer) { final Set<LoadBalancerJoinVip> lbJoinVipsToLink = loadBalancer.getLoadBalancerJoinVipSet(); loadBalancer.setLoadBalancerJoinVipSet(null); loadBalancer.setUpdated(Calendar.getInstance()); loadBalancer = entityManager.merge(loadBalancer); // Now attach loadbalancer to vips for (LoadBalancerJoinVip lbJoinVipToLink : lbJoinVipsToLink) { VirtualIp virtualIp = entityManager.find(VirtualIp.class, lbJoinVipToLink.getVirtualIp().getId()); LoadBalancerJoinVip loadBalancerJoinVip = new LoadBalancerJoinVip(loadBalancer.getPort(), loadBalancer, virtualIp); entityManager.merge(loadBalancerJoinVip); entityManager.merge(lbJoinVipToLink.getVirtualIp()); } entityManager.flush(); return loadBalancer; } public Node getNodeByLoadBalancerIdIpAddressAndPort(Integer lbId, String ipAddress, Integer port) throws EntityNotFoundException { try { return (Node) entityManager.createQuery("from Node n where = :loadbalancerId and n.ipAddress = :ipAddress and n.port = :port").setParameter("loadbalancerId", lbId).setParameter("ipAddress", ipAddress).setParameter("port", port).getSingleResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(e); } } public Node getNodeByAccountIdLoadBalancerIdNodeId(LoadBalancer loadBalancer, Integer nid) throws EntityNotFoundException, DeletedStatusException { if (loadBalancer.getStatus().equals(LoadBalancerStatus.DELETED)) { throw new DeletedStatusException("The loadbalancer is marked as deleted."); } for (Node node : loadBalancer.getNodes()) { if (!node.getId().equals(nid)) { } else { return node; } } throw new EntityNotFoundException("Node not found"); } public Node getNodeByAccountIdLoadBalancerIdNodeId(Integer accountId, Integer loadbalancerId, Integer nodeId) throws EntityNotFoundException { String query = "from Node n where and n.loadbalancer.accountId=:accountId AND = :nodeId"; try { return (Node)entityManager.createQuery(query).setParameter("accountId", accountId).setParameter("loadbalancerId",loadbalancerId).setParameter("nodeId", nodeId).getSingleResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(e); } } // Small check for existence public boolean isLoadBalancerbyAccountIdLoadBalancerId(Integer aid, Integer lid) { String qStr; qStr = "SELECT from LoadBalancer l"; qStr += " where l.accountId=:aid and"; List<Object> results = entityManager.createQuery(qStr).setParameter("aid", aid).setParameter("lid", lid).getResultList(); if(results.size()<=0) { return false; }else{ return true; } } // Get all Nodes regardless of weight status etc public Set<Node> getAllNodesByAccountIdLoadBalancerId(Integer aid, Integer lid) throws EntityNotFoundException { if(!isLoadBalancerbyAccountIdLoadBalancerId(aid, lid)){ throw new EntityNotFoundException(String.format("Loadbalancer %d not found for account %d",lid,aid)); } String qStr = "SELECT n FROM Node n where = :lid"; List<Node> nodesList = entityManager.createQuery(qStr).setParameter("lid", lid) .setLockMode(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ).getResultList(); Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<Node>(nodesList); return nodes; } public Set<Node> getNodesByAccountIdLoadBalancerId(LoadBalancer loadBalancer, Integer... p) throws EntityNotFoundException, DeletedStatusException { if (loadBalancer.getStatus().equals(LoadBalancerStatus.DELETED)) { throw new DeletedStatusException("The loadbalancer is marked as deleted."); } Set<Node> nodes = loadBalancer.getNodes(); Set<Node> nodes_out = new LinkedHashSet<Node>(); if (p.length >= 2) { Integer offset = p[0]; Integer limit = p[1]; Integer marker = p[2]; int i = 0; if (offset == null) { offset = 0; } if (limit == null || limit > 100) { limit = 100; } if (marker == null) { marker = 0; } for (Node node : nodes) { i++; if (node.getId() >= marker) { if (i >= marker) { nodes_out.add(node); if (i >= marker + limit) { break; } } } } } else { nodes_out = nodes; } return nodes_out; } public void setNodeCondition(Set<Node> nodes, String condition) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("Update Node set condition = '" + condition + "' where id in ("); for (Node n : nodes) { sql.append(n.getId()); sql.append(","); } sql.deleteCharAt(sql.toString().length() - 1); sql.append(")"); entityManager.createQuery(sql.toString()).executeUpdate(); } public void setNodeStatus(Node node) { NodeStatus status = node.getStatus(); node = entityManager.find(Node.class, node.getId()); node.setStatus(status); entityManager.merge(node); } public void deleteNodes(Set<Node> nodes) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("delete from Node where id in ("); for (Node n : nodes) { sql.append(n.getId()); sql.append(","); } sql.deleteCharAt(sql.toString().length() - 1); sql.append(")"); entityManager.createQuery(sql.toString()).executeUpdate(); } public void removeNodes(int loadbalancerId) { entityManager.createQuery("delete from node s where = :lid").setParameter("lid", loadbalancerId).executeUpdate(); } public Node save(Node node) { entityManager.persist(node); return node; } public void delete(Object o) { entityManager.remove(o); entityManager.flush(); } public Object save(Object o) { entityManager.persist(o); entityManager.flush(); return o; } // Its easier to duplicate then inject another repoisotyr here public LoadBalancer getLoadBalancerById(Integer id) throws EntityNotFoundException { LoadBalancer lb = entityManager.find(LoadBalancer.class, id); if (lb == null) { String message = Constants.LoadBalancerNotFound; LOG.warn(message); throw new EntityNotFoundException(message); } return lb; } }