package; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.entities.*; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.exceptions.*; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openstack.atlas.util.ip.exception.IPStringConversionException; import org.openstack.atlas.util.ip.exception.IpTypeMissMatchException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; @Service public class AccessListServiceImpl extends BaseService implements AccessListService { private final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AccessListServiceImpl.class); @Autowired private AccountLimitService accountLimitService; @Autowired private LoadBalancerStatusHistoryService loadBalancerStatusHistoryService; @Override public List<AccessList> getAccessListByAccountIdLoadBalancerId(int accountId, int loadbalancerId, Integer... p) throws EntityNotFoundException, DeletedStatusException { return loadBalancerRepository.getAccessListByAccountIdLoadBalancerId(accountId, loadbalancerId, p); } @Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = {Exception.class}) public LoadBalancer updateAccessList(LoadBalancer rLb) throws EntityNotFoundException, ImmutableEntityException, BadRequestException, UnprocessableEntityException { String msg; String format; LoadBalancer dLb; String className = AccessListServiceImpl.class.getName(); try { dLb = loadBalancerRepository.getByIdAndAccountId(rLb.getId(), rLb.getAccountId()); } catch (EntityNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(className).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw ex; } LOG.debug("Updating the lb status to pending_update"); if(!loadBalancerRepository.testAndSetStatus(dLb.getAccountId(), dLb.getId(), LoadBalancerStatus.PENDING_UPDATE, false)) { String message = StringHelper.immutableLoadBalancer(dLb); LOG.warn(message); throw new ImmutableEntityException(message); } else { //Set status record, dLb.getId(), LoadBalancerStatus.PENDING_UPDATE); } Integer aListTotal = dLb.getAccessLists().size() + rLb.getAccessLists().size(); Integer accessListLimit = accountLimitService.getLimit(dLb.getAccountId(), AccountLimitType.ACCESS_LIST_LIMIT); if (aListTotal > accessListLimit) { throw new BadRequestException(String.format("Access list size must not exceed %d items.", accessListLimit)); } if (hasDupeIpInAccessLists(dLb.getAccessLists(), rLb.getAccessLists())) { throw new BadRequestException("Must supply a unique access list item to update the current list."); } try { AccessList badAccessList = blackListedItemAccessList(rLb.getAccessLists()); if (badAccessList != null) { throw new BadRequestException(String.format("Invalid network item address. The address '%s' is currently not accepted for this request.", badAccessList.getIpAddress())); } } catch (IPStringConversionException ipe) { LOG.warn("IPStringConversionException thrown. Sending error response to client..."); throw new BadRequestException("IP address was not converted properly, we are unable to process this request."); } catch (IpTypeMissMatchException ipte) { LOG.warn("EntityNotFoundException thrown. Sending error response to client..."); throw new BadRequestException("IP addresses type are mismatched, we are unable to process this request."); } for (AccessList al : rLb.getAccessLists()) { dLb.addAccessList(al); } return rLb; } // Deletes all AccessLists for this Lb @Transactional @Override public LoadBalancer markForDeletionAccessList(LoadBalancer rLb) throws EntityNotFoundException, ImmutableEntityException, DeletedStatusException, UnprocessableEntityException { String format; String msg; List<AccessList> al = new ArrayList<AccessList>(); LoadBalancer dLb; String className = this.getClass().getName(); al = loadBalancerRepository.getAccessListByAccountIdLoadBalancerId(rLb.getAccountId(), rLb.getId(), 0, 1); if (al.isEmpty()) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException("No access list found to delete"); } dLb = loadBalancerRepository.getByIdAndAccountId(rLb.getId(), rLb.getAccountId()); format = "Pre Zxtm updateing Lb[%d] to PENDING_DELETE while deleting accesslists"; msg = String.format(format, rLb.getId()); dLb.setStatus(LoadBalancerStatus.PENDING_UPDATE); loadBalancerRepository.update(dLb); //Set status record, dLb.getId(), LoadBalancerStatus.PENDING_UPDATE); return rLb; } @Override @Transactional public Set<AccessList> getNetworkItemsByIdList(int loadbalancerId, int accountId, List<Integer> networkItemIds) throws DeletedStatusException, EntityNotFoundException { List<AccessList> list = loadBalancerRepository.getAccessListByAccountIdLoadBalancerId(accountId, loadbalancerId); Set<AccessList> retSet = new HashSet<AccessList>(); for (AccessList item : list) { if (networkItemIds.contains(item.getId())) { retSet.add(item); } } return retSet; } @Override @Transactional public LoadBalancer markForDeletionNetworkItems(LoadBalancer returnLB, List<Integer> networkItemIds) throws BadRequestException, ImmutableEntityException, EntityNotFoundException { LoadBalancer domainLB; List<AccessList> accessLists = new ArrayList<AccessList>(); LOG.debug("Entering " + getClass()); domainLB = loadBalancerRepository.getByIdAndAccountId(returnLB.getId(), returnLB.getAccountId()); if (!isActiveLoadBalancer(domainLB, false)) { String message = StringHelper.immutableLoadBalancer(domainLB); LOG.warn(message); throw new ImmutableEntityException(message); } List<Integer> badList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Integer networkItemId : networkItemIds) { boolean isFound = false; for (AccessList al : domainLB.getAccessLists()) { if (networkItemId.equals(al.getId())) { isFound = true; accessLists.add(al); } } if (!isFound) { badList.add(networkItemId); } } if (badList.size() != 0) { String outList = ""; for (Integer list : badList) { outList += list + ", "; } String out = outList.substring(0, outList.length() - 2); String plural = ""; if (badList.size() > 1) { plural = "s"; } throw new BadRequestException("Network item" + plural + " with id" + plural + " " + out + " not found."); } domainLB.getAccessLists().removeAll(accessLists); LOG.debug("Updating the lb status to pending_update"); domainLB.setStatus(LoadBalancerStatus.PENDING_UPDATE); returnLB.getAccessLists().clear(); returnLB.getAccessLists().addAll(domainLB.getAccessLists()); loadBalancerRepository.update(domainLB); //Set status record, domainLB.getId(), LoadBalancerStatus.PENDING_UPDATE); return returnLB; } @Transactional @Override public LoadBalancer markForDeletionNetworkItem(LoadBalancer rLb) throws EntityNotFoundException, ImmutableEntityException { AccessList ai; LoadBalancer dLb = null; Integer nid = null; LOG.debug("Entering " + getClass()); for (AccessList ni : rLb.getAccessLists()) { nid = ni.getId(); break; } // If the network item doesn't exist on this account or loadbalancer puke an EntityNotFound try { ai = loadBalancerRepository.getNetworkItemByAccountIdLoadBalancerIdNetworkItemId(rLb.getAccountId(), rLb.getId(), nid); dLb = ai.getLoadbalancer(); } catch (EntityNotFoundException ex) { LOG.warn("EntityNotFoundException thrown. Sending error response to client..."); throw ex; } if (!isActiveLoadBalancer(dLb, false)) { String message = StringHelper.immutableLoadBalancer(dLb); LOG.warn(message); throw new ImmutableEntityException(message); } LOG.debug("Updating the lb status to pending_update"); dLb.setStatus(LoadBalancerStatus.PENDING_UPDATE); dLb.getAccessLists().remove(ai); rLb.getAccessLists().clear(); rLb.getAccessLists().add(ai); loadBalancerRepository.update(dLb); return rLb; } @Override public Set<AccessList> diffRequestAccessListWithDomainAccessList(LoadBalancer rLb, LoadBalancer dLb) { boolean alInRlb; boolean alInDlb; Set<AccessList> out = new HashSet<AccessList>(); Map<String, AccessList> alMap = new HashMap<String, AccessList>(); for (AccessList al : dLb.getAccessLists()) { String ip = al.getIpAddress(); String type = al.getType().name(); String key = String.format("%s:%s", ip, type); alMap.put(key, al); } for (AccessList al : rLb.getAccessLists()) { String ip = al.getIpAddress(); String type = al.getType().name(); String key = String.format("%s:%s", ip, type); alInRlb = (al.getId() != null); alInDlb = alMap.containsKey(key); if(alInRlb == alInDlb) { continue; // No Difference so don't add } if(alInRlb){ out.add(al); }else{// We already know alInDlb at this point out.add(alMap.get(key)); } } return out; } private boolean hasDupeIpInAccessLists(Set<AccessList>... als) { boolean out; int i; Set<String> ipSet = new HashSet<String>(); String ip; for (i = 0; i < als.length; i++) { for (AccessList al : als[i]) { ip = al.getIpAddress(); if (ipSet.contains(ip)) { out = true; return out; } ipSet.add(ip); } } out = false; return out; } }