package; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.runners.Enclosed; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.exceptions.BadRequestException; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.pojos.ZeusEvent; import; import; import; @RunWith(Enclosed.class) public class CallbackHelperTest { public static class handleZeusEvent { CallbackServiceImpl callbackService; NodeServiceImpl nodeService; NotificationServiceImpl notificationService; ZeusEvent zEvent; CallbackHelper callbackHelper; String mFail = "WARN monitors/12345_62203 monitorfail Monitor has detected a failure in node '': Invalid HTTP response received; premature end of headers"; String mFail6 = "WARN monitors/386085_3034 monitorfail Monitor has detected a failure in node '[2001:4801:79f1:1:22d6:5749:0:3a]:80 (2001:4801:79f1:1:22d6:5749::3a)': Connect failed: Connection refused"; String mFailDomain = "WARN monitors/12345_62203 monitorfail Monitor has detected a failure in node '': Invalid HTTP response received; premature end of headers"; String mOK = "INFO monitors/12345_62203 monitorok Monitor is working for node ''."; String mOKDomain = "INFO monitors/12345_62203 monitorok Monitor is working for node ''."; String mMissingPort = "INFO monitors/12345_62203 monitorok Monitor is working for node ''."; String mInvalidPort = "INFO monitors/12345_62203 monitorok Monitor is working for node ''."; String mBadIpV6 = "INFO monitors/12345_62203 monitorok Monitor is working for node '[2001:nodnarb:@@@@:1:lihp:egroj:0:3a]:80 (3000001:4801:79f1:1:remmus:1969::3a)'."; String mBadIpV4 = "INFO monitors/12345_62203 monitorok Monitor is working for node ''."; String mBadDomain = "INFO monitors/12345_62203 monitorok Monitor is working for node 'http://www.example test'."; @Before public void standUp() { try { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mFail); } catch (Exception e) {; } } @Test public void shouldSplitAccountID() throws Exception, BadRequestException { Integer aid = callbackHelper.accountId; Assert.assertEquals((Integer) 12345, aid); } @Test public void shouldSplitLBID() throws Exception { Integer lbid = callbackHelper.loadBalancerId; Assert.assertEquals((Integer) 62203, lbid); } @Test public void shouldSplitDetailedMessage() throws Exception { String dMsg = callbackHelper.detailedMessage; Assert.assertEquals("Invalid HTTP response received; premature end of headers", dMsg); } @Test public void shouldSplitDetailedMessageForIPv6() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mFail6); String dMsg = callbackHelper.detailedMessage; Assert.assertEquals("Connect failed: Connection refused", dMsg); } @Test public void shouldNotSplitDetailedMessageForOk() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mOK); String dMsg = callbackHelper.detailedMessage; Assert.assertEquals("", dMsg); } @Test public void shouldSplitPort() throws Exception { Integer port = callbackHelper.port; Assert.assertEquals((Integer) 443, port); } @Test public void shouldSplitPortForOK() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mOK); Integer port = callbackHelper.port; Assert.assertEquals((Integer) 443, port); } @Test public void shouldSplitPortForIPV6() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mFail6); Integer port = callbackHelper.port; Assert.assertEquals((Integer) 80, port); } @Test public void shouldSplitPortForOkDomain() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mOKDomain); Integer port = callbackHelper.port; Assert.assertEquals((Integer) 443, port); } @Test public void shouldSplitPortForFailDomain() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mFailDomain); Integer port = callbackHelper.port; Assert.assertEquals((Integer) 443, port); } @Test(expected = BadRequestException.class) public void shouldDetectMissingPort() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mMissingPort); } @Test(expected = BadRequestException.class) public void shouldDetectInvalidPort() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mInvalidPort); } @Test public void shouldSplitAddress() throws Exception { String address = callbackHelper.ipAddress; Assert.assertEquals("", address); } @Test public void shouldSplitAddressForOK() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mOK); String address = callbackHelper.ipAddress; Assert.assertEquals("", address); } @Test public void shouldSplitAddressForIPV6() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mFail6); String address = callbackHelper.ipAddress; Assert.assertEquals("2001:4801:79f1:1:22d6:5749:0:3a", address); } @Test public void shouldSplitAddressForOkDomain() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mOKDomain); String address = callbackHelper.ipAddress; Assert.assertEquals("", address); } @Test public void shouldSplitAddressForFailDomain() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mFailDomain); String address = callbackHelper.ipAddress; Assert.assertEquals("", address); } @Test(expected = BadRequestException.class) public void shouldDetectBadIpV6Address() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mBadIpV6); } @Test(expected = BadRequestException.class) public void shouldDetectBadIpV4Address() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mBadIpV4); } @Test(expected = BadRequestException.class) public void shouldDetectBadDomain() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(mBadDomain); } @Test(expected = Exception.class) public void shouldFailForBadParamLine() throws Exception { callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper("bad param line"); } @Test public void shouldReturnNodeWorkingTag() throws EntityNotFoundException, BadRequestException { Assert.assertEquals("nodeworking", CallbackHelper.NODE_WORKING_TAG); } @Test public void shouldReturnNodeFailTag() throws EntityNotFoundException, BadRequestException { Assert.assertEquals("nodefail", CallbackHelper.NODE_FAIL_TAG); } @Test public void shouldReturnMonitorWorkingTag() throws EntityNotFoundException, BadRequestException { Assert.assertEquals("monitorok", CallbackHelper.MONITOR_WORKING_TAG); } @Test public void shouldReturnMonitorFailTag() throws EntityNotFoundException, BadRequestException { Assert.assertEquals("monitorfail", CallbackHelper.MONITOR_FAIL_TAG); } } }