package org.openstack.atlas.logs.common.util; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.openstack.atlas.auth.AuthService; import org.openstack.atlas.auth.AuthServiceImpl; import org.openstack.atlas.auth.AuthUser; import org.openstack.atlas.cloudfiles.CloudFilesDao; import org.openstack.atlas.cloudfiles.CloudFilesDaoImpl; import org.openstack.atlas.exception.AuthException; import org.openstack.atlas.logs.hadoop.util.LogFileNameBuilder; import org.openstack.atlas.logs.hadoop.util.StaticLogUtils; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.pojos.LoadBalancerIdAndName; import org.openstack.atlas.util.common.VerboseLogger; import org.openstack.atlas.config.LbLogsConfiguration; import org.openstack.atlas.util.debug.Debug; import org.openstack.atlas.util.staticutils.StaticDateTimeUtils; import org.openstack.atlas.util.staticutils.StaticFileUtils; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; public class ReuploaderUtils { private static final int FileLockTTL = 2 * 60 * 60; private static final int hoursToStartOn = 4; private static final Map<String, DateTime> lockedFiles; private String cacheDir; private Map<Integer, LoadBalancerIdAndName> loadBalancerIdMap; private static final VerboseLogger vlog = new VerboseLogger(ReuploaderUtils.class, VerboseLogger.LogLevel.INFO); private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ReuploaderUtils.class); private static final Comparator<CacheZipInfo> defaultZipInfoComparator = new CacheZipInfo.ZipComparator(); private static final Comparator<CacheZipDirInfo> defaultZipDirInfoComparator = new CacheZipDirInfo.HourAccountComparator(); private AuthService authService; private CloudFilesDao cloudFilesDao; static { lockedFiles = new HashMap<String, DateTime>(); } public ReuploaderUtils(String cacheDir, Map<Integer, LoadBalancerIdAndName> loadBalancerIdMap) throws AuthException { this.cacheDir = cacheDir; this.loadBalancerIdMap = loadBalancerIdMap; this.authService = new AuthServiceImpl(new LbLogsConfiguration()); this.cloudFilesDao = new CloudFilesDaoImpl(); clearOldLocks(FileLockTTL); } public static void clearOldLocks(int secs) { DateTime expireTime = StaticDateTimeUtils.nowDateTime(true).minusSeconds(secs); synchronized (lockedFiles) { List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<String>(lockedFiles.keySet()); for (String fileName : fileNames) { if (expireTime.isAfter(lockedFiles.get(fileName))) { lockedFiles.remove(fileName); } } } } public static void removeLock(String fileName) { synchronized (lockedFiles) { lockedFiles.remove(fileName); } } public static boolean addLock(String fileName) { DateTime now = StaticDateTimeUtils.nowDateTime(true); boolean locked; synchronized (lockedFiles) { if (lockedFiles.containsKey(fileName)) { return false; } lockedFiles.put(fileName, now); return true; } } public static String showLocks() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("lockedFiles{"); int nLocks = 0; synchronized (lockedFiles) { for (Entry<String, DateTime> lockEntry : lockedFiles.entrySet()) { nLocks++; sb.append("{").append(lockEntry.getKey()). append(",").append(lockEntry.getValue()). append("},"); } sb.append("}"); } sb.append(" nLocks=").append(nLocks); return sb.toString(); } public void reuploadFiles() { List<CacheZipDirInfo> cacheZipDirInfoList = getLocalZipDirInfo(getCurrentHourKeyMinusHours(hoursToStartOn)); List<CacheZipInfo> zipsList = new ArrayList<CacheZipInfo>(); for (CacheZipDirInfo cacheZipDirInfo : cacheZipDirInfoList) { zipsList.addAll(cacheZipDirInfo.getZips()); } // Sort by date,accountId, and lastly Loadbalancer Id. Collections.sort(zipsList, new CacheZipInfo.ZipComparator()); int currAccountId = -1; LoadBalancerIdAndName lb; int zipListSize = zipsList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < zipListSize; i++) { CacheZipInfo zipFile = zipsList.get(i); // Try to lock the file otherwise continue to the next; if (!addLock(zipFile.getZipFile())) { LOG.warn(String.format("%s: Skipping file %s as its locked already", Debug.threadName(), zipFile.getZipFile())); continue; // } if (!loadBalancerIdMap.containsKey(zipFile.getLoadbalancerId())) { removeLock(zipFile.getZipFile()); // this file didn't map so throw it out. LOG.warn(String.format("%s:coulden't map file %s to a loadbalancer. :(", Debug.threadName(), zipFile.getZipFile())); continue; } try { lb = loadBalancerIdMap.get(zipFile.getLoadbalancerId()); String containerName = LogFileNameBuilder.getContainerName(Integer.toString(lb.getLoadbalancerId()), lb.getName(), Long.toString(zipFile.getHourKey())); String remoteFileName = LogFileNameBuilder.getRemoteFileName(Integer.toString(lb.getLoadbalancerId()), lb.getName(), Long.toString(zipFile.getHourKey()));"%s:Sending file %s %d of %d to [%s]:%s %d bytes", Debug.threadName(), zipFile.getZipFile(), i, zipListSize, containerName, remoteFileName, zipFile.getFileSize())); if (!new File(zipFile.getZipFile()).canRead()) { LOG.warn(String.format("%s: Coulden't read file %s perhaps its already sent", Debug.threadName(), zipFile.getZipFile())); lockedFiles.remove(zipFile.getZipFile()); continue; } AuthUser user = authService.getUser(Integer.toString(zipFile.getAccountId())); LOG.warn(String.format("user info = %s", user.toString())); cloudFilesDao.uploadLocalFile(user, containerName, zipFile.getZipFile(), remoteFileName); // Delete the file now. if (!new File(zipFile.getZipFile()).delete()) { LOG.error(String.format("%s:Error deleting file %s", Debug.threadName(), zipFile.getZipFile())); } removeLock(zipFile.getZipFile()); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(String.format("%s:Error uploading file %s :(", Debug.threadName(), zipFile.getZipFile()), ex); removeLock(zipFile.getZipFile()); } } } public List<CacheZipDirInfo> getLocalZipDirInfo(long endHour) { return getLocalCacheZipDirInfo(cacheDir, endHour); } public static long getCurrentHourKeyMinusHours(int hours) { DateTime dt = StaticDateTimeUtils.nowDateTime(true).plusHours(0 - hours); return StaticDateTimeUtils.dateTimeToHourLong(dt); } public static boolean deleteIfDirectoryIsEmpty(String path) { File[] subFiles = null; File file = new File(path); try { if (!file.isDirectory()) { return false; // This isn't even a directory lets skip it\n" } subFiles = file.listFiles(); if (subFiles == null) { LOG.warn(String.format("Could not determine if directory %s was empty. new File(%s).listFiles() returned null", path)); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn(String.format("Could not determine if directory %s was empty: Exception ex", path, Debug.getExtendedStackTrace(ex)), ex); return false; } try { if (subFiles.length <= 0) { // If the directories empty then try to delete it if (!file.delete()) { throw new IOException(); } else { return true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn(String.format("Could not delete empty directory %s", path), ex); } return false; } public void clearDirs(int minusHours) { clearDirs(cacheDir, minusHours); } public static void clearDirs(String cacheDir, int minusHours) { long stopHourKey = getCurrentHourKeyMinusHours(minusHours); // First pass clear the empty zip directories int nCleared = 0; List<Long> hourKeys = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Long hourKey : listHourDirectories(cacheDir)) { if (hourKey > stopHourKey) { continue; // This directory is too new so skip it. } hourKeys.add(hourKey); } // First pass delete the subAccount Directories for (Long hourKey : hourKeys) { List<Long> accountKeys = listAccountDirectories(cacheDir, hourKey); Collections.sort(accountKeys); for (Long accountKey : accountKeys) { String zipDirPath = StaticFileUtils.mergePathString(cacheDir, hourKey.toString(), accountKey.toString()); if (deleteIfDirectoryIsEmpty(zipDirPath)) { nCleared++; } } } // Second pass delete the empty hour directories for (Long hourKey : hourKeys) { String hourKeyDirPath = StaticFileUtils.mergePathString(cacheDir, hourKey.toString()); if (deleteIfDirectoryIsEmpty(hourKeyDirPath)) { nCleared++; } }"Cleared %d empty directories", nCleared)); } public static List<CacheZipDirInfo> getLocalCacheZipDirInfo(String cacheDir, long endHour) { List<CacheZipDirInfo> localCacheZipDirInfo = new ArrayList<CacheZipDirInfo>(); List<Long> hourKeys = listHourDirectories(cacheDir); for (Long hourKey : hourKeys) { long hour = hourKey; if (hour > endHour) { continue; } vlog.printf("Scanning %d", hour); List<Long> accountIds = listAccountDirectories(cacheDir, hour); for (Long accountId : accountIds) { int account = accountId.intValue(); CacheZipDirInfo accountDirInfo = new CacheZipDirInfo(); String accountPath = StaticFileUtils.mergePathString(cacheDir, Long.toString(hour), Long.toString(account)); accountDirInfo.setDirName(accountPath); accountDirInfo.setAccountId(account); accountDirInfo.setHourKey(hour); accountDirInfo.setZipCount(0); localCacheZipDirInfo.add(accountDirInfo); accountDirInfo.setZips(getLocalCacheZips(cacheDir, hour, account)); accountDirInfo.setZipCount(accountDirInfo.getZips().size()); } } Collections.sort(localCacheZipDirInfo, defaultZipDirInfoComparator); return localCacheZipDirInfo; } public static List<Long> listHourDirectories(String cacheDir) { return listNumericDirectories(cacheDir); } public static List<Long> listAccountDirectories(String cacheDir, long hourKey) { String hourPath = StaticFileUtils.mergePathString(cacheDir, Long.toString(hourKey)); return listNumericDirectories(hourPath); } public static List<CacheZipInfo> getLocalCacheZips(String cacheDir, long hourKey, int accountId) { List<CacheZipInfo> zipInfoList = new ArrayList<CacheZipInfo>(); String accountPath = StaticFileUtils.mergePathString(cacheDir, Long.toString(hourKey), Integer.toString(accountId)); File[] zipFiles; Matcher zipMatcher = StaticLogUtils.zipLogPattern.matcher(""); try { zipFiles = (new File(accountPath)).listFiles(); if (zipFiles == null) { String msg = String.format("Warning unable to read directory %s File.listFiles() returned null", accountPath); throw new IOException(msg); } } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = String.format("Unable to read %s: Exception %s", accountPath, Debug.getExtendedStackTrace(ex)); LOG.warn(msg, ex); return zipInfoList; } for (File zipFile : zipFiles) { CacheZipInfo zipInfo = new CacheZipInfo(); zipInfoList.add(zipInfo); try { String zipName = zipFile.getName(); zipMatcher.reset(zipName); if (zipMatcher.find()) { String loadBalancerIdStr =; String zipPath = StaticFileUtils.mergePathString(cacheDir, Long.toString(hourKey), Integer.toString(accountId), zipName); zipInfo.setLoadbalancerId(Integer.parseInt(loadBalancerIdStr)); zipInfo.setFileSize(zipFile.length()); zipInfo.setZipFile(zipPath); zipInfo.setAccountId(accountId); zipInfo.setHourKey(hourKey); } } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = String.format("unable to convert zip file into LocalCacheZipInfo: Exception %s", Debug.getExtendedStackTrace(ex)); LOG.warn(msg, ex); continue; } } Collections.sort(zipInfoList, defaultZipInfoComparator); return zipInfoList; } public static List<Long> listNumericDirectories(String dir) { List<Long> numericDirectories = new ArrayList<Long>(); File[] files; try { File dirFile = new File(dir); files = dirFile.listFiles(); if (files == null) { String msg = String.format("Warning unable to read directory %s File.listFiles() returned null", dir); throw new IOException(msg); } } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = String.format("Warning listing directory %s: Exception: %s", Debug.getExtendedStackTrace(ex)); LOG.error(msg, ex); return numericDirectories; } for (File file : files) { try { if (!file.isDirectory()) { continue; } String fileName = file.getName(); Long hourKey = parseLongOrNull(fileName); if (hourKey == null) { continue; // This isn't a numerical file } numericDirectories.add(hourKey); } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = String.format("Error determing if %s is a numeric directory: Exception: %s", file.getName(), Debug.getExtendedStackTrace(ex)); LOG.warn(msg, ex); } } Collections.sort(numericDirectories); return numericDirectories; } public String getCacheDir() { return cacheDir; } public void setCacheDir(String cacheDir) { this.cacheDir = cacheDir; } private static Long parseLongOrNull(String inputString) { Long val; try { val = Long.parseLong(inputString); return val; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } public Map<Integer, LoadBalancerIdAndName> getLoadBalancerIdMap() { return loadBalancerIdMap; } public void setLoadBalancerIdMap(Map<Integer, LoadBalancerIdAndName> loadBalancerIdMap) { this.loadBalancerIdMap = loadBalancerIdMap; } }