package net.sourceforge.solexatools.webapp.controller; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.IUS; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Lane; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Processing; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.SequencerRun; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.WorkflowRun; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.Log; import net.sourceforge.solexatools.Security; import net.sourceforge.solexatools.util.Constant; import net.sourceforge.solexatools.util.PageInfo; import net.sourceforge.solexatools.util.PaginationUtil; import net.sourceforge.solexatools.util.SequencerRunHtmlUtil; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.BaseCommandController; /** * <p> * SequencerRunListDetailsController class. * </p> * * @author boconnor * @version $Id: $Id */ public class SequencerRunListDetailsController extends BaseCommandController { private SequencerRunService sequencerRunService; private LaneService laneService; private ProcessingService processingService; private IUSService iusService; private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); /** * <p> * Constructor for SequencerRunListDetailsController. * </p> */ public SequencerRunListDetailsController() { super(); setSupportedMethods(new String[] { METHOD_GET }); } private Boolean getRequestedAsc(HttpServletRequest request) { Boolean isAsc = null; String strAsc = request.getParameter("asc"); if (null != strAsc) switch (strAsc) { case "true": isAsc = true; break; case "false": isAsc = false; break; } return isAsc; } private Boolean saveAscInSession(HttpServletRequest request, String attrNameInSession) { Boolean isAsc = getRequestedAsc(request); if (isAsc != null) { request.getSession(false).setAttribute(attrNameInSession, isAsc); } return isAsc(request, attrNameInSession); } private Boolean isAsc(HttpServletRequest request, String attrNameInSession) { Boolean isAsc = (Boolean) request.getSession(false).getAttribute(attrNameInSession); if (isAsc == null) { isAsc = true; } return isAsc; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return * @throws java.lang.Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // Registration registration = Security.requireRegistration(request, response); Registration registration = Security.getRegistration(request); if (registration == null) { // return new ModelAndView("redirect:/login.htm"); return new ModelAndView("SequencerRunListRoot"); } /** * Pass registration so that we can filter the list if its appropriate to do so. */ String type = getTypeParameter(request); if (type != null) { setTypeSession(request, type); } SequencerRun sr = new SequencerRun(); Lane lane = new Lane(); IUS ius = new IUS(); Processing proc = new Processing(); Map<WorkflowRun, List<Processing>> wfrProc = new HashMap<>(); PageInfo pageInfo = null; Boolean isHasError = false; String errorMessage = ""; List<SequencerRun> listAll = new ArrayList<>(); List<SequencerRun> listView = new ArrayList<>(); String root = (String) request.getParameter("root"); System.err.println("ROOT: " + root); if (root == null || "".equals(root) || "source".equals(root)) { MessageSourceAccessor ma = this.getMessageSourceAccessor(); String nameOneItem = "sequencerRun.list.pagination.nameOneItem"; String nameLotOfItem = "sequencerRun.list.pagination.nameLotOfItem"; String typeList = getRequestedTypeList(request); if (typeList.equals("mylist")) { Boolean isAsc = saveAscInSession(request, "ascMyListSequencerRun"); listAll = getSequencerRunService().list(registration, isAsc); listView = PaginationUtil.subList(request, "mySequencerPage", listAll); listView = getSequencerRunService().setProcCountInfo(listView); listView = loadNode(listView, registration, request); pageInfo = PaginationUtil.getPageInfo(request, "mySequencerPage", listView, listAll, nameOneItem, nameLotOfItem, ma); } } else { if (root.indexOf("ae_") != -1) { proc = getProcessingService().findByID(Constant.getId(root)); fillWorkflowProcessingMap(proc, wfrProc); } else if (root.indexOf("ius_") != -1) { ius = getIUSService().findByID(Constant.getId(root)); } else if (root.indexOf("seq_") != -1) { lane = getLaneService().findByID(Constant.getId(root)); } else { sr = getSequencerRunService().findByID(Integer.parseInt(root)); } } ModelAndView modelAndView; if (root.indexOf("ae_") != -1) { System.err.println("RENDERING INDIVIDUAL File with Processing"); modelAndView = new ModelAndView("StudyListFileProcessing"); modelAndView.addObject("processing", proc); modelAndView.addObject("wfrproc", wfrProc); modelAndView.addObject("wfrprockeys", wfrProc.keySet()); // modelAndView.addObject("typeTree", "sr"); } else if (root.indexOf("ius_") != -1) { System.err.println("RENDERING INDIVIDUAL IUS"); modelAndView = new ModelAndView("StudyListProcessing"); modelAndView.addObject("ius", ius); modelAndView.addObject("tab", "seqrun"); // modelAndView.addObject("typeTree", "sr"); } else if (root.indexOf("seq_") != -1) { System.err.println("RENDERING INDIVIDUAL LANE"); modelAndView = new ModelAndView("SequencerRunListIUS"); modelAndView.addObject("lane", lane); // modelAndView.addObject("typeTree", "sr"); } else if (root != null && !"".equals(root) && !"source".equals(root) && Integer.parseInt(root) > 0) { System.err.println("RENDERING INDIVIDUAL FLOWCELLS"); modelAndView = new ModelAndView("SequencerRunListLane"); modelAndView.addObject("sequencerRun", sr); } else { System.err.println("RENDERING ALL FLOWCELLS"); modelAndView = new ModelAndView("SequencerRunListRoot"); modelAndView.addObject("pageInfo", pageInfo); if (listAll.isEmpty()) { isHasError = true; errorMessage = this.getMessageSourceAccessor().getMessage(""); } // modelAndView.addObject("typeTree", "sr"); modelAndView.addObject("isHasError", isHasError); modelAndView.addObject("errorMessage", errorMessage); } modelAndView.addObject("typeTree", "sr"); modelAndView.addObject("sequencerRuns", listView); modelAndView.addObject("registration", registration); modelAndView.addObject("typeList", getTypeSession(request)); return modelAndView; } private void fillWorkflowProcessingMap(Processing proc, Map<WorkflowRun, List<Processing>> wfrProc) { for (Processing child : proc.getChildren()) { List<Processing> processings = wfrProc.get(child.getWorkflowRun()); if (processings == null) { processings = new ArrayList<>(); } processings.add(child); if (child.getWorkflowRun() != null) { wfrProc.put(child.getWorkflowRun(), processings); } } } private List<SequencerRun> loadNode(List<SequencerRun> list, Registration registration, HttpServletRequest request) { Integer openSequencerRunId = (Integer) request.getSession(false).getAttribute("rootSequencerRunId"); // Object obj = request.getSession(false).getAttribute("nodeObject"); String objId = (String) request.getSession(false).getAttribute("objectSRId"); List<String> listSequencerRunNodeId = (List<String>) request.getSession(false).getAttribute("listSequencerRunNodeId"); openSequencerRunId = null; objId = null; if (listSequencerRunNodeId != null) {"End Study id = " + Constant.getId(getEndId(listSequencerRunNodeId)));"Start id = " + getSecondId(listSequencerRunNodeId)); openSequencerRunId = Constant.getId(getEndId(listSequencerRunNodeId)); objId = getSecondId(listSequencerRunNodeId); if (objId.indexOf("wfr_") != -1) { objId = listSequencerRunNodeId.get(2); } } // test open seq // openStudyId = 1; // objId = "seq_1995"; // objId = "ae_53883"; // objId = "ae_53851"; // openSequencerRunId = 196; // objId = "ae_56567"; String treeType = getTypeSession(request); if (openSequencerRunId != null) {"rootSequencerRunId = " + openSequencerRunId); for (SequencerRun sequencerRun : list) { if (openSequencerRunId.equals(sequencerRun.getSequencerRunId())) { // study.setHtml(TreeNodeHtmlUtil.getHtml(obj, registration)); if (objId.indexOf("sr_") != -1) { // Integer id = Integer.parseInt(objId); sequencerRun.setHtml(SequencerRunHtmlUtil.getHtml(sequencerRun, registration, listSequencerRunNodeId, treeType)); } if (objId.indexOf("seq_") != -1) { Lane currObj = getLaneService().findByID(Constant.getId(objId)); sequencerRun.setHtml(SequencerRunHtmlUtil.getHtml(currObj, registration, listSequencerRunNodeId, treeType)); } if (objId.indexOf("ius_") != -1) {"ius call, obj id = " + objId); IUS currObj = getIUSService().findByID(Constant.getId(objId)); sequencerRun.setHtml(SequencerRunHtmlUtil.getHtml(currObj, registration, listSequencerRunNodeId, treeType)); } if (objId.indexOf("ae_") != -1) { Processing currObj = getProcessingService().findByID(Constant.getId(objId)); sequencerRun.setHtml(SequencerRunHtmlUtil.getHtml(currObj, registration, listSequencerRunNodeId, treeType)); } if (objId.indexOf("aefl_") != -1) { Processing currObj = getProcessingService().findByID(Constant.getId(objId)); sequencerRun.setHtml(SequencerRunHtmlUtil.getFileHtml(currObj, registration)); } } } } return list; } private String getTypeParameter(HttpServletRequest request) { String type = (String) request.getParameter("type"); return type; } private void setTypeSession(HttpServletRequest request, String type) { request.getSession(false).setAttribute("typeList", type); } private String getTypeSession(HttpServletRequest request) { if (request.getSession(false).getAttribute("typeList") == null) { return "tree"; } String type = (String) request.getSession(false).getAttribute("typeList"); return type; } private String getSecondId(List<String> ids) { String id = null; if (ids != null) { id = ids.get(1); } return id; } private String getEndId(List<String> ids) { String id = null; if (ids != null) { id = ids.get(ids.size() - 1); } return id; } private String getRequestedTypeList(HttpServletRequest request) { String typeList = (String) request.getParameter("typeList"); if (typeList == null) { typeList = ""; } return typeList; } /** * <p> * Getter for the field <code>sequencerRunService</code>. * </p> * * @return a {@link} object. */ public SequencerRunService getSequencerRunService() { return sequencerRunService; } /** * <p> * Setter for the field <code>sequencerRunService</code>. * </p> * * @param sequencerRunService * a {@link} object. */ public void setSequencerRunService(SequencerRunService sequencerRunService) { this.sequencerRunService = sequencerRunService; } /** * <p> * Getter for the field <code>laneService</code>. * </p> * * @return a {@link} object. */ public LaneService getLaneService() { return laneService; } /** * <p> * Setter for the field <code>laneService</code>. * </p> * * @param laneService * a {@link} object. */ public void setLaneService(LaneService laneService) { this.laneService = laneService; } /** * <p> * Getter for the field <code>processingService</code>. * </p> * * @return a {@link} object. */ public ProcessingService getProcessingService() { return processingService; } /** * <p> * Setter for the field <code>processingService</code>. * </p> * * @param processingService * a {@link} object. */ public void setProcessingService(ProcessingService processingService) { this.processingService = processingService; } /** * <p> * Getter for the field <code>iusService</code>. * </p> * * @return a {@link} object. */ public IUSService getIusService() { return iusService; } /** * <p> * Setter for the field <code>iusService</code>. * </p> * * @param iusService * a {@link} object. */ public void setIusService(IUSService iusService) { this.iusService = iusService; } /** * <p> * getIUSService. * </p> * * @return a {@link} object. */ public IUSService getIUSService() { return iusService; } /** * <p> * setIUSService. * </p> * * @param iusService * a {@link} object. */ public void setIUSService(IUSService iusService) { this.iusService = iusService; } }