package net.sourceforge.solexatools.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Experiment; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.File; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.IUS; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Lane; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Processing; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Sample; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.SequencerRun; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Study; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.WorkflowRun; import io.seqware.common.model.WorkflowRunStatus; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.Log; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException; /** * <p> * NodeHtmlUtil class. * </p> * * @author boconnor * @version $Id: $Id */ public class NodeHtmlUtil { private static final String END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE = "<ul style='display: none;'></ul></li>"; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(NodeHtmlUtil.class); /** * <p> * getWorkflowRunHtml. * </p> * * @param workflowRun * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.WorkflowRun} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param typeTree * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param openingNodeId * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getWorkflowRunHtml(WorkflowRun workflowRun, Registration registration, String typeTree, String openingNodeId, String treeType) { String html = ""; Integer workflowRunId = workflowRun.getWorkflowRunId(); boolean isHasChildren = (workflowRun.getIus() != null && workflowRun.getIus().size() > 0) ? true : false; String classLiHtml = getLiClass(true, isHasChildren, false); String closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea expandable-hitarea'></div>"; if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.WORKFLOW_RUN_PREFIX + workflowRunId)) { classLiHtml = getLiClass(false, isHasChildren, false); closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea collapsable-hitarea'></div>"; } html = "<li id='liwfrs_" + workflowRunId + closeOpenHtml + "<span>Associated IUSs</span><ul style='display: none;'></ul></li>"; Set<Processing> processings = workflowRun.getProcessings(); int countItem = processings.size(); for (Processing children : processings) { countItem--; boolean isOpenProc = false; if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.PROCESSING_PREFIX + children.getProcessingId())) isOpenProc = true; String aeHtml = getNodeHtml(children, registration, typeTree, true, isOpenProc, true, false, isLast(countItem), treeType); html = html + aeHtml; } return html; } /** * <p> * getWorkflowRunHtmlWithIUSs. * </p> * * @param workflowRun * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.WorkflowRun} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param typeTree * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param openingNodeId * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getWorkflowRunHtmlWithIUSs(WorkflowRun workflowRun, Registration registration, String typeTree, String openingNodeId, String treeType) { String html = ""; SortedSet<IUS> iuss = workflowRun.getIus(); int countItem = iuss.size(); for (IUS ius : iuss) { countItem--; html = html + getOnlyIUSHtml(ius, registration, typeTree, openingNodeId, true, true, true, isLast(countItem), treeType); } return html; } // Hacking, could we do something like this to "skip over" processing events // that don't have files? private static ArrayList<Processing> findProcessingWithFiles(Processing proc, WorkflowRun workflowRun) { ArrayList<Processing> results = new ArrayList<>(); if (proc.getFiles().size() > 0) { results.add(proc); } else { for (Processing child : proc.getChildren()) { if ((child.getWorkflowRun() == null && child.getWorkflowRunByAncestorWorkflowRunId() == null) || (child.getWorkflowRun().getWorkflowRunId() == workflowRun.getWorkflowRunId() || child .getWorkflowRunByAncestorWorkflowRunId().getWorkflowRunId() == workflowRun.getWorkflowRunId())) { ArrayList<Processing> currResults = findProcessingWithFiles(child, workflowRun); results.addAll(currResults); } } } return results; } // get html code all Processing in one Lane /** * <p> * getProcessingHtml. * </p> * * @param processing * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Processing} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param typeTree * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param openingNodeId * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getProcessingHtml(Processing processing, Registration registration, String typeTree, String openingNodeId, String treeType) { String html = ""; Set<File> files = processing.getFiles();" call -> getProcessingHtml"); int countItem = 0; for (File file : files) { countItem++; Integer fileId = file.getFileId(); Integer swAccession = file.getSwAccession(); // String swAccession = escapeString(file.getSwAccession()); String decs = escapeString(file.getDescription()); String name = file.getFileName();/* .substring(0, 100) */ ; String lastClassHtml = ""; if (countItem == files.size() && processing.getChildren().isEmpty()) { lastClassHtml = "lastCollapsable"; } String fileLinkHtml = "File: <a href='downloader.htm?fileId=" + fileId + "'> " + name + "</a> SWID: " + swAccession; if ("application/zip-report-bundle".equals(file.getMetaType())) { fileLinkHtml = "File: <a href='javascript:void(0)' ft='z-r-b' file-id='" + fileId + "'>" + name + "</a> SWID: " + swAccession + " <a href='downloader.htm?fileId=" + fileId + "'>download</a>"; } String ownerHtml = ""; if (registration.equals(file.getOwner()) || registration.isLIMSAdmin()) { // String editLink = "<a href='#'>edit</a>"; // String deleteLink = "<a href='#' popup-delete='true' form-action='fileDelete.htm' tt='" + typeTree // + "' object-id='" + fileId + "' object-name='File " + name + "'>delete</a>"; String deleteLink = ""; // String addLink = "<a href='sampleSetup.htm?experimentId="+ expId // +"&studyId=" + studyId +"'> add sample</a>"; ownerHtml = "<span class='m-link'> " + deleteLink + "</span>"; } String closeOpenHtml = " class='collapsable end " + lastClassHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea expandable-hitarea' ></div><span id='fl_"; String fileHtml = ""; if (treeType.equals("tree")) { fileHtml = "<li" + closeOpenHtml + fileId + "' >" + fileLinkHtml + // " SWID: "+ swAccession + "</span> <span><a class='m-question np-mousetrack supernote-hover-demo1' href='#demo1'><img src='i/ico/ico_question.gif'></a></span>" + ownerHtml + "<span class='m-description'>Description: " + decs + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } else { fileHtml = "<li" + closeOpenHtml + fileId + "' >" + fileLinkHtml + "</span> " + ownerHtml + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } html = html + fileHtml; } // TUTA1 if (typeTree.equals("wfr")) { processing.resetCompletedChildren(); } if (typeTree.equals("wfrr")) { processing.resetRunningChildren(); } Set<Processing> processings = processing.getChildren(); countItem = 0; for (Processing children : processings) { countItem++; boolean isOpenProc = false; //"openingNodeId = " + openingNodeId); if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.PROCESSING_PREFIX + children.getProcessingId())) { isOpenProc = true; } //" isOpenProc = " + isOpenProc); // if last element boolean isLast = (countItem == processings.size()) ? true : false; html = html + getNodeHtml(children, registration, typeTree, true, isOpenProc, true, true, isLast, treeType); } return html; } /** * <p> * getAnalysisWorkflowHtml. * </p> * * @param workflowRun * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.WorkflowRun} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param typeTree * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param isOpen * a boolean. * @param isLast * a boolean. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getAnalysisWorkflowHtml(WorkflowRun workflowRun, Registration registration, String typeTree, boolean isOpen, boolean isLast, String treeType) { String html = ""; Integer wfrId = workflowRun.getWorkflowRunId(); String desc = escapeString(workflowRun.getWorkflow().getDescription()); String name = escapeString(workflowRun.getWorkflow().getJsonEscapeName()) + " " + escapeString(workflowRun.getWorkflow().getVersion()) + " " + workflowRun.getWorkflow().getCreateTimestamp() + " (" + escapeString(workflowRun.getStatus().toString()) + ")"; String lastClassHtml = ""; if (isLast) { lastClassHtml = " lastCollapsable"; } String closeOpenHtml = "<li class='expandable" + lastClassHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea expandable-hitarea' ></div>"; if (isOpen) { //"A WF -"); closeOpenHtml = "<li class='collapsable" + lastClassHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea collapsable-hitarea' ></div>"; } // else"A WF +"); // "text" : // "<li class='expandable'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea expandable-hitarea' ></div><span id='wfr_<c:out value="${wfr.workflowRunId}"/>'>Analysis Workflow <c:out value="${}"/> <c:out value="${wfrRun.workflow.version}"/> <c:out value="${wfr.createTimestamp}"/></span> <c:if test="${isBulk}"><span>${selectLinkHtml}</span></c:if> <span><a class='m-question np-mousetrack supernote-hover-demo1' href='#demo1'><img src='i/ico/ico_question.gif'></a></span> <span class='m-link'><a href='#'>edit</a> - <a href='#'>delete</a></span> <span class='m-description'>Description: <c:out value="${wfr.workflow.jsonEscapeDescription}"/></span><ul style='display: none;'></li>", String linksHtml = ""; if (workflowRun.getStatus() == WorkflowRunStatus.completed) { linksHtml = ""; // linksHtml = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' popup-delete='true' tt='" + typeTree // + "' form-action='analisysDelete.htm' object-id='" + wfrId + "' object-name='" + desc // + " analysis workflow'>delete</a>"; // "<a href='javascript:void(0)'>delete</a>"; } else // if(!workflowRun.getStatus().equals("cancelled")){ linksHtml = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' popup-cancel='true' tt='wfrr' object-id='" + wfrId + "'>cancel</a>"; // } html = ""; if (treeType.equals("tree")) { html = closeOpenHtml + "<span id='wfr_" + wfrId + "'>Analysis Workflow" + name + "</span> <span><a class='m-question np-mousetrack supernote-hover-demo1' href='#demo1'><img src='i/ico/ico_question.gif'></a></span> <span class='m-link'>" + linksHtml + "</span> " + "<span class='m-description'>Description: " + desc + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } else { html = closeOpenHtml + "<span id='wfr_" + wfrId + "'>Analysis Workflow" + name + "</span> " + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } return html; } // get html code all Processing in one Lane /** * <p> * getNodeHtml. * </p> * * @param processing * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Processing} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param typeTree * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param isOpenWfr * a boolean. * @param isOpenProc * a boolean. * @param isVisibleProc * a boolean. * @param isInnerWFR * a boolean. * @param isLastNode * a boolean. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getNodeHtml(Processing processing, Registration registration, String typeTree, boolean isOpenWfr, boolean isOpenProc, boolean isVisibleProc, boolean isInnerWFR, boolean isLastNode, String treeType) { String html = ""; Integer aeId = processing.getProcessingId(); String swAccession = escapeString(processing.getSwAccession()); String decs = escapeString(processing.getJsonEscapeDescription()); String algorithm = escapeString(processing.getAlgorithm()); String updateTimestamp = processing.getUpdateTimestamp().toString(); String status = processing.getStatus().toString(); String name = algorithm + " " + updateTimestamp + " SWID: " + swAccession; String ownerHtml = ""; if (registration.equals(processing.getOwner()) || registration.isLIMSAdmin()) { // String rootAttrHtml = ""; // if(typeTree=="wfr" || typeTree=="wfrr"){ // rootAttrHtml="root-id='?'"; // } // String deleteLink = "<a href='#' popup-delete='true' form-action='processingDelete.htm' tt='" + typeTree // + "' object-id='" + aeId + "' object-name='Analysis Event " + name + "'>delete</a>"; String deleteLink = ""; String uploadFileLink = "<a href='uploadFileSetup.htm?id=" + aeId + "&tn=ae&tt=" + typeTree + "' sn='y'>upload file</a>"; ownerHtml = "<span class='m-link'> " + deleteLink + " - " + uploadFileLink + "</span>"; } // if last element boolean isLast = false; if (processing.getWorkflowRun() != null && isInnerWFR) { isLast = true; } if (processing.getWorkflowRun() == null && isLastNode) { isLast = true; } if (!isInnerWFR && isLastNode) { isLast = true; } boolean isHasChildren = (processing.getChildren().size() > 0 || processing.getFiles().size() > 0) ? true : false; String classLiHtml = getLiClass(true, isHasChildren, isLast); String closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea expandable-hitarea' ></div><span id='ae_"; if (isOpenProc) { classLiHtml = getLiClass(false, isHasChildren, isLast); closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea collapsable-hitarea' ></div><span id='ae_"; } String aeHtml = ""; if (treeType.equals("tree")) { aeHtml = "<li id='liae_" + aeId + closeOpenHtml + aeId + "' >Analysis Event: " + name + " (" + status + ")" + "</span> <span><a class='m-question np-mousetrack supernote-hover-demo1' href='#demo1'><img src='i/ico/ico_question.gif'></a></span>" + ownerHtml + "<span class='m-description'>Description: " + decs + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } else { aeHtml = "<li id='liae_" + aeId + closeOpenHtml + aeId + "' >Analysis Event: " + name + " (" + status + ")" + "</span>" + ownerHtml + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } // html = html + aeHtml; WorkflowRun wfr = processing.getWorkflowRun(); if (wfr != null && isInnerWFR) { String wfrHtml = getAnalysisWorkflowHtml(wfr, registration, typeTree, isOpenWfr, isLastNode, treeType); String parentId = Constant.WORKFLOW_RUN_PREFIX + wfr.getWorkflowRunId(); html = pasteHtmlIntoParentNode(aeHtml, wfrHtml, parentId, isVisibleProc); } else { html = aeHtml; } return html; } // get html code all Processing in one Lane /** * <p> * getIUSHtml. * </p> * * @param ius * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.IUS} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param typeTree * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param openingNodeId * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param isOpenProc * a boolean. * @param isVisibleProc * a boolean. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getIUSHtml(IUS ius, Registration registration, String typeTree, String openingNodeId, boolean isOpenProc, boolean isVisibleProc, String treeType) { String html = ""; Set<Processing> processings = ius.getProcessings(); int countItem = processings.size(); for (Processing processing : processings) { countItem--; boolean isOpenWfr = false; if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.PROCESSING_PREFIX + processing.getProcessingId())) isOpenWfr = true; // dont show the workflow run in the first processing ? processing.setWorkflowRun(null); html = html + getNodeHtml(processing, registration, typeTree, isOpenWfr, isOpenProc, isVisibleProc, true, isLast(countItem), treeType); } return html; } private static String getOnlyIUSHtml(IUS ius, Registration registration, String typeTree, String openingNodeId, boolean isEnd, boolean isAssSample, boolean isAssLane, boolean isLast, String treeType) { Integer iusId = ius.getIusId(); String swAccession = escapeString(ius.getSwAccession()); String decs = escapeString(ius.getJsonEscapeDescription()); String name = (ius.getName() != null) ? escapeString(ius.getJsonEscapeName()) : ""; String ownerHtml = ""; if (registration.equals(ius.getOwner()) || registration.isLIMSAdmin()) { Lane lane = ius.getLane(); String laneName = (lane.getName() != null) ? escapeString(lane.getJsonEscapeName()) : ""; String assLaneLinkHtml = "<div class='m-associated'>Associated with sequence: " + "<a href='laneSetup.htm?laneId=" + lane.getLaneId() + "&tt=st' sn='y'>Sequnce SWID:" + lane.getSwAccession() + " " + laneName + "</a></div>"; String uploadFileLink = "<a href='uploadFileSetup.htm?id=" + iusId + "&tn=ius&tt=st' sn='y'>upload file</a>"; // String deleteLink = "<a href='#' popup-delete='true' form-action='iusDelete.htm' tt='st' object-id='" + iusId // + "' object-name='" + name + " IUS'>delete</a>"; String deleteLink = ""; if (isAssSample && isAssLane) { Sample sample = ius.getSample(); String sampleName = (sample.getName() != null) ? escapeString(sample.getJsonEscapeName()) : ""; String assSampleLinkHtml = "<b>Associated with sample:</b> <a href='sampleSetup.htm?sampleId=" + sample.getSampleId() + "&tt=" + typeTree + "' sn='y'>Sample: " + sample.getJsonEscapeTitle() + " " + sample.getJsonEscapeName() + " SWID:" + sample.getSwAccession() + " " + sampleName + "</a>"; assLaneLinkHtml = "<b>Associated with sequence:</b> <a href='laneSetup.htm?laneId=" + lane.getLaneId() + "&tt=" + typeTree + "' sn='y'>Sequence SWID:" + lane.getSwAccession() + " " + laneName + "</a>"; ownerHtml = "<span class='m-link'> " + uploadFileLink + "- " + deleteLink + "  -  " + assSampleLinkHtml + "  -  " + assLaneLinkHtml + "</span>"; } else { ownerHtml = "<span class='m-link'> " + uploadFileLink + "- " + deleteLink + " - " + assLaneLinkHtml + " </span>"; } } boolean isHasChildren = (ius.getProcessings().size() > 0 && !isEnd) ? true : false; String classLiHtml = getLiClass(true, isHasChildren, isLast); String closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea expandable-hitarea' ></div><span id='ius_"; if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.IUS_PREFIX + iusId)) { classLiHtml = getLiClass(false, isHasChildren, isLast); closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea collapsable-hitarea' ></div><span id='ius_"; } String iusHtml = ""; if (treeType.equals("tree")) { iusHtml = "<li id='liius_" + iusId + closeOpenHtml + iusId + "' >IUS: " + name + " SWID: " + swAccession + "</span> <span><a class='m-question np-mousetrack supernote-hover-demo1' href='#demo1'><img src='i/ico/ico_question.gif'></a></span>" + ownerHtml + "<span class='m-description'>Description: " + decs + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } else { iusHtml = "<li id='liius_" + iusId + closeOpenHtml + iusId + "' >IUS: " + name + " SWID: " + swAccession + "</span>" + ownerHtml + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } return iusHtml; } // get html code all Processing in one Lane /* * public static String getLaneHtml(Lane lane, Registration registration, String typeTree, String openingNodeId, boolean isOpenProc, * boolean isVisibleProc){ String html = ""; Set<Processing> processings = lane.getProcessings(); int countItem = 0; for (Processing * processing : processings) { countItem++; boolean isOpenWfr = false; if(openingNodeId != null && * openingNodeId.equals(processing.getProcessingId())) isOpenWfr = true; * * // if last element boolean isLast = ( countItem == processings.size() ) ? true : false; * * html = html + getNodeHtml(processing, registration, typeTree, isOpenWfr, isOpenProc, isVisibleProc, true, isLast); } return html; } */ /** * <p> * getLaneHtml. * </p> * * @param lane * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Lane} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param typeTree * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param openingNodeId * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getLaneHtml(Lane lane, Registration registration, String typeTree, String openingNodeId, String treeType) { String html = ""; Set<IUS> iuss = lane.getIUS(); Set<Processing> processings = lane.getProcessings(); Integer countItem = processings.size() + iuss.size(); for (Processing processing : processings) { countItem--; boolean isOpenProc = false; if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.PROCESSING_PREFIX + processing.getProcessingId())) { isOpenProc = true; } // dont show the workflow run in the first processing? processing.setWorkflowRun(null); html = html + getNodeHtml(processing, registration, StudyHtmlUtil.TYPE_TREE, isOpenProc, isOpenProc, false, false, isLast(countItem), treeType); } for (IUS ius : iuss) { countItem--; html = html + getOnlyIUSHtml(ius, registration, typeTree, openingNodeId, false, false, true, isLast(countItem), treeType); } return html; } // get html code all Lane in one Sample /** * <p> * getSampleHtml. * </p> * * @param sample * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Sample} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param typeTree * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param openingNodeId * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param isEnd * a boolean. * @param isOpenProc * a boolean. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getSampleHtml(Sample sample, Registration registration, String typeTree, String openingNodeId, boolean isEnd, boolean isOpenProc, String treeType) { String html = ""; Set<Sample> childrenSample = sample.getChildren(); SortedSet<IUS> iuss = sample.getIUS(); Set<Processing> processings = sample.getProcessings(); int countItem = childrenSample.size() + iuss.size() + processings.size(); for (Sample childSample : childrenSample) { countItem--; html = html + getOnlySampleHtml(childSample, registration, typeTree, openingNodeId, isLast(countItem), treeType); // getSampleHtml(childSample, registration, typeTree, openingNodeId, // false, isOpenProc); } for (Processing processing : processings) { countItem--; if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.PROCESSING_PREFIX + processing.getProcessingId())) { isOpenProc = true; } html = html + getNodeHtml(processing, registration, StudyHtmlUtil.TYPE_TREE, isOpenProc, isOpenProc, false, false, isLast(countItem), treeType); } for (IUS ius : iuss) { countItem--; html = html + getOnlyIUSHtml(ius, registration, typeTree, openingNodeId, false, false, true, isLast(countItem), treeType); } return html; } private static String getOnlySampleHtml(Sample sample, Registration registration, String typeTree, String openingNodeId, boolean isLast, String treeType) { String html = ""; Integer sampleId = sample.getSampleId(); String decs = escapeString(sample.getJsonEscapeDescription()); String title = escapeString(sample.getJsonEscapeTitle()); Integer sampleAccession = sample.getSwAccession(); String ownerHtml = ""; if (registration.equals(sample.getOwner()) || registration.isLIMSAdmin()) { String editLink = "<a href='sampleSetup.htm?sampleId=" + sampleId + "&tt=st' sn='y'> edit </a>"; String deleteLink = "<a href='#' popup-delete='true' form-action='sampleDelete.htm' tt='st' object-id='" + sampleId + "' object-name='Sample " + title + "'>delete</a>"; String addSampleLink = "<a href='sampleSetup.htm?parentSampleId=" + sampleId + "' sn='y'> add sample</a>"; String addLink = "<a href='uploadSequenceSetup.htm?sampleId=" + sampleId + "&tt=st' sn='y'>upload sequence</a>"; String uploadFileLink = "<a href='uploadFileSetup.htm?id=" + sampleId + "&tn=sam&tt=st' sn='y'>upload file</a>"; ownerHtml = "<span class='m-link'>" + editLink + " - " + deleteLink + " - " + addSampleLink + " - " + addLink + " - " + uploadFileLink + "</span>"; } boolean isHasChildren = (sample.getChildren().size() > 0 || sample.getIUS().size() > 0 || sample.getProcessings().size() > 0) ? true : false; String classLiHtml = getLiClass(true, isHasChildren, isLast); //"openingNodeId = " + openingNodeId + " sampleId = " + // sampleId); String closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea expandable-hitarea' ></div><span id='sam_";" EQ Samples: openingNodeId = " + openingNodeId + " ; curr = " + Constant.SAMPLE_PREFIX + sampleId); if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.SAMPLE_PREFIX + sampleId)) {" EQ!!! Samples: openingNodeId = " + openingNodeId + " ; curr = " + Constant.SAMPLE_PREFIX + sampleId); classLiHtml = getLiClass(false, isHasChildren, isLast); closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea collapsable-hitarea' ></div><span id='sam_"; } html = ""; if (treeType.equals("tree")) { html = "<li id='lisam_" + sampleId + closeOpenHtml + sampleId + "' >Sample: " + title + " SWID: " + sampleAccession + "</span> <span><a class='m-question np-mousetrack supernote-hover-demo1' href='#demo1'><img src='i/ico/ico_question.gif'></a></span>" + ownerHtml + "<span class='m-description'>Description: " + decs + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } else { html = "<li id='lisam_" + sampleId + closeOpenHtml + sampleId + "' >Sample: " + title + " SWID: " + sampleAccession + "</span>" + ownerHtml + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } return html; } // get html code all Sample in one Experiment /** * <p> * getExperimentHtml. * </p> * * @param experiment * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Experiment} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param typeTree * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param openingNodeId * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param isOpenProc * a boolean. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getExperimentHtml(Experiment experiment, Registration registration, String typeTree, String openingNodeId, boolean isOpenProc, String treeType) { String html = ""; SortedSet<Sample> samples = experiment.getSamples(); Set<Processing> processings = experiment.getProcessings(); int countItem = samples.size() + processings.size(); for (Processing processing : processings) { countItem--; html = html + getNodeHtml(processing, registration, StudyHtmlUtil.TYPE_TREE, isOpenProc, isOpenProc, false, false, isLast(countItem), treeType); } for (Sample sample : samples) { countItem--; html = html + getOnlySampleHtml(sample, registration, typeTree, openingNodeId, isLast(countItem), treeType); } return html; } private static boolean isLast(int countItem) { return (countItem == 0) ? true : false; } // get html code all Experiment in one Study /** * <p> * getStydyHtml. * </p> * * @param study * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Study} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param openingNodeId * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param isOpenProc * a boolean. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getStydyHtml(Study study, Registration registration, String openingNodeId, boolean isOpenProc, String treeType) { String html = ""; Integer studyId = study.getStudyId(); SortedSet<Experiment> experiments = study.getExperiments(); Set<Processing> processings = study.getProcessings(); int countItem = experiments.size() + processings.size(); for (Processing processing : processings) { countItem--; html = html + getNodeHtml(processing, registration, StudyHtmlUtil.TYPE_TREE, isOpenProc, isOpenProc, false, false, isLast(countItem), treeType); } for (Experiment experiment : experiments) { countItem--; Integer expId = experiment.getExperimentId(); String swAccession = escapeString(experiment.getSwAccession()); String decs = escapeString(experiment.getJsonEscapeDescription()); String name = escapeString(experiment.getJsonEscapeName())/* * .substring(0, 100) */; String title = escapeString(experiment.getJsonEscapeTitle()); String ownerHtml = ""; try { if (registration.equals(experiment.getOwner()) || registration.isLIMSAdmin()) { String editLink = "<a href='experimentSetup.htm?experimentId=" + expId + "&studyId=" + studyId + "' sn='y'> edit </a>"; String deleteLink = "<a href='#' popup-delete='true' form-action='experimentDelete.htm' tt='st' object-id='" + expId + "' object-name='Experiment " + title + "'>delete</a>"; String addLink = "<a href='sampleSetup.htm?experimentId=" + expId + "&studyId=" + studyId + "' sn='y'> add sample</a>"; String uploadFileLink = "<a href='uploadFileSetup.htm?id=" + expId + "&tn=exp&tt=st' sn='y'>upload file</a>"; ownerHtml = "<span class='m-link'>" + editLink + " - " + deleteLink + " - " + addLink + " - " + uploadFileLink + "</span>"; } } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { log.error("No Owner found for the Experiment #" + experiment.getExperimentId()); } // if last element boolean isLast = (countItem == 0) ? true : false; //"countItem = " + countItem + "; expSize = " + // experiments.size() + "IS LAST = " + isLast); boolean isHasChildren = (experiment.getSamples().size() > 0 || experiment.getProcessings().size() > 0) ? true : false; String classLiHtml = getLiClass(true, isHasChildren, isLast); String closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea expandable-hitarea' ></div><span id='exp_"; if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.EXPERIMENT_PREFIX + expId)) { classLiHtml = getLiClass(false, isHasChildren, isLast); closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea collapsable-hitarea' ></div><span id='exp_"; } String expHtml = ""; if (treeType.equals("tree")) { expHtml = "<li id='liexp_" + expId + closeOpenHtml + expId + "' >Experiment: " + name + " SWID: " + swAccession + "</span> <span><a class='m-question np-mousetrack supernote-hover-demo1' href='#demo1'><img src='i/ico/ico_question.gif'></a></span>" + ownerHtml + "<span class='m-description'>Description: " + decs + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } else { expHtml = "<li id='liexp_" + expId + ">" + "<span id='exp_" + expId + "' >Experiment: " + name + " SWID: " + swAccession + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } html = html + expHtml; } return html; } private static String getLiClass(boolean isClose, boolean isHasChildren, boolean isLast) { String classLiHtml = ""; if (isClose) { if (isHasChildren) { classLiHtml = "hasChildren expandable"; } else { classLiHtml = "collapsable end"; } } else { if (isHasChildren) { classLiHtml = "collapsable"; } else { classLiHtml = "collapsable end"; } } if (isLast) { classLiHtml += " lastCollapsable"; } return classLiHtml; } private static String getStatuses(Integer processingCnt, Integer errorCnt, Integer processedCnt) { String statuses = ""; if (processingCnt > 0 || processedCnt > 0 || errorCnt > 0) { statuses = "(" + processedCnt + " successes"; if (errorCnt > 0) { statuses = statuses + ", " + errorCnt + " errors"; } if (processingCnt > 0) { statuses = statuses + ", " + processingCnt + " running"; } statuses = statuses + ")"; } return statuses; } // get html code all Lane in one Sample /** * <p> * getSequencerRunHtml. * </p> * * @param sequencerRun * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.SequencerRun} object. * @param registration * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param openingNodeId * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param treeType * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getSequencerRunHtml(SequencerRun sequencerRun, Registration registration, String openingNodeId, String treeType) { String html = ""; SortedSet<Lane> lanes = sequencerRun.getLanes(); Set<Processing> processings = sequencerRun.getProcessings(); int countItem = lanes.size() + processings.size(); for (Processing processing : processings) { countItem--; boolean isOpenProc = false; if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.PROCESSING_PREFIX + processing.getProcessingId())) { isOpenProc = true; } html = html + getNodeHtml(processing, registration, SequencerRunHtmlUtil.TYPE_TREE, isOpenProc, isOpenProc, false, false, isLast(countItem), treeType); } for (Lane lane : lanes) { countItem--; Integer laneId = lane.getLaneId(); String swAccession = escapeString(lane.getSwAccession()); String decs = escapeString(lane.getJsonEscapeDescription()); String name = escapeString(lane.getJsonEscapeName())/* .substring(0, 100) */; String ownerHtml = ""; if (registration.equals(lane.getOwner()) || registration.isLIMSAdmin()) { String editLink = "<a href='laneSetup.htm?laneId=" + laneId + "&tt=sr' sn='y'> edit </a>"; String deleteLink = "<a href='#' popup-delete='true' form-action='laneDelete.htm' tt='sr' object-id='" + laneId + "' object-name='Sequence " + name + "'>delete</a>"; String uploadFileLink = "<a href='uploadFileSetup.htm?id=" + laneId + "&tn=seq&tt=sr' sn='y'>upload file</a>"; String assSampleLinksHtml = "<div class='m-associated'>Associated with"; SortedSet<Sample> samples = lane.getSamples(); for (Sample sam : samples) { Integer sampleId = sam.getSampleId(); Integer swAccessionSample = sam.getSwAccession(); String sampleTitle = sam.getJsonEscapeTitle(); assSampleLinksHtml = assSampleLinksHtml + " <a href='sampleSetup.htm?sampleId=" + sampleId + "&laneId=" + laneId + "&tt=sr' sn='y'>Sample SWID:" + swAccessionSample + " " + sampleTitle + "</a>,"; } assSampleLinksHtml = assSampleLinksHtml.substring(0, assSampleLinksHtml.length() - 1); assSampleLinksHtml = assSampleLinksHtml + "</div>"; ownerHtml = "<span class='m-link'> " + editLink + " - " + deleteLink + " - " + uploadFileLink + " - " + assSampleLinksHtml + " </span>"; } String statuses = getStatuses(lane.getProcessingCnt(), lane.getErrorCnt(), lane.getProcessedCnt()); boolean isHasChildren = (lane.getProcessings().size() > 0 || lane.getIUS().size() > 0) ? true : false; String classLiHtml = getLiClass(true, isHasChildren, isLast(countItem)); String closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea expandable-hitarea' ></div><span id='seq_"; if (openingNodeId != null && openingNodeId.equals(Constant.LANE_PREFIX + laneId)) { classLiHtml = getLiClass(false, isHasChildren, isLast(countItem)); closeOpenHtml = "' class='" + classLiHtml + "'><div class='hitarea hasChildren-hitarea collapsable-hitarea' ></div><span id='seq_"; } String laneHtml = ""; if (treeType.equals("tree")) { laneHtml = "<li id='liseq_" + laneId + closeOpenHtml + laneId + "' >Sequence: " + name + " SWID: " + swAccession + statuses + "</span> <span><a class='m-question np-mousetrack supernote-hover-demo1' href='#demo1'><img src='i/ico/ico_question.gif'></a></span>" + ownerHtml + "<span class='m-description'>Description: " + decs + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } else { laneHtml = "<li id='liseq_" + laneId + closeOpenHtml + laneId + "' >Sequence: " + name + " SWID: " + swAccession + statuses + "</span>" + ownerHtml + "</span>" + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE; } html = html + laneHtml; } return html; } /** * <p> * pasteHtmlIntoParentNode. * </p> * * @param childHtml * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param parentHtml * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param parentId * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param isChildVisible * a boolean. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String pasteHtmlIntoParentNode(String childHtml, String parentHtml, String parentId, boolean isChildVisible) { // opening parent node String visibleChildHtml = "<ul style=''>"; if (!isChildVisible) visibleChildHtml = "<ul style='display: none;'>"; String newHtml = visibleChildHtml + childHtml + "</ul></li>"; int start = parentHtml.indexOf(parentId + "'"); start = parentHtml.indexOf("<ul", start); parentHtml = parentHtml.substring(0, start) + newHtml + parentHtml.substring(start + END_HTML_EMPTY_NODE.length(), parentHtml.length()); return parentHtml; } private static String escapeString(Integer str) { String result = ""; if (str != null) { result = str.toString(); } return result; } private static String escapeString(String str) { if (str == null) { str = ""; } return str; } }