package ${package}; import java.util.*; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.module.FileMetadata; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.module.ReturnValue; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.Log; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.deciders.BasicDecider; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; /** * Launches a workflow with an input BAM file. * * For more information on writing custom deciders, please see the documentation at * <a href="">SeqWare Pipeline Custom Deciders</a>.<p/> * * Quick reference for the order of execution of the methods:<p/> * 1. Constructor : no command-line arguments are available yet<p/> * 2. init() : check and set command-line arguments as variables<p/> * 3. BasicDecider.separateFiles(List, String) : separates total list of files into groups to be processed together<p/> * 4. handleGroupByAttribute(String) : modify the attribute used to group files together<p/> * 5. checkFileDetails(ReturnValue, FileMetadata) : iterate over all files in a group to check whether they should be included<p/> * 6. doFinalCheck(String, String) : check all of the files that will be included in a run and make a final decision whether to launch<p/> * 7. modifyIniFile(String, String) : configure the INI file used for launching a workflow for a particular set of files<p/> * 8. Launch or schedule workflow. Repeat steps 5-7 until all files are processsed or maximum runs are launched.<p/> * * @author */ public class ${workflow-name}Decider extends BasicDecider { //If you need access to the information stored in the ReturnValue for each file, uncomment //the next line and the line in {@link #checkFileDetails(ReturnValue, FileMetadata)}. //private Map<String, ReturnValue> pathToAttributes = new HashMap<String, ReturnValue>(); public ${workflow-name}Decider() { super(); parser.accepts("verbose", "Optional: prints debug and logging information during execution"); } @Override public ReturnValue init() { Log.debug("INIT"); //By default, the decider runs on a per-file basis (one file -> one workflow run) //this.setHeader(Header.IUS_SWA); //Launches only on BAM files this.setMetaType(Arrays.asList("application/bam")); //By calling super.init() last, anything defined on the command line at run-time //overrides the defaults set here. ReturnValue val = super.init(); return val; } @Override protected String handleGroupByAttribute(String attribute) { Log.debug("GROUP BY ATTRIBUTE: "+getHeader().getTitle()+ " " + attribute); return attribute; } @Override protected boolean checkFileDetails(ReturnValue returnValue, FileMetadata fm) { Log.debug("CHECK FILE DETAILS:" + fm); boolean isValid = super.checkFileDetails(returnValue, fm); if (isValid) { //If you need access to the information stored in the ReturnValue for each file, uncomment //the next line and the line that instantiates the pathToAttributes map before the constructor //pathToAttributes.put(fm.getFilePath(), returnValue); } return isValid; } @Override protected Map<String, String> modifyIniFile(String commaSeparatedFilePaths, String commaSeparatedParentAccessions) { Log.debug("INI FILE:" + commaSeparatedFilePaths); Map<String, String> iniFileMap = super.modifyIniFile(commaSeparatedFilePaths, commaSeparatedParentAccessions); iniFileMap.put("input_file", commaSeparatedFilePaths); return iniFileMap; } /** * Allows a shortened command line. : * <code>java -jar Decider_${project.version}_${project.workflow-name}_${workflow-version}_SeqWare_${seqware-version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar --wf-accession 000000 --study Test --test</code> */ public static void main(String args[]){ List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); if (ArrayUtils.contains(args,"--verbose")){ params.add("--verbose"); } params.add("--plugin"); params.add(${workflow-name}Decider.class.getCanonicalName()); params.add("--"); params.addAll(Arrays.asList(args)); System.out.println("Parameters: " + Arrays.deepToString(params.toArray())); net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.runner.PluginRunner.main(params.toArray(new String[params.size()])); } }