package net.sourceforge.seqware.common.dao.hibernate; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.dao.LaneDAO; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.File; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Lane; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Processing; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.NullBeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException; import; /** * <p> * LaneDAOHibernate class. * </p> * * @author boconnor * @version $Id: $Id */ public class LaneDAOHibernate extends HibernateDaoSupport implements LaneDAO { final Logger localLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LaneDAOHibernate.class); /** * <p> * Constructor for LaneDAOHibernate. * </p> */ public LaneDAOHibernate() { super(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Inserts an instance of Lane into the database. * * @return */ @Override public Integer insert(Lane lane) { this.getHibernateTemplate().save(lane); getSession().flush(); return (lane.getSwAccession()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Updates an instance of Lane in the database. */ @Override public void update(Lane lane) { this.getHibernateTemplate().update(lane); getSession().flush(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Deletes an instance of Lane in the database. */ @Override public void delete(Lane lane) { // first delete records from processing_lanes String query = "DELETE FROM processing_lanes as pl where pl.lane_id = ?"; SQLQuery sql = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query); sql.setInteger(0, lane.getLaneId()); sql.executeUpdate(); // and then this.getHibernateTemplate().delete(lane); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<File> getFiles(Integer laneId) { List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); String query = "WITH RECURSIVE processing_root_to_leaf (child_id, parent_id) AS ( " + "SELECT p.child_id as child_id, p.parent_id " + "FROM processing_relationship p inner join processing_ius pr_i on (pr_i.processing_id = p.parent_id) " + "inner join ius i on (i.ius_id = pr_i.ius_id) " + "inner join lane ln on (ln.lane_id = i.lane_id) " + "where ln.lane_id = ? " + "UNION ALL " + "SELECT p.child_id, rl.parent_id " + "FROM processing_root_to_leaf rl, processing_relationship p " + "WHERE p.parent_id = rl.child_id ) " + "select * from File myfile where myfile.file_id in( " + "select distinct file_id from processing_root_to_leaf p, processing_files pf " + "where p.parent_id = processing_id " + "UNION ALL " + "select distinct file_id from processing_root_to_leaf p, processing_files pf " + "where p.child_id = processing_id " + "UNION ALL " + "select distinct file_id from processing_files pf " + "inner join processing_ius pr_i on (pr_i.processing_id = pf.processing_id) " + "inner join ius i on (i.ius_id = pr_i.ius_id) " + "inner join lane ln on (ln.lane_id = i.lane_id) " + "where ln.lane_id = ? )"; List list = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query).addEntity(File.class).setInteger(0, laneId).setInteger(1, laneId).list(); for (Object file : list) { File fl = (File) file; files.add(fl); } return files; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isHasFile(Integer laneId) { boolean isHasFile; String query = "WITH RECURSIVE processing_root_to_leaf (child_id, parent_id) AS ( " + "SELECT p.child_id as child_id, p.parent_id " + "FROM processing_relationship p inner join processing_ius pr_i on (pr_i.processing_id = p.parent_id) " + "inner join ius i on (i.ius_id = pr_i.ius_id) " + "inner join lane ln on (ln.lane_id = i.lane_id) " + "where ln.lane_id = ? " + "UNION ALL " + "SELECT p.child_id, rl.parent_id " + "FROM processing_root_to_leaf rl, processing_relationship p " + "WHERE p.parent_id = rl.child_id ) " + "select * from File myfile where myfile.file_id in( " + "select distinct file_id from processing_root_to_leaf p, processing_files pf " + "where p.parent_id = processing_id " + "UNION ALL " + "select distinct file_id from processing_root_to_leaf p, processing_files pf " + "where p.child_id = processing_id " + "UNION ALL " + "select distinct file_id from processing_files pf " + "inner join processing_ius pr_i on (pr_i.processing_id = pf.processing_id) " + "inner join ius i on (i.ius_id = pr_i.ius_id) " + "inner join lane ln on (ln.lane_id = i.lane_id) " + "where ln.lane_id = ? ) LIMIT 1"; List list = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query).addEntity(File.class).setInteger(0, laneId).setInteger(1, laneId).list(); isHasFile = (list.size() > 0); return isHasFile; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param laneId */ @Override public List<File> getFiles(Integer laneId, String metaType) { List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); String query = "WITH RECURSIVE processing_root_to_leaf (child_id, parent_id) AS ( " + "SELECT p.child_id as child_id, p.parent_id " + "FROM processing_relationship p inner join processing_ius pr_i on (pr_i.processing_id = p.parent_id) " + "inner join ius i on (i.ius_id = pr_i.ius_id) " + "inner join lane ln on (ln.lane_id = i.lane_id) " + "where ln.lane_id = ? " + "UNION ALL " + "SELECT p.child_id, rl.parent_id " + "FROM processing_root_to_leaf rl, processing_relationship p " + "WHERE p.parent_id = rl.child_id ) " + "select * from File myfile where myfile.meta_type=? and myfile.file_id in( " + "select distinct file_id from processing_root_to_leaf p, processing_files pf " + "where p.parent_id = processing_id " + "UNION ALL " + "select distinct file_id from processing_root_to_leaf p, processing_files pf " + "where p.child_id = processing_id " + "UNION ALL " + "select distinct file_id from processing_files pf " + "inner join processing_ius pr_i on (pr_i.processing_id = pf.processing_id) " + "inner join ius i on (i.ius_id = pr_i.ius_id) " + "inner join lane ln on (ln.lane_id = i.lane_id) " + "where ln.lane_id = ? )"; List list = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query).addEntity(File.class).setInteger(0, laneId).setString(1, metaType) .setInteger(2, laneId).list(); for (Object file : list) { File fl = (File) file; files.add(fl); } return files; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param laneId */ @Override public boolean isHasFile(Integer laneId, String metaType) { boolean isHasFile; String query = "WITH RECURSIVE processing_root_to_leaf (child_id, parent_id) AS ( " + "SELECT p.child_id as child_id, p.parent_id " + "FROM processing_relationship p inner join processing_ius pr_i on (pr_i.processing_id = p.parent_id) " + "inner join ius i on (i.ius_id = pr_i.ius_id) " + "inner join lane ln on (ln.lane_id = i.lane_id) " + "where ln.lane_id = ? " + "UNION ALL " + "SELECT p.child_id, rl.parent_id " + "FROM processing_root_to_leaf rl, processing_relationship p " + "WHERE p.parent_id = rl.child_id ) " + "select * from File myfile where myfile.meta_type=? and myfile.file_id in( " + "select distinct file_id from processing_root_to_leaf p, processing_files pf " + "where p.parent_id = processing_id " + "UNION ALL " + "select distinct file_id from processing_root_to_leaf p, processing_files pf " + "where p.child_id = processing_id " + "UNION ALL " + "select distinct file_id from processing_files pf " + "inner join processing_ius pr_i on (pr_i.processing_id = pf.processing_id) " + "inner join ius i on (i.ius_id = pr_i.ius_id) " + "inner join lane ln on (ln.lane_id = i.lane_id) " + "where ln.lane_id = ? ) LIMIT 1"; List list = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query).addEntity(File.class).setInteger(0, laneId).setString(1, metaType) .setInteger(2, laneId).list(); isHasFile = (list.size() > 0); return isHasFile; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<Lane> list(List<Integer> laneIds) { List<Lane> lanes = new ArrayList<>(); String paramQuery = ""; for (int i = 0; i < laneIds.size() - 1; i++) { paramQuery = paramQuery + "?,"; } paramQuery = paramQuery + "?"; String query = "SELECT * FROM Lane as l where l.lane_id in (" + paramQuery + ")"; SQLQuery sql = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query).addEntity(Lane.class); for (int i = 0; i < laneIds.size(); i++) { sql.setInteger(i, laneIds.get(i)); } List list = sql.list(); for (Object lane : list) { Lane ln = (Lane) lane; lanes.add(ln); } return lanes; } // delete Only lane, without CASCADE delete processig /** * <p> * delete. * </p> * * @param lanes * a {@link java.util.SortedSet} object. */ @Override public void delete(SortedSet<Lane> lanes) { if (lanes == null || lanes.size() == 0) { return; } for (Lane lane : lanes) { this.getSession().evict(lane.getSequencerRun()); this.getSession().evict(lane.getSample()); Set<Processing> processings = lane.getProcessings(); for (Processing processing : processings) { this.getSession().evict(processing); } this.getSession().evict(lane); } String paramQuery = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lanes.size() - 1; i++) { paramQuery = paramQuery + "?,"; } paramQuery = paramQuery + "?"; localLogger.debug("Delete lanes:"); localLogger.debug(paramQuery); // delete processing_lanes String query = "DELETE FROM processing_lanes as pl where pl.lane_id in (" + paramQuery + ")"; SQLQuery sql = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query); int iter = 0; for (Lane lane : lanes) { localLogger.debug("iter: " + iter + "; laneId = " + lane.getLaneId()); sql.setInteger(iter, lane.getLaneId()); iter++; } sql.executeUpdate(); // logger.debug("END DELETE 1"); // get ius by lane_id query = "SELECT ius_id FROM ius as i where i.lane_id in (" + paramQuery + ")"; sql = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query); iter = 0; for (Lane lane : lanes) { localLogger.debug("iter: " + iter + "; ius laneId = " + lane.getLaneId()); sql.setInteger(iter, lane.getLaneId()); iter++; } List list = sql.list(); List<Integer> listIUSId = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object id : list) { if (id != null) { Integer iusId = (Integer) id; listIUSId.add(iusId); } } // delete ius_attribute and ius_link if want if (listIUSId.size() > 0) { // create iusParamQuery String iusParamQuery = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lanes.size() - 1; i++) { iusParamQuery = iusParamQuery + "?,"; } iusParamQuery = iusParamQuery + "?"; // delete ius_link query = "DELETE FROM ius_link as link where link.ius_id in (" + iusParamQuery + ")"; sql = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query); iter = 0; for (Integer iusId : listIUSId) { sql.setInteger(iter, iusId); iter++; } sql.executeUpdate(); // delete ius_attribute query = "DELETE FROM ius_attribute as attribute where attribute.ius_id in (" + iusParamQuery + ")"; sql = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query); iter = 0; for (Integer iusId : listIUSId) { sql.setInteger(iter, iusId); iter++; } sql.executeUpdate(); } // delete ius for lanes query = "DELETE FROM ius as i where i.lane_id in (" + paramQuery + ")"; sql = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query); iter = 0; for (Lane lane : lanes) { sql.setInteger(iter, lane.getLaneId()); iter++; } sql.executeUpdate(); localLogger.debug("END DELETE 2"); // delete lanes query = "DELETE FROM lane as l where l.lane_id in (" + paramQuery + ")"; sql = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query); iter = 0; for (Lane lane : lanes) { sql.setInteger(iter, lane.getLaneId()); iter++; } sql.executeUpdate(); localLogger.debug("END DELETE3"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Finds an instance of Lane in the database by the Lane emailAddress. */ @Override public Lane findByName(String name) { String query = "from lane as lane where = ?"; Lane lane = null; Object[] parameters = { name }; List list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find(query, parameters); if (list.size() > 0) { lane = (Lane) list.get(0); } return lane; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param expID */ @Override public Lane findByID(Integer expID) { String query = "from Lane as lane where lane.laneId = ?"; Lane lane = null; Object[] parameters = { expID }; List list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find(query, parameters); if (list.size() > 0) { lane = (Lane) list.get(0); } return lane; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Lane findBySWAccession(Integer swAccession) { String query = "from Lane as lane where lane.swAccession = ?"; Lane lane = null; Object[] parameters = { swAccession }; List<Lane> list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find(query, parameters); if (list.size() > 0) { lane = (Lane) list.get(0); } return lane; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Lane> findByOwnerID(Integer registrationId) { String query = "from Lane as lane where lane.owner.registrationId = ?"; Object[] parameters = { registrationId }; return this.getHibernateTemplate().find(query, parameters); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Lane> findByCriteria(String criteria, boolean isCaseSens) { String queryStringCase = "from Lane as l where l.description like :description " + " or cast(l.swAccession as string) like :sw " + " or like :name order by, l.description"; String queryStringICase = "from Lane as l where lower(l.description) like :description " + " or cast(l.swAccession as string) like :sw " + " or lower( like :name order by, l.description"; Query query = isCaseSens ? this.getSession().createQuery(queryStringCase) : this.getSession().createQuery(queryStringICase); if (!isCaseSens) { criteria = criteria.toLowerCase(); } criteria = "%" + criteria + "%"; query.setString("description", criteria); query.setString("sw", criteria); query.setString("name", criteria); return query.list(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Lane updateDetached(Lane lane) { Lane dbObject = findByID(lane.getLaneId()); try { BeanUtilsBean beanUtils = new NullBeanUtils(); beanUtils.copyProperties(dbObject, lane); return (Lane) this.getHibernateTemplate().merge(dbObject); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { localLogger.error("Error updating detached lane", e); } return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<Lane> list() { ArrayList<Lane> l = new ArrayList<>(); String query = "from Lane"; List list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find(query); for (Object e : list) { l.add((Lane) e); } return l; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void update(Registration registration, Lane lane) { Lane dbObject = reattachLane(lane); if (registration == null) { localLogger.error("LaneDAOHibernate update registration is null"); } else if (registration.isLIMSAdmin() || (lane.givesPermission(registration) && dbObject.givesPermission(registration))) {"updating Lane object"); update(lane); } else { localLogger.error("LaneDAOHibernate update not authorized"); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return */ @Override public Integer insert(Registration registration, Lane lane) { if (registration == null) { localLogger.error("LaneDAOHibernate insert registration is null"); } else if (registration.isLIMSAdmin() || lane.givesPermission(registration)) {"insert Lane object"); insert(lane); return (lane.getSwAccession()); } else { localLogger.error("LaneDAOHibernate insert not authorized"); } return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Lane updateDetached(Registration registration, Lane lane) { Lane dbObject = reattachLane(lane); if (registration == null) { localLogger.error("LaneDAOHibernate updateDetached registration is null"); } else if (registration.isLIMSAdmin() || dbObject.givesPermission(registration)) {"updateDetached Lane object"); return updateDetached(lane); } else { localLogger.error("LaneDAOHibernate updateDetached not authorized"); } return null; } private Lane reattachLane(Lane lane) throws IllegalStateException, DataAccessResourceFailureException { Lane dbObject = lane; if (!getSession().contains(lane)) { dbObject = findByID(lane.getLaneId()); } return dbObject; } }