package net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.workflowV2.engine.oozie.object; import; import; import io.seqware.pipeline.SqwKeys; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.Log; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.configtools.ConfigTools; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.workflowV2.model.AbstractJob; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.Namespace; public abstract class OozieJob implements Comparable<OozieJob> { /** * Variable identifier to be used within the qsub threads parameter to specify the value. */ public static final String SGE_THREADS_PARAM_VARIABLE = "${threads}"; /** * Variable identifier to be used within the qsub max-memory parameter to specify the value. */ public static final String SGE_MAX_MEMORY_PARAM_VARIABLE = "${maxMemory}"; /** * The sub-directory (of the working directory) in which generated script files will be placed. */ public static final String SCRIPTS_SUBDIR = "generated-scripts"; /** * Namespace of the Oozie workflow xml nodes. */ public static final Namespace WF_XMLNS = Namespace.getNamespace(WorkflowApp.URIOOZIEWORKFLOW); /** * Namespace of the Oozie SGE action xml node. */ public static final Namespace SGE_XMLNS = Namespace.getNamespace("uri:oozie:sge-action:1.0"); protected String okTo = "done"; // private String errorTo; always to fail now private String longName; private String shortName; protected Collection<String> parentAccessions; protected String wfrAccession; protected boolean wfrAncesstor; protected AbstractJob jobObj; protected boolean metadataWriteback; protected List<OozieJob> parents; protected List<OozieJob> children; protected String oozie_working_dir; protected List<String> parentAccessionFiles; protected boolean useSge; protected String seqwareJarPath; protected final String threadsSgeParamFormat; protected final String maxMemorySgeParamFormat; protected final File scriptsDir; private boolean useCheckFile = false; protected final File seqwareJar; private final StringTruncator stringTruncator; public OozieJob(AbstractJob job, String longName, String oozie_working_dir, boolean useSge, File seqwareJar, String threadsSgeParamFormat, String maxMemorySgeParamFormat, StringTruncator truncator) { this.longName = longName; this.shortName = truncator.translateName(longName); this.jobObj = job; this.oozie_working_dir = oozie_working_dir; this.parents = new ArrayList<>(); this.children = new ArrayList<>(); this.parentAccessionFiles = new ArrayList<>(); this.parentAccessions = new ArrayList<>(); this.useSge = useSge; this.seqwareJarPath = seqwareJar.getAbsolutePath(); this.threadsSgeParamFormat = threadsSgeParamFormat; this.maxMemorySgeParamFormat = maxMemorySgeParamFormat; this.scriptsDir = scriptsDir(oozie_working_dir); this.seqwareJar = seqwareJar; this.stringTruncator = truncator; if (useSge) { if (this.seqwareJarPath == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("seqwareJarPath must be specified when useSge is true."); } } if (!scriptsDir.exists()) { boolean mkdirs = scriptsDir.mkdirs(); if (!mkdirs) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create " + scriptsDir.toString()); } } } public final Element serializeXML() { Element element = new Element("action", WorkflowApp.NAMESPACE); element.setAttribute("name", this.getShortName()); element.setAttribute("retry-max", ConfigTools.getSettings().containsKey(SqwKeys.OOZIE_RETRY_MAX.getSettingKey()) ? ConfigTools .getSettings().get(SqwKeys.OOZIE_RETRY_MAX.getSettingKey()) : "1"); element.setAttribute( "retry-interval", ConfigTools.getSettings().containsKey(SqwKeys.OOZIE_RETRY_INTERVAL.getSettingKey()) ? ConfigTools.getSettings().get( SqwKeys.OOZIE_RETRY_INTERVAL.getSettingKey()) : "1"); if (useSge) { element.addContent(createSgeElement()); } else { element.addContent(createJavaElement()); } // okTo Element ok = new Element("ok", WorkflowApp.NAMESPACE); ok.setAttribute("to", this.okTo); element.addContent(ok); Element error = new Element("error", WorkflowApp.NAMESPACE); error.setAttribute("to", "fail"); element.addContent(error); return element; } protected abstract Element createSgeElement(); protected abstract Element createJavaElement(); /** * Returns the metadata arg list for the Runner. * * @return Runner args */ protected ArrayList<String> runnerMetaDataArgs() { ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); if (metadataWriteback) { args.add("--metadata"); } else { args.add("--no-metadata"); } if (parentAccessions != null) { for (String pa : parentAccessions) { args.add("--metadata-parent-accession"); args.add(pa); } } if (parentAccessionFiles != null) { for (String paf : parentAccessionFiles) { args.add("--metadata-parent-accession-file"); args.add(paf); } } if (wfrAccession != null) { if (wfrAncesstor) { args.add("--metadata-workflow-run-accession"); } else { args.add("--metadata-workflow-run-ancestor-accession"); } args.add(wfrAccession); } for (String mpaf : getAccessionFile()) { args.add("--metadata-processing-accession-file"); args.add(mpaf); } if (this.isUseCheckFile()) { args.add("--metadata-processing-accession-file-lock"); // arbitrarily choose the first accession file to mutate for use as the longName of the lock file args.add(getAccessionFile().get(0) + ".lock"); } return args; } public static File scriptsDir(String oozieWorkingDir) { return new File(oozieWorkingDir, SCRIPTS_SUBDIR); } public static String runnerFileName(String jobName) { return jobName + ""; } public static String optsFileName(String jobName) { return jobName + "-qsub.opts"; } protected File emitOptionsFile() { File file = file(scriptsDir, optsFileName(longName), false); ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("-b"); args.add("y"); args.add("-e"); args.add(scriptsDir.getAbsolutePath()); args.add("-o"); args.add(scriptsDir.getAbsolutePath()); args.add("-N"); args.add(longName); if (jobObj.getQsubOptions() != null) { args.add(jobObj.getQsubOptions()); write(concat(" ", args), file); return file; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jobObj.getQueue())) { args.add("-q"); args.add(jobObj.getQueue()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(maxMemorySgeParamFormat)) { if (maxMemorySgeParamFormat.contains(SGE_MAX_MEMORY_PARAM_VARIABLE) && StringUtils.isBlank(jobObj.getMaxMemory())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Format flag '%s' contains replacement value '%s' but job '%s' has invalid associated value '%s'.", maxMemorySgeParamFormat, SGE_MAX_MEMORY_PARAM_VARIABLE, jobObj.getAlgo(), jobObj.getMaxMemory())); } args.add(maxMemorySgeParamFormat.replace(SGE_MAX_MEMORY_PARAM_VARIABLE, jobObj.getMaxMemory())); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(threadsSgeParamFormat)) { if (threadsSgeParamFormat.contains(SGE_THREADS_PARAM_VARIABLE) && jobObj.getThreads() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Format flag '%s' contains replacement value '%s' but job '%s' has invalid associated value '%s'.", threadsSgeParamFormat, SGE_THREADS_PARAM_VARIABLE, jobObj.getAlgo(), jobObj.getThreads())); } args.add(threadsSgeParamFormat.replace(SGE_THREADS_PARAM_VARIABLE, Integer.toString(jobObj.getThreads()))); } write(concat(" ", args), file); return file; } protected static Element add(Element parent, String tag) { Element child = new Element(tag, parent.getNamespace()); parent.addContent(child); return child; } protected static Element add(Element parent, String tag, String text) { Element child = add(parent, tag); child.setText(text); return child; } protected static Element addProp(Element config, String name, String value) { Element prop = add(config, "property"); add(prop, "name", name); add(prop, "value", value); return prop; } protected static File file(File dir, String filename, boolean exec) { File file = new File(dir, filename); try { if (!file.createNewFile()) { throw new RuntimeException("File already exists: " + filename); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } file.setReadable(true, false); boolean setWritable = file.setWritable(true, true); if (!setWritable) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not set write permission to file: " + filename); } if (exec) { file.setExecutable(true, false); } else { file.setExecutable(false); } return file; } protected static void write(String contents, File file) { try { FileUtils.write(file, contents, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected void writeScript(String contents, File file) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("#!/usr/bin/env bash\nset -o errexit\nset -o pipefail\n\nexport " + ConfigTools.SEQWARE_SETTINGS_PROPERTY + "="); sb.append(ConfigTools.getSettingsFilePath()); sb.append("\ncd "); sb.append(oozie_working_dir); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(contents); sb.append("\n"); write(sb.toString(), file); } public static String concat(String delim, List<String> args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String arg : args) { sb.append(arg); sb.append(delim); } return sb.toString(); } public void setLongName(String longName) { this.longName = longName; this.shortName = stringTruncator.translateName(longName); } public String getLongName() { return this.longName; } public String getOozieWorkingDir() { return oozie_working_dir; } public void setParentAccessions(Collection<String> parentAccessions) { this.parentAccessions.addAll(parentAccessions); } public boolean hasMetadataWriteback() { return metadataWriteback; } public void setMetadataWriteback(boolean metadataWriteback) { this.metadataWriteback = metadataWriteback; } public String getWorkflowRunAccession() { return wfrAccession; } public void setWorkflowRunAccession(String wfrAccession) { this.wfrAccession = wfrAccession; } public boolean isWorkflowRunAncesstor() { return wfrAncesstor; } public void setWorkflowRunAncesstor(boolean wfrAncesstor) { this.wfrAncesstor = wfrAncesstor; } public void addParent(OozieJob parent) { if (!this.parents.contains(parent)) this.parents.add(parent); if (!parent.getChildren().contains(this)) parent.getChildren().add(this); } public Collection<OozieJob> getParents() { return this.parents; } public Collection<OozieJob> getChildren() { return this.children; } public void setOkTo(String okTo) { this.okTo = okTo; } public String getOkTo() { return this.okTo; } public boolean hasFork() { return this.getChildren().size() > 1; } public boolean hasJoin() { return this.getParents().size() > 1; } public AbstractJob getJobObject() { return this.jobObj; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null || obj instanceof OozieJob == false) return false; if (obj == this) return true; OozieJob rhs = (OozieJob) obj; return new EqualsBuilder().appendSuper(super.equals(obj)).append(longName, rhs.longName).isEquals(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder(17, 37).append(longName).toHashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return this.longName; } /** * Return true only when an accession file is added successfully * * @param pafs * @return */ public boolean addParentAccessionFile(String... pafs) { boolean added = false; for (String paf : pafs) { if (!this.parentAccessionFiles.contains(paf)) { this.parentAccessionFiles.add(paf); Log.debug("Added " + paf + " to " + this.parentAccessionFiles.size() + " existing parent accession files"); added = true; } } return added; } public List<String> getAccessionFile() { return Lists.newArrayList(this.oozie_working_dir + "/" + this.getLongName() + "_accession"); } /** * @return the useCheckFile */ public boolean isUseCheckFile() { return useCheckFile; } /** * @param useCheckFile * the useCheckFile to set */ public void setUseCheckFile(boolean useCheckFile) { this.useCheckFile = useCheckFile; } protected String createPathToJava() { // lock down version of Java used String pathToJRE = seqwareJar.getParentFile().getParent() + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "jre*" + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator; return pathToJRE; } /** * @return the scriptsDir */ public File getScriptsDir() { return scriptsDir; } public static String annotationFileName(String jobName) { return jobName + ".annotations.tsv"; } protected File emitAnnotations(Map<String, String> annotations) { File file = file(scriptsDir, annotationFileName(longName), true); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : annotations.entrySet()) { buf.append(entry.getKey()).append('\t').append(entry.getValue()).append('\n'); } try { FileUtils.write(file, buf.toString(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return file; } /** * @return the shortName */ public String getShortName() { return shortName; } @Override public int compareTo(OozieJob that) { return ComparisonChain.start().compare(this.longName, that.longName).result(); } }