package net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.runner; import io.seqware.common.model.ProcessingStatus; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import joptsimple.NonOptionArgumentSpec; import joptsimple.OptionException; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.err.NotFoundException; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.metadata.Metadata; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.metadata.MetadataDB; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.metadata.MetadataFactory; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Processing; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.module.FileMetadata; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.module.ReturnValue; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.Log; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.configtools.ConfigTools; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.exceptiontools.ExceptionTools; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.filetools.lock.LockingFileTools; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.processtools.ProcessTools; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.module.Module; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.module.ModuleMethod; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.module.StderrRedirect; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.module.StdoutRedirect; import; // FIXME: auto-adding to, support "," delimited // FIXME: When adding STDOUT/STDERR to metadb, we should add a timestamp or something else to make it easier to merge. Right now, it is hard to tell which stdout message corresponds to which step in stderr // FIXME: is parent accession comma separated? /* * Run each method for the requested module object. Based on return value, either continue or exit: * Return values > 0 are errors that will cause the runner to exit. * Return of 0 implies success and the runner will continue, assuming all is well. * Return of -1 implies the method was not implemented for that Module, AND IS NOT AN ERROR!!! By default the runner will continue on with steps as if it succeeded! */ //Create a main() function here, which will be compiled in, to parse input and run all steps /** * <p> * Runner class. * </p> * * @author boconnor * @version $Id: $Id */ public class Runner { private int processingID = 0; private ArrayList<File> processingIDFiles; private ArrayList<File> processingAccessionFiles; private File processingAccessionFileCheck = null; private int processingAccession = 0; private final NonOptionArgumentSpec<String> nonOptionSpec; private static final OptionParser PARSER = new OptionParser(); private OptionSet options = null; private Module app = null; private Metadata meta = null; // I (Xiaoshu Wang) am not sure if it is a good idea to make these two // property static because if the same JVM calls // Runner twice, the value of the previous stdout/stderr will be kept. private final StringBuffer stdout = new StringBuffer(); private final StringBuffer stderr = new StringBuffer(); public Runner() { PARSER.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("help", "h", "?"), "Provides this help message."); PARSER.accepts("module", "Required: Specifies the module to run. All modules implement the ModuleInterface.").withRequiredArg() .ofType(String.class).describedAs("This is the module you wish to run."); PARSER.accepts("output", "Optional: redirect StdOut to file.").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("File path to redirect StdOut to."); // added by Xiaoshu Wang ( PARSER.accepts("stderr", "Optional: redirect Stderr to file.").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("File path to redirect Stderr to."); PARSER.accepts("module-pkg", "Optional: but replaces need to specify module, by specifying instead a pre-packaged module to run.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("This is the module you wish to run."); // MetaDB stuff PARSER.acceptsAll( Arrays.asList("meta-db", "metadata"), "Optional: This argument really has no effect since we attempt metadata writeback so long as --no-meta-db or --no-metadata aren't passed in. This is really an argument to make it easier to have an if/else control over metadata writeback in calling programs."); PARSER.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("no-meta-db", "no-metadata"), "Optional: Do not use metadata writeback. Otherwise, we will attempt it."); PARSER.accepts("metadata-config-database", "Required for metadata (DEPRECATED, use .seqware/settings file instead): The JDBC path for connection").withRequiredArg() .ofType(String.class).describedAs("Example: jdbc:postgresql://"); PARSER.accepts("metadata-config-username", "Required for metadata (DEPRECATED, use .seqware/settings file instead): Database username for connection") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("Database Username"); PARSER.accepts("metadata-config-password", "Required for metadata (DEPRECATED, use .seqware/settings file instead): Database password for connection") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("Database Password"); PARSER.accepts( "metadata-parentID", "Optional (DEPRECATED): Specifies one of the parentID for metadata write back. This option can be specified zero or more times. This is deprecated, use metadata-parent-accession going forward.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class) .describedAs("The processingID of the parent for this event, for constructing the dependency tree in the metadb"); PARSER.accepts( "metadata-parentID-file", "Optional (DEPRECATED): The same as --metadata-parentID, but is a path to a file, to parse for parent processing ID's. This is deprecated, use metadata-parent-accession-file going forward.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("Path to a line-delimited file containing one or more parent processing IDs"); PARSER.accepts( "metadata-parent-accession", "Optional: Specifies one of the SeqWare accessions (sw_accession column in the DB) for metadata write back. This is an alternative " + "to processing parentID (see --metadata-parentID) that allows you to specify an IUS, lane, sequencer run, or other processing event as a parent. " + " This option can be specified zero or more times and the value can also be comma-separated.").withRequiredArg() .withValuesSeparatedBy(',').ofType(Integer.class) .describedAs("The sw_accession of the parent for this event, for constructing the dependency tree in the metadb"); PARSER.accepts("metadata-parent-accession-file", "Optional: The same as --metadata-parent-accession, but is a path to a file, to parse for parent processing sw_accessions.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("Path to a line-delimeted file containing one or more parent sw_accessions"); PARSER.accepts("metadata-output-file-prefix", "Optional: Specifies a path to prepend to every file returned by the module. Useful for dealing when staging files back.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("Path to prepend to each file location."); PARSER.accepts( "metadata-processingID-file", "Optional (DEPRECATED): Specifies the path to a file, which we will write our processingID, for future processing events to parse. This is deprecated, use metadata-processing-accession-file going forward.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("Path for where we should create a new file with our processing ID"); PARSER.accepts("metadata-processing-accession-file", "Optional: Specifies the path to a file, which we will write our processing accession, for future processing events to parse.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("Path for where we should create a new file with our processing ID"); PARSER.accepts("metadata-processing-accession-file-lock", "Optional: Specifies the path to a file, which we will write/check our processing accession, for use to prevent repeated runs.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class).describedAs("Path for where we should create a new file with our processing ID"); PARSER.accepts("metadata-tries-number", "Optional: After a failure, how many times we should try metadata write back operations, such as obtaining a lock, writing to DB, etc.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class).defaultsTo(60).describedAs("Number of tries (Default: 60)"); PARSER.accepts("metadata-tries-delay", "Optional: After a failure, how long we should wait before trying again (in accordance with metadata-tries-number)") .withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class).defaultsTo(5).describedAs("Number of seconds between tries (Default: 5)"); PARSER.accepts( "metadata-workflow-accession", "Optional: Specifies the workflow accession that this run of the workflow should be associated with. This creates a new row in the workflow_run table and links it to the workflow row specified by this accession.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class).describedAs("The sw_accession of a workflow table row."); PARSER.accepts("metadata-workflow-run-accession", "Optional: Specifies the workflow-run accession that should be saved in this processing event's workflow_run_id column.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class) .describedAs("The sw_accession of a workflow-run table row that should be filled into the workflow_run_id field."); PARSER.accepts( "metadata-workflow-run-accession-output-file", "Optional: Specifies the file that the workflow-run accession is written out to. This is so subsequent steps can reference it to correctly populate the ancestor_workflow_run_id in child processing events.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class) .describedAs("The file a sw_accession of a workflow-run table row should be written to."); PARSER.accepts("metadata-workflow-run-ancestor-accession", "Optional: Specifies the workflow-run accession that should be saved in this processing event's ancestor_workflow_run_id column.") .withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class) .describedAs("The sw_accession of a workflow-run table row that should be filled into the ancestor_workflow_run_id field."); PARSER.accepts( "metadata-workflow-run-ancestor-accession-input-file", "Optional: Specifies the workflow-run accession file that should be read and the contained workflow-run accession should be saved in this processing event's ancestor_workflow_run_id column.") .withRequiredArg() .ofType(String.class) .describedAs( "The file contains the sw_accession of a workflow-run table row that should be filled into the ancestor_workflow_run_id field."); // Debugging stuff PARSER.accepts("sleep-between-steps", "Optional: For debugging, allows one to specify a time to sleep between steps") .withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class).defaultsTo(0).describedAs("Time in Seconds (Default: 0)"); PARSER.accepts("suppress-unimplemented-warnings", "Optional: For debugging, hide warnings about unimplemented methods"); PARSER.accepts("verbose", "Show debug information"); this.nonOptionSpec = PARSER .nonOptions("Specify arguments for the module by providding an additional -- and then --<key> <value> pairs"); } /** * <p> * getSyntax. * </p> * * @param parser * a {@link joptsimple.OptionParser} object. * @param errorMessage * a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static void getSyntax(OptionParser parser, String errorMessage) { if (errorMessage != null && errorMessage.length() > 0) { Log.stderr("ERROR: " + errorMessage); Log.stderr(""); } Log.stdout("Syntax: java net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.runner.Runner [--help] [--verbose] [--output std_out_file] [other_runner_params] --module Module -- [ModuleParameters]"); Log.stdout(""); Log.stdout("--> ModuleParameters are passed directly to the Module and ignored by the Runner. "); Log.stdout("--> You must pass '--' right after the Module in order to prevent the ModuleParameters being parsed by the runner!"); Log.stdout(""); Log.stdout("Runner parameters are limited to the following:"); Log.stdout("-help, --help, -h display this help message"); try { parser.printHelpOn(System.err); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } System.exit(-1); } private void writeProcessingAccessionToFile(File file, boolean append) { int maxTries = (Integer) options.valueOf("metadata-tries-number"); for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++) { // Break on success if (LockingFileTools.lockAndWrite(file, processingAccession + System.getProperty("line.separator"), append)) { break; } // Sleep if going to try again else if (i < maxTries) { ProcessTools.sleep((Integer) options.valueOf("metadata-tries-delay")); } // Return error if failed on last try else { ReturnValue retval = new ReturnValue(); retval.printAndAppendtoStderr("Could not write to processingAccession File for metadata"); retval.setExitStatus(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); meta.update_processing_event(processingID, retval); meta.update_processing_status(processingID, ProcessingStatus.failed); System.exit(retval.getExitStatus()); } } } /** * <p> * printAndAppendtoStderr. * </p> * * @param buffer * a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public void printAndAppendtoStderr(String buffer) { stderr.append(buffer).append("\n"); System.err.print(buffer + "\n"); } /** * <p> * printAndAppendtoStdout. * </p> * * @param buffer * a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public void printAndAppendtoStdout(String buffer) { stdout.append(buffer).append("\n"); System.out.print(buffer + "\n"); } // If exit status was greater than zero, print returned error and exit // FIXME: this method is doing a poor job of trapping errors, needs to be // cleaned up, the runner should not try to continue with subsequent steps if // one fails! /** * <p> * evaluateReturn. * </p> * * @param app * a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.module.Module} object. * @param methodName * a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public void evaluateReturn(Module app, String methodName) { Log.debug("EvaluateReturn for " + methodName); // If metaDB is defined, let's update status to methodName so we know what // we are running if (meta != null && processingID != 0) { meta.update_processing_status(processingID, ProcessingStatus.running); } Method method; ReturnValue newReturn = null; try { method = app.getClass().getMethod(methodName); app.setProcessingAccession(this.processingAccession); if (meta != null) { app.setMetadata(meta); } newReturn = (ReturnValue) method.invoke(app); // Fix filepaths if specified if (options.has("metadata-output-file-prefix")) { ArrayList<FileMetadata> files = newReturn.getFiles(); if (files != null) { for (FileMetadata file : files) { file.prependToFilePath((String) options.valueOf("metadata-output-file-prefix")); } } } } catch (Exception e) { printAndAppendtoStderr("Module caught exception during method: " + methodName + ":" + e.getMessage()); printAndAppendtoStderr(ExceptionTools.stackTraceToString(e)); ReturnValue ret = new ReturnValue(stdout.toString(), stderr.toString(), ReturnValue.RUNNERERR); // Update processing table to show it failed if (meta != null && processingID != 0) { meta.update_processing_event(processingID, ret); meta.update_processing_status(processingID, ProcessingStatus.failed); } // Exit on error System.exit(ReturnValue.RUNNERERR); } Log.debug("Past section1 of EvaluateReturn " + methodName); // Print STDERR/STDOUT and then set the full stderr/stdout in the // returnvalue if (newReturn.getStdout() != null) { printAndAppendtoStdout(newReturn.getStdout()); newReturn.setStdout(stdout.toString()); } if (newReturn.getStderr() != null) { printAndAppendtoStderr(newReturn.getStderr()); newReturn.setStderr(stderr.toString()); } Log.debug("Past section2 of EvaluateReturn " + methodName); // On failure, update metadb and exit if (newReturn.getExitStatus() > ReturnValue.SUCCESS) { Log.debug("Section3 of EvaluateReturn, failure"); printAndAppendtoStderr("The method '" + methodName + "' exited abnormally so the Runner will terminate here!"); printAndAppendtoStderr("Return value was: " + newReturn.getExitStatus()); // Update processing table to show it failed if (meta != null && processingID != 0) { newReturn.setStdout(stdout.toString()); newReturn.setStderr(stderr.toString()); meta.update_processing_event(processingID, newReturn); meta.update_processing_status(processingID, ProcessingStatus.failed); } Log.debug("Attempting exit"); System.exit(newReturn.getExitStatus()); } // Otherwise we will continue, after updating metadata else { Log.debug("Section3 of EvaluateReturn, success"); // If it returned unimplemented, let's warn if (newReturn.getExitStatus() < ReturnValue.SUCCESS) { newReturn.setExitStatus(ReturnValue.NULL); } Log.debug("Section3 of EvaluateReturn, update metadata"); // Update metadata if we can if (meta != null && processingID != 0) { newReturn.setStdout(stdout.toString()); newReturn.setStderr(stderr.toString()); meta.update_processing_event(processingID, newReturn); } } Log.debug("Past section3 of EvaluateReturn " + methodName); // If were are supposed to sleep after steps, do so ProcessTools.sleep((Integer) options.valueOf("sleep-between-steps")); } /** * FIXME: this needs to be migrated to something that is ZIP64 aware. Try using the unzip feature of * * @param zipFile * a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @throws * if any. * @throws * if any. */ public static void unzipPkg(String zipFile) throws ZipException, IOException {; int buffer = 2048; File file = new File(zipFile); ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(file); String[] pkgNames = zipFile.substring(0, zipFile.length() - 4).split(File.separator); String pkgName = pkgNames[pkgNames.length - 1]; //; String newPath = System.getProperty("user.dir").concat(File.separator).concat(pkgName);; new File(newPath).mkdir(); Enumeration zipFileEntries = zip.entries(); // Process each entry while (zipFileEntries.hasMoreElements()) { // grab a zip file entry ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) zipFileEntries.nextElement(); String currentEntry = entry.getName(); File destFile = new File(newPath, currentEntry); destFile = new File(newPath, destFile.getName()); File destinationParent = destFile.getParentFile(); // create the parent directory structure if needed destinationParent.mkdirs(); if (!entry.isDirectory()) { try (BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(zip.getInputStream(entry))) { int currentByte; // establish buffer for writing file byte data[] = new byte[buffer]; // write the current file to disk FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile); // read and write until last byte is encountered try (BufferedOutputStream dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, buffer)) { // read and write until last byte is encountered while ((currentByte =, 0, buffer)) != -1) { dest.write(data, 0, currentByte); } dest.flush(); } } } if (currentEntry.endsWith(".zip")) { // found a zip file, try to open unzipPkg(destFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } } /** * <p> * main. * </p> * * @param args * an array of {@link java.lang.String} objects. */ public static void main(String[] args) { new Runner().run(args); } /** * Do all the syntax here */ private void checkSyntax() { // Check if help was requested if (options.has("help") || options.has("h") || options.has("?")) { getSyntax(PARSER, ""); } // check if verbose was requested, then override the if (options.has("verbose")) { Log.setVerbose(true); } /** * Why consider this wrong? Can a user module have their arugment as "--help"? If people want to see the Runner's help, they know * that they should do it as optional argument. */ if (options.nonOptionArguments().contains("--help") || options.nonOptionArguments().contains("-help") || options.nonOptionArguments().contains("-h") || options.nonOptionArguments().contains("-?")) { Log.error(app.get_syntax()); System.exit(-1); } // check if there is conflict between no-metadata and other setup // I'm taking this out because we want to be able to pass in all the // metadata options to a module but suppress writeback to the // DB by including the --no-metadata option. This makes it much easier to // have workflows that can write back to the DB or not // depending on one small flag set by the runner rather than a whole if/then // block to specify either --no-metadb or all the metadb params // --BOC 20110810 if (bothInOptions(new String[] { "no-metadata", "no-meta-db" }, new String[] { "metadata", "meta-db" })) { Log.error("The module argument is inconsistent: both \'no-metadata\' and \'metadata-xxx\' are specified"); System.exit(-1); } /* * From check above "metadata-config-database", "metadata-config-username", "metadata-config-password", "metadata-parentID", * "metadata-parentID-file", "metadata-processingID-file", "metadata-parent-accession", "metadata-parent-accession-file", * "metadata-processing-accession-file", "metadata-tries-number", "metadata-tries-delay", "metadata-workflow-accession", * "metadata-workflow-run-accession-output-file", "metadata-workflow-run-ancestor-accession", * "metadata-workflow-run-ancestor-accession-input-file" */ if (bothInOptions(new String[] { "metadata-parentID", "metadata-parentID-file", "metadata-processingID-file" }, new String[] { "metadata-parent-accession", "metadata-parent-accession-file", "metadata-processing-accession-file" })) { Log.error("You cannot specify both parent processing IDs and parent processing Accessions. You should use one or the other (use Accessions since IDs are deprecated)."); System.exit(-1); } if (options.valuesOf("metadata-workflow-accession").size() > 1) { Log.error("You can't have more than one metadata-workflow-accession"); System.exit(ReturnValue.INVALIDARGUMENT); } if (options.valuesOf("metadata-workflow-run-accession").size() > 1) { Log.error("You can't have more than one metadata-workflow-run-accession values"); System.exit(ReturnValue.INVALIDARGUMENT); } } private void setupModuleApp() { String moduleName = null; if (options.has("module")) { moduleName = options.valueOf("module").toString();; } else if (options.has("module-pkg")) { // Log.error("Failure in module-pkg detection"); String modName = options.valueOf("module-pkg").toString(); String[] modNames = modName.substring(0, modName.length() - 4).split(File.separator); // temp we will look in examples, but really we just want all these in // "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.modules." // ModuleName = "wrapper.".concat(modNames[modNames.length -1]); moduleName = modNames[modNames.length - 1].concat(".wrapper.").concat(modNames[modNames.length - 1]); // ModuleName = modNames[modNames.length // -1].concat(".net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.modules.").concat(modNames[modNames.length // -1]);; } else { getSyntax(PARSER, "You must specifiy a --module or a --module-pkg parameter"); } try { app = (Module) Class.forName(moduleName).newInstance(); app.setAlgorithm(moduleName); if (options.has("output")) { app.setStdoutFile(new File(options.valueOf("output").toString())); } if (options.has("stderr")) { app.setStderrFile(new File(options.valueOf("stderr").toString())); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Log.error("Could not find the Module class for '" + moduleName + "'"); System.exit(-1); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.error(e); System.exit(-1); } app.setParameters(options.valuesOf(nonOptionSpec)); } private void preProcessMetadata() { if (optionHasOneOf(new String[] { "no-metadata", "no-meta-db" })) { Log.debug("Metadata writeback disabled. To enable metadata writeback make sure you setup your .seqware/settings file properly (recommened) or provide --metadata-config-database, --metadata-config-username and --metadata-config-password as arguments to this program"); return; } Map<String, String> settings = ConfigTools.getSettings(); // Should try settings only if when user does not specify // "metadata-config-database" etc. Although it is legacy // code, however, user using those will not know to set up the .seqware // file. if (optionHasOneOf(new String[] { "metadata-config-database", "metadata-config-username", "metadata-config-password" })) { // legacy mode String user = options.valueOf("metdata-config-username").toString(); String pass = options.valueOf("metadata-config-password").toString(); String connection = options.valueOf("metadata-config-database").toString(); try { meta = new MetadataDB(connection, user, pass); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { meta = MetadataFactory.get(settings); } // If we established a metadb connection, let's find all parentID // processingIDs // This is deprecated, should use metadata-parent-accession and // metadata-parent-accession file in the future int workflowRunId = 0; int workflowRunAccession = 0; ArrayList<Integer> parentIDs = new ArrayList<>(); processingIDFiles = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Integer> parentAccessions = new ArrayList<>(); processingAccessionFiles = new ArrayList<>(); int ancestorWorkflowRunAccession = 0; // Abort run if lock file is valid and points to valid processing event if (options.has("metadata-processing-accession-file-lock")) { String outputFile = (String) options.valueOf("metadata-processing-accession-file-lock"); File file = new File(outputFile); try { // if the file exists, check to see if it has a valid processing accession first if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) { String readFileToString = FileUtils.readFileToString(file).trim(); try { int processingAccessionFromFile = Integer.valueOf(readFileToString); Processing proc = meta.getProcessing(processingAccessionFromFile); if (proc != null) { if (proc.getStatus().equals(ProcessingStatus.success)) { // if a previous run was successful, simply abort Log.error("Lock file exists with a previous success, skipping"); System.exit(ReturnValue.SUCCESS); } } } catch (NumberFormatException | NotFoundException ne) { // means that the file doesn't contain a valid processing sw_accession, proceed Log.error("Lock file exists with an invalid processing accession, continuing"); } Log.error("Lock file exists with a non-success, continuing"); } if ((file.exists() || file.createNewFile()) && file.canWrite()) { processingAccessionFileCheck = file; } else { Log.error("Could not create processingAccession check File for metadata"); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.error("Could not create processingAccession check File for metadata: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } // create a workflow_run row and link it back to the correct workflow ID // we have checked earlier that metadata-workflow-accession cannot have more // than one value // List<Integer> workflowAccessions = (List<Integer>) // options.valuesOf("metadata-workflow-accession"); if (options.has("metadata-workflow-accession")) { workflowRunId = meta.add_workflow_run((Integer) options.valueOf("metadata-workflow-accession")); workflowRunAccession = meta.get_workflow_run_accession(workflowRunId); // now try to write out the workflow_run_accession created above // only doing this for the first file for (String outputFile : (List<String>) options.valuesOf("metadata-workflow-run-accession-output-file")) { File file = new File(outputFile); try { if ((file.exists() || file.createNewFile()) && file.canWrite()) { int maxTries = (Integer) options.valueOf("metadata-tries-number"); for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++) { // Break on success if (LockingFileTools.lockAndAppend(file, workflowRunAccession + System.getProperty("line.separator"))) { break; } // Sleep if going to try again else if (i < maxTries) { ProcessTools.sleep((Integer) options.valueOf("metadata-tries-delay")); } // Return error if failed on last try else { ReturnValue retval = new ReturnValue(); retval.printAndAppendtoStderr("Could not write to processingID File for metadata"); retval.setExitStatus(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); meta.update_processing_event(workflowRunAccession, retval); meta.update_processing_status(workflowRunAccession, ProcessingStatus.failed); System.exit(retval.getExitStatus()); } } } else { Log.error("Could not create processingAccession File for metadata"); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.error("Could not create processingAccession File for metadata: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } break; } } // you can pass in a workflow_run sw_accession directly so an existing // record can be used // associate with an existing workflow_run row List<Integer> workflowRunAccessions = (List<Integer>) options.valuesOf("metadata-workflow-run-accession"); if (workflowRunAccessions.size() == 1) { workflowRunAccession = workflowRunAccessions.get(0); } // collect the processing parent IDs. This is deprecated, use the // parentAccessions going forward. for (Integer parent : (List<Integer>) options.valuesOf("metadata-parentID")) { parentIDs.add(parent); } for (String file : (List<String>) options.valuesOf("metadata-parentID-file")) { try { BufferedReader r; String line; r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) { try { parentIDs.add(Integer.parseInt(line)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Log.error("Non number found when parsing parentID file '" + line + "'"); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } r.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not open parentID file for metadata: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } // Now that we've collected processing event IDs that are used as parents, // do the same thing but // for sw_accessions that can be from processing, lane, ius, or sequence_run // tables for (Integer parent : (List<Integer>) options.valuesOf("metadata-parent-accession")) { parentAccessions.add(parent); } for (String file : (List<String>) options.valuesOf("metadata-parent-accession-file")) { try { BufferedReader r; String line; r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) { try { parentAccessions.add(Integer.parseInt(line)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Log.error("Non number found when parsing parent accession file '" + line + "'"); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } r.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not open parent accession file for metadata-parent-accession-file: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } // collect the workflow-run-ancestor-accessions for (Integer accession : (List<Integer>) options.valuesOf("metadata-workflow-run-ancestor-accession")) { ancestorWorkflowRunAccession = accession; } // collect the workflow_run_id for the ancestor for this event, only the // latest ID is saved if there are multiple in the file for (String file : (List<String>) options.valuesOf("metadata-workflow-run-ancestor-accession-input-file")) { try { BufferedReader r; String line; r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) { try { ancestorWorkflowRunAccession = Integer.parseInt(line); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Log.error("Non number found when parsing parent accession file '" + line + "'"); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } r.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not open parent accession file for metadata-workflow-run-ancestor-accession-input-file: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } // Create new file to write ID to if specified, this is deprecated, should // use metadata-processing-accession-file for (String outputFile : (List<String>) options.valuesOf("metadata-processingID-file")) { File file = new File(outputFile); try { if ((file.exists() || file.createNewFile()) && file.canWrite()) { processingIDFiles.add(file); } else { Log.error("Could not create processingID File for metadata"); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.error("Could not create processingID File for metadata: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } // Create new file to write accession to if specified for (String outputFile : (List<String>) options.valuesOf("metadata-processing-accession-file")) { File file = new File(outputFile); try { if ((file.exists() || file.createNewFile()) && file.canWrite()) { processingAccessionFiles.add(file); } else { Log.error("Could not create processingAccession File for metadata"); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.error("Could not create processingAccession File for metadata: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); } } // Create a processing event associating metadata with parents and writing // to child files // BUGFIX: this processingID is a global variable for this object, defining // it here as a local variable broke metadata writeback!! // int processingID = 0; // alternative processing accession that serves the same purpose // BUGFIX: this processingAccession is a global variable for this object, // defining it here as a local variable broke metadata writeback!! processingAccession = 0; if (meta != null) { int[] parents = new int[parentIDs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < parentIDs.size(); i++) { parents[i] = parentIDs.get(i); } // by accessions int[] parentAccessionsArray = new int[parentAccessions.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < parentAccessions.size(); i++) { parentAccessionsArray[i] = parentAccessions.get(i); } // adding based on processing IDs (deprecated, should use sw_accession) ReturnValue metaret; // adding based on sw_accession if (parentAccessionsArray.length > 0) { metaret = meta.add_empty_processing_event_by_parent_accession(parentAccessionsArray); if (metaret.getExitStatus() == ReturnValue.SUCCESS) { processingID = metaret.getReturnValue(); // translate to accession processingAccession = meta.mapProcessingIdToAccession(processingID); printAndAppendtoStdout("MetaDB ProcessingAccession for this run is: " + processingAccession); } else { printAndAppendtoStderr("MetaDB failed with exit: " + metaret.getExitStatus()); if (metaret.getStdout() != null) { printAndAppendtoStdout("STDOUT: " + metaret.getStdout()); } if (metaret.getStderr() != null) { printAndAppendtoStderr("STDERR: " + metaret.getStderr()); } System.exit(ReturnValue.SQLQUERYFAILED); } } else { metaret = meta.add_empty_processing_event(parents); if (metaret.getExitStatus() == ReturnValue.SUCCESS) { processingID = metaret.getReturnValue(); // translate to accession processingAccession = meta.mapProcessingIdToAccession(processingID); printAndAppendtoStdout("MetaDB ProcessingAccession for this run is: " + processingAccession); } else { printAndAppendtoStderr("MetaDB failed with exit: " + metaret.getExitStatus()); if (metaret.getStdout() != null) { printAndAppendtoStdout("STDOUT: " + metaret.getStdout()); } if (metaret.getStderr() != null) { printAndAppendtoStderr("STDERR: " + metaret.getStderr()); } System.exit(ReturnValue.SQLQUERYFAILED); } } // now associate processing event ancestor_workflow_run_id if (ancestorWorkflowRunAccession > 0 && processingID > 0) { meta.add_workflow_run_ancestor(ancestorWorkflowRunAccession, processingID); } // associate with the workflow_run if (workflowRunAccession > 0 && processingID > 0) { meta.update_processing_workflow_run(processingID, workflowRunAccession); } } } private void postProcessMetadata() { Log.debug("Running postProcessMetadata"); if (meta != null && processingID != 0) { // write out the accessions to file iff success // Try to write to each processingIDFile until success or timeout for (File file : processingIDFiles) { Log.debug("Writing out accession to " + file.toString()); int maxTries = (Integer) options.valueOf("metadata-tries-number"); for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++) { // Break on success if (LockingFileTools.lockAndAppend(file, processingID + System.getProperty("line.separator"))) { break; } // Sleep if going to try again else if (i < maxTries) { ProcessTools.sleep((Integer) options.valueOf("metadata-tries-delay")); } // Return error if failed on last try else { ReturnValue retval = new ReturnValue(); retval.printAndAppendtoStderr("Could not write to processingID File for metadata"); retval.setExitStatus(ReturnValue.METADATAINVALIDIDCHAIN); meta.update_processing_event(processingID, retval); meta.update_processing_status(processingID, ProcessingStatus.failed); System.exit(retval.getExitStatus()); } } } Log.debug("Completed processingIDFiles"); // Try to write to each processingAccessionFile until success or timeout for (File file : processingAccessionFiles) { Log.debug("Writing out to " + file.toString()); writeProcessingAccessionToFile(file, true); } Log.debug("Completed processingAccessionFiles"); if (processingAccessionFileCheck != null) { writeProcessingAccessionToFile(processingAccessionFileCheck, false); } Log.debug("Completed processingAccessionFileCheck"); meta.update_processing_status(processingID, ProcessingStatus.success); } } private void invokeModuleMethods() { // figure out if there is any change for redirecting stdout/stderr ModuleMethod outStart = null; ModuleMethod outEnd = null; StdoutRedirect outAnn = app.getClass().getAnnotation(StdoutRedirect.class); outStart = outAnn == null ? ModuleMethod.do_run : outAnn.startsBefore(); outEnd = outAnn == null ? ModuleMethod.do_run : outAnn.endsAfter(); ModuleMethod errStart; ModuleMethod errEnd; StderrRedirect errAnn = app.getClass().getAnnotation(StderrRedirect.class); errStart = errAnn == null ? ModuleMethod.do_run : errAnn.startsBefore(); errEnd = errAnn == null ? ModuleMethod.do_run : errAnn.endsAfter(); PrintStream oldOut = null; PrintStream oldErr = null; for (ModuleMethod m : ModuleMethod.values()) { Log.debug("Running method " + m.toString()); // check stdout redirect if ((m == outStart) && (app.getStdoutFile() != null)) { try { oldOut = System.out; System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(app.getStdoutFile()))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { printAndAppendtoStderr("Error in redirecting stdout to '" + app.getStdoutFile().getAbsolutePath() + "'."); printAndAppendtoStderr(e.getMessage()); System.exit(ReturnValue.INVALIDFILE); } } // check stdout redirect if ((m == errStart) && (app.getStderrFile() != null)) { try { oldErr = System.err; System.setErr(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(app.getStderrFile()))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { printAndAppendtoStderr("Error in redirecting stderr to '" + app.getStderrFile().getAbsolutePath() + "'."); printAndAppendtoStderr(e.getMessage()); System.exit(ReturnValue.INVALIDFILE); } } evaluateReturn(app,; if ((m == outEnd) && (oldOut != null)) { System.setOut(oldOut); } if ((m == errEnd) && (oldErr != null)) { System.setErr(oldErr); } } Log.debug("Finishing invokeModuleMethods"); } /** * <p> * run. * </p> * * @param args * an array of {@link java.lang.String} objects. */ public void run(String[] args) { // 1. Parse the options try { options = PARSER.parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { getSyntax(PARSER, e.getMessage()); } // 2. Do syntax check checkSyntax(); // 3. Set up app and return are needed forever setupModuleApp(); // 4. handle metadata preProcessMetadata(); // 5. Call each method invokeModuleMethods(); // 6. postProcess postProcessMetadata(); System.exit(ReturnValue.SUCCESS); } // -----Utility Method private boolean optionHasOneOf(String[] opts) { for (String o : opts) { if (options.has(o)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean bothInOptions(String[] o1, String[] o2) { return optionHasOneOf(o1) && optionHasOneOf(o2); } }