package io.seqware.cli; import; import; import; import; import; import io.seqware.Engines; import io.seqware.Reports; import io.seqware.Studies; import io.seqware.WorkflowRuns; import io.seqware.common.model.WorkflowRunStatus; import io.seqware.pipeline.SqwKeys; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.metadata.Metadata; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.metadata.MetadataFactory; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Annotatable; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Attribute; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.WorkflowRun; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.Log; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.TabExpansionUtil; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.configtools.ConfigTools; import net.sourceforge.seqware.common.util.workflowtools.WorkflowInfo; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.bundle.Bundle; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.bundle.BundleInfo; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.fileprovenance.ProvenanceUtility; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.fileprovenance.ProvenanceUtility.HumanProvenanceFilters; import net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.runner.PluginRunner; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /* * TODO: * - add descriptions to fields of create */ public class Main { /** * Take a List and create a 'delim' delimited String. * * @param tokens * @param delim * @return */ private static String dl(List<String> tokens, String delim) { if (tokens.isEmpty()) { return ""; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(tokens.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < tokens.size(); i++) { sb.append(delim); sb.append(tokens.get(i)); } return sb.toString(); } } /** * Create a comma delimited string from a List * * @param tokens * @return */ private static String cdl(List<String> tokens) { return dl(tokens, ","); } private static int swid(String swid) { try { return Integer.parseInt(swid); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { kill("seqware: invalid seqware accession: '" + swid + "'"); return 0; // non-reachable } } private static void out(String format, Object... args) { System.out.println(String.format(format, args)); } private static void err(String format, Object... args) { System.err.println(String.format(format, args)); } private static List<String> processOverrideParams(List<String> override) { List<String> overrideParams = new ArrayList<>(); if (!override.isEmpty()) { overrideParams.add("--"); for (String entry : override) { String key = entry.substring(0, entry.indexOf('=')); String value = entry.substring(entry.indexOf('=') + 1); overrideParams.add("--" + key); overrideParams.add(value); } } return overrideParams; } private static class Kill extends RuntimeException { } private static void kill(String format, Object... args) { err(format, args); throw new Kill(); } private static void invalid(String cmd) { kill("seqware: '%s' is not a seqware command. See 'seqware --help'.", cmd); } private static void invalid(String cmd, String sub) { kill("seqware: '%s %s' is not a seqware command. See 'seqware %s --help'.", cmd, sub, cmd); } private static void extras(List<String> args, String curCommand) { if (args.size() > 0) { kill("seqware: unexpected arguments to '%s': %s", curCommand, dl(args, " ")); } } private static boolean flag(List<String> args, String flag) { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { if (flag.equals(args.get(i))) { if (found) { kill("seqware: multiple instances of '%s'.", flag); } else { found = true; args.remove(i); } } } return found; } private static List<String> optVals(List<String> args, String key) { List<String> vals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < args.size();) { String s = args.get(i); if (key.equals(s)) { args.remove(i); if (i < args.size()) { String val = args.remove(i); if (!val.startsWith("--")) { String[] ss = val.split(","); if (ss.length > 0) { vals.addAll(Arrays.asList(ss)); continue; } } } kill("seqware: missing required argument to '%s'.", key); } else { i++; } } return vals; } private static List<String> reqVals(List<String> args, String key) { List<String> vals = optVals(args, key); if (vals.isEmpty()) { kill("seqware: missing required flag '%s'.", key); } return vals; } private static String optVal(List<String> args, String key, String defaultVal) { String val = defaultVal; List<String> vals = optVals(args, key); if (vals.size() == 1) { val = vals.get(0); } else if (vals.size() > 1) { kill("seqware: multiple instances of '%s'.", key); } return val; } private static String reqVal(List<String> args, String key) { String val = optVal(args, key, null); if (val == null) { kill("seqware: missing required flag '%s'.", key); } return val; } private static boolean isHelp(List<String> args, boolean valOnEmpty) { if (args.isEmpty()) return valOnEmpty; String first = args.get(0); return first.equals("-h") || first.equals("--help"); } public static final AtomicBoolean DEBUG = new AtomicBoolean(false); public static final AtomicBoolean VERBOSE = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static void run(String... args) { if (VERBOSE.get()) { args = ObjectArrays.concat("--verbose", args); } if (DEBUG.get()) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].contains(" ")) { args[i] = "'" + args[i] + "'"; } } out("PluginRunner.main: %s", dl(Arrays.asList(args), " ")); } else { PluginRunner.main(args); } } private static void run(List<String> runnerArgs) { run(runnerArgs.toArray(new String[runnerArgs.size()])); } // COMMANDS: private static final SortedSet<String> ANNO_OBJS = new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList("experiment", "file", "ius", "lane", "processing", "sample", "sequencer-run", "study", "workflow", "workflow-run")); private static void queryHelp() { out(""); out("Usage: seqware query [--help]"); out(" seqware query <object> --accession <swid>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Display an object in JSON format."); out(""); out("Objects:"); for (String obj : ANNO_OBJS) { out(" " + obj); } out(""); out("Parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the object to display"); out(" --annotations Display only the annotations from the object"); out(""); } private static void query(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { queryHelp(); } else { String obj = args.remove(0); if (!ANNO_OBJS.contains(obj)) { kill("seqware: '%s' is not a valid object type. See 'seqware query --help'.", obj); } else { if (isHelp(args, true)) { queryHelp(); } else { int swid = Integer.valueOf(reqVal(args, "--accession")); boolean annotationsOnly = flag(args, "--annotations"); Metadata metadata = MetadataFactory.get(ConfigTools.getSettings()); Annotatable<? extends Attribute> target = null; switch (obj) { case "experiment": target = metadata.getExperiment(swid); break; case "file": target = metadata.getFile(swid); break; case "ius": target = metadata.getIUS(swid); break; case "lane": target = metadata.getLane(swid); break; case "processing": target = metadata.getProcessing(swid); break; case "sample": target = metadata.getSample(swid); break; case "sequencer-run": target = metadata.getSequencerRun(swid); break; case "study": target = metadata.getStudy(swid); break; case "workflow": target = metadata.getWorkflow(swid); break; case "workflow-run": target = metadata.getWorkflowRun(swid); break; default: kill("seqware: invalid set of parameters to 'seqware query'. See 'seqware query --help'."); } Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().serializeNulls().create(); if (target == null) { kill("seqware: could not complete query"); } if (annotationsOnly) { System.out.println(gson.toJson(target.getAnnotations())); } else { System.out.println(gson.toJson(target)); } } } } } private static void annotateHelp() { out(""); out("Usage: seqware annotate [--help]"); out(" seqware annotate <object> --accession <swid> --key <key> --val <value>"); out(" seqware annotate <object> --accession <swid> --skip [--reason <text>]"); out(" seqware annotate <object> --csv <file>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Add arbitrary key/value pairs to seqware objects."); out(""); out("Objects:"); for (String obj : ANNO_OBJS) { out(" " + obj); } out(""); out("Parameters:"); out(" --csv <file> Bulk annotation from CSV file of: accession, key, value"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the object to annotate"); out(" --key <key> The identifier of the annotation"); out(" --reason <text> The reason the object is skipped"); out(" --skip Sets the skip attribute flag on the object"); out(" --val <value> The value of the annotation"); out(""); } private static void annotate(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { annotateHelp(); } else { String obj = args.remove(0); if (!ANNO_OBJS.contains(obj)) { kill("seqware: '%s' is not a valid object type. See 'seqware annotate --help'.", obj); } else { if (isHelp(args, true)) { annotateHelp(); } else { String swid = optVal(args, "--accession", null); String key = optVal(args, "--key", null); String val = optVal(args, "--val", null); boolean skip = flag(args, "--skip"); String reason = optVal(args, "--reason", null); String csv = optVal(args, "--csv", null); extras(args, "annotate " + obj); if (swid != null && key != null && val != null && skip == false && csv == null) { String idFlag = "--" + obj + "-accession"; run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.AttributeAnnotator", "--", idFlag, swid, "--key", key, "--value", val); } else if (swid != null && key == null && val == null && skip == true && csv == null) { String idFlag = "--" + obj + "-accession"; if (reason == null) { run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.AttributeAnnotator", "--", idFlag, swid, "--skip", "true"); } else { run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.AttributeAnnotator", "--", idFlag, swid, "--skip", "true", "--value", reason); } } else if (swid == null && key == null && val == null && skip == false && csv != null) { run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.AttributeAnnotator", "--", "--file", csv); } else { kill("seqware: invalid set of parameters to 'seqware annotate'. See 'seqware annotate --help'."); } } } } } private static void bundleInstall(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware bundle install [--help]"); out(" seqware bundle install --zip <bundle-zip>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Inform the Seqware system of the availability of a bundle."); out(""); out("Parameters:"); out(" --zip <bundle-zip> The zip file of the bundle"); out(""); } else { String zip = reqVal(args, "--zip"); extras(args, "bundle install"); run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.BundleManager", "--", "--install", "--bundle", zip); } } private static void bundleInstallDirOnly(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware bundle install-dir-only [--help]"); out(" seqware bundle install-dir-only --dir <bundle-dir>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Inform the Seqware system of the availability of a bundle."); out(""); out("Parameters:"); out(" --dir <bundle-dir> The zip file of the bundle"); out(""); } else { String zip = reqVal(args, "--dir"); extras(args, "bundle install-dir-only"); run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.BundleManager", "--", "--install-dir-only", "--bundle", zip); } } private static WorkflowInfo findWorkflowInfo(File dir, String name, String version) { BundleInfo bi = Bundle.findBundleInfo(dir); List<WorkflowInfo> found = new ArrayList<>(); for (WorkflowInfo wi : bi.getWorkflowInfo()) { boolean n = name == null || wi.getName().equals(name); boolean v = version == null || wi.getVersion().equals(version); if (n && v) found.add(wi); } if (found.isEmpty()) { if (name == null && version == null) { kill("seqware: no workflow defined in " + bi.parsedFrom().getAbsolutePath()); } else if (version == null) { kill("seqware: no workflow with name '" + name + "' defined in " + bi.parsedFrom().getAbsolutePath()); } else if (name == null) { kill("seqware: no workflow with version '" + version + "' defined in " + bi.parsedFrom().getAbsolutePath()); } else { kill("seqware: no workflow with name '" + name + "' and version '" + version + "' defined in " + bi.parsedFrom().getAbsolutePath()); } } else if (found.size() > 1) { if (name == null && version == null) { kill("seqware: multiple workflows defined in " + bi.parsedFrom().getAbsolutePath()); } else if (version == null) { kill("seqware: multiple workflows with name '" + name + "' defined in " + bi.parsedFrom().getAbsolutePath()); } else if (name == null) { kill("seqware: multiple workflows with version '" + version + "' defined in " + bi.parsedFrom().getAbsolutePath()); } else { kill("seqware: multiple workflows with name '" + name + "' and version '" + version + "' defined in " + bi.parsedFrom().getAbsolutePath()); } } return found.get(0); } private static void bundleLaunch(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware bundle launch [--help]"); out(" seqware bundle launch <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Launch a specified workflow in a bundle directory."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --dir <bundle-dir> The root directory of the bundle"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --engine <type> The engine that will process the workflow run."); out(" May be one of: " + Engines.ENGINES_LIST); out(" Defaults to the value of " + SqwKeys.SW_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW_ENGINE.getSettingKey()); out(" or '" + Engines.DEFAULT_ENGINE + "' if not specified."); out(" --ini <ini-file> An ini file to configure the workflow run."); out(" Repeat this parameter to provide multiple files."); out(" Defaults to the value of the 'config' node in metadata.xml."); out(" --name <wf-name> The name of the workflow in the bundle."); out(" --version <ver> The version of the workflow in the bundle."); out(" --override <key=value> Override specific parameters from the workflow.ini"); out(" --no-metadata Run without per-step workflow metadata tracking"); out(""); } else { String dir = reqVal(args, "--dir"); List<String> inis = optVals(args, "--ini"); String name = optVal(args, "--name", null); String version = optVal(args, "--version", null); String engine = optVal(args, "--engine", null); List<String> override = optVals(args, "--override"); boolean noMetadata = flag(args, "--no-metadata"); extras(args, "bundle launch"); File bundleDir = new File(dir); WorkflowInfo wi = findWorkflowInfo(bundleDir, name, version); name = wi.getName(); version = wi.getVersion(); if (inis.isEmpty()) { inis.add(wi.getConfigPath()); } inis = resolveFiles(bundleDir, inis); List<String> overrideParams = processOverrideParams(override); out("Performing launch of workflow '" + name + "' version '" + version + "'"); String[] runParams; if (engine == null) { runParams = new String[] { "--plugin", "io.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowLifecycle", "--", "--wait", "--bundle", dir, "--workflow", name, "--version", version, "--ini-files", cdl(inis) }; } else { runParams = new String[] { "--plugin", "io.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowLifecycle", "--", "--wait", "--bundle", dir, "--workflow", name, "--version", version, "--ini-files", cdl(inis), "--workflow-engine", engine }; } if (noMetadata) { runParams = ArrayUtils.add(runParams, "--no-metadata"); } String[] addAll = ArrayUtils.addAll(runParams, overrideParams.toArray(new String[overrideParams.size()])); run(addAll); } } private static List<String> resolveFiles(File bundleDir, List<String> filenames) { List<String> resolved = new ArrayList<>(); for (String filename : filenames) { String s = Bundle.resolveWorkflowBundleDirPath(bundleDir, filename); File f = new File(s); if (!f.exists()) { kill("seqware: could not find file " + f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { resolved.add(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } return resolved; } private static void bundleDryRun(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware bundle dry-run [--help]"); out(" seqware bundle dry-run <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Perform all steps to prepare for a launch, but not actually launch."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --dir <bundle-dir> The root directory of the bundle"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --engine <type> The engine that will process the workflow run."); out(" May be one of: " + Engines.ENGINES_LIST); out(" Defaults to the value of " + SqwKeys.SW_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW_ENGINE.getSettingKey()); out(" or '" + Engines.DEFAULT_ENGINE + "' if not specified."); out(" --ini <ini-file> An ini file to configure the workflow run"); out(" Repeat this parameter to provide multiple files"); out(" Defaults to the value of the 'config' node in metadata.xml"); out(" --name <wf-name> The name of the workflow in the bundle"); out(" --version <ver> The version of the workflow in the bundle"); out(""); } else { String dir = reqVal(args, "--dir"); List<String> inis = optVals(args, "--ini"); String name = optVal(args, "--name", null); String version = optVal(args, "--version", null); String engine = optVal(args, "--engine", null); extras(args, "bundle dry-run"); File bundleDir = new File(dir); WorkflowInfo wi = findWorkflowInfo(bundleDir, name, version); name = wi.getName(); version = wi.getVersion(); if (inis.isEmpty()) { inis.add(wi.getConfigPath()); } inis = resolveFiles(bundleDir, inis); out("Performing dry-run of workflow '" + name + "' version '" + version + "'"); if (engine == null) { run("--plugin", "io.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowLifecycle", "--", "--bundle", dir, "--workflow", name, "--version", version, "--ini-files", cdl(inis), "--no-run"); } else { run("--plugin", "io.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowLifecycle", "--", "--bundle", dir, "--workflow", name, "--version", version, "--ini-files", cdl(inis), "--workflow-engine", engine, "--no-run"); } } } private static void bundleList(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware bundle list [--help]"); out(" seqware bundle list --dir <bundle-dir>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" List workflows within a bundle directory."); out(""); out("Parameters:"); out(" --dir <bundle-dir> The root directory of the bundle"); out(""); } else { String dir = reqVal(args, "--dir"); extras(args, "bundle list"); run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.BundleManager", "--", "--list", "--bundle", dir); } } private static void bundlePackage(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware bundle package [--help]"); out(" seqware bundle package <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Package a bundle directory into a zip file."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --dir <bundle-dir> The root directory of the bundle"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --to <dir> The directory to place the zip"); out(" Defaults to the current directory"); out(""); } else { String dir = new File(reqVal(args, "--dir")).getAbsolutePath(); String to = optVal(args, "--to", null); extras(args, "bundle package"); String outdir; if (to == null) { outdir = new File("").getAbsolutePath(); } else { outdir = new File(to).getAbsolutePath(); } run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.BundleManager", "--", "--path-to-package", dir, "--bundle", outdir); } } private static void bundle(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware bundle [--help]"); out(" seqware bundle <sub-command> [--help]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Interact with a workflow bundle."); out(""); out("Sub-commands:"); out(" dry-run Perform all steps to prepare for a launch, but not actually launch"); out(" install Inform the Seqware system of the availability of a standard bundle"); out(" install-dir-only Inform the Seqware system of the availability of an unzipped bundle"); out(" launch Launch a specified workflow in a bundle directory"); out(" list List workflows within a bundle directory"); out(" package Package a bundle directory into a zip file"); out(""); } else { String cmd = args.remove(0); if (null != cmd) switch (cmd) { case "dry-run": bundleDryRun(args); break; case "install": bundleInstall(args); break; case "install-dir-only": bundleInstallDirOnly(args); break; case "launch": bundleLaunch(args); break; case "list": bundleList(args); break; case "package": bundlePackage(args); break; default: invalid("bundle", cmd); break; } } } private static void copy(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware copy [--help]"); out(" seqware copy <source> <destination>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Convenience tool to copy files between local and remote file systems, e.g. S3."); out(" If destination is a local directory, the input file's name will be used for the"); out(" output file."); out(""); } else { if (args.size() == 2) { String src = args.remove(0); String dest = args.remove(0); extras(args, "copy"); String destFlag = new File(dest).isDirectory() ? "--output-dir" : "--output-file"; run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.ModuleRunner", "--", "--module", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.modules.utilities.ProvisionFiles", "--no-metadata", "--", "--force-copy", "--input-file", src, destFlag, dest); } else { kill("seqware: invalid arguments to 'seqware copy'. See 'seqware copy --help'."); } } } private static void runCreateTable(List<String> args, String table, String... cols) { if (flag(args, "--interactive")) { extras(args, "create " + table.replace('_', '-')); run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.Metadata", "--", "--table", table, "--create", "--interactive"); } else { List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.Metadata"); runnerArgs.add("--"); runnerArgs.add("--table"); runnerArgs.add(table); runnerArgs.add("--create"); for (String col : cols) { runnerArgs.add("--field"); String key = "--" + col.replace('_', '-'); String arg = String.format("%s::%s", col, reqVal(args, key)); runnerArgs.add(arg); } // workflow-run tables can have (potentially multiple) file parameters, pass these through after doing some validation if (table.equals("workflow_run")) { List<String> files = optVals(args, "--file"); for (String file : files) { // do validation if (StringUtils.countMatches(file, "::") != 2) { kill("seqware: improper number of separator :: in '%s'.", file); } if (file.split("::").length != 3) { kill("seqware: improper format of file values in '%s'.", file); } runnerArgs.add("--file"); runnerArgs.add(file); } List<String> inputFiles = optVals(args, "--input-file"); for (String file : inputFiles) { runnerArgs.add("--input-file"); // validate int swid = swid(file); runnerArgs.add(String.valueOf(swid)); } // workflow runs should also have parent accessions in order to be visible to deciders List<String> parentAccessions = optVals(args, "--parent-accession"); if (parentAccessions.size() < 1) { kill("seqware: by convention, workflow runs should be hooked up to parent accessions for metadata tracking and deciders."); } for (String parentAccession : parentAccessions) { runnerArgs.add("--parent-accession"); runnerArgs.add(parentAccession); } } extras(args, "create " + table.replace('_', '-')); run(runnerArgs); } } private static void createExperiment(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware create experiment [--help]"); out(" seqware create experiment --interactive"); out(" seqware create experiment <fields>"); out(""); out("Note: It is strongly recommended that the '--interactive' mode be used when"); out(" possible, since some columns have a dynamic set of allowable values."); out(""); out("Required fields:"); out(" --description <val>"); out(" --platform-id <val> Dynamic-valued column"); out(" --study-accession <val>"); out(" --title <val>"); out(""); } else { runCreateTable(args, "experiment", "description", "platform_id", "study_accession", "title"); } } private static void createIus(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware create ius [--help]"); out(" seqware create ius --interactive"); out(" seqware create ius <fields>"); out(""); out("Required fields:"); out(" --barcode <val>"); out(" --description <val>"); out(" --lane-accession <val>"); out(" --name <val>"); out(" --sample-accession <val>"); out(" --skip <val>"); out(""); } else { runCreateTable(args, "ius", "barcode", "description", "lane_accession", "name", "sample_accession", "skip"); } } private static void createLane(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware create lane [--help]"); out(" seqware create lane --interactive"); out(" seqware create lane <fields>"); out(""); out("Note: It is strongly recommended that the '--interactive' mode be used when"); out(" possible, since some columns have a dynamic set of allowable values."); out(""); out("Required fields:"); out(" --cycle-descriptor <val>"); out(" --description <val>"); out(" --lane-number <val>"); out(" --library-selection-accession <val> Dynamic-valued field"); out(" --library-source-accession <val> Dynamic-valued field"); out(" --library-strategy-accession <val> Dynamic-valued field"); out(" --name <val>"); out(" --sequencer-run-accession <val>"); out(" --skip <val>"); out(" --study-type-accession <val> Dynamic-valued field"); out(""); } else { runCreateTable(args, "lane", "cycle_descriptor", "description", "lane_number", "library_selection_accession", "library_source_accession", "library_strategy_accession", "name", "sequencer_run_accession", "skip", "study_type_accession"); } } private static void createSample(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware create sample [--help]"); out(" seqware create sample --interactive"); out(" seqware create sample <fields>"); out(""); out("Note: It is strongly recommended that the '--interactive' mode be used when"); out(" possible, since some columns have a dynamic set of allowable values."); out(""); out("Required fields:"); out(" --description <val>"); out(" --experiment-accession <val>"); out(" --organism-id <val> Dynamic-valued field"); out(" --title <val>"); out(""); } else { runCreateTable(args, "sample", "description", "experiment_accession", "organism_id", "title"); } } private static void createSequencerRun(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware create sequencer-run [--help]"); out(" seqware create sequencer-run --interactive"); out(" seqware create sequencer-run <fields>"); out(""); out("Note: It is strongly recommended that the '--interactive' mode be used when"); out(" possible, since some columns have a dynamic set of allowable values."); out(""); out("Required fields:"); out(" --description <val>"); out(" --file-path <val>"); out(" --name <val>"); out(" --paired-end <val>"); out(" --platform-accession <val> Dynamic-valued field"); out(" --skip <val>"); out(""); } else { runCreateTable(args, "sequencer_run", "description", "file_path", "name", "paired_end", "platform_accession", "skip"); } } private static void createStudy(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware create study [--help]"); out(" seqware create study --interactive"); out(" seqware create study <fields>"); out(""); out("Note: It is strongly recommended that the '--interactive' mode be used when"); out(" possible, since some columns have a dynamic set of allowable values."); out(""); out("Required fields:"); out(" --accession <val>"); out(" --center-name <val>"); out(" --center-project-name <val>"); out(" --description <val>"); out(" --study-type <val> Dynamic-valued field"); out(" --title <val>"); out(""); } else { runCreateTable(args, "study", "accession", "center_name", "center_project_name", "description", "study_type", "title"); } } private static void createWorkflowRun(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware create workflow-run [--help]"); out(" seqware create workflow-run --interactive"); out(" seqware create workflow-run <fields>"); out(""); out("Required fields:"); out(" --workflow-accession <val>"); out(" --parent-accession <swid> The SWID of a parent to the workflow run"); out(" Repeat this parameter to provide multiple parents"); out("Optional fields:"); out(" --file <type::meta-type::path> Add (output) files as a part of the workflow run."); out(" Repeat this parameter to add multiple files"); out(" --input-file <swid> Add (input) files as a part of the workflow run."); out(" Repeat this parameter to add multiple files"); out(""); } else { args.add("--status"); args.add(WorkflowRunStatus.completed.toString()); runCreateTable(args, "workflow_run", "workflow_accession", "status"); } } private static void createWorkflow(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware create workflow [--help]"); out(" seqware create workflow --interactive"); out(" seqware create workflow <fields>"); out(""); out("Required fields:"); out(" --name <val>"); out(" --version <val>"); out(" --description <val>"); out(""); } else { runCreateTable(args, "workflow", "name", "version", "description"); } } private static void create(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware create [--help]"); out(" seqware create <object> [--help]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Create new seqware objects (e.g., study)."); out(""); out("Objects:"); out(" experiment"); out(" file"); out(" ius"); out(" lane"); out(" sample"); out(" sequencer-run"); out(" study"); out(" workflow"); out(" workflow-run"); out(""); } else { String obj = args.remove(0); if (null != obj) switch (obj) { case "experiment": createExperiment(args); break; case "ius": createIus(args); break; case "lane": createLane(args); break; case "sample": createSample(args); break; case "sequencer-run": createSequencerRun(args); break; case "study": createStudy(args); break; case "workflow": createWorkflow(args); break; case "workflow-run": createWorkflowRun(args); break; default: kill("seqware: '%s' is not a valid object type. See 'seqware create --help'.", obj); break; } } } private static void filesReport(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware files report --help"); out(" seqware files report <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" A report of the provenance of output files."); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --out <file> The name of the output file"); for (HumanProvenanceFilters filter : ProvenanceUtility.HumanProvenanceFilters.values()) { out(" --" + filter.human_str + " <value> Limit files to the specified " + filter.desc + ". Can occur multiple times."); } out(""); } else { Map<ProvenanceUtility.HumanProvenanceFilters, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>(); for (HumanProvenanceFilters filter : ProvenanceUtility.HumanProvenanceFilters.values()) { List<String> optVals = optVals(args, "--" + filter.human_str); map.put(filter, optVals); } String file = optVal(args, "--out", (new Date() + ".tsv").replace(" ", "_")); extras(args, "files report"); List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.fileprovenance.FileProvenanceReporter"); runnerArgs.add("--"); // check if all values in the map are empty boolean allEmpty = true; for (Entry<ProvenanceUtility.HumanProvenanceFilters, List<String>> e : map.entrySet()) { if (!e.getValue().isEmpty()) { allEmpty = false; } } if (allEmpty) { runnerArgs.add("--all"); } else { for (Entry<ProvenanceUtility.HumanProvenanceFilters, List<String>> e : map.entrySet()) { for (String val : e.getValue()) { runnerArgs.add("--" + e.getKey().human_str); runnerArgs.add(val); } } } if (file != null) { runnerArgs.add("--out"); runnerArgs.add(file); } run(runnerArgs); out("Created file " + file); } } private static void files(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware files --help"); out(" seqware files <sub-command> [--help]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Extract information about workflow output files."); out(""); out("Sub-commands:"); out(" report A report of the provenance of output files"); out(" refresh Refresh the static simplified provenance report table"); out(""); } else { String cmd = args.remove(0); if (null != cmd) switch (cmd) { case "report": filesReport(args); break; case "refresh": Log.stdoutWithTime("Triggered provenance report"); Reports.triggerProvenanceReport(); break; default: invalid("files", cmd); break; } } } private static void studyList(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, false)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware study list --help"); out(" seqware study list [params]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" List all studies."); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --tsv Emit a tab-separated values list"); out(""); } else { boolean tsv = flag(args, "--tsv"); extras(args, "study list"); if (tsv) { out(Studies.studiesTsv()); } else { out(TabExpansionUtil.expansion(Studies.studiesTsv())); } } } private static void study(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware study --help"); out(" seqware study <sub-command> [--help]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Extract information about studies."); out(""); out("Sub-commands:"); out(" list List all studies"); out(""); } else { String cmd = args.remove(0); if ("list".equals(cmd)) { studyList(args); } else { invalid("study", cmd); } } } private static void workflowIni(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow ini --help"); out(" seqware workflow ini <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Generate an ini file for a workflow."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --out <file> Where to write the file (defaults to 'workflow.ini')"); out(""); } else { String id = reqVal(args, "--accession"); String outfile = optVal(args, "--out", "workflow.ini"); extras(args, "workflow ini"); PrintStream origOut = System.out; PrintStream temp = null; try { temp = new PrintStream(outfile); System.setOut(temp); run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.BundleManager", "--", "--list-workflow-params", "--workflow-accession", id); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { kill("seqware: cannot write to '%s'.", outfile); } finally { System.setOut(origOut); if (temp != null) { temp.close(); } } out("Created '%s'.", outfile); } } private static void workflowList(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, false)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow list --help"); out(" seqware workflow list [params]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" List all installed workflows."); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --tsv Emit a tab-separated values list"); out(""); } else { boolean tsv = flag(args, "--tsv"); extras(args, "workflow list"); if (tsv) { run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.BundleManager", "--", "--list-installed"); } else { run("--plugin", "net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.BundleManager", "--", "--list-installed", "--human-expanded"); } } } private static void workflowReport(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow report --help"); out(" seqware workflow report <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" List the details of all runs of a given workflow."); out(""); out("Required parameters (one of):"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow"); out(" --status <status> One of " + Arrays.toString(WorkflowRunStatus.values())); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --out <file> The name of the report file"); out(" --tsv Emit a tab-separated values report"); out(" --when <date> The date or date-range of runs to include"); out(" If omitted, all runs included"); out(" Dates are in the form YYYY-MM-DD"); out(" Date ranges are in the form YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD"); out(""); } else { String swid = optVal(args, "--accession", null); String status = optVal(args, "--status", null); String when = optVal(args, "--when", null); String out = optVal(args, "--out", null); boolean tsv = flag(args, "--tsv"); if (status == null && swid == null) { kill("seqware: specify one of status or swid"); } extras(args, "workflow report"); List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowRunReporter"); runnerArgs.add("--"); if (swid != null) { runnerArgs.add("--workflow-accession"); runnerArgs.add(swid); } if (when != null) { runnerArgs.add("--time-period"); runnerArgs.add(when); } if (out != null) { runnerArgs.add("--output-filename"); runnerArgs.add(out); } else { runnerArgs.add("--stdout"); } if (!tsv) { runnerArgs.add("--human"); } if (status != null) { runnerArgs.add("--status"); runnerArgs.add(status); } run(runnerArgs); } } private static void workflowSchedule(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow schedule [--help]"); out(" seqware workflow schedule <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Schedule a workflow to be run."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow to be run"); out(" --host <host> The host on which to launch the workflow run"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --engine <type> The engine that will process the workflow run."); out(" May be one of: " + Engines.ENGINES_LIST); out(" Defaults to the value of " + SqwKeys.SW_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW_ENGINE.getSettingKey()); out(" or '" + Engines.DEFAULT_ENGINE + "' if not specified."); out(" --parent-accession <swid> The SWID of a parent to the workflow run"); out(" Repeat this parameter to provide multiple parents"); out(" --override <key=value> Override specific parameters from the workflow.ini"); out(" --ini <ini-file> An ini file to configure the workflow run "); out(" Repeat this parameter to provide multiple files"); out(" --input-file <input-file> Track input files to workflow runs"); out(" Repeat this parameter to provide multiple files"); out(""); } else { String wfId = reqVal(args, "--accession"); String host = reqVal(args, "--host"); List<String> iniFiles = optVals(args, "--ini"); List<String> inputFiles = optVals(args, "--input-file"); String engine = optVal(args, "--engine", null); List<String> parentIds = optVals(args, "--parent-accession"); List<String> override = optVals(args, "--override"); extras(args, "workflow schedule"); List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("io.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowScheduler"); runnerArgs.add("--"); runnerArgs.add("--workflow-accession"); runnerArgs.add(wfId); if (engine != null) { runnerArgs.add("--workflow-engine"); runnerArgs.add(engine); } if (!iniFiles.isEmpty()) { runnerArgs.add("--ini-files"); runnerArgs.add(cdl(iniFiles)); } if (!parentIds.isEmpty()) { runnerArgs.add("--parent-accessions"); runnerArgs.add(cdl(parentIds)); } if (!inputFiles.isEmpty()) { runnerArgs.add("--input-files"); runnerArgs.add(cdl(inputFiles)); } if (host != null) { runnerArgs.add("--host"); runnerArgs.add(host); } List<String> overrideParams = processOverrideParams(override); String[] totalArgs = ArrayUtils.addAll(runnerArgs.toArray(new String[runnerArgs.size()]), overrideParams.toArray(new String[overrideParams.size()])); run(totalArgs); } } private static void workflowRunReschedule(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run reschedule [--help]"); out(" seqware workflow-run reschedule <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Reschedule a workflow-run to be rescheduled to run from scratch as a new workflow-run."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow-run to be rescheduled"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --host <host> The host on which to launch the workflow run"); out(" --engine <type> The engine that will process the workflow run."); out(" May be one of: " + Engines.ENGINES_LIST); out(" Defaults to the value of " + SqwKeys.SW_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW_ENGINE.getSettingKey()); out(" or '" + Engines.DEFAULT_ENGINE + "' if not specified."); out(""); } else { String wfId = reqVal(args, "--accession"); String host = optVal(args, "--host", null); String engine = optVal(args, "--engine", null); extras(args, "workflow-run reschedule"); List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("io.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowRescheduler"); runnerArgs.add("--"); runnerArgs.add("--workflow-run"); runnerArgs.add(wfId); if (engine != null) { runnerArgs.add("--workflow-engine"); runnerArgs.add(engine); } if (host != null) { runnerArgs.add("--host"); runnerArgs.add(host); } String[] totalArgs = ArrayUtils.addAll(runnerArgs.toArray(new String[runnerArgs.size()])); run(totalArgs); } } private static void workflowRunWatch(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run watch --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run watch <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Watch a workflow run in progress."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow run"); out(""); } else { String swid = reqVal(args, "--accession"); extras(args, "workflow-run watch"); List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("io.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowWatcher"); runnerArgs.add("--"); runnerArgs.add("--workflow-run-accession"); runnerArgs.add(swid); run(runnerArgs); } } private static void workflowRunIni(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run ini --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run ini <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Display the ini file used to run a workflow run."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow run"); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --out <file> The name of the ini file"); out(""); } else { String swid = reqVal(args, "--accession"); String out = optVal(args, "--out", null); extras(args, "workflow-run ini"); if (out != null) { try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(out), WorkflowRuns.workflowRunIni(Integer.parseInt(swid))); } catch (IOException ex) { kill("seqware: cannot write to '%s'.", out); } } else { outWithoutFormatting(WorkflowRuns.workflowRunIni(Integer.parseInt(swid))); } } } /** * Prints to the console without applying any formatting. Useful for situations where output contains unintended formatting strings, * which would break the {@link #out(String format, Object... args)} function. For example, if you try to print an INI file containing * the line "refExclude=XX,GL%,hs37d5,XX_001234" the <i>substring</i> "%,h" will cause String.format to throw an exception and fail. So * it is sometimes necessary to print output with no consideration to formatting. * * @param output */ private static void outWithoutFormatting(String output) { System.out.println(output); } private static void workflowRunReport(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run report --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run report <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" The details of a given workflow-run."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow run"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --out <file> The name of the report file"); out(" --tsv Emit a tab-separated values report"); out(""); } else { String swid = reqVal(args, "--accession"); String out = optVal(args, "--out", null); boolean tsv = flag(args, "--tsv"); extras(args, "workflow-run report"); List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowRunReporter"); runnerArgs.add("--"); runnerArgs.add("--workflow-run-accession"); runnerArgs.add(swid); if (out != null) { runnerArgs.add("--output-filename"); runnerArgs.add(out); } else { runnerArgs.add("--stdout"); } if (!tsv) { runnerArgs.add("--human"); } run(runnerArgs); } } private static void workflowRunDelete(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run delete --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run delete <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Recursively delete workflow runs based on the SWID of an ancestral sequencer run, lane, or workflow run."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the desired target"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --key <file> Delete workflow runs given a key file containing records to be deleted in one transaction."); out(" --out <file> Override the filename for where to write a key file containing records."); out(""); } else { String swid = reqVal(args, "--accession"); String key = optVal(args, "--key", null); String out = optVal(args, "--out", null); extras(args, "workflow-run delete"); List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.deletion.DeletionDB"); runnerArgs.add("--"); runnerArgs.add("--workflowrun"); runnerArgs.add(swid); if (key != null) { runnerArgs.add("--key"); runnerArgs.add(key); } if (out != null) { runnerArgs.add("--out"); runnerArgs.add(out); } run(runnerArgs); } } private static void workflow(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow [--help]"); out(" seqware workflow <sub-command> [--help]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Interact with workflows."); out(""); out("Sub-commands:"); out(" ini Generate an ini file for a workflow"); out(" list List all installed workflows"); out(" report List the details of all runs of a given workflow"); out(" schedule Schedule a workflow to be run"); out(""); } else { String cmd = args.remove(0); if (null != cmd) switch (cmd) { case "ini": workflowIni(args); break; case "list": workflowList(args); break; case "report": workflowReport(args); break; case "schedule": workflowSchedule(args); break; default: invalid("workflow", cmd); break; } } } private static void workflowRunLaunchScheduled(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, false)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run launch-scheduled --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run launch-scheduled"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Launch scheduled workflow runs."); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> Launch the specified workflow-run. Repeat this parameter"); out(" to provide multiple runs."); out(" --host <value> Use the specified value instead of the local hostname"); out(" when selecting which workflow-runs to launch."); out(""); } else { List<String> ids = optVals(args, "--accession"); String host = optVal(args, "--host", null); extras(args, "workflow-run launch-scheduled"); if (!ids.isEmpty() && host != null) { kill("seqware: cannot specify both '--accession' and '--host'."); } List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("io.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowLauncher"); runnerArgs.add("--"); if (host != null) { runnerArgs.add("--force-host"); runnerArgs.add(host); } runnerArgs.add("--launch-scheduled"); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { runnerArgs.add(cdl(ids)); } run(runnerArgs); } } private static void workflowRunPropagateStatuses(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, false)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run propagate-statuses --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run propagate-statuses <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Propagate workflow engine statuses to seqware meta DB."); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> Propagate the status of the specified workflow-run."); out(" Repeat this parameter to specify multiple workflow-runs."); out(" --host <value> Use the specified value instead of the local hostname"); out(" when selecting which workflow-runs to check."); out(" --threads <num> The number of concurrent worker threads (default 1)"); out(""); } else { String threads = optVal(args, "--threads", null); List<String> ids = optVals(args, "--accession"); String host = optVal(args, "--host", null); extras(args, "workflow-run propagate-statuses"); if (!ids.isEmpty() && host != null) { kill("seqware: cannot specify both '--accession' and '--host'."); } List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowStatusChecker"); runnerArgs.add("--"); if (host != null) { runnerArgs.add("--force-host"); runnerArgs.add(host); } if (threads != null) { runnerArgs.add("--threads-in-thread-pool"); runnerArgs.add(threads); } if (!ids.isEmpty()) { runnerArgs.add("--workflow-run-accession"); runnerArgs.add(cdl(ids)); } Log.stdoutWithTime("Propagated workflow engine statuses"); run(runnerArgs); } } private static void workflowRunStderr(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run stderr --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run stderr <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Obtain the stderr output of the run."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow run"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --out <file> The name of the file to write the stderr"); out(" Defaults to <swid>.err"); out(""); } else { String swid = reqVal(args, "--accession"); String out = optVal(args, "--out", swid + ".err"); extras(args, "workflow-run stderr"); List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowRunReporter"); runnerArgs.add("--"); runnerArgs.add("--workflow-run-accession"); runnerArgs.add(swid); runnerArgs.add("--output-filename"); runnerArgs.add(out); runnerArgs.add("--wr-stderr"); run(runnerArgs); out("Created file " + out); } } private static void workflowRunStdout(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run stdout --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run stdout <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Obtain the stdout output of the run."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow run"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --out <file> The name of the file to write the stdout"); out(" Defaults to <swid>.out"); out(""); } else { String swid = reqVal(args, "--accession"); String out = optVal(args, "--out", swid + ".out"); extras(args, "workflow-run stdout"); List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowRunReporter"); runnerArgs.add("--"); runnerArgs.add("--workflow-run-accession"); runnerArgs.add(swid); runnerArgs.add("--output-filename"); runnerArgs.add(out); runnerArgs.add("--wr-stdout"); run(runnerArgs); out("Created file " + out); } } private static void files2workflowruns(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware dev files2workflowruns --help"); out(" seqware dev files2workflowruns <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Identify workflow runs that used specified files as input for workflow runs"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --file <file-swa> List of files by sw_accession, repeat for multiple files"); out(" --workflow <workflow-swa> List of workflows, repeat for multiple workflows"); out(""); } else { List<String> fileVals = reqVals(args, "--file"); List<Integer> fileSWIDs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String val : fileVals) { fileSWIDs.add(swid(val)); } List<String> workflowVals = optVals(args, "--workflow"); List<Integer> workflowSWIDs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String val : workflowVals) { workflowSWIDs.add(swid(val)); } extras(args, "dev files2workflowruns"); Metadata md = MetadataFactory.get(ConfigTools.getSettings()); List<WorkflowRun> relevantWorkflows = md.getWorkflowRunsAssociatedWithInputFiles(fileSWIDs, workflowSWIDs); for (WorkflowRun run : relevantWorkflows) { out(Integer.toString(run.getSwAccession())); } } } private static void map(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware dev map --help"); out(" seqware dev map <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Map from various unique identifiers to unique identifiers."); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --engine-id <engine-id> Convert from an engine ID (for oozie this is a job ID) to workflow run accession"); out(" --action-id <sge-id> Convert from an external ID (for oozie-sge this is a SGE ID) to workflow run accession (expensive)"); out(""); } else { String optVal = optVal(args, "--engine-id", null); if (optVal != null) { WorkflowRun workflowrun = WorkflowRuns.getWorkflowRunByStatusCmd(optVal); if (workflowrun == null) { kill("No workflow run found"); } out(Integer.toString(workflowrun.getSwAccession())); return; } optVal = optVal(args, "--action-id", null); if (optVal != null) { Integer swAccession = WorkflowRuns.getAccessionByActionExternalID(optVal); if (swAccession == null) { kill("No workflow run found"); } out(Integer.toString(swAccession)); return; } kill("No desired mapping provided"); } } private static void workflowRunCancel(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run cancel --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run cancel <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Cancel a submitted or running workflow run."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow run, comma separated (no-spaces) for multiple SWIDs"); out(""); } else { List<String> reqVals = reqVals(args, "--accession"); List<Integer> swids = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String val : reqVals) { swids.add(swid(val)); } int[] swidArr = Ints.toArray(swids); extras(args, "workflow-run cancel"); WorkflowRuns.submitCancel(swidArr); out("Submitted request to cancel workflow run with SWID(s) " + Arrays.toString(swidArr)); } } private static void workflowRunRetry(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run retry --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run retry <params>"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Retry a failed or cancelled workflow run."); out(""); out("Parameters:"); out(" --accession <swid> The SWID of the workflow run, comma separated (no-spaces) for multiple SWIDs"); out(" --working-dir <dir> The working directory of the whitestar run"); out(""); } else { List<String> optVals = optVals(args, "--working-dir"); if (!optVals.isEmpty()) { for (String val : optVals) { List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("io.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowRelauncher"); runnerArgs.add("--"); runnerArgs.add("--working-dir"); runnerArgs.add(val); run(runnerArgs); } return; } List<String> reqVals = reqVals(args, "--accession"); List<Integer> swids = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String val : reqVals) { swids.add(swid(val)); } int[] swidArr = Ints.toArray(swids); extras(args, "workflow-run retry"); WorkflowRuns.submitRetry(swidArr); out("Submitted request to retry workflow run with SWID " + Arrays.toString(swidArr)); } } private static void dev(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware dev --help"); out(" seqware dev <sub-command> [--help]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Advanced commands for debugging and developers."); out(""); out("Sub-commands:"); out(" map Convert between various identifiers"); out(" files2workflowruns Identify workflow runs that used files as input"); out(""); } else { String cmd = args.remove(0); if (null != cmd) switch (cmd) { case "map": map(args); break; case "files2workflowruns": files2workflowruns(args); break; default: invalid("dev", cmd); break; } } } private static void workflowRun(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware workflow-run --help"); out(" seqware workflow-run <sub-command> [--help]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Interact with workflow runs."); out(""); out("Sub-commands:"); out(" cancel Cancel a submitted or running workflow run"); out(" launch-scheduled Launch scheduled workflow runs"); out(" propagate-statuses Propagate workflow engine statuses to seqware meta DB"); out(" retry Retry a failed or cancelled workflow run skipping completed steps"); out(" reschedule Reschedule a workflow-run to re-run from scratch as a new run"); out(" stderr Obtain the stderr output of the run"); out(" stdout Obtain the stdout output of the run"); out(" report The details of a given workflow-run"); out(" watch Watch a workflow-run in progress"); out(" ini Output the effective ini for a workflow run"); out(" delete Recursively delete workflow-runs"); out(""); } else { String cmd = args.remove(0); if (null != cmd) switch (cmd) { case "cancel": workflowRunCancel(args); break; case "launch-scheduled": workflowRunLaunchScheduled(args); break; case "propagate-statuses": workflowRunPropagateStatuses(args); break; case "retry": workflowRunRetry(args); break; case "reschedule": workflowRunReschedule(args); break; case "stderr": workflowRunStderr(args); break; case "stdout": workflowRunStdout(args); break; case "report": workflowRunReport(args); break; case "watch": workflowRunWatch(args); break; case "ini": workflowRunIni(args); break; case "delete": workflowRunDelete(args); break; default: invalid("workflow-run", cmd); break; } } } private static void checkdb(List<String> args) { if (isHelp(args, false)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware checkdb --help"); out(" seqware checkdb"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Using a direct database connection, check whether the meta db contains any content that deviates from recommended conventions."); out(""); } else { List<String> runnerArgs = new ArrayList<>(); runnerArgs.add("--plugin"); runnerArgs.add("net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.checkdb.CheckDB"); runnerArgs.add("--"); run(runnerArgs); } } public static void main(String[] argv) { List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(argv)); if (flag(args, "--debug")) { DEBUG.set(true); } if (flag(args, "--verbose")) { VERBOSE.set(true); } if (isHelp(args, true)) { out(""); out("Usage: seqware [<flag>]"); out(" seqware <command> [--help]"); out(""); out("Commands:"); out(" annotate Add arbitrary key/value pairs to seqware objects"); out(" query Display ad-hoc information about seqware objects"); out(" bundle Interact with a workflow bundle during development/admin"); out(" copy Copy files between local and remote file systems"); out(" create Create new seqware objects (e.g., study)"); out(" files Extract information about workflow output files"); out(" study Extract information about studies"); out(" workflow Interact with workflows"); out(" workflow-run Interact with workflow runs"); out(" checkdb Check the seqware database for convention errors"); out(" check Check the seqware environment for configuration issues"); out(" dev Advanced commands that are useful for developers or debugging"); out(""); out("Flags:"); out(" --help Print help out"); // handled in seqware script: out(" --version Print Seqware's version"); out(" --metadata Print metadata environment"); out(""); } else { try { String cmd = args.remove(0); if (null != cmd) switch (cmd) { case "-v": case "--version": kill("seqware: version information is provided by the wrapper script."); break; case "--metadata": Metadata md = MetadataFactory.get(ConfigTools.getSettings()); Map<String, String> result = md.getEnvironmentReport(); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().serializeNulls().create(); System.out.println(gson.toJson(result)); break; case "annotate": annotate(args); break; case "query": query(args); break; case "bundle": bundle(args); break; case "copy": copy(args); break; case "create": create(args); break; case "files": files(args); break; case "study": study(args); break; case "workflow": workflow(args); break; case "workflow-run": workflowRun(args); break; case "dev": dev(args); break; case "checkdb": checkdb(args); break; default: invalid(cmd); break; } } catch (Kill k) { System.exit(1); } } } }