package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Predicate; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.Connection.Response; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import net.demilich.metastone.BuildConfig; import; import; import; import; import net.demilich.metastone.utils.MetastoneProperties; import net.demilich.metastone.utils.ResourceInputStream; import net.demilich.metastone.utils.ResourceLoader; import net.demilich.metastone.utils.UserHomeMetastone; public class CardCatalogue { public static final String CARDS_FOLDER = "cards"; public static final String LOCAL_CARDS_FOLDER = "../cards/src/main/resources/cards/"; public static final String CARDS_FOLDER_PATH = UserHomeMetastone.getPath() + File.separator + CARDS_FOLDER; public static final String CARDS_COPIED_PROPERTY = "cardRevision"; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CardCatalogue.class); private final static CardCollection cards = new CardCollection(); public static void add(Card card) { cards.add(card); } public static CardCollection getAll() { CardCollection result = new CardCollection(); for (Card card : cards) { result.add(card); } return result; } public static Card getCardById(String id) { for (Card card : cards) { if (card.getCardId() != null && card.getCardId().equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return card.clone(); } } return null; } public static Card getCardByName(String name) { for (Card card : cards) { if (card.isCollectible() && card.getName().equals(name)) { return card.clone(); } } return null; } public static Card getCardByBlizzardId(String id) throws IOException{ Response response= Jsoup.connect("" + id.toUpperCase() + "/") .ignoreContentType(true) .userAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0") .referrer("") .timeout(12000) .followRedirects(true) .execute(); Document doc = response.parse(); return getCardByName(doc.getElementsByTag("h3").get(0).text()); } public static CardCollection getHeroes() { return query(null, card -> card.isCollectible() && card.getCardType() == CardType.HERO); } public static CardCollection getHeroPowers(DeckFormat deckFormat) { return query(deckFormat, card -> card.isCollectible() && card.getCardType() == CardType.HERO_POWER); } public static CardCollection query(DeckFormat deckFormat) { return query(deckFormat, (CardType) null, (Rarity) null, (HeroClass) null, (Attribute) null); } public static CardCollection query(DeckFormat deckFormat, CardType cardType) { return query(deckFormat, cardType, (Rarity) null, (HeroClass) null, (Attribute) null); } public static CardCollection query(DeckFormat deckFormat, HeroClass heroClass) { return query(deckFormat, (CardType) null, (Rarity) null, heroClass, (Attribute) null); } public static CardCollection query(DeckFormat deckFormat, CardType cardType, Rarity rarity, HeroClass heroClass) { return query(deckFormat, cardType, rarity, heroClass, (Attribute) null); } public static CardCollection query(DeckFormat deckFormat, CardType cardType, Rarity rarity, HeroClass heroClass, Attribute tag) { CardCollection result = new CardCollection(); for (Card card : cards) { if (!deckFormat.isInFormat(card)) { continue; } if (!card.isCollectible()) { continue; } if (cardType != null && !card.getCardType().isCardType(cardType)) { continue; } // per default, do not include heroes or hero powers if (card.getCardType().isCardType(CardType.HERO_POWER) || card.getCardType().isCardType(CardType.HERO)) { continue; } if (rarity != null && !card.getRarity().isRarity(rarity)) { continue; } if (heroClass != null && !card.hasHeroClass(heroClass)) { continue; } if (tag != null && !card.hasAttribute(tag)) { continue; } result.add(card.clone()); } return result; } public static CardCollection query(DeckFormat deckFormat, Predicate<Card> filter) { CardCollection result = new CardCollection(); for (Card card : cards) { if (deckFormat != null && !deckFormat.isInFormat(card)) { continue; } if (filter.test(card)) { result.add(card); } } return result; } public static void loadLocalCards() throws IOException, URISyntaxException, CardParseException { // load cards from ~/metastone/cards on the file system Collection<ResourceInputStream> inputStreams = ResourceLoader.loadJsonInputStreams(CARDS_FOLDER, false); loadCards(inputStreams); } public static void loadCards() throws IOException, URISyntaxException, CardParseException { // load cards from ~/metastone/cards on the file system Collection<ResourceInputStream> inputStreams = ResourceLoader.loadJsonInputStreams(CARDS_FOLDER_PATH, true); loadCards(inputStreams); } private static void loadCards(Collection<ResourceInputStream> inputStreams) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, CardParseException { Map<String, CardDesc> cardDesc = new HashMap<String, CardDesc>(); ArrayList<String> badCards = new ArrayList<>(); CardParser cardParser = new CardParser(); for (ResourceInputStream resourceInputStream : inputStreams) { try { CardDesc desc = cardParser.parseCard(resourceInputStream); if (cardDesc.containsKey( { logger.error("Card id {} is duplicated!",; } cardDesc.put(, desc); } catch (Exception e) { //logger.error("Error parsing card '{}'", resourceInputStream.fileName); logger.error(e.toString()); badCards.add(resourceInputStream.fileName); } } for (CardDesc desc : cardDesc.values()) { Card instance = desc.createInstance(); CardCatalogue.add(instance); logger.debug("Adding {} to CardCatalogue", instance); } if (!badCards.isEmpty()) { throw new CardParseException(badCards); } } public static void copyCardsFromResources() throws IOException, URISyntaxException { // if we have not copied cards to the USER_HOME_METASTONE cards folder, // then do so now int cardRevision = MetastoneProperties.getInt(CARDS_COPIED_PROPERTY, 0); System.out.println("Existing card revision = " + cardRevision); if (BuildConfig.CARD_REVISION > cardRevision) {"Card update required: MetaStone card revision is: {}, last card update was with revision {}", BuildConfig.CARD_REVISION, cardRevision); ResourceLoader.copyFromResources(CARDS_FOLDER, CARDS_FOLDER_PATH); // set a property to indicate that we have copied the cards with current version MetastoneProperties.setProperty(CARDS_COPIED_PROPERTY, String.valueOf(BuildConfig.CARD_REVISION)); } else {"Cards in user home folder are up-to-date: rev {}", cardRevision); } } }