package hudson.plugins.violations.parse; import hudson.plugins.violations.model.FullBuildModel; import hudson.plugins.violations.model.FullFileModel; import hudson.util.IOException2; import; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import hudson.plugins.violations.ViolationsParser; public abstract class ViolationsDOMParser implements ViolationsParser { private FullBuildModel model; private File projectPath; private String[] sourcePaths; private Document dom; /** * Get the parsed document. * @return the document. */ public Document getDocument() { return dom; } /* * Parse a violations file. * @param model the model to store the violations in. * @param projectPath the project path used for resolving paths. * @param fileName the name of the violations file to parse * (relative to the projectPath). * @param sourcePaths a list of source paths to resolve classes against * @throws IOException if there is an error. */ public void parse( FullBuildModel model, File projectPath, String fileName, String[] sourcePaths) throws IOException { boolean success = false; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); dom = db.parse(new File(projectPath, fileName)); setProjectPath(projectPath); setModel(model); setSourcePaths(sourcePaths); execute(); success = true; } catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException2("Cannot parse " + fileName, ex); } finally { // ? terminate the parser } } protected abstract void execute() throws IOException, Exception; /** * Set the build model. * @param model the model. */ public void setModel(FullBuildModel model) { this.model = model; } /** * Get the build model. * @return the build model. */ protected FullBuildModel getModel() { return model; } /** * Set the project path. * This is used to get a relative name for files. * @param projectPath the project path. */ public void setProjectPath(File projectPath) { this.projectPath = projectPath; } /** * Get the project path. * @return the project path. */ protected File getProjectPath() { return projectPath; } /** * Set the source paths attribute. * This is used to resolve classes against. * @param sourcePaths the value to use */ public void setSourcePaths(String[] sourcePaths) { this.sourcePaths = sourcePaths; } /** * Get the source paths. * @return the source paths. */ protected String[] getSourcePaths() { return sourcePaths; } // ----------------------------------------------- // // Utility methods // // ----------------------------------------------- /** * Get the full file model for a particular relative name and * source file. * @param name the relative file name. * @param sourceFile the source file for the file. * @return the full file model. */ protected FullFileModel getFileModel(String name, File sourceFile) { FullFileModel fileModel = model.getFileModel(name); File other = fileModel.getSourceFile(); if (sourceFile == null || ((other != null) && ( other.equals(sourceFile) || other.exists()))) { return fileModel; } fileModel.setSourceFile(sourceFile); fileModel.setLastModified(sourceFile.lastModified()); return fileModel; } /** * Get the full file model object for an absolute name. * @param absoluteName the absolute name of the file. * @return the file model object. */ protected FullFileModel getFileModel(String absoluteName) { File file = new File(absoluteName); String name = resolveName(absoluteName); return getFileModel(name, file); } /** * Fix an absolute path. * Some paths in some violations file contain a .. * this causes grief. * @param abs the absolute name. * @return a fixed name. * @throws IOException if there is a problem. */ protected String fixAbsolutePath(String abs) throws IOException { if (abs.contains("..")) { return new File(abs).getCanonicalPath(); } else { return abs; } } /** * Resolve an absolute name agaist the project path. * @param absoluteName the absolute name. * @return a path relative to the project path or an absolute * name if the name cannot be resolved. */ protected String resolveName(String absoluteName) { String remote = projectPath.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/'); String lcRemote = remote.toLowerCase(Locale.US); String name = absoluteName.replace('\\', '/'); String lcName = name.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (lcName.startsWith(lcRemote)) { name = name.substring(lcRemote.length()); } else { // for absolute name discard dos drive int colPos = name.indexOf(':'); int dirPos = name.indexOf('/'); if (colPos != -1 && (dirPos == -1 || dirPos > colPos)) { name = name.substring(colPos + 1); } } // if name starts with a / strip it. if (name.startsWith("/")) { name = name.substring(1); } return name; } /** * Get an int from an attribute. * @return the int or 0 if it does not exist or is malformed. */ public int getInt(Element el, String attribute) { String v = el.getAttribute(attribute); try { return Integer.parseInt(v); } catch (Exception ex) { return 0; } } /** * Get an attribute. * @return the attribute value. * @throws Exception if the attribute is not there or is blank. */ public String checkNotBlank(Element el, String attribute) throws Exception { String ret = el.getAttribute(attribute); if (ret == null || ret.trim().equals("")) { throw new Exception( "Expecting attribute " + attribute + " in element " + el.getLocalName()); } return ret; } }