package hudson.plugins.violations.parse; import; import; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import hudson.plugins.violations.model.FileModel; import hudson.plugins.violations.model.Violation; /** * Parses file model xml file. */ public class FileModelParser extends AbstractParser { private FileModel fileModel; /** * "Fluid" type method. * @param fileModel the fileModel value * @return this object. */ public FileModelParser fileModel(FileModel fileModel) { this.fileModel = fileModel; return this; } /** * Parse the file violations xml file. * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the file. * @throws XmlPullParserException if there is a problem parsing the file. */ protected void execute() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { // Ensure that the top level tag is "file" expectNextTag("file"); fileModel.setDisplayName(checkGetAttribute("name")); String file = getParser().getAttributeValue("", "file"); if (file != null && !file.equals("")) { fileModel.setSourceFile(new File(file)); fileModel.setLastModified(checkGetLong("last-modified")); } getParser().next(); // Consume "file" tag while (true) { String tag = getSibTag(); if (tag == null) { break; } if (tag.equals("violation")) { parseViolationElement(); } else if (tag.equals("line")) { parseLineElement(); } else if (tag.equals("type")) { parseTypeElement(); } else { skipTag(); } } endElement(); } private void parseViolationElement() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { Violation ret = new Violation(); ret.setLine(checkGetInt("line")); ret.setSource(checkGetAttribute("source")); ret.setSeverity(checkGetAttribute("severity")); ret.setSeverityLevel(getInt("severity-level")); ret.setType(checkGetAttribute("type")); ret.setMessage(checkGetAttribute("message")); String popup = getParser().getAttributeValue("", "popup-message"); if (popup != null && !popup.equals("")) { ret.setPopupMessage(popup); } fileModel.addViolation(ret); getParser().next(); endElement(); } private void parseLineElement() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { int lineNumber = checkGetInt("number"); getParser().next(); // Skip the start tag String line = ""; if (getParser().getEventType() == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { line = getParser().getText(); getParser().next(); } fileModel.getLines().put(lineNumber, line); endElement(); } private void parseTypeElement() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { String type = checkNotBlank("type"); int number = checkGetInt("number"); int suppressed = checkGetInt("suppressed"); fileModel.addLimitType(type, number, suppressed); getParser().next(); // Skip the start tag endElement(); } }