package hudson.plugins.violations; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.checkstyle.CheckstyleDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.pmd.PMDDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.findbugs.FindBugsDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.fxcop.FxCopDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.gendarme.GendarmeDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.cpd.CPDDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.pylint.PyLintDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.simian.SimianDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.stylecop.StyleCopDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.jcreport.JcReportDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.violations.types.jslint.JsLintDescriptor; /** * A descriptor for a violation type. * This contains a name and an parser class for the violation type. * The types are (currently) also contains in the class as * a static - TYPES. */ public abstract class TypeDescriptor { private final String name; /** * Create a type descriptor for a type. * @param name the name of the type. */ protected TypeDescriptor(String name) { = name; } /** * Get the name of the type. * @return the type name. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Get a new parser for the type. * @return a new parser object. */ public abstract ViolationsParser createParser(); /** The map of types to type descriptors. */ public static final TreeMap<String, TypeDescriptor> TYPES = new TreeMap<String, TypeDescriptor>(); /** * Add a violations type descriptor. * @param t the violations type descriptor to add. */ public static void addDescriptor(TypeDescriptor t) { TYPES.put(t.getName(), t); } /** * Get a detailed description of a violation source. * @param source the code name for the violation. * @return a detailed description, if available, null otherwise. */ public String getDetailForSource(String source) { return null; } /** * Get a list of target xml files to look for * for this particular type. * @return a list filenames to look for in the target * target directory. */ public List<String> getMavenTargets() { return null; } static { addDescriptor(FindBugsDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); addDescriptor(PMDDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); addDescriptor(CPDDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); addDescriptor(CheckstyleDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); addDescriptor(PyLintDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); addDescriptor(FxCopDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); addDescriptor(SimianDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); addDescriptor(StyleCopDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); addDescriptor(GendarmeDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); addDescriptor(JcReportDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); addDescriptor(JsLintDescriptor.DESCRIPTOR); } }