package hudson.plugins.analysis.util; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import; import org.junit.Test; /** * Tests the class {@link ModuleDetector}. */ @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings("SIC") public class ModuleDetectorTest { /** Prefix of the path in test. */ private static final String PATH_PREFIX = "/path/to/"; /** Expected module name for all tests. */ private static final String EXPECTED_MODULE = "com.avaloq.adt.core"; /** JUnit Error message. */ private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE = "Wrong module name detected."; /** * Checks whether we could identify a name from the file name. */ @Test public void testTopLevelModuleName() { ModuleDetector detector = new ModuleDetector(); String moduleName = detector.guessModuleName("com.avaloq.adt.core/pmd.xml", false, false); assertEquals(ERROR_MESSAGE, EXPECTED_MODULE, moduleName); moduleName = detector.guessModuleName("com.avaloq.adt.core\\pmd.xml", false, false); assertEquals(ERROR_MESSAGE, EXPECTED_MODULE, moduleName); } /** * Checks whether we could identify a maven module from a POM using the target folder. * * @throws FileNotFoundException * should never happen */ @Test public void testPomNameOnTarget() throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStreamFactory factory = createMock(FileInputStreamFactory.class); InputStream pom = ModuleDetectorTest.class.getResourceAsStream(ModuleDetector.MAVEN_POM); expect(factory.create(isA(String.class))).andReturn(pom); ModuleDetector detector = new ModuleDetector(); detector.setFileInputStreamFactory(factory); replay(factory); assertEquals(ERROR_MESSAGE, "ADT Business Logic", detector.guessModuleName("prefix/target/suffix", true, false)); verify(factory); } /** * Checks whether we could identify maven modules using the module mapping. * * @throws FileNotFoundException * should never happen */ @Test @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings("DMI") public void testPomModules() throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStreamFactory factory = createMock(FileInputStreamFactory.class); InputStream pom = ModuleDetectorTest.class.getResourceAsStream(ModuleDetector.MAVEN_POM); expect(factory.create(isA(String.class))).andReturn(pom); replay(factory); ModuleDetector detector = new ModuleDetector(new File("/"), factory) { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected String[] find(final File path, final String pattern) { return new String[] {PATH_PREFIX + MAVEN_POM}; } }; assertEquals("Wrong module guessed", "ADT Business Logic", detector.guessModuleName(PATH_PREFIX)); verify(factory); } /** * Checks whether we could identify ant projects using the module mapping. * * @throws FileNotFoundException * should never happen */ @Test @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings("DMI") public void testAntModules() throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStreamFactory factory = createMock(FileInputStreamFactory.class); InputStream pom = ModuleDetectorTest.class.getResourceAsStream(ModuleDetector.ANT_PROJECT); expect(factory.create(isA(String.class))).andReturn(pom); replay(factory); ModuleDetector detector = new ModuleDetector(new File("/"), factory) { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected String[] find(final File path, final String pattern) { return new String[] {PATH_PREFIX + ModuleDetector.ANT_PROJECT}; } }; assertEquals("Wrong number of elements in mapping", "checkstyle", detector.guessModuleName(PATH_PREFIX)); verify(factory); } /** * Checks whether we could identify a ANT project name from a build.xml file. * * @throws FileNotFoundException * should never happen */ @Test public void testProjectName() throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStreamFactory factory = createMock(FileInputStreamFactory.class); InputStream buildXml = ModuleDetectorTest.class.getResourceAsStream(ModuleDetector.ANT_PROJECT); expect(factory.create(isA(String.class))).andReturn(buildXml); ModuleDetector detector = new ModuleDetector(); detector.setFileInputStreamFactory(factory); replay(factory); assertEquals(ERROR_MESSAGE, "checkstyle", detector.guessModuleName("prefix/checkstyle.xml", false, true)); verify(factory); } /** * Checks whether we could identify a ANT project name from a build.xml file on the root. * * @throws FileNotFoundException * should never happen */ @Test public void testProjectNameNoPath() throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStreamFactory factory = createMock(FileInputStreamFactory.class); InputStream buildXml = ModuleDetectorTest.class.getResourceAsStream(ModuleDetector.ANT_PROJECT); expect(factory.create(isA(String.class))).andReturn(buildXml); ModuleDetector detector = new ModuleDetector(); detector.setFileInputStreamFactory(factory); replay(factory); assertEquals(ERROR_MESSAGE, "checkstyle", detector.guessModuleName("checkstyle.xml", false, true)); verify(factory); } /** * Checks whether we could identify a java package name and maven module. * * @throws FileNotFoundException * should never happen */ @Test public void testNoPomNameOnException() throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStreamFactory factory = createMock(FileInputStreamFactory.class); expect(factory.create(isA(String.class))).andThrow(new FileNotFoundException()).anyTimes(); ModuleDetector detector = new ModuleDetector(); detector.setFileInputStreamFactory(factory); replay(factory); assertEquals(ERROR_MESSAGE, "prefix", detector.guessModuleName("prefix/suffix", true, false)); verify(factory); } /** * Checks whether we return the folder before the filename if there is no pom or folder match. */ @Test public void testNoGuess() { ModuleDetector detector = new ModuleDetector(); String moduleName = detector.guessModuleName("base/", false, false); assertEquals(ERROR_MESSAGE, "com.avaloq.adt.core", moduleName); moduleName = detector.guessModuleName("com.avaloq.adt.core/pmd.xml", false, false); assertEquals(ERROR_MESSAGE, "com.avaloq.adt.core", moduleName); } }