package hudson.plugins.cobertura; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.*; import hudson.plugins.cobertura.renderers.SourceCodePainter; import hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric; import hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageResult; import hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageTarget; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor; import hudson.tasks.Publisher; import hudson.tasks.Recorder; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; /** * Cobertura {@link Publisher}. * * @author Stephen Connolly */ public class CoberturaPublisher extends Recorder { private final String coberturaReportFile; private final boolean onlyStable; private CoverageTarget healthyTarget; private CoverageTarget unhealthyTarget; private CoverageTarget failingTarget; public static final CoberturaReportFilenameFilter COBERTURA_FILENAME_FILTER = new CoberturaReportFilenameFilter(); /** * @param coberturaReportFile the report directory * @stapler-constructor */ @DataBoundConstructor public CoberturaPublisher(String coberturaReportFile, boolean onlyStable) { this.coberturaReportFile = coberturaReportFile; this.onlyStable = onlyStable; this.healthyTarget = new CoverageTarget(); this.unhealthyTarget = new CoverageTarget(); this.failingTarget = new CoverageTarget(); } /** * Getter for property 'targets'. * * @return Value for property 'targets'. */ public List<CoberturaPublisherTarget> getTargets() { Map<CoverageMetric, CoberturaPublisherTarget> targets = new TreeMap<CoverageMetric, CoberturaPublisherTarget>(); for (CoverageMetric metric : healthyTarget.getTargets()) { CoberturaPublisherTarget target = targets.get(metric); if (target == null) { target = new CoberturaPublisherTarget(); target.setMetric(metric); } target.setHealthy(healthyTarget.getTarget(metric)); targets.put(metric, target); } for (CoverageMetric metric : unhealthyTarget.getTargets()) { CoberturaPublisherTarget target = targets.get(metric); if (target == null) { target = new CoberturaPublisherTarget(); target.setMetric(metric); } target.setUnhealthy(unhealthyTarget.getTarget(metric)); targets.put(metric, target); } for (CoverageMetric metric : failingTarget.getTargets()) { CoberturaPublisherTarget target = targets.get(metric); if (target == null) { target = new CoberturaPublisherTarget(); target.setMetric(metric); } target.setUnstable(failingTarget.getTarget(metric)); targets.put(metric, target); } List<CoberturaPublisherTarget> result = new ArrayList<CoberturaPublisherTarget>(targets.values()); return result; } /** * Setter for property 'targets'. * * @param targets Value to set for property 'targets'. */ private void setTargets(List<CoberturaPublisherTarget> targets) { healthyTarget.clear(); unhealthyTarget.clear(); failingTarget.clear(); for (CoberturaPublisherTarget target : targets) { if (target.getHealthy() != null) { healthyTarget.setTarget(target.getMetric(), target.getHealthy()); } if (target.getUnhealthy() != null) { unhealthyTarget.setTarget(target.getMetric(), target.getUnhealthy()); } if (target.getUnstable() != null) { failingTarget.setTarget(target.getMetric(), target.getUnstable()); } } } /** * Getter for property 'coberturaReportFile'. * * @return Value for property 'coberturaReportFile'. */ public String getCoberturaReportFile() { return coberturaReportFile; } /** * Which type of build should be considered. * @return the onlyStable */ public boolean getOnlyStable() { return onlyStable; } /** * Getter for property 'healthyTarget'. * * @return Value for property 'healthyTarget'. */ public CoverageTarget getHealthyTarget() { return healthyTarget; } /** * Setter for property 'healthyTarget'. * * @param healthyTarget Value to set for property 'healthyTarget'. */ public void setHealthyTarget(CoverageTarget healthyTarget) { this.healthyTarget = healthyTarget; } /** * Getter for property 'unhealthyTarget'. * * @return Value for property 'unhealthyTarget'. */ public CoverageTarget getUnhealthyTarget() { return unhealthyTarget; } /** * Setter for property 'unhealthyTarget'. * * @param unhealthyTarget Value to set for property 'unhealthyTarget'. */ public void setUnhealthyTarget(CoverageTarget unhealthyTarget) { this.unhealthyTarget = unhealthyTarget; } /** * Getter for property 'failingTarget'. * * @return Value for property 'failingTarget'. */ public CoverageTarget getFailingTarget() { return failingTarget; } /** * Setter for property 'failingTarget'. * * @param failingTarget Value to set for property 'failingTarget'. */ public void setFailingTarget(CoverageTarget failingTarget) { this.failingTarget = failingTarget; } /** * Gets the directory where the Cobertura Report is stored for the given project. */ /*package*/ static File getCoberturaReportDir(AbstractItem project) { return new File(project.getRootDir(), "cobertura"); } /** * Gets the directory where the Cobertura Report is stored for the given project. */ /*package*/ static File[] getCoberturaReports(AbstractBuild<?,?> build) { return build.getRootDir().listFiles(COBERTURA_FILENAME_FILTER); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { Result threshold = onlyStable ? Result.SUCCESS : Result.UNSTABLE; if(build.getResult().isWorseThan(threshold)) { listener.getLogger().println("Skipping Cobertura coverage report as build was not " + threshold.toString() + " or better ..."); return true; } listener.getLogger().println("Publishing Cobertura coverage report..."); final FilePath[] moduleRoots = build.getModuleRoots(); final boolean multipleModuleRoots = moduleRoots != null && moduleRoots.length > 1; final FilePath moduleRoot = multipleModuleRoots ? build.getWorkspace() : build.getModuleRoot(); final File buildCoberturaDir = build.getRootDir(); FilePath buildTarget = new FilePath(buildCoberturaDir); FilePath[] reports = new FilePath[0]; try { reports = moduleRoot.list(coberturaReportFile); // if the build has failed, then there's not // much point in reporting an error if (build.getResult().isWorseOrEqualTo(Result.FAILURE) && reports.length == 0) return true; } catch (IOException e) { Util.displayIOException(e, listener); e.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError("Unable to find coverage results")); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); } if (reports.length == 0) { String msg = "No coverage results were found using the pattern '" + coberturaReportFile + "' relative to '" + moduleRoot.getRemote() + "'." + " Did you enter a pattern relative to the correct directory?" + " Did you generate the XML report(s) for Cobertura?"; listener.getLogger().println(msg); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); return true; } for (int i = 0; i < reports.length; i++) { final FilePath targetPath = new FilePath(buildTarget, "coverage" + (i == 0 ? "" : i) + ".xml"); try { reports[i].copyTo(targetPath); } catch (IOException e) { Util.displayIOException(e, listener); e.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError("Unable to copy coverage from " + reports[i] + " to " + buildTarget)); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); } } listener.getLogger().println("Publishing Cobertura coverage results..."); Set<String> sourcePaths = new HashSet<String>(); CoverageResult result = null; for (File coberturaXmlReport : getCoberturaReports(build)) { try { result = CoberturaCoverageParser.parse(coberturaXmlReport, result, sourcePaths); } catch (IOException e) { Util.displayIOException(e, listener); e.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError("Unable to parse " + coberturaXmlReport)); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); } } if (result != null) { result.setOwner(build); final FilePath paintedSourcesPath = new FilePath(new File(build.getProject().getRootDir(), "cobertura")); paintedSourcesPath.mkdirs(); SourceCodePainter painter = new SourceCodePainter(paintedSourcesPath, sourcePaths, result.getPaintedSources(), listener); moduleRoot.act(painter); final CoberturaBuildAction action = CoberturaBuildAction.load(build, result, healthyTarget, unhealthyTarget, getOnlyStable()); build.getActions().add(action); Set<CoverageMetric> failingMetrics = failingTarget.getFailingMetrics(result); if (!failingMetrics.isEmpty()) { listener.getLogger().println("Code coverage enforcement failed for the following metrics:"); for (CoverageMetric metric : failingMetrics) { listener.getLogger().println(" " + metric.getName()); } listener.getLogger().println("Setting Build to unstable."); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); } } else { listener.getLogger().println("No coverage results were successfully parsed. Did you generate " + "the XML report(s) for Cobertura?"); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Action getProjectAction(AbstractProject<?, ?> project) { return new CoberturaProjectAction(project, getOnlyStable()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public BuildStepMonitor getRequiredMonitorService() { return BuildStepMonitor.BUILD; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BuildStepDescriptor<Publisher> getDescriptor() { // see Descriptor javadoc for more about what a descriptor is. return DESCRIPTOR; } /** * Descriptor should be singleton. */ @Extension public static final DescriptorImpl DESCRIPTOR = new DescriptorImpl(); /** * Descriptor for {@link CoberturaPublisher}. Used as a singleton. The class is marked as public so that it can be * accessed from views. * <p/> * <p/> * See <tt>views/hudson/plugins/cobertura/CoberturaPublisher/*.jelly</tt> for the actual HTML fragment for the * configuration screen. */ public static final class DescriptorImpl extends BuildStepDescriptor<Publisher> { CoverageMetric[] metrics = { CoverageMetric.PACKAGES, CoverageMetric.FILES, CoverageMetric.CLASSES, CoverageMetric.METHOD, CoverageMetric.LINE, CoverageMetric.CONDITIONAL, }; /** * Constructs a new DescriptorImpl. */ DescriptorImpl() { super(CoberturaPublisher.class); } /** * This human readable name is used in the configuration screen. */ public String getDisplayName() { return Messages.CoberturaPublisher_displayName(); } /** * Getter for property 'metrics'. * * @return Value for property 'metrics'. */ public List<CoverageMetric> getMetrics() { return Arrays.asList(metrics); } /** * Getter for property 'defaultTargets'. * * @return Value for property 'defaultTargets'. */ public List<CoberturaPublisherTarget> getDefaultTargets() { List<CoberturaPublisherTarget> result = new ArrayList<CoberturaPublisherTarget>(); result.add(new CoberturaPublisherTarget(CoverageMetric.METHOD, 80, null, null)); result.add(new CoberturaPublisherTarget(CoverageMetric.LINE, 80, null, null)); result.add(new CoberturaPublisherTarget(CoverageMetric.CONDITIONAL, 70, null, null)); return result; } public List<CoberturaPublisherTarget> getTargets(CoberturaPublisher instance) { if (instance == null) { return getDefaultTargets(); } return instance.getTargets(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { req.bindParameters(this, "cobertura."); save(); return super.configure(req, formData); } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link CoberturaPublisher} from a submitted form. */ @Override public CoberturaPublisher newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { CoberturaPublisher instance = req.bindParameters(CoberturaPublisher.class, "cobertura."); ConvertUtils.register(CoberturaPublisherTarget.CONVERTER, CoverageMetric.class); List<CoberturaPublisherTarget> targets = req .bindParametersToList(CoberturaPublisherTarget.class, ""); instance.setTargets(targets); return instance; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject> jobType) { return true; } } private static class CoberturaReportFilenameFilter implements FilenameFilter { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { // TODO take this out of an anonymous inner class, create a singleton and use a Regex to match the name return name.startsWith("coverage") && name.endsWith(".xml"); } } }