package hudson.plugins.proc; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.Action; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.remoting.Callable; import hudson.util.ProcessTree; import hudson.EnvVars; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * @author Jitendra Kotamraju */ public class ProcAction implements Action { private AbstractBuild run; ProcAction(AbstractBuild run) { = run; } public String getIconFileName() { return "save.gif"; // TODO fix with our own icon } public String getDisplayName() { return "Processes"; } public String getUrlName() { return "proc"; } public ProcInfo getDynamic(String id) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ProcessTree.OSProcess osp = getProcessTree().get(Integer.parseInt(id)); return ProcInfo.getProcInfo(run, osp); } // returns the list of processes for a build public List<ProcessTree.OSProcess> getProcesses() throws IOException, InterruptedException { List<ProcessTree.OSProcess> procs = new ArrayList<ProcessTree.OSProcess>(); EnvVars vars = run.getCharacteristicEnvVars(); for(ProcessTree.OSProcess osp : getProcessTree()) { if (osp.hasMatchingEnvVars(vars)) { procs.add(osp); } } return procs; } // Returned object may be the remote ProcessTree(running on slave) which // is serialized and created on this jvm private ProcessTree getProcessTree() throws IOException, InterruptedException { return run.getBuiltOn().getChannel().call(new ProcessTreeTask()); } // Keep it static inner class, otherwise ProcessAction needs to be // specified as Serializable private static class ProcessTreeTask implements Callable<ProcessTree, RuntimeException> { public ProcessTree call() { return ProcessTree.get(); } } }