package hudson.plugins.android_emulator; import hudson.EnvVars; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.Proc; import hudson.Util; import hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Computer; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.remoting.Callable; import hudson.tasks.BuildWrapper; import hudson.tasks.BuildWrapperDescriptor; import hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import; import org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.port_allocator.PortAllocationManager; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; public class AndroidEmulator extends BuildWrapper implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** Duration by which the emulator should start being available via adb. */ private static final int ADB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS = 60 * 1000; /** Duration by which emulator booting should normally complete. */ private static final int BOOT_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT_MS = 120 * 1000; private DescriptorImpl descriptor; private final String avdName; private final String osVersion; private final String screenDensity; private final String screenResolution; private final String deviceLocale; private final String sdCardSize; private final boolean wipeData; private final boolean showWindow; private final int startupDelay; @DataBoundConstructor public AndroidEmulator(String avdName, String osVersion, String screenDensity, String screenResolution, String deviceLocale, String sdCardSize, boolean wipeData, boolean showWindow, int startupDelay) { this.avdName = avdName; this.osVersion = osVersion; this.screenDensity = screenDensity; this.screenResolution = screenResolution; this.deviceLocale = deviceLocale; this.sdCardSize = sdCardSize; this.wipeData = wipeData; this.showWindow = showWindow; this.startupDelay = Math.abs(startupDelay); } public boolean getUseNamedEmulator() { return avdName != null; } public String getOsVersion() { return osVersion; } public String getAvdName() { return avdName; } public String getScreenDensity() { return screenDensity; } public String getScreenResolution() { return screenResolution; } public String getDeviceLocale() { return deviceLocale; } public String getSdCardSize() { return sdCardSize; } public boolean shouldWipeData() { return wipeData; } public boolean shouldShowWindow() { return showWindow; } public int getStartupDelay() { return startupDelay; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Environment setUp(AbstractBuild build, final Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger(); if (descriptor == null) { descriptor = Hudson.getInstance().getDescriptorByType(DescriptorImpl.class); } // Substitute environment and build variables into config final EnvVars localVars = Computer.currentComputer().getEnvironment(); final EnvVars envVars = new EnvVars(localVars); envVars.putAll(build.getEnvironment(listener)); final Map<String, String> buildVars = build.getBuildVariables(); // Device properties String avdName = expandVariables(envVars, buildVars, this.avdName); String osVersion = expandVariables(envVars, buildVars, this.osVersion); String screenDensity = expandVariables(envVars, buildVars, this.screenDensity); String screenResolution = expandVariables(envVars, buildVars, this.screenResolution); String deviceLocale = expandVariables(envVars, buildVars, this.deviceLocale); String sdCardSize = expandVariables(envVars, buildVars, this.sdCardSize); // SDK location String androidHome = expandVariables(envVars, buildVars, descriptor.androidHome); androidHome = validateAndroidHome(launcher, localVars, androidHome); // Despite the nice inline checks and warnings when the user is editing the config, // these are not binding, so the user may have saved invalid configuration. // Here we check whether or not it's worth proceeding based on the saved values. String configError = isConfigValid(avdName, osVersion, screenDensity, screenResolution, deviceLocale, sdCardSize); if (configError != null) { log(logger, Messages.ERROR_MISCONFIGURED(configError)); build.setResult(Result.NOT_BUILT); return null; } // Confirm that tools are available on PATH if (!validateAndroidToolsInPath(launcher, androidHome)) { log(logger, Messages.SDK_TOOLS_NOT_FOUND()); build.setResult(Result.NOT_BUILT); return null; } // Ok, everything looks good.. let's go String displayHome = androidHome == null ? Messages.USING_PATH() : androidHome; log(logger, Messages.USING_SDK(displayHome)); EmulatorConfig emuConfig = EmulatorConfig.create(avdName, osVersion, screenDensity, screenResolution, deviceLocale, sdCardSize, wipeData, showWindow); return doSetUp(build, launcher, listener, androidHome, emuConfig); } private Environment doSetUp(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final Launcher launcher, final BuildListener listener, final String androidHome, final EmulatorConfig emuConfig) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger(); // First ensure that emulator exists final Computer computer = Computer.currentComputer(); final boolean emulatorAlreadyExists; try { Callable<Boolean, AndroidEmulatorException> task = emuConfig.getEmulatorCreationTask(androidHome, launcher.isUnix(), listener); emulatorAlreadyExists = launcher.getChannel().call(task); } catch (EmulatorDiscoveryException ex) { log(logger, Messages.CANNOT_START_EMULATOR(ex.getMessage())); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); return null; } catch (AndroidEmulatorException ex) { log(logger, Messages.COULD_NOT_CREATE_EMULATOR(ex.getMessage())); build.setResult(Result.NOT_BUILT); return null; } // Delay start up by the configured amount of time final int delaySecs = getStartupDelay(); if (delaySecs > 0) { log(logger, Messages.DELAYING_START_UP(delaySecs)); Thread.sleep(delaySecs * 1000); } // Use the Port Allocator plugin to reserve the two ports we need final PortAllocationManager portAllocator = PortAllocationManager.getManager(computer); final int userPort = portAllocator.allocateRandom(build, 0); final int adbPort = portAllocator.allocateRandom(build, 0); // Compile complete command for starting emulator final String avdArgs = emuConfig.getCommandArguments(); String emulatorArgs = String.format("-ports %s,%s %s", userPort, adbPort, avdArgs); ArgumentListBuilder emulatorCmd = Utils.getToolCommand(launcher, androidHome, "emulator", "emulator.exe", emulatorArgs); // Start emulator process log(logger, Messages.STARTING_EMULATOR()); if (emulatorAlreadyExists && emuConfig.shouldWipeData()) { log(logger, Messages.ERASING_EXISTING_EMULATOR_DATA()); } final long bootTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final EnvVars buildEnvironment = build.getEnvironment(TaskListener.NULL); final ProcStarter procStarter = launcher.launch().stdout(logger).stderr(logger); final Proc emulatorProcess = procStarter.envs(buildEnvironment).cmds(emulatorCmd).start(); // Wait for TCP socket to become available boolean socket = waitForSocket(launcher, adbPort, ADB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS); if (!socket || !emulatorProcess.isAlive()) { log(logger, Messages.EMULATOR_DID_NOT_START()); build.setResult(Result.NOT_BUILT); cleanUp(logger, portAllocator, emulatorProcess, adbPort, userPort); return null; } // Notify adb of our existence final String adbConnectArgs = "connect localhost:"+ adbPort; ArgumentListBuilder adbConnectCmd = Utils.getToolCommand(launcher, androidHome, "adb", "adb.exe", adbConnectArgs); int result = procStarter.cmds(adbConnectCmd).stdout(new NullOutputStream()).start().join(); if (result != 0) { // adb currently only ever returns 0! log(logger, Messages.CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_EMULATOR()); build.setResult(Result.NOT_BUILT); cleanUp(logger, portAllocator, emulatorProcess, adbPort, userPort); return null; } // Start dumping logs to disk final File artifactsDir = build.getArtifactsDir(); final FilePath logcatFile = build.getWorkspace().createTempFile("logcat_", ".log"); final OutputStream logcatStream = logcatFile.write(); final String logcatArgs = "-s localhost:"+ adbPort +" logcat -v time"; ArgumentListBuilder logcatCmd = Utils.getToolCommand(launcher, androidHome, "adb", "adb.exe", logcatArgs); final Proc logWriter = procStarter.cmds(logcatCmd).stdout(logcatStream).stderr(new NullOutputStream()).start(); // Monitor device for boot completion signal log(logger, Messages.WAITING_FOR_BOOT_COMPLETION()); int bootTimeout = BOOT_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT_MS; if (!emulatorAlreadyExists || emuConfig.shouldWipeData()) { bootTimeout *= 4; } boolean bootSucceeded = waitForBootCompletion(logger, launcher, androidHome, adbPort, bootTimeout); if (!bootSucceeded) { log(logger, Messages.BOOT_COMPLETION_TIMED_OUT(bootTimeout / 1000)); build.setResult(Result.NOT_BUILT); cleanUp(logger, launcher, androidHome, portAllocator, emulatorProcess, adbPort, userPort, logWriter, logcatFile, logcatStream, artifactsDir); return null; } final long bootCompleteTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); log(logger, Messages.EMULATOR_IS_READY((bootCompleteTime - bootTime) / 1000)); // Return wrapped environment return new Environment() { @Override public void buildEnvVars(Map<String, String> env) { env.put("ANDROID_AVD_DEVICE", "localhost:"+ adbPort); env.put("ANDROID_AVD_ADB_PORT", Integer.toString(adbPort)); env.put("ANDROID_AVD_USER_PORT", Integer.toString(userPort)); env.put("ANDROID_AVD_NAME", emuConfig.getAvdName()); if (!emuConfig.isNamedEmulator()) { env.put("ANDROID_AVD_OS", emuConfig.getOsVersion().toString()); env.put("ANDROID_AVD_DENSITY", emuConfig.getScreenDensity().toString()); env.put("ANDROID_AVD_RESOLUTION", emuConfig.getScreenResolution().toString()); env.put("ANDROID_AVD_SKIN", emuConfig.getScreenResolution().getSkinName()); env.put("ANDROID_AVD_LOCALE", emuConfig.getDeviceLocale()); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean tearDown(AbstractBuild build, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { cleanUp(logger, launcher, androidHome, portAllocator, emulatorProcess, adbPort, userPort, logWriter, logcatFile, logcatStream, artifactsDir); return true; } }; } /** Helper method for writing to the build log in a consistent manner. */ synchronized static void log(final PrintStream logger, final String message) { log(logger, message, false); } /** Helper method for writing to the build log in a consistent manner. */ synchronized static void log(final PrintStream logger, String message, boolean indent) { if (indent) { message = '\t' + message.replace("\n", "\n\t"); } else { logger.print("[android] "); } logger.println(message); } /** * Called when this wrapper needs to exit, so we need to clean up some processes etc. * * @param logger The build logger. * @param portAllocator The port allocator used. * @param emulatorProcess The Android emulator process. * @param adbPort The ADB port used by the emulator. * @param userPort The user port used by the emulator. */ private void cleanUp(PrintStream logger, PortAllocationManager portAllocator, Proc emulatorProcess, int adbPort, int userPort) throws IOException, InterruptedException { cleanUp(logger, null, null, portAllocator, emulatorProcess, adbPort, userPort, null, null, null, null); } /** * Called when this wrapper needs to exit, so we need to clean up some processes etc. * * @param logger The build logger. * @param launcher The launcher for the remote node. * @param androidHome The Android SDK root. * @param portAllocator The port allocator used. * @param emulatorProcess The Android emulator process. * @param adbPort The ADB port used by the emulator. * @param userPort The user port used by the emulator. * @param logcatProcess The adb logcat process. * @param logcatFile The file the logcat output is being written to. * @param logcatStream The stream the logcat output is being written to. * @param artifactsDir The directory where build artifacts should go. */ private void cleanUp(PrintStream logger, Launcher launcher, String androidHome, PortAllocationManager portAllocator, Proc emulatorProcess, int adbPort, int userPort, Proc logcatProcess, FilePath logcatFile, OutputStream logcatStream, File artifactsDir) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // FIXME: Sometimes on Windows neither the emulator.exe nor the adb.exe processes die. // Launcher.kill(EnvVars) does not appear to help either. // This is (a) inconsistent; (b) very annoying. // Disconnect emulator from adb, if it's running if (launcher != null) { final String args = "disconnect localhost:"+ adbPort; ArgumentListBuilder adbDisconnectCmd = Utils.getToolCommand(launcher, androidHome, "adb", "adb.exe", args); final ProcStarter procStarter = launcher.launch().stdout(logger).stderr(logger); procStarter.cmds(adbDisconnectCmd).stdout(new NullOutputStream()).start().join(); } // Stop emulator process and free up TCP ports log(logger, Messages.STOPPING_EMULATOR()); emulatorProcess.kill();;; // Archive the logs if (logcatProcess != null) { logcatProcess.kill(); logcatStream.close(); if (logcatFile.length() != 0) { log(logger, Messages.ARCHIVING_LOG()); logcatFile.copyTo(new FilePath(artifactsDir).child("logcat.txt")); } logcatFile.delete(); } } /** * Expands the variable in the given string to its value in the environment variables available * to this build. The Hudson-specific build variables for this build are then substituted. * * @param envVars Map of the environment variables. * @param buildVars Map of the build-specific variables. * @param token The token which may or may not contain variables in the format <tt>${foo}</tt>. * @return The given token, with applicable variable expansions done. */ private String expandVariables(EnvVars envVars, Map<String,String> buildVars, String token) { String result = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(token); if (result != null) { result = Util.replaceMacro(Util.replaceMacro(result, envVars), buildVars); } return result; } /** * Validates this instance's configuration. * * @return A human-readable error message, or <code>null</code> if the config is valid. */ private String isConfigValid(String avdName, String osVersion, String screenDensity, String screenResolution, String deviceLocale, String sdCardSize) { if (getUseNamedEmulator()) { ValidationResult result = descriptor.doCheckAvdName(avdName, false); if (result.isFatal()) { return result.getMessage(); } } else { ValidationResult result = descriptor.doCheckOsVersion(osVersion, false); if (result.isFatal()) { return result.getMessage(); } result = descriptor.doCheckScreenDensity(screenDensity, false); if (result.isFatal()) { return result.getMessage(); } result = descriptor.doCheckScreenResolution(screenResolution, null, false); if (result.isFatal()) { return result.getMessage(); } result = descriptor.doCheckDeviceLocale(deviceLocale, false); if (result.isFatal()) { return result.getMessage(); } result = descriptor.doCheckSdCardSize(sdCardSize, false); if (result.isFatal()) { return result.getMessage(); } } return null; } /** * Tries to validate the given Android SDK root directory; otherwise tries to * locate a copy of the SDK by checking for common environment variables. * * @param launcher The launcher for the remote node. * @param envVars Environment variables for the build. * @param androidHome The (variable-expanded) SDK root given in global config. * @return Either a discovered SDK path or, if all else fails, the given androidHome value. */ private String validateAndroidHome(final Launcher launcher, final EnvVars envVars, final String androidHome) { Callable<String, InterruptedException> task = new Callable<String, InterruptedException>() { public String call() throws InterruptedException { // Verify existence of provided value if (validateHomeDir(androidHome)) { return androidHome; } // Check for common environment variables String[] keys = { "ANDROID_SDK_ROOT", "ANDROID_SDK_HOME", "ANDROID_HOME", "ANDROID_SDK" }; for (String key : keys) { String home = envVars.get(key); if (validateHomeDir(home)) { return home; } } // If all else fails, return what we were given return androidHome; } private boolean validateHomeDir(String dir) { if (Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(dir) == null) { return false; } return !descriptor.doCheckAndroidHome(new File(dir), false).isFatal(); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }; String result = androidHome; try { result = launcher.getChannel().call(task); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore; will return default value } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore; will return default value } return result; } /** * Validates whether the required SDK tools can be reached, either from the given root or PATH. * * @param launcher The launcher for the remote node. * @param androidHome The (variable-expanded) SDK root given in global config. * @return <code>true</code> if all the required tools are available. */ private boolean validateAndroidToolsInPath(Launcher launcher, final String androidHome) { final String executable = "tools/" + (launcher.isUnix() ? "adb" : "adb.exe"); Callable<Boolean, IOException> task = new Callable<Boolean, IOException>() { public Boolean call() throws IOException { String sep = System.getProperty("path.separator"); List<String> list = Arrays.asList(System.getenv("PATH").split(sep)); List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(list); paths.add(0, androidHome); for (String path : paths) { if (new File(path, executable).exists()) { return true; } } return false; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }; try { return launcher.getChannel().call(task); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore } return false; } /** * Waits for a socket on the remote machine's localhost to become available, or times out. * * @param launcher The launcher for the remote node. * @param port The port to try and connect to. * @param timeout How long to keep trying (in milliseconds) before giving up. * @return <code>true</code> if the socket was available, <code>false</code> if we timed-out. */ private boolean waitForSocket(Launcher launcher, int port, int timeout) { try { LocalPortOpenTask task = new LocalPortOpenTask(port, timeout); return launcher.getChannel().call(task); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // Ignore } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } return false; } /** * Checks whether the emulator running on the given port has finished booting yet, or times out. * * @param logger The build logger. * @param launcher The launcher for the remote node. * @param androidHome The Android SDK root. * @param port The emulator's ADB port. * @param timeout How long to keep trying (in milliseconds) before giving up. * @return <code>true</code> if the emulator has booted, <code>false</code> if we timed-out. */ private boolean waitForBootCompletion(final PrintStream logger, final Launcher launcher, final String androidHome, final int port, final int timeout) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int sleep = timeout / (int) Math.sqrt(timeout / 1000); final String serialNo = "localhost:"+ port; final String args = "-s "+ serialNo +" shell getprop dev.bootcomplete"; ArgumentListBuilder cmd = Utils.getToolCommand(launcher, androidHome, "adb", "adb.exe", args); try { while (System.currentTimeMillis() < start + timeout) { ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4); // Run "getprop" launcher.launch().cmds(cmd).stdout(stream).start().join(); // Check output String result = stream.toString().trim(); if (result.equals("1")) { return true; } // Otherwise continue... Thread.sleep(sleep); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log(logger, Messages.INTERRUPTED_DURING_BOOT_COMPLETION()); } catch (IOException ex) { log(logger, Messages.COULD_NOT_CHECK_BOOT_COMPLETION()); ex.printStackTrace(logger); } return false; } @Extension(ordinal=-100) // Negative ordinal makes us execute after other wrappers (i.e. Xvnc) public static final class DescriptorImpl extends BuildWrapperDescriptor implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // From hudson.Util.VARIABLE private static final String VARIABLE_REGEX = "\\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+|\\{[A-Za-z0-9_]+\\}|\\$)"; /** * The Android SDK home directory. Can include variables, e.g. <tt>${ANDROID_HOME}</tt>. * <p>If <code>null</code>, we will just assume the required commands are on the PATH.</p> */ public String androidHome; public DescriptorImpl() { super(AndroidEmulator.class); load(); } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return Messages.JOB_DESCRIPTION(); } @Override public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject json) throws FormException { req.bindParameters(this, "android-emulator."); save(); return true; } @Override public BuildWrapper newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { String avdName = null; String osVersion = null; String screenDensity = null; String screenResolution = null; String deviceLocale = null; String sdCardSize = null; boolean wipeData = false; boolean showWindow = true; int startupDelay = 0; JSONObject emulatorData = formData.getJSONObject("useNamed"); String useNamedValue = emulatorData.getString("value"); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(useNamedValue)) { avdName = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(emulatorData.getString("avdName")); } else { osVersion = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(emulatorData.getString("osVersion")); screenDensity = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(emulatorData.getString("screenDensity")); screenResolution = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(emulatorData.getString("screenResolution")); deviceLocale = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(emulatorData.getString("deviceLocale")); sdCardSize = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(emulatorData.getString("sdCardSize")); if (sdCardSize != null) { sdCardSize = sdCardSize.toUpperCase().replaceAll("[ B]", ""); } } wipeData = formData.getBoolean("wipeData"); showWindow = formData.getBoolean("showWindow"); try { startupDelay = Integer.parseInt(formData.getString("startupDelay")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) {} return new AndroidEmulator(avdName, osVersion, screenDensity, screenResolution, deviceLocale, sdCardSize, wipeData, showWindow, startupDelay); } @Override public String getHelpFile() { return "/plugin/android-emulator/help-buildConfig.html"; } @Override public boolean isApplicable(AbstractProject<?, ?> item) { return true; } /** Used in config.jelly: Lists the OS versions available. */ public AndroidPlatform[] getAndroidVersions() { return AndroidPlatform.PRESETS; } /** Used in config.jelly: Lists the screen densities available. */ public ScreenDensity[] getDeviceDensities() { return ScreenDensity.PRESETS; } /** Used in config.jelly: Lists the screen resolutions available. */ public ScreenResolution[] getDeviceResolutions() { return ScreenResolution.PRESETS; } /** Used in config.jelly: Lists the locales available. */ public String[] getEmulatorLocales() { return Constants.EMULATOR_LOCALES; } public FormValidation doCheckAvdName(@QueryParameter String value) { return doCheckAvdName(value, true).getFormValidation(); } private ValidationResult doCheckAvdName(String avdName, boolean allowVariables) { if (avdName == null || avdName.equals("")) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.AVD_NAME_REQUIRED()); } String regex = Constants.REGEX_AVD_NAME; if (allowVariables) { regex = "(("+ Constants.REGEX_AVD_NAME +")*("+ VARIABLE_REGEX +")*)+"; } if (!avdName.matches(regex)) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.INVALID_AVD_NAME()); } return ValidationResult.ok(); } public FormValidation doCheckOsVersion(@QueryParameter String value) { return doCheckOsVersion(value, true).getFormValidation(); } private ValidationResult doCheckOsVersion(String osVersion, boolean allowVariables) { if (osVersion == null || osVersion.equals("")) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.OS_VERSION_REQUIRED()); } if (!allowVariables && osVersion.matches(VARIABLE_REGEX)) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.INVALID_OS_VERSION()); } return ValidationResult.ok(); } public FormValidation doCheckScreenDensity(@QueryParameter String value) { return doCheckScreenDensity(value, true).getFormValidation(); } private ValidationResult doCheckScreenDensity(String density, boolean allowVariables) { if (density == null || density.equals("")) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.SCREEN_DENSITY_REQUIRED()); } String regex = Constants.REGEX_SCREEN_DENSITY; if (allowVariables) { regex += "|"+ VARIABLE_REGEX; } if (!density.matches(regex)) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.SCREEN_DENSITY_NOT_NUMERIC()); } return ValidationResult.ok(); } public FormValidation doCheckScreenResolution(@QueryParameter String value, @QueryParameter String density) { return doCheckScreenResolution(value, density, true).getFormValidation(); } private ValidationResult doCheckScreenResolution(String resolution, String density, boolean allowVariables) { if (resolution == null || resolution.equals("")) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.SCREEN_RESOLUTION_REQUIRED()); } String regex = Constants.REGEX_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_FULL; if (allowVariables) { regex += "|"+ VARIABLE_REGEX; } if (!resolution.matches(regex)) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.INVALID_RESOLUTION_FORMAT()); } // Check for shenanigans ScreenResolution resolutionValue = ScreenResolution.valueOf(resolution); ScreenDensity densityValue = ScreenDensity.valueOf(density); if (resolutionValue != null && densityValue != null && !resolutionValue.isCustomResolution() && !densityValue.isCustomDensity()) { boolean densityFound = false; for (ScreenDensity okDensity : resolutionValue.getApplicableDensities()) { if (okDensity.equals(densityValue)) { densityFound = true; break; } } if (!densityFound) { return ValidationResult.warning(Messages.SUSPECT_RESOLUTION(resolution, densityValue)); } } return ValidationResult.ok(); } public FormValidation doCheckDeviceLocale(@QueryParameter String value) { return doCheckDeviceLocale(value, true).getFormValidation(); } private ValidationResult doCheckDeviceLocale(String locale, boolean allowVariables) { if (locale == null || locale.equals("")) { return ValidationResult.warning(Messages.DEFAULT_LOCALE_WARNING(Constants.DEFAULT_LOCALE)); } String regex = Constants.REGEX_LOCALE; if (allowVariables) { regex += "|"+ VARIABLE_REGEX; } if (!locale.matches(regex)) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.LOCALE_FORMAT_WARNING()); } return ValidationResult.ok(); } public FormValidation doCheckSdCardSize(@QueryParameter String value) { return doCheckSdCardSize(value, true).getFormValidation(); } private ValidationResult doCheckSdCardSize(String sdCardSize, boolean allowVariables) { if (sdCardSize == null || sdCardSize.equals("")) { // No value, no SD card is created return ValidationResult.ok(); } String regex = Constants.REGEX_SD_CARD_SIZE; if (allowVariables) { regex += "|"+ VARIABLE_REGEX; } if (!sdCardSize.matches(regex)) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.INVALID_SD_CARD_SIZE()); } // Validate size of SD card: New AVD requires at least 9MB Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(Constants.REGEX_SD_CARD_SIZE).matcher(sdCardSize); if (matcher.matches()) { long bytes = Long.parseLong(; if ("M")) { // Convert to KB bytes *= 1024; } bytes *= 1024L; if (bytes < (9 * 1024 * 1024)) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.SD_CARD_SIZE_TOO_SMALL()); } } return ValidationResult.ok(); } public FormValidation doCheckAndroidHome(@QueryParameter File value) { return doCheckAndroidHome(value, true).getFormValidation(); } private ValidationResult doCheckAndroidHome(File sdkRoot, boolean fromWebConfig) { // This can be used to check the existence of a file on the server, so needs to be protected if (fromWebConfig && !Hudson.getInstance().hasPermission(Hudson.ADMINISTER)) { return ValidationResult.ok(); } // Check the utter basics if (sdkRoot == null || sdkRoot.getPath().equals("")) { return ValidationResult.ok(); } if (!sdkRoot.isDirectory()) { if (fromWebConfig && sdkRoot.getPath().matches(".*("+ VARIABLE_REGEX +").*")) { return ValidationResult.ok(); } return ValidationResult.error(Messages.INVALID_DIRECTORY()); } // We'll be using items from the tools and platforms directories for (String dirName : new String[] { "tools", "platforms" }) { File dir = new File(sdkRoot, dirName); if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) { return ValidationResult.error(Messages.INVALID_SDK_DIRECTORY()); } } // So long as the basic executables exist, we're happy int toolsFound = 0; final String[] requiredTools = { "adb", "android", "emulator" }; for (String toolName : requiredTools) { for (String extension : new String[] { "", ".bat", ".exe" }) { File tool = new File(sdkRoot, "tools/"+ toolName + extension); if (tool.exists() && tool.isFile()) { toolsFound++; break; } } } if (toolsFound != requiredTools.length) { return ValidationResult.errorWithMarkup(Messages.REQUIRED_SDK_TOOLS_NOT_FOUND()); } // Give the user a nice warning (not error) if they've not downloaded any platforms yet File platformsDir = new File(sdkRoot, "platforms"); if (platformsDir.list().length == 0) { return ValidationResult.warning(Messages.SDK_PLATFORMS_EMPTY()); } return ValidationResult.ok(); } } /** Task that will block until it can either connect to a port on localhost, or it times-out. */ private static final class LocalPortOpenTask implements Callable<Boolean, InterruptedException> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final int port; private final int timeout; /** * @param port The local TCP port to attempt to connect to. * @param timeout How long to keep trying (in milliseconds) before giving up. */ public LocalPortOpenTask(int port, int timeout) { this.port = port; this.timeout = timeout; } public Boolean call() throws InterruptedException { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() < start + timeout) { try { Socket socket = new Socket("", port); socket.getOutputStream(); socket.close(); return true; } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore } Thread.sleep(1000); } return false; } } /** The Java equivalent of <tt>/dev/null</tt>. */ private static final class NullOutputStream extends OutputStream { @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { // La la la } @Override public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException { // I can't hear you } @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { // Nope, still can't hear you } } }