package hudson.views; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Cause; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.model.Label; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.model.ResourceList; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.model.SCMedItem; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.model.TopLevelItem; import hudson.model.TopLevelItemDescriptor; import hudson.model.Queue.Executable; import hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage; import hudson.scm.CVSSCM; import hudson.scm.PollingResult; import hudson.scm.SCM; import hudson.views.AbstractIncludeExcludeJobFilter.IncludeExcludeType; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedMap; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class RegExJobFilterTest extends TestCase { /** * Tests that the example given in the help page works as described. */ public void testHelpExample() { List<TopLevelItem> all = toList("Work_Job", "Work_Nightly", "A-utility-job", "My_Job", "Job2_Nightly", "Util_Nightly", "My_Util"); List<TopLevelItem> filtered = new ArrayList<TopLevelItem>(); RegExJobFilter includeNonNightly = new RegExJobFilter(".*_Nightly", AbstractIncludeExcludeJobFilter.IncludeExcludeType.includeUnmatched.toString(), // true, false, RegExJobFilter.ValueType.NAME.toString()); filtered = includeNonNightly.filter(filtered, all, null); List<TopLevelItem> expected = toList("Work_Job", "A-utility-job", "My_Job", "My_Util"); assertListEquals(expected, filtered); RegExJobFilter excludeUtil = new RegExJobFilter(".*[Uu]til.*", AbstractIncludeExcludeJobFilter.IncludeExcludeType.excludeMatched.toString(), // false, true, RegExJobFilter.ValueType.NAME.toString()); filtered = excludeUtil.filter(filtered, all, null); expected = toList("Work_Job", "My_Job"); assertListEquals(expected, filtered); } private void assertListEquals(List<TopLevelItem> l1, List<TopLevelItem> l2) { assertEquals(l1.size(), l2.size()); for (int i = 0; i < l1.size(); i++) { TopLevelItem i1 = l1.get(i); TopLevelItem i2 = l2.get(i); assertEquals(i1.getName(), i2.getName()); } } private List<TopLevelItem> toList(String... names) { List<TopLevelItem> items = new ArrayList<TopLevelItem>(); for (String name: names) { TopLevelItem item = new TestItem(name); items.add(item); } return items; } public void testIncludeExclude() { doTestIncludeExclude("junit", ".*u.*", IncludeExcludeType.includeMatched, true, false); doTestIncludeExclude("junit", ".*u.*", IncludeExcludeType.includeUnmatched, false, false); doTestIncludeExclude("junit", ".*u.*", IncludeExcludeType.excludeMatched, false, true); doTestIncludeExclude("junit", ".*u.*", IncludeExcludeType.excludeUnmatched, false, false); doTestIncludeExclude("test", ".*u.*", IncludeExcludeType.includeMatched, false, false); doTestIncludeExclude("test", ".*u.*", IncludeExcludeType.includeUnmatched, true, false); doTestIncludeExclude("test", ".*u.*", IncludeExcludeType.excludeMatched, false, false); doTestIncludeExclude("test", ".*u.*", IncludeExcludeType.excludeUnmatched, false, true); } public void doTestIncludeExclude(String jobName, String regex, IncludeExcludeType includeExcludeType, // boolean negate, boolean exclude, boolean expectInclude, boolean expectExclude) { TopLevelItem item = new TestItem(jobName); RegExJobFilter filter = new RegExJobFilter(regex, includeExcludeType.toString(), RegExJobFilter.ValueType.NAME.toString()); boolean matched = filter.matches(item); assertEquals(expectExclude, filter.exclude(matched)); assertEquals(expectInclude, filter.include(matched)); } public void testScmRegEx() throws IOException { doTestScmRegEx("root", "modules", "branch", false); doTestScmRegEx(null, "modules", "branch", false); doTestScmRegEx("root", "modules", null, false); doTestScmRegEx("root/my-office", "modules", "branch", true); doTestScmRegEx("root", "modules/my-office", "branch", true); doTestScmRegEx("root", "modules", "branch/my-office", true); } private void doTestScmRegEx(String root, String modules, String branch, boolean expectMatch) throws IOException { RegExJobFilter filter = new RegExJobFilter(".*my-office.*", IncludeExcludeType.includeMatched.toString(), RegExJobFilter.ValueType.SCM.toString()); CVSSCM scm = new CVSSCM(root, modules, branch, null, false, false, false, null); TestItem item = new TestItem("name", scm); boolean matched = filter.matches(item); assertEquals(expectMatch, matched); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private class TestItem extends Job implements SCMedItem, TopLevelItem { private SCM scm; public TestItem(String name) { this(name, null); } public TestItem(String name, SCM scm) { super(null, name); this.scm = scm; } public AbstractProject<?, ?> asProject() { return null; } public SCM getScm() { return scm; } public TopLevelItemDescriptor getDescriptor() { return null; } @Override public Hudson getParent() { return null; } @Override protected SortedMap _getRuns() { return null; } @Override public boolean isBuildable() { return false; } @Override protected void removeRun(Run arg0) { } public PollingResult poll(TaskListener tasklistener) { return null; } public boolean pollSCMChanges(TaskListener tasklistener) { return false; } public ResourceList getResourceList() { return null; } public boolean scheduleBuild() { return false; } public boolean scheduleBuild(Cause cause) { return false; } public boolean scheduleBuild(int i, Cause cause) { return false; } public boolean scheduleBuild(int i) { return false; } public void checkAbortPermission() { } public Executable createExecutable() throws IOException { return null; } public Label getAssignedLabel() { return null; } public CauseOfBlockage getCauseOfBlockage() { return null; } public long getEstimatedDuration() { return 0; } public Node getLastBuiltOn() { return null; } public String getWhyBlocked() { return null; } public boolean hasAbortPermission() { return false; } public boolean isBuildBlocked() { return false; } public boolean isConcurrentBuild() { return false; } } }