package hudson.plugins.violations.generate; import; import; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import hudson.plugins.violations.model.FullBuildModel; import hudson.plugins.violations.model.FullFileModel; import hudson.plugins.violations.model.Violation; import hudson.plugins.violations.model.FileSummary; import hudson.plugins.violations.model.Severity; /** * Class to output the full build model (not the files). */ public class OutputBuildModel implements Execute { private final FullBuildModel model; private PrintWriter writer; /** * Create the output class. * @param model the model to output. */ public OutputBuildModel(FullBuildModel model) { this.model = model; } /** * Output the build model. * @param writer the output writer. * @throws IOException if there is a problem. */ public void execute(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException { this.writer = writer; header(); for (String type: model.getTypeMap().keySet()) { doType(type, model.getTypeMap().get(type)); } footer(); } private void header() throws IOException { writer.println("<violations>"); } private void doType(String type, SortedSet<FileSummary> files) { writer.println(" <type name='" + type + "'>"); for (FileSummary f: files) { writer.println( " <file"); writer.println( " " + XMLUtil.toAttribute( "name", f.getFileModel().getDisplayName())); writer.println(" count = '" + f.getViolations().size() + "'>"); doSeverities(type, f.getFileModel()); writer.println(" </file>"); } writer.println(" </type>"); } /** Output the severity numbers for a particular type in a file */ private void doSeverities(String type, FullFileModel file) { Set<Violation> violations = file.getTypeMap().get(type); if (violations == null) { return; } // Build up the severity counts and code numbers CodeCountMap codeMap = new CodeCountMap(); int[] counts = new int[Severity.NUMBER_SEVERITIES]; for (Violation v: violations) { counts[v.getSeverityLevel()]++; codeMap.add(v.getSource()); } // Output severity counts for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; ++i) { if (counts[i] == 0) { continue; } writer.print( " <severity"); writer.print(XMLUtil.toAttribute("level", i)); writer.print(XMLUtil.toAttribute("count", counts[i])); writer.println("/>"); } // Output severity code counts for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e: codeMap.entrySet()) { writer.print(" <source "); writer.print(XMLUtil.toAttribute("name", e.getKey())); writer.print(XMLUtil.toAttribute("count", e.getValue())); writer.println("/>"); } } private static class CodeCountMap extends HashMap<String, Integer> { public void add(String code) { Integer k = super.get(code); if (k == null) { k = 0; } int i = k; i++; super.put(code, i); } } private void footer() throws IOException { writer.println("</violations>"); } }