package hudson.plugins.collabnet.auth; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CollabNetApp; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.AbstractItem; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Computer; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.model.User; import hudson.model.View; import hudson.plugins.collabnet.util.CNFormFieldValidator; import; import; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.util.VersionNumber; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static hudson.Util.fixNull; import static hudson.Util.join; import static hudson.plugins.collabnet.util.CommonUtil.splitCommaStr; import static java.lang.Math.max; /** * Class for the CollabNet Authorization. */ public class CNAuthorizationStrategy extends AuthorizationStrategy { private Collection<String> readUsers; private Collection<String> readGroups; private Collection<String> adminUsers; private Collection<String> adminGroups; private int mAuthCacheTimeoutMin; private volatile ACL rootACL; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("CNAuthorizationStrategy"); /** * Constructs a new CNAUthorizationStrategy object. This * AuthorizationStrategy depends upon the CNAuthentication SecurityRealm. * * @param readUsers a list of usernames (from CollabNet) that has * system-wide read. * @param readGroups a list of groupnames (from CollabNet) whose members * have system-wide read. * @param adminUsers a list of usernames (from CollabNet) that have * all permissions in Hudson. * @param adminGroups a list of groupnames (from CollabNet) whose members * have all permissions in Hudson. * @param permCacheTimeoutMin the cache timeout in min, after which the cache entries are cleared. -1 to disable. */ public CNAuthorizationStrategy(List<String> readUsers, List<String> readGroups, List<String> adminUsers, List<String> adminGroups, int permCacheTimeoutMin) { this.readUsers = new ArrayList<String>(readUsers); this.readGroups = new ArrayList<String>(readGroups); this.adminUsers = new ArrayList<String>(adminUsers); this.adminGroups = new ArrayList<String>(adminGroups); mAuthCacheTimeoutMin = max(0,permCacheTimeoutMin); // can't be negative this.rootACL = new CNRootACL(this.adminUsers, this.adminGroups, this.readUsers, this.readGroups); } @DataBoundConstructor public CNAuthorizationStrategy(String readUsersStr, String readGroupsStr, String adminUsersStr, String adminGroupsStr, int authCacheTimeoutMin) { this(splitCommaStr(readUsersStr), splitCommaStr(readGroupsStr), splitCommaStr(adminUsersStr), splitCommaStr(adminGroupsStr), max(0,authCacheTimeoutMin)); } /** * @return a comma-delimited string of the read-only users. */ public String getReadUsersStr() { return join(this.readUsers, ", "); } /** * @return a comma-delimited string of the read-only groups. */ public String getReadGroupsStr() { return join(this.readGroups, ", "); } /** * @return a comma-delimited string of the admin users. */ public String getAdminUsersStr() { return join(this.adminUsers, ", "); } /** * @return a comma-delimited string of the admin groups. */ public String getAdminGroupsStr() { return join(this.adminGroups, ", "); } /** * Get the number of min the cache is to be kept. * @return number of min */ public int getAuthCacheTimeoutMin() { return mAuthCacheTimeoutMin; } /** * Get the number of ms the cache is to be kept. * @return number of ms */ public long getAuthCacheTimeoutMs() { return getAuthCacheTimeoutMin() * (60L * 1000); } /** * @return the names of all groups/roles used in this authorization * strategy. */ @Override public Collection<String> getGroups() { return CNProjectACL.CollabNetRoles.getNames(); } /** * @return the default ACL. */ @Override public ACL getRootACL() { if (this.rootACL == null) { this.rootACL = new CNRootACL(this.adminUsers, this.adminGroups, this.readUsers, this.readGroups); } return this.rootACL; } /** * @return the ACL specific to the CSFE project, if available. * Otherwise, return the root ACL. */ @Override public ACL getACL(Job <?, ?> job) { CNAuthProjectProperty capp = job.getProperty(CNAuthProjectProperty.class); if (capp != null) { String projectId = capp.getProjectId(); if (projectId != null && !projectId.equals("")) { return new CNRootACL(this.adminUsers, this.adminGroups, this.readUsers, this.readGroups, new CNProjectACL(projectId)); } } // for jobs that are not associated with any project, we'll make it configuratble by any authenticated user return new CNRootACL(this.adminUsers, this.adminGroups, this.readUsers, this.readGroups, new CNAuthenticatedUserACL()); } @Override public ACL getACL(AbstractItem item) { return this.getRootACL(); } public ACL getACL(AbstractProject<?, ?> project) { return this.getACL((Job)project); } @Override public ACL getACL(View view) { return this.getRootACL(); } @Override public ACL getACL(Computer computer) { return this.getRootACL(); } @Override public ACL getACL(User user) { return this.getRootACL(); } /** * The CNAuthorizationStrategy Descriptor class. */ @Extension public static final class DescriptorImpl extends Descriptor<AuthorizationStrategy> { // any version later than this has the features // we require for authorization to work correctly public static String GOOD_VERSION = ""; /** * @return string to display for configuration screen. */ @Override public String getDisplayName() { return "CollabNet Authorization"; } /** * @return the currently saved configured CollabNet url */ public static String getCollabNetUrl() { CollabNetApp conn = CNConnection.getInstance(); if (conn == null) { return null; } return conn.getServerUrl(); } /** * @param url for the CollabNet server. * @return the CollabNet version number. */ public static VersionNumber getVersion(String url) { if (url == null) { return null; } String version; try { version = CollabNetApp.getApiVersion(url); } catch (RemoteException re) {"getVersion: failed with RemoteException: " + re.getMessage()); return null; } try { return new VersionNumber(version); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { log.severe("getVersion: unexpected error when attempting to " + "parse CollabNet version: " + iae.getMessage()); return null; } } /** * @return true if the CollabNet version is late enough (5.2+) * that using this AuthorizationStrategy is effective. */ public static boolean isGoodCNVersion(String url) { VersionNumber version = getVersion(url); if (version == null) { // we can't check, so we'll assume it's ok. return true; } VersionNumber desiredVersion = new VersionNumber(GOOD_VERSION); return version.compareTo(desiredVersion) >= 0; } /** * Check whether the "incorrect version" msg should be displayed, * and returns what the currently configured version is, in a json. */ public void doVersionCheck(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, @QueryParameter String url) throws IOException { rsp.setContentType("text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); JSONObject versionJSON = new JSONObject(); String error_display_style = "none"; if (!isGoodCNVersion(url)) { error_display_style = "inline"; } versionJSON.element("error_display_style", error_display_style); VersionNumber version = getVersion(url); if (version != null) { versionJSON.element("version", version.toString()); } else { versionJSON.element("version", "unknown"); } rsp.getWriter().print(versionJSON.toString()); } /** * Check that the users are valid. */ public FormValidation doCheckAdminUsersStr(@QueryParameter String value) throws RemoteException { return CNFormFieldValidator.userListCheck(value); } public FormValidation doCheckReadUsersStr(@QueryParameter String value) throws RemoteException { return CNFormFieldValidator.userListCheck(value); } /** * Check that the groups are valid. */ public FormValidation doCheckAdminGroupsStr(@QueryParameter String groups, @QueryParameter String users) throws RemoteException { return CNFormFieldValidator.groupListCheck(fixNull(groups), fixNull(users)); } public FormValidation doCheckReadGroupsStr(@QueryParameter String value) throws RemoteException { return CNFormFieldValidator.groupListCheck(value,null); } /** * Check that the timeout number is greater than or equal to 0 * @param value the timeout to be checked */ public FormValidation doCheckAuthCacheTimeoutMin(@QueryParameter String value) { return CNFormFieldValidator.numberCheck(value, true, true, false); } } }