package hudson.plugins.locksandlatches; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.tasks.BuildWrapper; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * * @author connollys * @since 04-Dec-2007 12:04:47 */ public class LatchWrapper extends BuildWrapper { @Override public Environment setUp(AbstractBuild abstractBuild, Launcher launcher, BuildListener buildListener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return new Environment() { }; } public String getDisplayName() { return DESCRIPTOR.getDisplayName(); } public static final class DescriptorImpl extends Descriptor<BuildWrapper> { private List<LatchConfig> latches; private static transient ConcurrentMap<LatchConfig, Set<AbstractBuild>> waitingJobs = new ConcurrentHashMap<LatchConfig,Set<AbstractBuild>>(); private static transient ConcurrentMap<LatchConfig, Boolean> releasedLatches = new ConcurrentHashMap<LatchConfig,Boolean>(); public void register(AbstractBuild build, Set<LatchConfig> latches) { } DescriptorImpl() { super(LatchWrapper.class); load(); } public String getDisplayName() { return "Latches"; } @Override public BuildWrapper newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { List<LatchWaitConfig> latches = req.bindParametersToList(LatchWaitConfig.class, "latches.latches."); return new LatchWrapper(); //TODO } @Override public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { req.bindParameters(this, "latches."); latches = req.bindParametersToList(LatchConfig.class, "latches.latch."); save(); return super.configure(req, formData); } public List<LatchConfig> getLatches() { if (latches == null) { latches = new ArrayList<LatchConfig>(); // provide default if we have none latches.add(new LatchConfig("(default)", 1, 360)); } return latches; } public void setLatches(List<LatchConfig> latches) { this.latches = latches; } public LatchConfig getLatch(String name) { getLatches(); for (LatchConfig latchConfig : latches) { if (name.equals(latchConfig.getName())) { return latchConfig; } } return null; } public String[] getLatchNames() { String[] result = new String[latches.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = latches.get(i).getName(); } return result; } public void addLatch(LatchConfig latch) { latches.add(latch); save(); } } @Override public Descriptor<BuildWrapper> getDescriptor() { return DESCRIPTOR; } // @Extension public static final DescriptorImpl DESCRIPTOR = new DescriptorImpl(); public static final class LatchConfig implements Serializable { private String name; private int count; private long timeout; public LatchConfig() { this.count = 1; } @DataBoundConstructor public LatchConfig(String name, int count, long timeout) { = name; this.count = count; this.timeout = timeout; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public int getCount() { return count; } public void setCount(int count) { this.count = count; } public long getTimeout() { return timeout; } public void setTimeout(long timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; LatchConfig that = (LatchConfig) o; if (name != null ? !name.equals( : != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result; result = (name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0); return result; } } public static final class LatchWaitConfig implements Serializable { private String name; private transient LatchConfig latch; public LatchWaitConfig() { } @DataBoundConstructor public LatchWaitConfig(String name) { = name; } public LatchConfig getLatch() { if (latch == null && name != null && !"".equals(name)) { setLatch(DESCRIPTOR.getLatch(name)); } return latch; } public void setLatch(LatchConfig latch) { this.latch = latch; } public String getName() { if (latch == null) { return name; } return name = latch.getName(); } public void setName(String name) { setLatch(DESCRIPTOR.getLatch( = name)); } } private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LatchWrapper.class.getName()); }