package hudson.plugins.hadoop; import hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient; import org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import; /** * Renders HDFS directory like {@link DirectoryBrowserSupport}. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class HDFSDirectoryBrowser implements HttpResponse { private final DFSClient dfs; public HDFSDirectoryBrowser() throws IOException { PluginImpl p = PluginImpl.get(); this.dfs = p.createDFSClient(); } private String getPath(StaplerRequest req) { String path = req.getRestOfPath(); if(path.length()==0) path = "/"; return path; } public void generateResponse(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, Object node) throws IOException, ServletException { // String target = getPath(req); // if (!dfs.exists(target)) { // rsp.sendError(SC_NOT_FOUND); // return; // } // // PrintWriter out = rsp.getWriter(); // // if (!dfs.isDirectory(target)) { // a file // List<LocatedBlock> blocks = // dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(target, 0, 1).getLocatedBlocks(); // // LocatedBlock firstBlock = null; // DatanodeInfo[] locations = null; // if (blocks.size() > 0) { // firstBlock = blocks.get(0); // locations = firstBlock.getLocations(); // } // if (locations == null || locations.length == 0) { // out.print("Empty file"); // } else { // DatanodeInfo chosenNode = jspHelper.bestNode(firstBlock); // String fqdn = InetAddress.getByName(chosenNode.getHost()). // getCanonicalHostName(); // String datanodeAddr = chosenNode.getName(); // int datanodePort = Integer.parseInt( // datanodeAddr.substring( // datanodeAddr.indexOf(':') + 1, // datanodeAddr.length())); // String redirectLocation = "http://" + fqdn + ":" + // chosenNode.getInfoPort() + // "/browseBlock.jsp?blockId=" + // firstBlock.getBlock().getBlockId() + // "&blockSize=" + firstBlock.getBlock().getNumBytes() + // "&genstamp=" + firstBlock.getBlock().getGenerationStamp() + // "&filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(dir, "UTF-8") + // "&datanodePort=" + datanodePort + // "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort; // rsp.sendRedirect(redirectLocation); // } // return; // } // // directory // FileStatus[] files = dfs.listPaths(target); // //generate a table and dump the info // String [] headings = { "Name", "Type", "Size", "Replication", // "Block Size", "Modification Time", // "Permission", "Owner", "Group" }; // out.print("<h3>Contents of directory "); // JspHelper.printPathWithLinks(dir, out, namenodeInfoPort); // out.print("</h3><hr>"); // JspHelper.printGotoForm(out, namenodeInfoPort, dir); // out.print("<hr>"); // // File f = new File(dir); // String parent; // if ((parent = f.getParent()) != null) // out.print("<a href=\"" + req.getRequestURL() + "?dir=" + parent + // "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort + // "\">Go to parent directory</a><br>"); // // if (files == null || files.length == 0) { // out.print("Empty directory"); // } // else { // jspHelper.addTableHeader(out); // int row=0; // jspHelper.addTableRow(out, headings, row++); // String cols [] = new String[headings.length]; // for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // //Get the location of the first block of the file // if (files[i].getPath().toString().endsWith(".crc")) continue; // if (!files[i].isDir()) { // cols[1] = "file"; // cols[2] = FsShell.byteDesc(files[i].getLen()); // cols[3] = Short.toString(files[i].getReplication()); // cols[4] = FsShell.byteDesc(files[i].getBlockSize()); // } // else { // cols[1] = "dir"; // cols[2] = ""; // cols[3] = ""; // cols[4] = ""; // } // String datanodeUrl = req.getRequestURL()+"?dir="+ // URLEncoder.encode(files[i].getPath().toString(), "UTF-8") + // "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort; // cols[0] = "<a href=\""+datanodeUrl+"\">"+files[i].getPath().getName()+"</a>"; // cols[5] = FsShell.dateForm.format(new Date((files[i].getModificationTime()))); // cols[6] = files[i].getPermission().toString(); // cols[7] = files[i].getOwner(); // cols[8] = files[i].getGroup(); // jspHelper.addTableRow(out, cols, row++); // } // jspHelper.addTableFooter(out); // } // // String namenodeHost = jspHelper.nameNodeAddr.getHostName(); // out.print("<br><a href=\"http://" + // InetAddress.getByName(namenodeHost).getCanonicalHostName() + ":" + // namenodeInfoPort + "/dfshealth.jsp\">Go back to DFS home</a>"); // dfs.close(); } }