package hudson.plugins.logparser; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class LogParserParser { final private HashMap statusCount = new HashMap(); final private HashMap writers = new HashMap(); final private HashMap linkFiles = new HashMap(); final private String[] parsingRulesArray; final private Pattern[] compiledPatterns; // if key is 3-ERROR it shows how many errors are in section 3 final private HashMap statusCountPerSection = new HashMap(); final private ArrayList headerForSection = new ArrayList(); private int sectionCounter = 0; final private LogParserDisplayConsts displayConstants = new LogParserDisplayConsts(); public LogParserParser(final String parsingRulesPath) throws FileNotFoundException , IOException { // Count of lines in this status statusCount.put(LogParserConsts.ERROR, 0); statusCount.put(LogParserConsts.WARNING, 0); statusCount.put(LogParserConsts.INFO, 0); this.parsingRulesArray = LogParserUtils.readParsingRules(parsingRulesPath); // This causes each regular expression to be compiled once for better performance this.compiledPatterns = LogParserUtils.compilePatterns(this.parsingRulesArray); } /* * This method creates the parsed log file : log.html * It also creates the lists of links to these errors/warnings/info messages respectively : * errorLinks.html, warningLinks.html, infoLinks.html */ public LogParserResult parseLog(final AbstractBuild build) throws FileNotFoundException , IOException { // Get console log file final File logFile = build.getLogFile(); final String logDirectory = logFile.getParent(); final String filePath = logFile.getAbsolutePath(); // Determine parsed log files final String parsedFilePath = logDirectory+"/log_content.html"; final String errorLinksFilePath = logDirectory+"/logerrorLinks.html"; final String warningLinksFilePath = logDirectory+"/logwarningLinks.html"; final String infoLinksFilePath = logDirectory+"/loginfoLinks.html"; final String buildRefPath = logDirectory+"/log_ref.html"; final String buildWrapperPath = logDirectory+"/log.html"; // Record file paths in hash linkFiles.put(LogParserConsts.ERROR, errorLinksFilePath); linkFiles.put(LogParserConsts.WARNING, warningLinksFilePath); linkFiles.put(LogParserConsts.INFO, infoLinksFilePath); // Open console log for reading and all other files for writing final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath)); final BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(parsedFilePath)); // Record writers to links files in hash writers.put(LogParserConsts.ERROR, new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(errorLinksFilePath))); writers.put(LogParserConsts.WARNING, new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(warningLinksFilePath))); writers.put(LogParserConsts.INFO, new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(infoLinksFilePath))); //Loop on the console log as long as there are input lines and parse line by line //At the end of this loop, we will have: // - a parsed log with colored lines // - 3 links files which will be consolidated into one referencing html file. // Create dummy header and section for beginning of log final String shortLink = " <a target=\"content\" href=\"log_content.html\">Beginning of log</a>"; LogParserWriter.writeHeaderTemplateToAllLinkFiles(writers,sectionCounter); // This enters a line which will later be replaced by the actual header and count for this header headerForSection.add(shortLink); writer.write(LogParserConsts.htmlOpen); String line = null; while ((line=reader.readLine()) != null) { final String status = getLineStatus(line); final String parsedLine = parseLine(line,status); // This is for displaying sections in the links part writer.write(parsedLine); writer.newLine(); // Write system dependent end of line. } writer.write(LogParserConsts.htmlClose); //... Close reader and writer. reader.close(); // Close to unlock. writer.close(); // Close to unlock and flush to disk. ((BufferedWriter)writers.get(LogParserConsts.ERROR)).close(); ((BufferedWriter)writers.get(LogParserConsts.WARNING)).close(); ((BufferedWriter)writers.get(LogParserConsts.INFO)).close(); // Build the reference html from the warnings/errors/info html files created in the loop above LogParserWriter.writeReferenceHtml( buildRefPath, headerForSection, statusCountPerSection, displayConstants.getIconTable(), displayConstants.getLinkListDisplay(), displayConstants.getLinkListDisplayPlural(), statusCount, linkFiles); // Write the wrapping html for the reference page and the parsed log page LogParserWriter.writeWrapperHtml(buildWrapperPath); //String hudsonRoot = Hudson.getInstance().getRootUrl() ; // hudson link final String buildUrlPath = build.getUrl() ; //job/cat_log/58 final String buildActionPath = LogParserAction.getUrlNameStat(); //"parsed_console"; final String parsedLogURL = buildUrlPath+buildActionPath+"/log.html"; // Create result class final LogParserResult result = new LogParserResult(); result.setHtmlLogFile(parsedFilePath); result.setTotalErrors((Integer)statusCount.get(LogParserConsts.ERROR)); result.setTotalWarnings((Integer)statusCount.get(LogParserConsts.WARNING)); result.setTotalInfos((Integer)statusCount.get(LogParserConsts.INFO)); result.setErrorLinksFile(errorLinksFilePath); result.setWarningLinksFile(warningLinksFilePath); result.setInfoLinksFile(infoLinksFilePath); result.setParsedLogURL(parsedLogURL); result.setHtmlLogPath(logDirectory); return result; } public String getLineStatus(final String line) { for (int i=0;i<this.parsingRulesArray.length;i++){ final String parsingRule = this.parsingRulesArray[i]; if (!LogParserUtils.skipParsingRule(parsingRule) && this.compiledPatterns[i] != null && this.compiledPatterns[i].matcher(line).find()) { final String status = parsingRule.split("\\s")[0]; return LogParserUtils.standardizeStatus(status); } } return LogParserConsts.NONE; } public String parseLine(final String line) throws IOException { return parseLine(line,null); } public String parseLine(final String line, final String status) throws IOException { String parsedLine = line; String effectiveStatus = status; if (status.equals(LogParserConsts.START)) { effectiveStatus = LogParserConsts.INFO; } parsedLine = parsedLine.replaceAll("<", "<"); // Allows < to be seen in log which is html parsedLine = parsedLine.replaceAll(">", ">"); // Allows > to be seen in log which is html if (effectiveStatus != null && !effectiveStatus.equals(LogParserConsts.NONE)) { // Increment count of the status incrementCounter(effectiveStatus); incrementCounterPerSection(status,sectionCounter); // Color line according to the status final String parsedLineColored = colorLine(parsedLine,effectiveStatus); // Mark line and add to left side links of highlighted lines final String parsedLineColoredAndMarked = addMarkerAndLink(parsedLineColored,effectiveStatus,status); parsedLine = parsedLineColoredAndMarked; } final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(parsedLine); result.append("<br/>\n"); return result.toString() ; } public void incrementCounter(final String status) { final int currentVal = (Integer)statusCount.get(status); statusCount.put(status, currentVal+1); } public void incrementCounterPerSection(final String status, final int sectionNumber) { final String key = LogParserUtils.getSectionCountKey(status,sectionNumber); Integer currentValInteger = (Integer)statusCountPerSection.get(key); // No value - entered yet - initialize with 0 if (currentValInteger == null) { currentValInteger = new Integer(0); } final int newVal = currentValInteger+1; statusCountPerSection.put(key, newVal); } private String colorLine(final String line,final String status) { final String color = (String)displayConstants.getColorTable().get(status); final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("<font color=\""); result.append(color); result.append("\">"); result.append(line); result.append("</font>"); return result.toString(); } private String addMarkerAndLink(final String line,final String effectiveStatus,final String status) throws IOException { // Add marker final String statusCountStr = ((Integer)statusCount.get(effectiveStatus)).toString(); final String marker = effectiveStatus + statusCountStr; // Add link final StringBuffer shortLink = new StringBuffer(" <a target=\"content\" href=\"log_content.html#"); shortLink.append(marker); shortLink.append("\">"); shortLink.append(line); shortLink.append("</a>"); final StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer("<li>"); link.append(statusCountStr); link.append(shortLink); link.append("</li><br/>"); final BufferedWriter linkWriter = (BufferedWriter)writers.get(effectiveStatus); linkWriter.write(link.toString()); linkWriter.newLine(); // Write system dependent end of line. // Mark the line final StringBuffer markedLine = new StringBuffer("<a name=\""); markedLine.append(marker); markedLine.append("\"></a>"); markedLine.append(line); // Handle case where we are entering a new section if (status.equals(LogParserConsts.START)) { sectionCounter++; LogParserWriter.writeHeaderTemplateToAllLinkFiles(writers,sectionCounter); // This enters a line which will later be replaced by the actual header and count for this header final StringBuffer brShortLink = new StringBuffer("<br/>"); brShortLink.append(shortLink); headerForSection.add(brShortLink.toString()); } return markedLine.toString(); } }