package hudson.plugins.jobConfigHistory; import hudson.Plugin; import hudson.XmlFile; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.Saveable; import hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; /** * Class supporting global configuration settings, along with methods * associated with the plugin itself. * * @author jborghi * */ public class JobConfigHistory extends Plugin { /** Root directory for storing configuration history. */ private String historyRootDir; /** Maximum number of configuration history entries to keep. */ private String maxHistoryEntries; /** Flag to indicate we should save 'system' level configurations * A 'system' level configuration is defined as one stored directly * under the HUDSON_ROOT directory. */ private boolean saveSystemConfiguration; /** Flag to indicate if we should save history when it * is a duplication of the previous saved configuration. */ private boolean skipDuplicateHistory; /** Regular expression pattern for 'system' configuration * files to exclude from saving. */ private String excludePattern; /** Compiled regular expression pattern. */ private transient Pattern excludeRegexpPattern; /** our logger. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JobConfigHistory.class.getName()); /** * A filter to return only those directories of a file listing * that represent configuration history directories. */ public static final FileFilter HISTORY_FILTER = new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File file) { return isHistoryDir(file); } }; @Override public void start() throws Exception { load(); loadRegexpPatterns(); } @Override public void configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { historyRootDir = formData.getString("historyRootDir").trim(); maxHistoryEntries = formData.getString("maxHistoryEntries").trim(); saveSystemConfiguration = formData.getBoolean("saveSystemConfiguration"); skipDuplicateHistory = formData.getBoolean("skipDuplicateHistory"); excludePattern = formData.getString("excludePattern"); save(); loadRegexpPatterns(); } /** * @return The configured history root directory. */ public String getHistoryRootDir() { return historyRootDir; } /** * @return The maximum number of history entries to keep. */ public String getMaxHistoryEntries() { return maxHistoryEntries; } /** * This method is for convenience in testing. * @param maxHistoryEntries * The maximum number of history entries to keep */ protected void setMaxHistoryEntries(final String maxHistoryEntries) { this.maxHistoryEntries = maxHistoryEntries; } /** * @return true if we should save 'system' configurations. */ public boolean getSaveSystemConfiguration() { return saveSystemConfiguration; } /** * @return true if we should skip saving history that duplicates the prior saved configuration. */ public boolean getSkipDuplicateHistory() { return skipDuplicateHistory; } /** * @return The regular expression for 'system' file names to exclude from saving. */ public String getExcludePattern() { return excludePattern; } /** * Used by the configuration page. * @return The default regular expression for 'system' file names to exclude from saving. */ public String getDefaultExcludePattern() { return JobConfigHistoryConsts.DEFAULT_EXCLUDE; } /** * Used for testing to verify invalid pattern not loaded. * @return The loaded regexp pattern, or null if pattern was invalid. */ protected Pattern getExcludeRegexpPattern() { return excludeRegexpPattern; } /** * Loads regular expression patterns used by this class. */ private void loadRegexpPatterns() { excludeRegexpPattern = loadRegex(excludePattern); } /** * Loads a regular expression pattern for the given string. * @param patternString * The string representing the regular expression. * @return The {@link Pattern} for the given expression, or null if * the pattern cannot be loaded. */ private Pattern loadRegex(final String patternString) { if (patternString != null) { try { return Pattern.compile(patternString); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { return null; } } return null; } /** * Returns the File object representing the configured root history directory. * * @return The configured root history File object, or null if this configuration has not been set. */ protected File getConfiguredHistoryRootDir() { File rootFile = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(historyRootDir)) { if (historyRootDir.matches("^(/|\\\\|[a-zA-Z]:).*")) { rootFile = new File(historyRootDir); } else { rootFile = new File(Hudson.getInstance().root.getPath() + "/" + historyRootDir); } } return rootFile; } /** * Returns the configuration history directory for the given configuration file. * * @param xmlFile * The configuration file whose content we are saving. * @return The base directory where to store the history, * or null if the file is not a valid Hudson configuration file. */ protected File getHistoryDir(final XmlFile xmlFile) { final String configRootDir = xmlFile.getFile().getParent(); final String hudsonRootDir = Hudson.getInstance().root.getPath(); if (!configRootDir.startsWith(hudsonRootDir)) { LOG.warning("Trying to get history dir for object outside of HUDSON: " + xmlFile); return null; } // if the file is stored directly under HUDSON_ROOT, create a distinct directory String underRootDir = null; if (configRootDir.equals(hudsonRootDir)) { final String xmlFileName = xmlFile.getFile().getName(); underRootDir = JobConfigHistoryConsts.DEFAULT_HISTORY_DIR + "/" + xmlFileName.substring(0, xmlFileName.lastIndexOf('.')); } File historyDir; final File actualHistoryRoot = getConfiguredHistoryRootDir(); if (actualHistoryRoot == null) { if (underRootDir == null) { historyDir = new File(configRootDir, JobConfigHistoryConsts.DEFAULT_HISTORY_DIR); } else { historyDir = new File(configRootDir, underRootDir); } } else { if (underRootDir == null) { final String remainingPath = configRootDir.substring(hudsonRootDir.length() + 1); historyDir = new File(actualHistoryRoot, remainingPath); } else { historyDir = new File(actualHistoryRoot, underRootDir); } } return historyDir; } /** * Returns the directory for storing system configurations. * * @return The directory used for storing system configurations. */ protected File getSystemHistoryDir() { final File actualHistoryRoot = getConfiguredHistoryRootDir(); if (actualHistoryRoot != null) { return new File(actualHistoryRoot, JobConfigHistoryConsts.DEFAULT_HISTORY_DIR); } else { return new File(Hudson.getInstance().root, JobConfigHistoryConsts.DEFAULT_HISTORY_DIR); } } /** * Returns the configuration data file stored in the specified history directory. * It looks for a file with an 'xml' extension that is not named * {@link JobConfigHistoryConsts#HISTORY_FILE}. * <p> * Relies on the assumption that random '.xml' files * will not appear in the history directories. * <p> * Checks that we are in an actual 'history directory' to prevent use for * getting random xml files. * @param historyDir * The history directory to look under. * @return The configuration file or null if no file is found. */ protected File getConfigFile(final File historyDir) { File configFile = null; if (historyDir.exists() && isHistoryDir(historyDir)) { // get the *.xml file that is not the JobConfigHistoryConsts.HISTORY_FILE // assumes random .xml files won't appear in the history directory final File[] listing = historyDir.listFiles(); for (final File file : listing) { if (!file.getName().equals(JobConfigHistoryConsts.HISTORY_FILE) && file.getName().matches(".*\\.xml$")) { configFile = file; break; } } } return configFile; } /** * Returns true if configuration for this item should be saved, based on the * plugin settings, the type of item and the configuration file specified. * * <p> * If the item is an instance of {@link AbstractProject} or the configuration * file is stored directly in HUDSON_ROOT, it is considered for saving. * * If the plugin is configured to skip saving duplicated history, we also evaluate * if this configuration duplicates the previous saved history (if such history exists). * * @param item * The item whose configuration is under consideration. * @param xmlFile * The configuration file for the above item. * @return true if the item configuration should be saved. */ protected boolean isSaveable(final Saveable item, final XmlFile xmlFile) { boolean saveable = false; if (item instanceof AbstractProject<?, ?>) { saveable = true; } else if (saveSystemConfiguration && xmlFile.getFile().getParentFile().equals(Hudson.getInstance().root)) { if (excludeRegexpPattern != null) { final Matcher matcher = excludeRegexpPattern.matcher(xmlFile.getFile().getName()); saveable = !matcher.find(); } else { saveable = true; } } if (saveable && skipDuplicateHistory && hasDuplicateHistory(xmlFile)) { LOG.fine("found duplicate history, skipping save of " + xmlFile); saveable = false; } return saveable; } /** * Determines if the {@link XmlFile} contains a duplicate of * the last saved information, if there is previous history. * * @param xmlFile * The {@link XmlFile} configuration file under consideration. * @return true if previous history is accessible, and the file duplicates the previously saved information. */ private boolean hasDuplicateHistory(XmlFile xmlFile) { boolean isDuplicated = false; final File[] historyDirs = getHistoryDir(xmlFile).listFiles(HISTORY_FILTER); if (historyDirs != null && historyDirs.length != 0) { Arrays.sort(historyDirs, Collections.reverseOrder()); final File lastFile = new File(historyDirs[0], xmlFile.getFile().getName()); if (lastFile.exists()) { final XmlFile lastXmlFile = new XmlFile(lastFile); try { if (xmlFile.asString().equals(lastXmlFile.asString())) { isDuplicated = true; } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warning("unable to check for duplicate previous history file: " + lastXmlFile + "\n" + e); } } } return isDuplicated; } /** * Checks if we should purge old history entries under the specified root * using the {@code maxHistoryEntries} value as the criteria, and if required * calls the appropriate method to perform the purge. * * @param itemHistoryRoot * The directory to consider purging history under. */ protected void checkForPurgeByQuantity(final File itemHistoryRoot) { int maxEntries = 0; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxHistoryEntries)) { try { maxEntries = new Integer(getMaxHistoryEntries()); maxEntries = Integer.parseInt(getMaxHistoryEntries()); if (maxEntries < 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.warning("maximum number of history entries not formatted properly, unable to purge: " + maxHistoryEntries); } } if (maxEntries > 0) { LOG.fine("checking for history files to purge (" + maxHistoryEntries + " max allowed)"); purgeHistoryByQuantity(itemHistoryRoot, maxEntries); } } /** * Performs the actual purge of history entries. * @param historyRoot * The directory to purge entries from. * @param maxEntries * The maximum number of history entries to keep. */ private void purgeHistoryByQuantity(final File historyRoot, final int maxEntries) { // we are about to create a new history entry, so // subtract 1 from the maximum configured to save. final int entriesToLeave = maxEntries - 1; final File[] historyDirs = historyRoot.listFiles(HISTORY_FILTER); if (historyDirs != null && historyDirs.length >= entriesToLeave) { Arrays.sort(historyDirs, Collections.reverseOrder()); for (int i = entriesToLeave; i < historyDirs.length; i++) { LOG.fine("purging old directory from history logs: " + historyDirs[i]); for (File file : historyDirs[i].listFiles()) { if (!file.delete()) { LOG.warning("problem deleting history file: " + file); } } if (!historyDirs[i].delete()) { LOG.warning("problem deleting history directory: " + historyDirs[i]); } } } } /** * Determines if the specified {@code dir} stores * history information. This is needed as Hudson creates * 'modules' directories under the 'job' folder, and these will * be mixed in with the timestamped history configurations. * * @param dir * The directory under consideration. * @return true if this directory contains a {@link JobConfigHistoryConsts#HISTORY_FILE} file. */ private static boolean isHistoryDir(File dir) { return (new File(dir, JobConfigHistoryConsts.HISTORY_FILE)).exists(); } /** * Validates the user entry for the maximum number of history items to keep. * Must be blank or a non-negative integer. * @param value * The form input entered by the user. * @return ok if the entry is blank or a non-negative integer. */ public FormValidation doCheckMaxHistoryEntries(@QueryParameter final String value) { try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value) && Integer.parseInt(value) < 0) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } return FormValidation.ok(); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return FormValidation.error("Enter a valid positive integer"); } } /** * Validates the user entry for the regular expression of system file names * to exclude from saving. * @param value * The form input entered by the user. * @return ok if the entry is a valid regular expression. */ public FormValidation doCheckExcludePattern(@QueryParameter final String value) { try { Pattern.compile(value); return FormValidation.ok(); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { return FormValidation.error("Invalid regexp:\n" + e); } } }