package hudson.plugins.promoted_builds; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Descriptor; /** * {@link Descriptor} for {@link PromotionCondition}. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi * @see PromotionCondition#all() * @see PromotionCondition#getApplicableTriggers(AbstractProject) */ public abstract class PromotionConditionDescriptor extends Descriptor<PromotionCondition> { protected PromotionConditionDescriptor(Class<? extends PromotionCondition> clazz) { super(clazz); } protected PromotionConditionDescriptor() { super(); } /** * Returns true if this condition is applicable to the given project. * * @return * true to allow user to configure this promotion condition for the given project. */ public abstract boolean isApplicable(AbstractProject<?,?> item); }