package hudson.plugins.jswidgets; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.scm.EditType; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet.AffectedFile; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet.Entry; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * This class implements the JS widgets pages for a build. * * @author mfriedenhagen */ public class JsBuildAction extends JsBaseAction { /** Our logger. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JsBuildAction.class.getName()); /** the build this action acts on. */ private final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build; /** describe type of edits. */ private static final HashMap<EditType, String> EDIT_TYPE_SYMBOLS = new HashMap<EditType, String>(); static { EDIT_TYPE_SYMBOLS.put(EditType.ADD, "+"); EDIT_TYPE_SYMBOLS.put(EditType.DELETE, "-"); EDIT_TYPE_SYMBOLS.put(EditType.EDIT, "#"); } /** * @param build * this action acts on. */ public JsBuildAction(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) { = build; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getUrlName() { return JsConsts.URLNAME; } /** * Returns the build. * * @return the build. */ public AbstractBuild<?, ?> getBuild() { return build; } /** * Returns the project. * * @return the project. */ public AbstractProject<?, ?> getProject() { return build.getProject(); } /** * Returns the Name of the {@link Node} where the {@link AbstractBuild} happened. If the {@link Node} is deleted * meanwhile it returns <tt>UNKNOWN</tt>. * * @return name of the node. */ public String getBuiltOn() { final Node builtOnNode = build.getBuiltOn(); if (builtOnNode == null) { return "UNKNOWN"; } else { return builtOnNode.getNodeDescription(); } } /** * Returns a representation for affected files in <tt>entry</tt> prefixing them with the {@link EditType} of the * change. Some {@link SCM}s do not support {@link Entry#getAffectedFiles()}, so do fall back to * {@link Entry#getAffectedPaths()} in this case. * * @param entry * changeset. * @return collection of {@link EditType} prefixed paths. */ public Collection<String> getChangeSetEntries(Entry entry) { final Collection<? extends AffectedFile> affectedFiles; try { affectedFiles = entry.getAffectedFiles(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { LOG.warning("Got " + e + ", falling back to getAffectedPaths"); return entry.getAffectedPaths(); } final ArrayList<String> entries = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final AffectedFile affectedFile : affectedFiles) { entries.add(EDIT_TYPE_SYMBOLS.get(affectedFile.getEditType()) + affectedFile.getPath()); } return entries; } }