package hudson.plugins.jira; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.plugins.jira.soap.JiraSoapService; import hudson.plugins.jira.soap.JiraSoapServiceService; import hudson.plugins.jira.soap.JiraSoapServiceServiceLocator; import hudson.plugins.jira.soap.RemoteIssue; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; /** * Represents an external JIRA installation and configuration * needed to access this JIRA. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class JiraSite { /** * Regexp pattern that identifies JIRA issue token. * If this pattern changes help pages (help-issue-pattern_xy.html) must be updated * <p> * First char must be a letter, then at least one letter, digit or underscore. * See issue HUDSON-729, HUDSON-4092 */ protected static final Pattern DEFAULT_ISSUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+-[1-9][0-9]*)([^.]|\\.[^0-9]|\\.$|$)"); /** * URL of JIRA, like <tt></tt>. * Mandatory. Normalized to end with '/' */ public final URL url; /** * User name needed to login. Optional. */ public final String userName; /** * Password needed to login. Optional. */ public final String password; /** * Group visibility to constrain the visibility of the added comment. Optional. */ public final String groupVisibility; /** * True if this JIRA is configured to allow Confluence-style Wiki comment. */ public final boolean supportsWikiStyleComment; /** * to record scm changes in jira issue * @since 1.21 */ public final boolean recordScmChanges; /** * user defined pattern * @since 1.22 */ private final String userPattern; private transient Pattern userPat; /** * updated jira issue for all status * @since 1.22 */ public final boolean updateJiraIssueForAllStatus; /** * List of project keys (i.e., "MNG" portion of "MNG-512"), * last time we checked. Copy on write semantics. */ // TODO: seems like this is never invalidated (never set to null) // should we implement to invalidate this (say every hour)? private transient volatile Set<String> projects; /** * @stapler-constructor */ @DataBoundConstructor public JiraSite(URL url, String userName, String password, boolean supportsWikiStyleComment, boolean recordScmChanges, String userPattern, boolean updateJiraIssueForAllStatus, String groupVisibility) { if(!url.toExternalForm().endsWith("/")) try { url = new URL(url.toExternalForm()+"/"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); // impossible } this.url = url; this.userName = Util.fixEmpty(userName); this.password = Util.fixEmpty(password); this.supportsWikiStyleComment = supportsWikiStyleComment; this.recordScmChanges = recordScmChanges; this.userPattern = Util.fixEmpty(userPattern); if (this.userPattern != null) { this.userPat = Pattern.compile(this.userPattern); } else { this.userPat = null; } this.updateJiraIssueForAllStatus = updateJiraIssueForAllStatus; this.groupVisibility = Util.fixEmpty(groupVisibility); } public String getName() { return url.toExternalForm(); } /** * Creates a remote access session to this JIRA. * * @return * null if remote access is not supported. */ public JiraSession createSession() throws IOException, ServiceException { if(userName==null || password==null) return null; // remote access not supported JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapServiceGetter = new JiraSoapServiceServiceLocator(); JiraSoapService service = jiraSoapServiceGetter.getJirasoapserviceV2( new URL(url, "rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2")); return new JiraSession(this,service,service.login(userName,password)); } /** * Computes the URL to the given issue. */ public URL getUrl(JiraIssue issue) throws IOException { return getUrl(; } /** * Computes the URL to the given issue. */ public URL getUrl(String id) throws MalformedURLException { return new URL(url, "browse/" + id.toUpperCase()); } /** * Gets the user-defined issue pattern if any. * * @return the pattern or null */ public Pattern getUserPattern() { if (userPattern == null) { return null; } if (userPat == null) { // We don't care about any thread race- or visibility issues here. // The worst thing which could happen, is that the pattern // is compiled multiple times. Pattern p = Pattern.compile(userPattern); userPat = p; } return userPat; } public Pattern getIssuePattern() { if (getUserPattern() != null) { return getUserPattern(); } return DEFAULT_ISSUE_PATTERN; } /** * Gets the list of project IDs in this JIRA. * This information could be bit old, or it can be null. */ public Set<String> getProjectKeys() { if(projects==null) { synchronized (this) { try { if(projects==null) { JiraSession session = createSession(); if(session!=null) projects = Collections.unmodifiableSet(session.getProjectKeys()); } } catch (IOException e) { // in case of error, set empty set to avoid trying the same thing repeatedly. LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING,"Failed to obtain JIRA project list",e); } catch (ServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING,"Failed to obtain JIRA project list",e); } } } // fall back to empty if failed to talk to the server if(projects==null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return projects; } /** * Gets the effective {@link JiraSite} associated with the given project. * * @return null * if no such was found. */ public static JiraSite get(AbstractProject<?,?> p) { JiraProjectProperty jpp = p.getProperty(JiraProjectProperty.class); if(jpp!=null) { JiraSite site = jpp.getSite(); if(site!=null) return site; } // none is explicitly configured. try the default --- // if only one is configured, that must be it. JiraSite[] sites = JiraProjectProperty.DESCRIPTOR.getSites(); if(sites.length==1) return sites[0]; return null; } /** * Checks if the given JIRA id will be likely to exist in this issue tracker. * * <p> * This method checks whether the key portion is a valid key (except that * it can potentially use stale data). Number portion is not checked at all. * * @param id * String like MNG-1234 */ public boolean existsIssue(String id) { int idx = id.indexOf('-'); if(idx==-1) return false; Set<String> keys = getProjectKeys(); return keys.contains(id.substring(0,idx).toUpperCase()); } /** * Returns the remote issue with the given id or <code>null</code> if it wasn't found. */ public JiraIssue getIssue(String id) throws IOException, ServiceException { JiraSession session = createSession(); if (session != null) { RemoteIssue remoteIssue = session.getIssue(id); if (remoteIssue != null) { return new JiraIssue(remoteIssue); } } return null; } private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(JiraSite.class.getName()); }