package com.perforce.api; import*; import java.util.*; /* * Copyright (c) 2001, Perforce Software, All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * Representation of a source control change. This class can be used to * determine information for a particular p4 change. It can be constructed using * the change number, but will not contain any additional change information * until the <a href="#sync()">sync()</a> method is called. * * @author <a href="">David Markley</a> * @version $Date: 2002/08/05 $ $Revision: #10 $ */ public final class Change extends SourceControlObject { private int number = -1; private User user = null; private String client_name = ""; private String modtime_string = ""; private String description = ""; private int status = PENDING; private static HashDecay changes = null; /** Indicates that the Change is pending submission. */ public final static int PENDING = 1; /** Indicates that the Change has been submitted. */ public final static int SUBMITTED = 2; /** * Default no-argument constructor. */ public Change() { super(); getCache(); } public Change(Env environ) { this(); this.setEnv(environ); } /** * Constructor that accepts the change number. This change is not populated * with the correct information until the sync() method is called on it. * * @param number * Change number */ public Change(int number) { this(); this.number = number; } public Change(String number) { this(); this.number = Integer.valueOf(number).intValue(); } private static HashDecay setCache() { if(null == changes) { changes = new HashDecay(300000); changes.start(); } return changes; } public HashDecay getCache() { return setCache(); } public static Change getChange(String number) { return getChange(null, number, true); } public static Change getChange(String number, boolean force) { return getChange(null, number, force); } public static Change getChange(Env env, String number, boolean force) { return getChange(env, (Integer.valueOf(number)).intValue(), force); } public static Change getChange(int number) { return getChange(null, number, true); } public static Change getChange(int number, boolean force) { return getChange(null, number, force); } public static Change getChange(Env env, int number, boolean force) { Change c; if(null == (c = (Change) setCache().get(new Integer(number)))) { c = new Change(number); force = true; } if(null != env) c.setEnv(env); if(force) c.sync(); changes.put(new Integer(number), c); return c; } public String getClientName() { return client_name; } public void setClientName(String name) { this.client_name = name; } public String getModtimeString() { return modtime_string; } public void setModtimeString(String modtime) { this.modtime_string = modtime; } /** * Sets the change number for the Change. This invalidates all the other * data for the Change. * * @param number * Change number */ public void setNumber(int number) { this.number = number; user = null; description = ""; status = PENDING; } /** * Returns the number of this Change. */ public int getNumber() { return number; } /** * Sets the User that owns this Change. * * @param user * Owning user. */ public void setUser(User user) { this.user = user; } /** * Returns the User that owns this Change. */ public User getUser() { return user; } /** * Sets the description for the change. */ public void setDescription(String description) { String l; try { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(description)); while(null != (l = b.readLine())) { sb.append('\t'); sb.append(l.trim()); sb.append('\n'); } this.description = sb.toString(); } catch(IOException ex) { this.description = description; } } /** * Returns the description for the Change. This description includes not * only the textual description provided by the user, but also the list of * affected files and how they were affected. * * The String returned includes newline characters. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } public String getShortDescription() { return getShortDescription(false); } public String getShortDescription(boolean blurb) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String l; try { BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(getDescription())); while(null != (l = b.readLine())) { if(blurb && l.startsWith("Change")) continue; if(blurb && l.startsWith("Jobs fixed")) break; if(l.startsWith("Affected file")) { break; } else { sb.append(l); sb.append('\n'); } } } catch(IOException ex) { } return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns a Vector filled with the files (including revision numbers) that * were affected by this change. What was done to each file as a result of * this Change is stripped off. * * This method uses the value of the Change's description to determine the * files that are affected. * * @return <code>Vector</code> of <code>String</code>s of files * affected. */ public Vector getFiles() { Vector v = new Vector(); try { BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(getDescription())); String l, t; int pos; while(null != (l = b.readLine())) { t = l.trim(); // if (t.startsWith("... ")) { if(t.startsWith("//")) { if(-1 != (pos = t.lastIndexOf(" "))) { v.addElement(t.substring(0, pos).trim()); } } } } catch(IOException e) { } return v; } /** * Returns a Vector filled with the files (including revision numbers) that * were affected by this change. What was done to each file as a result of * this Change is stripped off. * * This method uses the value of the Change's description to determine the * files that are affected. * * @return <code>Vector</code> of <code>FileEntry</code> objects of * files affected. */ public Vector getFileEntries() { if(PENDING == getStatus() && 0 < getNumber()) { return FileEntry.getOpened(getEnv(), false, false, getNumber(), null); } Vector v = new Vector(); FileEntry fent; try { BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(getDescription())); String l, t; int beg, end; while(null != (l = b.readLine())) { t = l.trim(); if(t.startsWith("//")) { fent = new FileEntry(); fent.setEnv(getEnv()); beg = 0; end = 4; if(-1 != (end = t.indexOf('#', beg))) { fent.setDepotPath(t.substring(beg, end)); beg = end + 1; if(-1 != (end = t.indexOf(' ', beg))) { fent.setHeadRev(Integer.valueOf(t.substring(beg, end).trim()).intValue()); fent.setHeadAction(t.substring(end + 1)); } } else { fent.setDepotPath(t); } v.addElement(fent); } } } catch(IOException e) { } return v; } /** * Adds the given <code>FileEntry</code> to the changelist. If the * changelist has not been committed to the server, that is done first. * * @param fent * file entry to be added. */ public void addFile(FileEntry fent) throws PerforceException { if(-1 == number) commit(); fent.reopen(null, this); } /** * Resolves this file. If the force flag is false, and auto-resolve is * attempted (p4 resolve -am). If the force flag is true, an "accept theirs" * resolve is completed (p4 resolve -at). * * @see FileEntry#resolve(boolean) * @param force * Indicates whether the resolve should be forced. */ public String resolve(boolean force) throws PerforceException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Enumeration en = getFileEntries().elements(); try { while(en.hasMoreElements()) { sb.append(((FileEntry) en.nextElement()).resolve(force)); } } catch(Exception ex) { throw new PerforceException(ex.getMessage()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Sets status for the Change. This can be either PENDING or SUBMITTED. */ public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; } /** * Returns the status for the Change. This can be either PENDING or * SUBMITTED. */ public int getStatus() { return status; } /** * Submits the change, if it is pending. * * @throws SubmitException * If the submit fails. */ public String submit() throws SubmitException { String l; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if(PENDING != status) { throw new SubmitException("Change already submitted."); } String[] cmd = { "p4", "submit", "-c", String.valueOf(getNumber()) }; try { P4Process p = new P4Process(getEnv()); p.exec(cmd); while(null != (l = p.readLine())) { sb.append(l); sb.append('\n'); } p.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new SubmitException(ex.getMessage() + "\n\n" + sb.toString()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Updates the change or creates a pending change. * * @deprecated Use {@link #commit() commit()} instead. */ public void store() throws CommitException { this.commit(); } public void commit() throws CommitException { Enumeration en; Vector fents = getFileEntries(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String[] cmd = { "p4", "change", "-i" }; String l; int pos; boolean store_failed = false; try { P4Process p = new P4Process(getEnv()); p.exec(cmd); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException intex) { /* Ignoring Exception */ } if(0 > number) { p.println("Change: new"); } else { p.println("Change: " + getNumber()); } p.println("Client: " + getClientName()); if(null == getUser() && null != getEnv()) { p.println("User: " + getEnv().getUser()); } else { p.println("User: " + user.getId()); } p.println("Description: "); p.println(getDescription()); if(null != fents && 0 < fents.size()) { FileEntry fent; p.println("Files: "); en = fents.elements(); while(en.hasMoreElements()) { fent = (FileEntry) en.nextElement(); p.println("\t" + fent.getDepotPath()); } } if(Utils.isWindows()) { p.println("\032\n\032"); } p.flush(); p.outClose(); Debug.notify(" Wrote change info."); while(null != (l = p.readLine())) { Debug.notify("READ: " + l); if(l.startsWith("Change ") && (-1 != (pos = l.indexOf("created")))) { setNumber(Integer.valueOf(l.substring(7, pos - 1).trim()).intValue()); } if(l.startsWith("Error")) store_failed = true; sb.append(l); sb.append('\n'); } p.close(); Debug.notify(" All done reading."); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new CommitException(ex.getMessage()); } if(store_failed || 0 > getNumber()) { throw new CommitException(sb.toString()); } } /** * Synchronizes the Change with the correct information from P4, using * whatever change number has already been set in the Change. After this * method is called, all the information in the Change is valid. */ public void sync() { sync(number); } /** * Sycnhronizes the Change with the correct information from P4. After this * method is called, all the information in the Change is valid. * * @param number * Change number */ public void sync(int number) { if(SUBMITTED == status && !outOfSync(60000)) return; this.number = number; String l, tstr; String[] cmd = { "p4", "describe", "-s", "number" }; cmd[3] = String.valueOf(number); boolean wasFound = false; try { P4Process p = new P4Process(getEnv()); p.exec(cmd); while(null != (l = p.readLine())) { if(!wasFound && l.startsWith("Change")) { tstr = l.substring(l.indexOf("by") + 3).trim(); tstr = tstr.substring(0, tstr.indexOf("@")); user = User.getUser(getEnv(), tstr); modtime_string = l.substring(l.indexOf(" on ") + 4).trim(); if(-1 == l.indexOf("pending")) { status = SUBMITTED; } description = l; wasFound = true; } else { description += l.trim() + "\n"; } } p.close(); inSync(); } catch(IOException ex) { Debug.out(Debug.ERROR, ex); } } /** * Reverts all the files associated with a pending changelist. */ public void revert() throws PerforceException { if(PENDING != status) { throw new PerforceException("Change already submitted."); } Enumeration en = getFileEntries().elements(); try { while(en.hasMoreElements()) { ((FileEntry) en.nextElement()).revert(); } } catch(Exception ex) { throw new PerforceException(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Delete the pending changelist. This method will revert any open files * associated with the changelist and then delete it. * * @return log of delete command. */ public String delete() throws PerforceException { this.revert(); return this.deleteEmptyChange(); } /** * Deletes the Changelist if it is empty. * * @deprecated Use <code>delete</code> method instead. * @return String Contents of the information returned by P4 as a result of * the delete call. */ public String deleteEmptyChange() throws PerforceException { String l; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if(PENDING != status) { throw new PerforceException("Change already submitted."); } String[] cmd = { "p4", "change", "-d", String.valueOf(getNumber()) }; try { P4Process p = new P4Process(getEnv()); p.exec(cmd); while(null != (l = p.readLine())) { sb.append(l); sb.append('\n'); } p.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new PerforceException(ex.getMessage() + "\n\n" + sb.toString()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Overrides the default toString() method. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Change: "); sb.append(number); sb.append("\nUser: "); sb.append(user); sb.append("\nDescription:\n"); sb.append(description); return sb.toString(); } public static Change[] getChanges(Env env, String path) throws PerforceException { return getChanges(env, path, 100, null, null, false, null); } public static Change[] getChanges(String path) throws PerforceException { return getChanges(null, path, 100, null, null, false, null); } public static Change[] getChanges(Env env, String path, int max, String start, String end, boolean use_integs, String ufilter) throws PerforceException { int cmdlen = 8; String[] cmd; String tpath = path; if(use_integs) cmdlen++; if(null == tpath) tpath = ""; if(null != start && !start.trim().equals("")) { tpath += "@" + start; if(null != end && !end.trim().equals("")) { tpath += "," + end; } } if(tpath.trim().equals("")) cmdlen--; cmd = new String[cmdlen]; if(!tpath.trim().equals("")) cmd[cmdlen - 1] = tpath; cmd[0] = "p4"; cmd[1] = "changes"; cmd[2] = "-m"; cmd[3] = String.valueOf(max); cmd[4] = "-l"; cmd[5] = "-s"; cmd[6] = "submitted"; if(use_integs) cmd[7] = "-i"; Vector v = new Vector(); Change[] chngs; StringTokenizer st; int num; String l, id, description = ""; User user; Change c = null; String modtime, client_name; try { P4Process p = new P4Process(env); p.setRawMode(true); p.exec(cmd); while(null != (l = p.readLine())) { if(l.startsWith("info: Change")) { l = l.substring(6).trim(); st = new StringTokenizer(l); if(!st.nextToken().equals("Change")) continue; try { num = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new PerforceException("Could not parse change number from line: " + l); } if(!st.nextToken().equals("on")) continue; modtime = st.nextToken(); if(!st.nextToken().equals("by")) continue; id = st.nextToken(); int pos = id.indexOf("@"); client_name = id.substring(pos + 1); id = id.substring(0, pos); user = User.getUser(env, id); if(null != c) { c.setDescription(description); } description = ""; c = new Change(num); c.setEnv(env); c.setUser(user); c.setClientName(client_name); c.setModtimeString(modtime); if(null == ufilter || id.equals(ufilter)) { v.addElement(c); } } else { l = l.substring(5).trim(); description += l + "\n"; } } if(null != c) { c.setDescription(description); } p.close(); } catch(IOException ex) { Debug.out(Debug.ERROR, ex); } chngs = new Change[v.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { chngs[i] = (Change) v.elementAt(i); changes.put(new Integer(chngs[i].getNumber()), chngs[i]); } return chngs; } public String toXML() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("<change number=\""); sb.append(getNumber()); sb.append("\" user=\""); sb.append(getUser()); sb.append("\" client=\""); sb.append(getClientName()); sb.append("\" status=\""); sb.append(getStatus()); sb.append("\" modtime=\""); sb.append(getModtimeString()); sb.append("\">"); sb.append("<description>"); sb.append(getDescription()); sb.append("</description>"); Vector v = getFileEntries(); FileEntry fent = null; if(null != v && 0 != v.size()) { sb.append("<files>"); for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { fent = (FileEntry) v.elementAt(i); sb.append("<file path=\""); sb.append(fent.getDepotPath()); sb.append("\" rev=\""); sb.append(fent.getHeadRev()); sb.append("\"/>"); } sb.append("</files>"); } sb.append("</change>"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Determine the users that review this changelist. This method returns an * array of Users that need to be informed. */ public User[] reviews() throws PerforceException { Vector users = new Vector(); User[] usrs = new User[0]; User chng; User usr; String uid; String email; String name, t; StringTokenizer st; String l; String[] cmd = { "p4", "reviews", "-c", String.valueOf(this.number) }; try { P4Process p = new P4Process(getEnv()); p.exec(cmd); while(null != (l = p.readLine())) { if(l.length() < 4) continue; st = new StringTokenizer(l); uid = st.nextToken(); email = st.nextToken("<> \t"); name = st.nextToken("<> ()\t"); try { while(null != (t = st.nextToken("<> ()\t"))) { name += (" " + t); } } catch(NoSuchElementException ex) { } // System.out.print("U: "+uid+", E: "+email+", N: "+name+"\n"); usr = new User(uid); usr.setEnv(getEnv()); usr.setEmail(email); usr.setFullName(name); users.addElement(usr); } p.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new PerforceException(ex.getMessage()); } if(0 == users.size()) return null; return (User[]) users.toArray(usrs); } /** * Used for testing. * * @deprecated Actually in use, but this keeps it out of the docs. */ public static void main(String[] args) { String propfile = "/etc/p4.conf"; Env environ = null; Debug.setDebugLevel(Debug.VERBOSE); if(0 < args.length) propfile = args[0]; try { environ = new Env(propfile); } catch(PerforceException ex) { System.out.println("Could not load properties from " + propfile + ": " + ex); System.exit(-1); } System.out.println(environ); Change chng = new Change(environ); chng.setDescription("This is a test changelist."); try { chng.commit(); } catch(CommitException e) { System.err.println("Unable to store new change."); e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(-1); } System.out.println("New Changelist Generated: " + chng.getNumber()); Utils.cleanUp(); } }