package org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.fortify360; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.fortify360.FPRSummary; import org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.fortify360.RemoteService; import; import; public class RemoteServiceTest { // if the machine don't have reportGenerator, we will by-pass these test cases private static boolean noReportGenerator; // the NVS for old version and new version are different private static boolean useNewFPO; @BeforeClass public static void setUp() throws Exception { noReportGenerator = !SCAMetaInfo.hasReportGenerator(); if ( noReportGenerator ) { System.out.println("Test bypassed because reportGenerator was not found"); } useNewFPO = SCAMetaInfo.isNewFPO(); if ( useNewFPO ) { System.out.println("Calculate NVS base on Critical/High/Medium/Low"); } else { System.out.println("Calculate NVS base on Hot/Warning/Info"); } } private File resourceToFile(String filename) throws IOException { InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { File tmp = File.createTempFile("test", "." + FilenameUtils.getExtension(filename)); tmp.deleteOnExit(); in = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename); out = new FileOutputStream(tmp); IOUtils.copy(in, out); return tmp; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } @Test public void testInvoke() throws Exception { if ( !noReportGenerator ) { String fpr = "WebGoat_57.fpr"; File fprFile = resourceToFile(fpr); File path = fprFile.getParentFile(); RemoteService service = new RemoteService(fprFile.getName(), null, null); FPRSummary summary = service.invoke(path, null); double nvs = summary.getNvs(); Integer count = summary.getFailedCount(); System.out.println("NVS = " + nvs); System.out.println("Fail Count = " + count); if ( useNewFPO ) { assertEquals(107.34, nvs, 0.1); assertEquals(0, count); } else { assertEquals(95.52, nvs, 0.1); assertEquals(0, count); } } } @Test public void testInvoke2() throws Exception { if ( !noReportGenerator ) { String fpr = "WebGoat_Audited.fpr"; File fprFile = resourceToFile(fpr); File path = fprFile.getParentFile(); String search = null; if ( useNewFPO ) { search = "[fortify priority order]:critical category:/SQL Injection|Cross-Site Scripting/"; } else { search = "[fortify priority order]:high category:/SQL Injection|Cross-Site Scripting/"; } RemoteService service = new RemoteService(fprFile.getName(), "Likely", search); FPRSummary summary = service.invoke(path, null); double nvs = summary.getNvs(); Integer count = summary.getFailedCount(); System.out.println("NVS = " + nvs); System.out.println("Fail Count = " + count); if ( useNewFPO ) { assertEquals(431.75, nvs, 0.1); assertEquals(148, count); } else { assertEquals(413.25, nvs, 0.1); assertEquals(139, count); } } } @Test public void testInvoke3() throws Exception { if ( !noReportGenerator ) { String fpr = "test1.fpr"; File fprFile = resourceToFile(fpr); File path = fprFile.getParentFile(); RemoteService service = new RemoteService(fprFile.getName(), "Fortify Priority Order", "[fortify priority order]:high category:/SQL Injection|Cross-Site Scripting/"); FPRSummary summary = service.invoke(path, null); double nvs = summary.getNvs(); Integer count = summary.getFailedCount(); System.out.println("NVS = " + nvs); System.out.println("Fail Count = " + count); assertEquals(50.0, nvs, 0.1); assertEquals(0, count); } } @Test public void testInvoke4() throws Exception { if ( !noReportGenerator ) { String fpr = "test1.fpr"; File fprFile = resourceToFile(fpr); File path = fprFile.getParentFile(); RemoteService service = new RemoteService(fprFile.getName(), "Fortify Priority Order", "category:j2ee bad practices\\: leftover debug code"); FPRSummary summary = service.invoke(path, null); double nvs = summary.getNvs(); Integer count = summary.getFailedCount(); System.out.println("NVS = " + nvs); System.out.println("Fail Count = " + count); assertEquals(50.0, nvs, 0.1); assertEquals(2, count); } } @Test public void testInvoke5() throws Exception { if ( !noReportGenerator ) { String fpr = "test1.fpr"; File fprFile = resourceToFile(fpr); File path = fprFile.getParentFile(); RemoteService service = new RemoteService(fprFile.getName(), "Likely", "category:j2ee bad practices\\: leftover debug code"); FPRSummary summary = service.invoke(path, null); double nvs = summary.getNvs(); Integer count = summary.getFailedCount(); System.out.println("NVS = " + nvs); System.out.println("Fail Count = " + count); assertEquals(30.0, nvs, 0.1); assertEquals(0, count); } } }