package hudson.plugins.pxe; import hudson.DescriptorExtensionList; import static hudson.Functions.defaulted; import hudson.model.Describable; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.AbstractModelObject; import org.jvnet.hudson.tftpd.Data; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import; import; /** * Configuration of a bootable operating system. * * <p> * Say "Ubuntu 2008.10 + such and such preseed config". * * <p> * These objects are bound to URL as <tt>"/pxe/configuration/{@linkplain #getId() ID}/"</tt> * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public abstract class BootConfiguration extends AbstractModelObject implements Describable<BootConfiguration> { /** * Computed by {@link PXE#doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse)}. */ /*package almost final*/ String id; /** * Returns a unique ID that distinguishes {@link BootConfiguration}s among other siblings. * * For serving dynamic data from TFTP, it's often useful to have an unique ID per {@link BootConfiguration}. * This method provides that. */ public String getId() { return id; } /** * Returns the string that becomes the seed of the {@link #getId()}. The ID * is in turn used for HTTP URLs and TFTP file names, so this method should * return something stable and not entirely illegible. But avoid unsafe characters like spaces, '/', etc. * A good example would be "OpenSolaris2008.11" or "Ubuntu8.10". * * <p> * Several {@link BootConfiguration}s can return the same ID seed, and {@link #getId()} handles * those situations correctly. */ protected abstract String getIdSeed(); public final String getSearchUrl() { return "configuration/"+getId(); } public final String getUrl() { return getSearchUrl(); } /** * Gets the absolute URL to this {@link BootConfiguration}. * * @return * String like "http://foobar/path/to/hudson/pxe/configuration/me" without trailing '/'. */ public final String getAbsoluteUrl() { return defaulted(PXE.ROOT_URL,Hudson.getInstance().getRootUrl())+"pxe/"+getUrl(); } public BootConfigurationDescriptor getDescriptor() { return (BootConfigurationDescriptor) Hudson.getInstance().getDescriptor(getClass()); } /** * Convenience method to load a resource from the same place as Jelly views are loaded. */ protected InputStream getResourceAsStream(String fileName) { for(Class c=getClass(); c!=null; c=c.getSuperclass()) { InputStream s = c.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(c.getName().replace('.', '/') + '/' + fileName); if(s!=null) return s; } return null; // not found } /** * Serves data from TFTP. * * <p> * This mechanism is useful when you need to generate the data to be served on the fly. * Static resources can be more easily served by simply placing them as resources * under /tftp. * * <p> * The TFTP file namespace is divided for each {@link BootConfiguration}s as * <tt>/{@linkplain #getId() ID}/...</tt> to avoid collisions between different configurations. * * @param fileName * Relative path within the space designated for this boot configuration. For example, * if the client requests "foo/bar/zot" and the ID of this configuration is "foo", this * parameter will be "bar/zot". * @return * null if no such file exists, as far as this plugin is concerned. * The PXE plugin will continue to search other {@link BootConfiguration}s to * see if anyone understands it. * @throws IOException * If a problem occurs. The PXE plugin will abort the search and the download will fail. */ public Data tftp(String fileName) throws IOException { return null; } /** * Called before the {@link BootConfiguration} instances are let go because of the reconfiguration. * This is a good place to clean up background threads, etc. */ protected void shutdown() throws IOException { } /** * Returns the fragment to be merged into <tt>pxelinux.cfg/default</tt>. */ public abstract String getPxeLinuxConfigFragment() throws IOException; /** * Returns all the registered {@link BootConfigurationDescriptor}s. */ public static DescriptorExtensionList<BootConfiguration, BootConfigurationDescriptor> all() { return Hudson.getInstance().getDescriptorList(BootConfiguration.class); } }