package hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.conditions; import hudson.CopyOnWrite; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause; import hudson.model.Fingerprint; import hudson.model.Fingerprint.BuildPtr; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.InvisibleAction; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.model.listeners.RunListener; import hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.JobPropertyImpl; import hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.PromotionBadge; import hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.PromotionCondition; import hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.PromotionConditionDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.PromotionProcess; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * {@link PromotionCondition} that tests if certain downstream projects have passed. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class DownstreamPassCondition extends PromotionCondition { /** * List of downstream jobs that are used as the promotion criteria. * * Every job has to have at least one successful build for us to promote a build. */ private final String jobs; public DownstreamPassCondition(String jobs) { = jobs; } public String getJobs() { return jobs; } @Override public PromotionBadge isMet(AbstractBuild<?,?> build) { Badge badge = new Badge(); PseudoDownstreamBuilds pdb = build.getAction(PseudoDownstreamBuilds.class); OUTER: for (AbstractProject<?,?> j : getJobList()) { for( AbstractBuild<?,?> b : build.getDownstreamBuilds(j) ) { if(b.getResult()== Result.SUCCESS) { badge.add(b); continue OUTER; } } if (pdb!=null) {// if fingerprint doesn't have any, try the pseudo-downstream for (AbstractBuild<?,?> b : pdb.listBuilds(j)) { if(b.getResult()== Result.SUCCESS) { badge.add(b); continue OUTER; } } } // none of the builds of this job passed. return null; } return badge; } /** * List of downstream jobs that we need to monitor. * * @return never null. */ public List<AbstractProject<?,?>> getJobList() { List<AbstractProject<?,?>> r = new ArrayList<AbstractProject<?,?>>(); for (String name : Util.tokenize(jobs,",")) { AbstractProject job = Hudson.getInstance().getItemByFullName(name.trim(),AbstractProject.class); if(job!=null) r.add(job); } return r; } /** * Short-cut for {@code getJobList().contains(job)}. */ public boolean contains(AbstractProject<?,?> job) { if(!jobs.contains(job.getFullName())) return false; // quick rejection test for (String name : Util.tokenize(jobs,",")) { if(name.trim().equals(job.getFullName())) return true; } return false; } public static final class Badge extends PromotionBadge { /** * Downstream builds that certified this build. Should be considered read-only. */ public final List<Fingerprint.BuildPtr> builds = new ArrayList<Fingerprint.BuildPtr>(); void add(AbstractBuild<?,?> b) { builds.add(new Fingerprint.BuildPtr(b)); } } @Extension public static final class DescriptorImpl extends PromotionConditionDescriptor { public boolean isApplicable(AbstractProject<?,?> item) { return true; } public String getDisplayName() { return "When the following downstream projects build successfully"; } public String getHelpFile() { return "/plugin/promoted-builds/conditions/downstream.html"; } public PromotionCondition newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { return new DownstreamPassCondition(formData.getString("jobs")); } public static final DescriptorImpl INSTANCE = new DescriptorImpl(); } /** * {@link RunListener} to pick up completions of downstream builds. * * <p> * This is a single instance that receives all the events everywhere in the system. * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ @Extension public static final class RunListenerImpl extends RunListener<AbstractBuild<?,?>> { public RunListenerImpl() { super((Class)AbstractBuild.class); } @Override public void onCompleted(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, TaskListener listener) { // this is not terribly efficient, for(AbstractProject<?,?> j : Hudson.getInstance().getAllItems(AbstractProject.class)) { boolean warned = false; // used to avoid warning for the same project more than once. JobPropertyImpl jp = j.getProperty(JobPropertyImpl.class); if(jp!=null) { for (PromotionProcess p : jp.getItems()) { boolean considerPromotion = false; for (PromotionCondition cond : p.conditions) { if (cond instanceof DownstreamPassCondition) { DownstreamPassCondition dpcond = (DownstreamPassCondition) cond; if(dpcond.contains(build.getParent())) { considerPromotion = true; break; } } } if(considerPromotion) { try { AbstractBuild<?,?> u = build.getUpstreamRelationshipBuild(j); if (u==null) { // if the fingerprint doesn't tell us, perhaps the cause would tell us? for (UpstreamCause uc : Util.filter(build.getCauses(), UpstreamCause.class)) { if (uc.getUpstreamProject().equals(j.getFullName())) { u = j.getBuildByNumber(uc.getUpstreamBuild()); if (u!=null) { // remember that this build is a pseudo-downstream of the discovered build. PseudoDownstreamBuilds pdb = u.getAction(PseudoDownstreamBuilds.class); if (pdb==null) u.addAction(pdb=new PseudoDownstreamBuilds()); pdb.add(build);; break; } } } } if (u==null) { // no upstream build. perhaps a configuration problem? if(build.getResult()==Result.SUCCESS && !warned) { listener.getLogger().println("WARNING: "+j.getFullDisplayName()+" appears to use this job as a promotion criteria, " + "but no fingerprint is recorded. Fingerprint needs to be enabled on both this job and "+j.getFullDisplayName()+". " + "See for more details"); warned = true; } } if(u!=null && p.considerPromotion(u)) listener.getLogger().println("Promoted "+u); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to promote a build")); } } } } } } /** * List of downstream jobs that we are interested in. */ @CopyOnWrite private static volatile Set<AbstractProject> DOWNSTREAM_JOBS = Collections.emptySet(); /** * Called whenever some {@link JobPropertyImpl} changes to update {@link #DOWNSTREAM_JOBS}. */ public static void rebuildCache() { DOWNSTREAM_JOBS = new HashSet<AbstractProject>(); } } /** * Remembers those downstream jobs that are not related by fingerprint but by the triggering relationship. * This is a weaker form of the relationship and less reliable, but often people don't understand * the notion of fingerprints, in which case this works. */ public static class PseudoDownstreamBuilds extends InvisibleAction { final List<BuildPtr> builds = new ArrayList<BuildPtr>(); public void add(AbstractBuild<?,?> run) { builds.add(new BuildPtr(run)); } public List<AbstractBuild<?,?>> listBuilds(AbstractProject<?, ?> job) { List<AbstractBuild<?,?>> list = new ArrayList<AbstractBuild<?,?>>(); for (BuildPtr b : builds) { if ( { Run r = b.getRun(); if (r instanceof AbstractBuild) // mainly null check, plus a defensive measure caused by a possible rename. list.add((AbstractBuild)r); } } return list; } } }