package org.yamcs.xtce; /** * XTCE: Holds an integer range and flag denoting whether the range is calculated on the value using the source data type or the destination data type. */ public class IntegerValidRange extends IntegerRange { /** * Ranges are applied to the raw source DataEncoding data type or against the calibrated or converted destination data type */ boolean validRangeAppliesToCalibrated=false; public IntegerValidRange(long minInclusive, long maxInclusive) { super(minInclusive, maxInclusive); } public boolean isValidRangeAppliesToCalibrated() { return validRangeAppliesToCalibrated; } public void setValidRangeAppliesToCalibrated(boolean validRangeAppliesToCalibrated) { this.validRangeAppliesToCalibrated = validRangeAppliesToCalibrated; } }