package org.yamcs.api; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException; import org.yamcs.api.YamcsConnectionProperties.Protocol; import org.yamcs.api.artemis.ArtemisEventProducer; import org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.Event; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; public class EventProducerFactory { /** * set to true from the unit tests */ private static boolean mockup=false; private static Queue<Event>mockupQueue; static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventProducerFactory.class); /** * Configure the factory to produce mockup objects, optionally queuing the events in a queue * @param queue - if true then queue all messages in the mockupQueue queue. */ public static void setMockup(boolean queue) { mockup=true; if(queue) { mockupQueue=new LinkedList<Event>(); } } public static Queue<Event> getMockupQueue() { return mockupQueue; } /** * Creates an event producer based on the event-producer.yaml properties loaded from the classpath. * The yamcsURL in the file has to contain the yamcs instance. * If the event-producer.yaml is not found, then a console event producer is created that just * prints the messages on console. * @return the created event producer * @throws RuntimeException in case the config files is found but contains errors */ static public EventProducer getEventProducer() throws RuntimeException { return getEventProducer(null); } /** * * The instance passed as parameter will overwrite the instance in the config file if any. * * If the event-producer.yml config file is not found on the classpath, returns a ConsoleEventProducer when called outside yamcs or an StreamEventProducer when called inside. * @param instance - instance for which the producer is to be returned * * @return an EventProducer * @throws RuntimeException */ public static EventProducer getEventProducer(String instance) throws RuntimeException { if(mockup) { log.debug("Creating a ConsoleEventProducer with mockupQueue: "+mockupQueue); return new MockupEventProducer(mockupQueue); } String configFile = "/event-producer.yaml"; InputStream is = EventProducerFactory.class.getResourceAsStream(configFile); if(is==null) { EventProducer producer = getStreamEventProducer(instance); if(producer!=null) { return producer; } log.debug("Could not find {} in the classpath, and not running inside Yamcs, returning a ConsoleEventProducer", configFile); return new ConsoleEventProducer(); } Yaml yaml = new Yaml(); Object o = yaml.load(is); if(!(o instanceof Map<?,?>)) { throw new ConfigurationException("event-producer.yaml does not contain a map but a "+o.getClass()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String,String> m=(Map<String, String>)o; if(!m.containsKey("yamcsURL")) { throw new ConfigurationException("event-producer.yaml does not contain a property yamcsURL"); } String url=m.get("yamcsURL"); YamcsConnectionProperties ycd; try { log.debug("Parsing a URL for an YamcsEventProducer: '{}'", url); ycd = YamcsConnectionProperties.parse(url); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot parse yamcsURL", e); } if(instance==null) { if (ycd.getInstance()==null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("yamcs instance has to be part of the URL"); } } else { ycd.setInstance(instance); } EventProducer producer; if(ycd.getProtocol()==Protocol.artemis) { log.debug("Creating an Artemis Yamcs event producer connected to {}", ycd.getUrl()); producer = new ArtemisEventProducer(ycd); } else { log.debug("Creating a REST Yamcs event producer connected to {}", ycd.getUrl()); producer = new RestEventProducer(ycd); } return producer; } private static EventProducer getStreamEventProducer(String instance) { try { //try to load the stream event producer from yamcs core because probably we are running inside the yamcs server @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<EventProducer> ic=(Class<EventProducer>) Class.forName("org.yamcs.StreamEventProducer"); Constructor<EventProducer> constructor = ic.getConstructor(String.class); return constructor.newInstance(instance); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } }