package org.yamcs.utils; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * Wrapper around a ByteBuffer that allows to write individual bits or group of bits * * All the writings/readings are performed to a temporary long which is stored into the backing ByteBuffer when it is "full" * * Don't forget to call flush after the last write, such that the long is written to the backing ByteBuffer * * @author nm * */ public class BitWriter { private int bitShift; //bit offset from the right inside the current int final private ByteBuffer bb; //we put all the bits in the b, when it is full we save it in the array a and increase the offset private long b; //current element /** * Constructs a BitWriter around an existing ByteBuffer * * @param bb */ public BitWriter(ByteBuffer bb) { = bb; bitShift = 64; b = 0; } /** * write the least significant numBits of x into the BitBuffer * * Note that there is no check that the bits will actually fit into the ByteBuffer, they will be stored in the temporary field. * A buffer overflow exception will happen when the temporary field is full and flushed to the buffer * * @param x * @param numBits */ public void write(int x, int numBits) { int k = numBits-bitShift; if(k<0) { doWrite(x, numBits); } else { doWrite(x>>k, bitShift); if(k>0) { bitShift = 64; bb.putLong(b); b = 0; doWrite(x, k); } } // System.out.println("bitShift: "+bitShift+" bb.position: "+bb.position()+" numBits: "+numBits); } //here we know that numBits<bitShift private void doWrite(int x, int numBits) { bitShift-=numBits; long mask = (1L<<numBits) -1; b |= ((x&mask) << bitShift); } /** * flush the temporary long to the ByteBuffer * do not call this method twice!! */ public void flush() { if(bitShift!=64) { bb.putLong(b); } } }