package org.yamcs.xtce; public enum DataSource { /** * XTCE: * A telemetered Parameter is one that will have values in telemetry. * A derived Parameter is one that is calculated, usually by an Algorithm. * A constant Parameter is one that is used as a constant in the system (e.g. a vehicle id). * A local Parameter is one that is used purely on the ground (e.g. a ground command counter). * * * Usage in Yamcs: * TELEMETERD - used for data acquired from outside * DERIVED - are those set by algorithm manager * LOCAL - are software parameters that can be set by user * SYSTEM - parameters giving internal yamcs state -created on the fly (do not have to be defined in the database) * CONSTANT - not used (yet) * COMMAND and COMMAND_HISTORY - are special parameters created on the fly and instantiated in the context of command verifiers * * all the other are telemetered * */ TELEMETERED, DERIVED, CONSTANT, LOCAL, SYSTEM, COMMAND, COMMAND_HISTORY; }