package org.yamcs.tctm; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException; import org.yamcs.YConfiguration; import org.yamcs.YamcsServer; import org.yamcs.archive.PacketWithTime; import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterValue; import org.yamcs.parameter.SystemParametersCollector; import org.yamcs.parameter.SystemParametersProducer; import org.yamcs.time.TimeService; import org.yamcs.utils.CcsdsPacket; import org.yamcs.utils.LoggingUtils; import; public class TcpTmDataLink extends AbstractExecutionThreadService implements TmPacketDataLink, SystemParametersProducer { protected volatile long packetcount = 0; protected Socket tmSocket; protected String host="localhost"; protected int port=10031; protected volatile boolean disabled=false; protected final Logger log; private TmSink tmSink; private SystemParametersCollector sysParamCollector; ParameterValue svConnectionStatus; List<ParameterValue> sysVariables= new ArrayList<>(); private String spLinkStatus, spDataCount; final String yamcsInstance; final String name; final protected TimeService timeService; protected TcpTmDataLink(String instance, String name) {// dummy constructor needed by subclass constructors this.yamcsInstance = instance; = name; this.timeService = YamcsServer.getTimeService(instance); log = LoggingUtils.getLogger(this.getClass(), instance); } public TcpTmDataLink(String instance, String name, String spec) throws ConfigurationException { this(instance, name); YConfiguration c=YConfiguration.getConfiguration("tcp"); host=c.getString(spec, "tmHost"); port=c.getInt(spec, "tmPort"); } protected void openSocket() throws IOException { InetAddress address=InetAddress.getByName(host); tmSocket=new Socket(); tmSocket.setKeepAlive(true); tmSocket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(address,port),1000); } @Override public void setTmSink(TmSink tmSink) { this.tmSink=tmSink; } @Override public void run() { setupSysVariables(); while(isRunning()) { PacketWithTime pwrt=getNextPacket(); if(pwrt==null) { break; } tmSink.processPacket(pwrt); } } public PacketWithTime getNextPacket() { ByteBuffer bb=null; while (isRunning()) { while(disabled) { if(!isRunning()) { return null; } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return null; } } try { if (tmSocket==null) { openSocket();"TM connection established to {}:{}", host, port); } byte hdr[] = new byte[6]; if(!readWithBlocking(hdr,0,6)) continue; int remaining=((hdr[4]&0xFF)<<8)+(hdr[5]&0xFF)+1; bb=ByteBuffer.allocate(6+remaining).put(hdr); if(!readWithBlocking(bb.array(), 6, remaining)) continue; bb.rewind(); packetcount++; break; } catch (IOException e) { String exc = (e instanceof ConnectException) ? ((ConnectException) e).getMessage() : e.toString();"Cannot open or read TM socket {}:{} {}'. Retrying in 10s", host, port, exc); try { tmSocket.close(); } catch (Exception e2) {} tmSocket=null; try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { log.warn("Exception {} while sleeping for 10s", e1.toString()); return null; } } } if(bb!=null) { return new PacketWithTime(timeService.getMissionTime(), CcsdsPacket.getInstant(bb), bb.array()); } return null; } /** * Read n bytes from the tmSocket, blocking if necessary till all bytes are available. * Returns true if all the bytes have been read and false if the stream has closed before all the bytes have been read. * @param b * @param n * @return * @throws IOException */ protected boolean readWithBlocking(byte[] b, int pos, int n) throws IOException { InputStream in=tmSocket.getInputStream(); int remaining=n; while(remaining>0) { int,pos,remaining); if(read==-1) { log.warn("Tm Connection closed"); if(remaining!=n) { log.warn("Discarding incomplete TM packet read: expected "+n+", read"+(n-remaining)+". Packet discarded."); } tmSocket=null; return false; } remaining-=read; pos+=read; } return true; } @Override public String getLinkStatus() { if (disabled) { return "DISABLED"; } if (tmSocket==null) { return "UNAVAIL"; } else { return "OK"; } } @Override public void triggerShutdown() { if(tmSocket!=null) { try { tmSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Exception got when closing the tm socket:", e); } tmSocket=null; } } @Override public void disable() { disabled=true; if(tmSocket!=null) { try { tmSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Exception got when closing the tm socket:", e); } tmSocket=null; } } @Override public void enable() { disabled=false; } @Override public boolean isDisabled() { return disabled; } @Override public String getDetailedStatus() { if(disabled) { return String.format("DISABLED (should connect to %s:%d)", host, port); } if (tmSocket==null) { return String.format("Not connected to %s:%d", host, port); } else { return String.format("OK, connected to %s:%d, received %d packets", host, port, packetcount); } } @Override public long getDataCount() { return packetcount; } protected void setupSysVariables() { this.sysParamCollector = SystemParametersCollector.getInstance(yamcsInstance); if(sysParamCollector!=null) { sysParamCollector.registerProvider(this, null); spLinkStatus = sysParamCollector.getNamespace()+"/"+name+"/linkStatus"; spDataCount = sysParamCollector.getNamespace()+"/"+name+"/dataCount"; } else {"System variables collector not defined for instance {} ", yamcsInstance); } } @Override public Collection<ParameterValue> getSystemParameters() { long time = timeService.getMissionTime(); ParameterValue linkStatus = SystemParametersCollector.getPV(spLinkStatus, time, getLinkStatus()); ParameterValue dataCount = SystemParametersCollector.getPV(spDataCount, time, getDataCount()); return Arrays.asList(linkStatus, dataCount); } }