package org.yamcs; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.yamcs.utils.TimeEncoding; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException; /** * This class loads yamcs configurations. There are a number of "subsystems", * each using a corresponding subsystem.yaml file * * There are three places where a configuration file is looked up in order: * - in the prefix/file.yaml via the classpath if the prefix is set in the setup method (used in the unittests) * - in the userConfigDirectory .yamcs/etc/file.yaml * - in the file.yaml via the classpath. * * @author nm */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public class YConfiguration { Map<String, Object> root; static String userConfigDirectory; //This is used by the users to overwrite static YConfigurationResolver resolver = new YConfigurationResolver(); private static Map<String, YConfiguration> configurations=new HashMap<>(); static Logger log=LoggerFactory.getLogger(YConfiguration.class.getName()); static String prefix=null; //keeps track of the configuration path so meaningful error messages can be printed //the path is someting like filename->key1->subkey2[3]->... static private IdentityHashMap<Object, String> confPath=new IdentityHashMap<>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private YConfiguration(String subsystem) throws IOException, ConfigurationException { Yaml yaml=new Yaml(); String filename=subsystem+".yaml"; try { Object o=yaml.load(resolver.getConfigurationStream("/"+filename)); if(o==null) { o=new HashMap<String, Object>(); //config file is empty, not an error } else if(!(o instanceof Map<?, ?>)) { throw new ConfigurationException(filename, "top level structure must be a map and not a "+o); } root=(Map<String, Object>)o; confPath.put(root, filename); } catch (YAMLException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(filename, e.toString(), e); } } /** * If configPrefix is not null, sets up the configuration to search the classpath for files like "configPrefix/" * * Also sets up the TimeEncoding configuration * * @param configPrefix * @throws ConfigurationException */ public synchronized static void setup(String configPrefix) throws ConfigurationException { prefix=configPrefix; configurations.clear();//forget any known config (useful in the maven unit tests called in the same VM) if(System.getenv("YAMCS_DAEMON")==null) { userConfigDirectory=System.getProperty("user.home")+File.separatorChar+".yamcs"; File logDir = new File(userConfigDirectory+File.separatorChar+"log"); if (!logDir.exists()) { if (logDir.mkdirs()) { System.err.println("Created directory: "+logDir); } else { System.err.println("Cannot create directory: "+logDir); } } System.getProperties().put("cacheDirectory", userConfigDirectory+File.separatorChar); } else { String yamcsDirectory=System.getProperty("user.home"); System.getProperties().put("cacheDirectory", yamcsDirectory+File.separatorChar+"cache"+File.separatorChar); userConfigDirectory=yamcsDirectory+File.separatorChar+"etc"; } if(System.getProperty("java.util.logging.config.file")==null) { try { LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(resolver.getConfigurationStream("/")); } catch (Exception e) { //do nothing, the default java builtin logging is used } } TimeEncoding.setUp(); } /** * calls setup(null) * * @throws ConfigurationException */ public synchronized static void setup() throws ConfigurationException { setup(null); } /** * Loads (if not already loaded) and returns a configuration corresponding to a file <subsystem>.yaml * * This method does not reload the configuration file if it has changed. * * @param subsystem * @return the loaded configuration * @throws ConfigurationException if the configuration file could not be found or not loaded (e.g. error in yaml formatting) */ public synchronized static YConfiguration getConfiguration(String subsystem) throws ConfigurationException { if(subsystem.contains("..") || subsystem.contains("/")) throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid subsystem '"+subsystem+"'"); YConfiguration c = configurations.get(subsystem); if(c==null) { try { c=new YConfiguration(subsystem); } catch (IOException e){ throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot load configuration for subsystem "+subsystem+": "+e); } configurations.put(subsystem, c); } return c; } /** * Loads and returns a configuration corresponding to a file <subsystem>.yaml * * This method reloads the configuration file always. * * @param subsystem * @param reload * @return the loaded configuration * @throws ConfigurationException if the configuration file could not be found or not loaded (e.g. error in yaml formatting) */ public synchronized static YConfiguration getConfiguration(String subsystem, boolean reload) throws ConfigurationException { if(reload) { YConfiguration c = configurations.get(subsystem); if (c != null) { configurations.remove(subsystem); } } return getConfiguration(subsystem); } public static boolean isDefined(String subsystem) throws ConfigurationException { try { getConfiguration(subsystem); return true; } catch (ConfigurationNotFoundException e) { return false; } } public static String getGlobalProperty(String key) { return System.getProperty(key); } static private void checkKey(Map m, String key) throws ConfigurationException { if(!m.containsKey(key)) throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), "cannot find a mapping for key '"+key+"'"); else if(m.get(key)==null) throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), key+" exists but is null"); } public boolean containsKey(String key) { return root.containsKey(key); } public boolean containsKey(String key, String key1) throws ConfigurationException { if(!root.containsKey(key)) return false; Map<String, Object> m = getMap(key); return m.containsKey(key1); } /** * returns the first entry in the config file if it's a map. Otherwise throws an error */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<String, Object> getFirstMap() throws ConfigurationException { Object o=root.values().iterator().next(); if(o instanceof Map) { return (Map<String, Object>) o; } else { throw new ConfigurationException("the first entry in the config is of type "+o.getClass()+" and not Map"); } } /** * returns the first entry(key) in the config file. * @return */ public String getFirstEntry() throws ConfigurationException { return root.keySet().iterator().next(); } public Set<String> getKeys() { return root.keySet(); } private static String getUnqualfiedClassName(Object o) { String name=o.getClass().getName(); if (name.lastIndexOf('.') > 0) { name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.')+1); // Map$Entry } // The $ can be converted to a . name = name.replace('$', '.'); // Map.Entry return name; } /****************************** Map configs*/ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static public Map<String, Object> getMap(Map<String, Object> m, String key) throws ConfigurationException { checkKey(m, key); Object o=m.get(key); if(o instanceof Map) { Map<String, Object> m1=(Map)o; if(confPath.containsKey(m1)) { confPath.put(m1, confPath.get(m)+"->"+key); } return m1; } else { throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), "mapping for key '"+key+"' is of type "+o.getClass().getCanonicalName()+" and not Map"); } } public Map<String, Object> getMap(String key) throws ConfigurationException { return getMap(root, key); } public Map<String, Object> getMap(String key, String key1) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, Object> m=getMap(key); return getMap(m, key1); } /***************************String configs*/ /** * Returns m.get(key) if it exists and is of type string, otherwise throws an exception * @param m * @param key * @return * @throws ConfigurationException */ static public String getString(Map m, String key) throws ConfigurationException { checkKey(m, key); Object o=m.get(key); if(o instanceof String) { return (String)o; } else { throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), "mapping for key '"+key+"' is of type "+getUnqualfiedClassName(o)+" and not String"); } } static public String getString(Map m, String key, String defaultValue) throws ConfigurationException { if(m.containsKey(key)) { return getString(m, key); } else { return defaultValue; } } public String getString(String key) throws ConfigurationException { return getString(root, key); } /* * The key has to point to a map that contains the subkey that points to a string */ public String getString(String key, String subkey) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, Object> m=getMap(key); return getString(m, subkey); } public String getString(String key, String key1, String key2) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, Object> m=getMap(key,key1); return getString(m, key2); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> List<T> getList(String key) throws ConfigurationException { return (List<T>) getList(root, key); } /*****************List configs*/ /* * The key has to point to a list */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static public <T> List<T> getList(Map<String, Object> m, String key) throws ConfigurationException { checkKey(m, key); Object o=m.get(key); if(o instanceof List) { List l=(List) o; String parentPath=confPath.get(m); for(int i=0; i<l.size();i++) { Object o1=l.get(i); if(!confPath.containsKey(o1)) { confPath.put(o1, parentPath+"->"+key+"["+i+"]"); } } return l; } else { throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), "mapping for key '"+key+"' is of type "+getUnqualfiedClassName(o)+" and not List"); } } public <T> List<T> getList(String key, String key1, String key2) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, Object> m=getMap(key,key1); return getList(m, key2); } public <T> List<T> getList(String key, String key1) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, Object> m=getMap(key); return getList(m, key1); } /**********************Boolean configs*/ /** * Returns m.get(key) if it exists and is of type boolean, * if m.get(key) exists and is not boolean, throw an exception. * if m.get(key) does not exist, return the default value. * @param m * @param key * @param defaultValue - the default value to return if m.get(key) does not exist. * @return the boolean config value * @throws ConfigurationException */ static public boolean getBoolean(Map<String, Object> m, String key, boolean defaultValue) throws ConfigurationException { Object o=m.get(key); if(o!=null){ if (o instanceof Boolean) { return (Boolean)o; } else { throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), "mapping for key '"+key+"' is of type "+getUnqualfiedClassName(o)+" and not Boolean (use true or false without quotes)"); } } else { return defaultValue; } } static public boolean getBoolean(Map<String, Object> m, String key) throws ConfigurationException { checkKey(m, key); Object o=m.get(key); if(o instanceof Boolean) { return (Boolean)o; } else { throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), "mapping for key '"+key+"' is of type "+getUnqualfiedClassName(o)+" and not Boolean (use true or false without quotes)"); } } public boolean getBoolean(String key) throws ConfigurationException { return getBoolean(root,key); } public boolean getBoolean(String key, String key1) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, Object> m=getMap(key); return getBoolean(m, key1); } public boolean getBoolean(String key, String key1, String key2) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, Object> m=getMap(key,key1); return getBoolean(m, key2); } public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue) { return getBoolean(root, key, defaultValue); } /********************** int configs */ static public int getInt(Map<String, Object> m, String key) throws ConfigurationException { checkKey(m, key); Object o=m.get(key); if(o instanceof Integer) { return (Integer)o; } else { throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), "mapping for key '"+key+"' is of type "+getUnqualfiedClassName(o)+" and not Integer"); } } /** * return the m.get(key) as an int if it's present or v if it is not. * * If the key is present but the value is not an integer, a ConfigurationException is thrown. * @param m * @param key * @param defaultValue * @return the value from the map or the passed value if the map does not contain the key * @throws ConfigurationException if the key is present but it's not an int */ static public int getInt(Map<String, Object> m, String key, int defaultValue) throws ConfigurationException { if(!m.containsKey(key)) return defaultValue; Object o=m.get(key); if(o instanceof Integer) { return (Integer)o; } else { throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), "mapping for key '"+key+"' is of type "+getUnqualfiedClassName(o)+" and not Integer"); } } static public long getLong(Map<String, Object> m, String key) throws ConfigurationException { checkKey(m, key); Object o=m.get(key); if(o instanceof Integer) { return (Integer)o; } else if(o instanceof Long) { return (Long)o; } else { throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), "mapping for key '"+key+"' is of type "+getUnqualfiedClassName(o)+" and not Integer or Long"); } } /** * return the m.get(key) as an long if it's present or v if it is not. * * @param m * @param key * @param v * @return the value from the map or the passed value if the map does not contain the key * @throws ConfigurationException if the key is present but it's not an long */ static public long getLong(Map<String, Object> m, String key, long v) throws ConfigurationException { if(!m.containsKey(key)) return v; Object o=m.get(key); if(o instanceof Integer) { return (Integer)o; } else if(o instanceof Long) { return (Long)o; } else { throw new ConfigurationException(confPath.get(m), "mapping for key '"+key+"' is of type "+getUnqualfiedClassName(o)+" and not Integer or Long"); } } public int getInt(String key) throws ConfigurationException { return getInt(root,key); } public int getInt(String key, String key1) throws ConfigurationException { Map<String, Object> m=getMap(key); return getInt(m, key1); } public int getInt(String key, String key1, int defaultValue) throws ConfigurationException { if(!root.containsKey(key)) return defaultValue; Map<String, Object> m = getMap(key); return getInt(m, key1, defaultValue); } public boolean isList(String key) { return isList(root, key); } public static boolean isList(Map m, String key) { checkKey(m, key); Object o = m.get(key); return (o instanceof List); } public static void setResolver(YConfigurationResolver resolver) { YConfiguration.resolver = resolver; } /** * Default config file resolver */ public static class YConfigurationResolver { public InputStream getConfigurationStream(String name) throws ConfigurationException { InputStream is; if(prefix!=null) { if((is=YConfiguration.class.getResourceAsStream("/"+prefix+name))!=null) { log.debug("Reading "+new File(YConfiguration.class.getResource("/"+prefix+name).getFile()).getAbsolutePath()); return is; } } //see if the users has an own version of the file File f=new File(userConfigDirectory+name); if(f.exists()) { try { is=new FileInputStream(f); log.debug("Reading "+f.getAbsolutePath()); return is; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if((is=YConfiguration.class.getResourceAsStream(name))==null) { throw(new ConfigurationNotFoundException("Cannot find resource "+name)); } log.debug("Reading "+new File(YConfiguration.class.getResource(name).getFile()).getAbsolutePath()); return is; } } /** * Introduced to be able to detect when a configuration file was not * specified (as opposed to when there's a validation error inside). The * current default behaviour of Yamcs is to throw an error when * getConfiguration(String subystem) is called and the resource does not * exist. */ public static class ConfigurationNotFoundException extends ConfigurationException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ConfigurationNotFoundException(String message) { super(message); } } }