package org.yamcs.utils; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Calendar; public class PacketFormatter { private boolean withoutCcsds = false; private boolean withPacts = false, withArch = false; private boolean hex = false; private OutputStream out; private boolean onlyHeader; public PacketFormatter(OutputStream out) { this.out=out; } public void writePacket(CcsdsPacket c) throws IOException { ByteBuffer bb=c.getByteBuffer(); if(withoutCcsds) bb.position(16); else bb.position(0); if(onlyHeader) { System.out.println("APID: "+CcsdsPacket.getAPID(bb)+", packetId: "+c.getPacketID()+" seqCount: "+CcsdsPacket.getSequenceCount(bb)+ ", gentime: "+TimeEncoding.toCombinedFormat(CcsdsPacket.getInstant(bb))); } else if(hex) { out.write(("apid: "+c.getAPID()+", seqCount: "+c.getSequenceCount()+", packetid: "+c.getPacketID()+"\n").getBytes()); out.write(("time: "+TimeEncoding.toOrdinalDateTime(c.getInstant())+"\n").getBytes()); } if(withPacts) { //add a fake pacts header ByteBuffer pactsMsgHdr = ByteBuffer.allocate(32); CcsdsPacket ccsds = new CcsdsPacket(bb); pactsMsgHdr.putInt(bb.limit() - 16); // without CCSDS header pactsMsgHdr.putInt(ccsds.getAPID() | 0x1000); // this is a PAYLOAD packet (not a SYSTEM packet) pactsMsgHdr.putInt(ccsds.getPacketID()); pactsMsgHdr.putInt((int)ccsds.getCoarseTime()); pactsMsgHdr.putInt(ccsds.getFineTime()); pactsMsgHdr.rewind(); if(hex) { while(pactsMsgHdr.position()<pactsMsgHdr.capacity()) { out.write(String.format("%04x ",0xFFFF&pactsMsgHdr.getShort()).getBytes()); if(pactsMsgHdr.position()%16==0) out.write("\n".getBytes()); } out.write("\n".getBytes()); } else { out.write(pactsMsgHdr.array()); } } else if (withArch) { // add an HRDP PathTM archive header (mutually exclusive with Pacts header) long now = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); if (hex) { // TODO, or unnecessary. Archive headers are useful only when binary. } else { ByteBuffer arcHdr = ByteBuffer.allocate(10).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); arcHdr.putInt(bb.limit() + 6); // 6 = rest of archive header arcHdr.put((byte)9); // constant arcHdr.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); arcHdr.putInt((int)(now / 1000 - 315964800)); // coarse time in GPS arcHdr.put((byte)((now % 1000) * 256 / 1000)); // fine time out.write(arcHdr.array()); } } if(hex) { while(bb.position()<bb.capacity()) { out.write(String.format("%04x ",0xFFFF&bb.getShort()).getBytes()); if(bb.position()%16==0) out.write("\n".getBytes()); } out.write("\n".getBytes()); } else { if(bb.hasArray()){ out.write(bb.array(),bb.position(),bb.remaining()); } else { byte[] b=new byte[bb.capacity()]; bb.get(b); out.write(b); } } } public void setOnlyHeader(boolean b) { this.onlyHeader=b; } public void setHex(boolean hex) { this.hex = hex; } public void setWithoutCcsds(boolean withoutCcsds) { this.withoutCcsds = withoutCcsds; } public void setWithPacts(boolean withPacts) { this.withPacts = withPacts; } public void setWithArch(boolean withArch) { this.withArch = withArch; } public void close() throws IOException { out.close(); } }