package org.yamcs.yarch; import; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.ColumnExpression; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.RelOp; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.StreamSqlException; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.StreamSqlException.ErrCode; import; import; /** * Implements skeleton for table streamer that uses PartitionManager to handle partitioning. * * * @author nm * */ public abstract class AbstractTableReaderStream extends AbstractStream implements Runnable, DbReaderStream { protected TableDefinition tableDefinition; private IndexFilter rangeIndexFilter; //if not null, the replay should run in this range private Set<Object> partitionValueFilter;//if not null, the replay only includes data from these partitions - if the table is partitioned on a non index column static AtomicInteger count=new AtomicInteger(0); volatile protected boolean quit=false; Comparator<byte[]> bytesComparator=UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator(); private Tuple lastEmitted; final protected PartitionManager partitionManager; final protected boolean ascending; final protected boolean follow; protected AbstractTableReaderStream(YarchDatabase ydb, TableDefinition tblDef, PartitionManager partitionManager, boolean ascending, boolean follow) { super(ydb, tblDef.getName()+"_"+count.getAndIncrement(), tblDef.getTupleDefinition()); this.tableDefinition = tblDef; this.partitionManager = partitionManager; this.ascending = ascending; this.follow = follow; } @Override public void start() { (new Thread(this, "TcTableReader["+getName()+"]")).start(); } @Override public void run() { log.debug("starting a table stream from table {} with rangeIndexFilter {} \n partitionFilter: {}", tableDefinition.getName(), rangeIndexFilter, partitionValueFilter); try { Iterator<List<Partition>> partitionIterator; PartitioningSpec pspec = tableDefinition.getPartitioningSpec(); if(pspec.valueColumn!=null) { if((ascending) && (rangeIndexFilter!=null) && (rangeIndexFilter.keyStart!=null)) { long start=(Long)rangeIndexFilter.keyStart; partitionIterator = partitionManager.iterator(start, partitionValueFilter); } else if((!ascending) && (rangeIndexFilter!=null) && (rangeIndexFilter.keyEnd!=null)) { long start=(Long)rangeIndexFilter.keyEnd; partitionIterator = partitionManager.reverseIterator(start, partitionValueFilter); } else { if (ascending) { partitionIterator = partitionManager.iterator(partitionValueFilter); } else { partitionIterator = partitionManager.reverseIterator(partitionValueFilter); } } } else { if (ascending) { partitionIterator = partitionManager.iterator(partitionValueFilter); } else { partitionIterator = partitionManager.reverseIterator(partitionValueFilter); } } while((!quit) && partitionIterator.hasNext()) { List<Partition>; boolean endReached = runPartitions(partitions, rangeIndexFilter); if(endReached) break; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("got exception ", e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { close(); } } /** * Runs the partitions sending data only that conform with the start and end filters. * returns true if the stop condition is met * * All the partitions are from the same time interval */ protected abstract boolean runPartitions(List<Partition> partitions, IndexFilter range) throws IOException; protected boolean emitIfNotPastStop (byte[] key, byte[] value, byte[] rangeEnd, boolean strictEnd) { boolean emit=true; if(rangeEnd!=null) { //check if we have reached the end int c=compare(key, rangeEnd); if(c<0) emit=true; else if((c==0) && (!strictEnd)) emit=true; else emit=false; } lastEmitted = dataToTuple(key, value); if(emit) emitTuple(lastEmitted); return emit; } protected boolean emitIfNotPastStart (byte[] key, byte[]value, byte[] rangeStart, boolean strictStart) { boolean emit=true; if(rangeStart!=null) { //check if we have reached the start int c = compare(key, rangeStart); if(c>0) emit=true; else if((c==0) && (!strictStart)) emit=true; else emit=false; } lastEmitted = dataToTuple(key, value); if(emit) emitTuple(lastEmitted); return emit; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public boolean addRelOpFilter(ColumnExpression cexpr, RelOp relOp, Object value) throws StreamSqlException { if(tableDefinition.isIndexedByKey(cexpr.getName())) { ColumnDefinition cdef = tableDefinition.getColumnDefinition(cexpr.getName()); Comparable<Object> cv=null; try { cv=(Comparable<Object>)DataType.castAs(cdef.getType(),value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e){ throw new StreamSqlException(ErrCode.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } if(rangeIndexFilter==null) rangeIndexFilter=new IndexFilter(); //TODO FIX to allow multiple ranges switch(relOp) { case GREATER: rangeIndexFilter.keyStart=cv; rangeIndexFilter.strictStart=true; break; case GREATER_OR_EQUAL: rangeIndexFilter.keyStart=cv; rangeIndexFilter.strictStart=false; break; case LESS: rangeIndexFilter.keyEnd=cv; rangeIndexFilter.strictEnd=true; break; case LESS_OR_EQUAL: rangeIndexFilter.keyEnd=cv; rangeIndexFilter.strictEnd=false; break; case EQUAL: rangeIndexFilter.keyStart=rangeIndexFilter.keyEnd=cv; rangeIndexFilter.strictStart=rangeIndexFilter.strictEnd=false; break; case NOT_EQUAL: //TODO - two ranges have to be created } return true; } else if((relOp==RelOp.EQUAL) && tableDefinition.hasPartitioning()) { PartitioningSpec pspec = tableDefinition.getPartitioningSpec(); if (cexpr.getName().equals(pspec.valueColumn)) { Set<Object> values=new HashSet<Object>(); values.add(value); values = transformEnums(values); if(partitionValueFilter==null) { partitionValueFilter=values; } else { partitionValueFilter.retainAll(values); } return true; } } return false; } //if the value partitioning column is of type Enum, we have to convert all the values // from String to Short - the values that do not have an enum are eliminated // if partitioning value is not an enum, return it unchanged private Set<Object> transformEnums(Set<Object> values) { PartitioningSpec pspec=tableDefinition.getPartitioningSpec(); ColumnDefinition cd=tableDefinition.getColumnDefinition(pspec.valueColumn); if(cd.getType()==DataType.ENUM) { BiMap<String, Short> enumValues = tableDefinition.getEnumValues(pspec.valueColumn); Set<Object> v1=new HashSet<Object>(); if(enumValues!=null) { //else there is no value in the table yet for(Object o: values) { Object o1 = enumValues.get(o); if(o1==null) { log.debug("no enum value for column: {} value: {}", pspec.valueColumn, o); } else { v1.add(o1); } } } values=v1; } return values; } protected Tuple dataToTuple(byte[] k, byte[] v) { return tableDefinition.deserialize(k, v); //TODO adapt to the stream schema } /** * currently adds only filters on value based partitions */ @Override public boolean addInFilter(ColumnExpression cexpr, Set<Object> values) throws StreamSqlException { if(!tableDefinition.hasPartitioning()) return false; PartitioningSpec pspec=tableDefinition.getPartitioningSpec(); if((pspec.valueColumn==null) || (!pspec.valueColumn.equals(cexpr.getName()))) return false; values = transformEnums(values); if(partitionValueFilter==null) { partitionValueFilter=values; } else { partitionValueFilter.retainAll(values); } return true; } @Override public void doClose() { quit=true; } public TableDefinition getTableDefinition() { return tableDefinition; } //this is a lexicographic comparison which returns 0 if one of the array is a subarray of the other one // it is useful when the filter key is shorter than the index key protected int compare(byte[] a1, byte[] a2) { for(int i=0;i<a1.length && i<a2.length;i++) { int d=(a1[i]&0xFF)-(a2[i]&0xFF); if(d!=0)return d; } return 0; } }