package org.yamcs.xtceproc; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterValue; import org.yamcs.xtce.BinaryDataEncoding; import org.yamcs.xtce.BooleanDataEncoding; import org.yamcs.xtce.DataEncoding; import org.yamcs.xtce.FloatDataEncoding; import org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding; import org.yamcs.xtce.IntegerDataEncoding.Encoding; import org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding; import org.yamcs.xtce.StringDataEncoding.SizeType; import org.yamcs.xtceproc.ContainerProcessingContext.ContainerProcessingPosition; /** * Decodes TM data according to the specification of the DataEncoding * @author nm * */ public class DataEncodingDecoder { ContainerProcessingContext pcontext; Logger log=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); public DataEncodingDecoder(ContainerProcessingContext pcontext) { this.pcontext=pcontext; } /** * Extracts the raw uncalibrated parameter value from the packet. */ void extractRaw(DataEncoding de, ParameterValue pv){ if(de instanceof IntegerDataEncoding) { extractRawInteger((IntegerDataEncoding) de, pv); } else if(de instanceof FloatDataEncoding) { extractRawFloat((FloatDataEncoding) de, pv); } else if(de instanceof StringDataEncoding) { extractRawString((StringDataEncoding) de, pv); } else if(de instanceof BooleanDataEncoding) { extractRawBoolean((BooleanDataEncoding) de, pv); } else if(de instanceof BinaryDataEncoding) { extractRawBinary((BinaryDataEncoding) de, pv); } else { log.error("DataEncoding {} not implemented", de); throw new IllegalArgumentException("DataEncoding "+de+" not implemented"); } } private void extractRawInteger(IntegerDataEncoding ide, ParameterValue pv) { ContainerProcessingPosition position = pcontext.position; ByteBuffer bb =; // Integer encoded as string, don't even try reading it as int if(ide.getEncoding() == Encoding.string) { extractRaw(ide.getStringEncoding(), pv); return; } int byteOffset = (position.bitPosition)/8; int byteSize = (position.bitPosition + ide.getSizeInBits()-1)/8-byteOffset+1; int bitOffsetInsideMask = position.bitPosition - 8*byteOffset; int bitsToShift = 8*byteSize-bitOffsetInsideMask-ide.getSizeInBits(); long mask = (-1L<<(64-ide.getSizeInBits()))>>>(64-ide.getSizeInBits()-bitsToShift); bb.order(ide.getByteOrder()); long rv=0; switch(byteSize) { case 1: rv = bb.get(byteOffset); break; case 2: rv = bb.getShort(byteOffset); break; case 3: if(ide.getByteOrder()==ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) { rv = (bb.getShort(byteOffset) & 0xFFFF) << 8; rv += bb.get(byteOffset + 2) & 0xFF; } else { rv = bb.getShort(byteOffset) & 0xFFFF; rv += (bb.get(byteOffset + 2) & 0xFF) << 16; } break; case 4: rv = bb.getInt(byteOffset); break; case 5: if(ide.getByteOrder()==ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) { rv = (bb.getInt(byteOffset) & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 8; rv += bb.get(byteOffset + 4) & 0xFF; } else { rv = bb.getInt(byteOffset) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; rv += (bb.get(byteOffset + 4) & 0xFFL) << 32; } break; case 6: if (ide.getByteOrder()==ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) { rv = (bb.getInt(byteOffset) & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 16; rv += bb.getShort(byteOffset + 4) & 0xFFFF; } else { rv = bb.getInt(byteOffset) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; rv += bb.getShort(byteOffset + 4) & 0xFFFFL << 32; } break; case 7: if (ide.getByteOrder() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) { rv = (bb.getInt(byteOffset) & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 24; rv += (bb.getShort(byteOffset + 4) & 0xFFFFL) << 8; rv += bb.get(byteOffset + 6) & 0xFFL; } else { rv = bb.getInt(byteOffset) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; rv += (bb.getShort(byteOffset + 4) & 0xFFFFL) << 32; rv += (bb.get(byteOffset + 6) & 0xFFL) << 48; } break; case 8: rv = bb.getLong(byteOffset); break; default: log.warn(String.format("parameter extraction for %d bytes not supported, used for %s", byteSize, pv.getParameter())); } position.bitPosition+=ide.getSizeInBits(); switch(ide.getEncoding()) { case twosComplement: //we shift it to the left first such that the sign bit arrives on the first position rv= (rv&mask)<<(64-ide.getSizeInBits()-bitsToShift); rv=rv>>(64-ide.getSizeInBits()); if (ide.getSizeInBits() <= 32) pv.setRawSignedInteger((int)rv); else pv.setRawSignedLong(rv); break; case unsigned: //we use the ">>>" such that the sign bit is not carried rv=(rv&mask)>>>bitsToShift; break; case signMagnitude: boolean negative = ((rv>>>(ide.getSizeInBits()-1) & 1L) == 1L); mask >>>= 1; // Don't include sign in mask rv=(rv&(mask))>>>bitsToShift; if (negative) { rv = -rv; } break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("encoding "+ide.getEncoding()+" not implemented"); } setRawValue(ide, pv, rv); } private static void setRawValue(IntegerDataEncoding ide, ParameterValue pv, long longValue) { if(ide.getSizeInBits() <= 32) { if(ide.getEncoding() == Encoding.unsigned) { pv.setRawUnsignedInteger((int)longValue); } else { pv.setRawSignedInteger((int)longValue); } } else { if(ide.getEncoding() == Encoding.unsigned) { pv.setRawUnsignedLong(longValue); } else { pv.setRawSignedLong(longValue); } } } private void extractRawString(StringDataEncoding sde, ParameterValue pv) { ContainerProcessingPosition position = pcontext.position; ByteBuffer bb =; if(position.bitPosition%8!=0) { log.warn("String Parameter that does not start at byte boundary not supported. bitPosition: {}", pcontext.position); } int sizeInBytes=0; switch(sde.getSizeType()) { case Fixed: sizeInBytes=sde.getSizeInBits()/8; break; case LeadingSize: for(int i=0;i<sde.getSizeInBitsOfSizeTag();i+=8) { sizeInBytes=(sizeInBytes<<8) + bb.get(position.bitPosition/8); position.bitPosition+=8; } break; case TerminationChar: int byteOffset = position.bitPosition/8; while(bb.get(byteOffset)!=sde.getTerminationChar()){ sizeInBytes++; byteOffset++; } break; } byte[] b=new byte[sizeInBytes]; bb.position(position.bitPosition/8); bb.get(b); pv.setRawValue(new String(b)); pv.setBitSize(8*sizeInBytes); position.bitPosition += 8*sizeInBytes; if(sde.getSizeType()==SizeType.TerminationChar) { position.bitPosition+=8;//the termination char } } private void extractRawFloat(FloatDataEncoding de, ParameterValue pv) { ContainerProcessingPosition position = pcontext.position; ByteBuffer bb =; if(position.bitPosition%8!=0) { log.warn("Float Parameter that does not start at byte boundary not supported. bitPosition: {}", position.bitPosition); } bb.order(de.getByteOrder()); switch(de.getEncoding()) { case IEEE754_1985: extractRawIEEE754_1985(de, pv); break; case STRING: extractRaw(de.getStringDataEncoding(), pv); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Float Encoding "+de.getEncoding()+" not implemented"); } } private void extractRawIEEE754_1985(FloatDataEncoding de, ParameterValue pv) { ContainerProcessingPosition position = pcontext.position; ByteBuffer bb =; if(position.bitPosition%8!=0) { log.warn("Float Parameter that does not start at byte boundary not supported. bitPosition: {}", pcontext.position); } bb.order(de.getByteOrder()); int byteOffset=position.bitPosition/8; position.bitPosition+=de.getSizeInBits(); if(de.getSizeInBits()==32) { pv.setRawValue(bb.getFloat(byteOffset)); } else { pv.setRawValue(bb.getDouble(byteOffset)); } } private void extractRawBoolean(BooleanDataEncoding bde, ParameterValue pv) { ContainerProcessingPosition position = pcontext.position; ByteBuffer bb =; int byteOffset = (position.bitPosition)/8; int bitOffsetInsideMask = position.bitPosition-8*byteOffset; int bitsToShift = 8-bitOffsetInsideMask-1; int mask = (-1<<(32-1))>>>(32-1-bitsToShift); int rv = bb.get(byteOffset)&0xFF; rv=(rv&mask)>>>bitsToShift; position.bitPosition+=1; pv.setRawValue(rv!=0); } private void extractRawBinary(BinaryDataEncoding bde, ParameterValue pv) { ContainerProcessingPosition position = pcontext.position; ByteBuffer bb =; if(position.bitPosition%8!=0) { log.warn("Binary Parameter that does not start at byte boundary not supported. bitPosition: {}", pcontext.position); } byte[] b = new byte[bde.getSizeInBits()/8]; bb.position(position.bitPosition/8); bb.get(b); pv.setRawValue(b); position.bitPosition += bde.getSizeInBits(); } }