package; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.yamcs.YConfiguration; import org.yamcs.YamcsServer; import org.yamcs.YamcsVersion; import org.yamcs.parameterarchive.ParameterArchiveMaintenanceRestHandler; import org.yamcs.protobuf.Rest.GetApiOverviewResponse; import org.yamcs.protobuf.Rest.GetApiOverviewResponse.RouteInfo; import org.yamcs.protobuf.SchemaRest; import; import org.yamcs.web.HttpException; import org.yamcs.web.HttpRequestHandler; import org.yamcs.web.InternalServerErrorException; import org.yamcs.web.MethodNotAllowedException; import org.yamcs.web.RouteHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultFullHttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpRequest; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpContentCompressor; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpObjectAggregator; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpUtil; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpVersion; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.QueryStringDecoder; import; import io.netty.util.AttributeKey; import; /** * Matches a request uri to a registered route handler. Stops on the first * match. * <p> * The Router itself has the same granularity as HttpServer: one instance only. * <p> * When matching a route, priority is first given to built-in routes, only if * none match the first matching instance-specific dynamic route is matched. * Dynamic routes often mention ':instance' in their url, which will be * expanded upon registration into the actual yamcs instance. */ @Sharable public class Router extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<FullHttpRequest> { private static final Pattern ROUTE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\/)?:(\\w+)([\\?\\*])?"); private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Router.class); // Order, because patterns are matched top-down in insertion order private LinkedHashMap<Pattern, Map<HttpMethod, RouteConfig>> defaultRoutes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private LinkedHashMap<Pattern, Map<HttpMethod, RouteConfig>> dynamicRoutes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private boolean logSlowRequests = true; int SLOW_REQUEST_TIME = 20;//seconds; requests that execute more than this are logged ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor timer = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1); public final static int MAX_BODY_SIZE = 65536; public static final AttributeKey<RouteMatch> CTX_ROUTE_MATCH = AttributeKey.valueOf("routeMatch"); private static final FullHttpResponse CONTINUE = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.CONTINUE, Unpooled.EMPTY_BUFFER); public Router() { registerRouteHandler(null, new ClientRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new DisplayRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new InstanceRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new LinkRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new UserRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ServiceRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ArchiveAlarmRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ArchiveCommandRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ArchiveDownloadRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ArchiveEventRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ArchiveIndexRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ArchivePacketRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ParameterArchiveMaintenanceRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ArchiveParameterRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ArchiveStreamRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ArchiveTableRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ArchiveTagRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new RocksDbMaintenanceRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ProcessorRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ProcessorParameterRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ProcessorCommandRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new ProcessorCommandQueueRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new MDBRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new MDBParameterRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new MDBContainerRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new MDBCommandRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new MDBAlgorithmRestHandler()); registerRouteHandler(null, new OverviewRouteHandler()); } // Using method handles for better invoke performance public void registerRouteHandler(String yamcsInstance, RouteHandler routeHandler) { MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); Method[] declaredMethods = routeHandler.getClass().getDeclaredMethods(); // Temporary structure used to sort before map insertion List<RouteConfig> routeConfigs = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < declaredMethods.length; i++) { Method reflectedMethod = declaredMethods[i]; if (reflectedMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Route.class) || reflectedMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Routes.class)) { MethodHandle handle = lookup.unreflect(reflectedMethod); Route[] anns = reflectedMethod.getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Route.class); for (Route ann : anns) { for (String m : ann.method()) { HttpMethod httpMethod = HttpMethod.valueOf(m); routeConfigs.add(new RouteConfig(routeHandler, ann.path(), ann.priority(), ann.dataLoad(), httpMethod, handle)); } } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not access @Route annotated method in " + routeHandler.getClass()); } // Sort in a way that increases chances of a good URI match // 1. @Route(priority=true) first // 2. Descending on path length // 3. Actual path contents (should not matter too much) Collections.sort(routeConfigs); LinkedHashMap<Pattern, Map<HttpMethod, RouteConfig>> targetRoutes; targetRoutes = (yamcsInstance == null) ? defaultRoutes : dynamicRoutes; for (RouteConfig routeConfig : routeConfigs) { String routeString = routeConfig.originalPath; if (yamcsInstance != null) { // Expand :instance upon registration (only for dynamic routes) if (!routeString.contains(":instance")) { log.warn("Dynamically added route {} {} is instance-specific, yet does not " + ", contain ':instance' in its url. Routing of incoming requests " + "will be ambiguous.", routeConfig.httpMethod, routeConfig.originalPath); } routeString = routeString.replace(":instance", yamcsInstance); } Pattern pattern = toPattern(routeString); targetRoutes.putIfAbsent(pattern, new LinkedHashMap<>()); Map<HttpMethod, RouteConfig> configByMethod = targetRoutes.get(pattern); configByMethod.put(routeConfig.httpMethod, routeConfig); } } /** * At this point we do not have the full request (only the header) so we have to configure the pipeline either for receiving the * full request or with route specific pipeline for receiving (large amounts of) data in case of dataLoad routes. * * @param ctx * @param req * @param qsDecoder * @return true if the request has been scheduled and false if the request is invalid or there was another error */ public boolean scheduleExecution(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpRequest req, QueryStringDecoder qsDecoder) { try { String uri = qsDecoder.path(); RouteMatch match = matchURI(req.method(), uri); if(match==null) {"No route matching URI: '{}'", req.uri()); HttpRequestHandler.sendPlainTextError(ctx, req, HttpResponseStatus.NOT_FOUND); return false; }; RouteConfig rc = match.getRouteConfig(); if(rc.isDataLoad()) { try { RouteHandler target = match.routeConfig.routeHandler; match.routeConfig.handle.invoke(target, ctx, req, match); if (HttpUtil.is100ContinueExpected(req)) { ctx.writeAndFlush(CONTINUE.retainedDuplicate()); } } catch (HttpException e) { log.warn("Error invoking data load handler on URI '{}': {}", req.uri(), e.getMessage()); HttpRequestHandler.sendPlainTextError(ctx, req, e.getStatus(), e.getMessage()); } catch(Throwable t) { log.error("Error invoking data load handler on URI: '{}'", req.uri(), t); HttpRequestHandler.sendPlainTextError(ctx, req, HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } } else { ctx.pipeline().addLast(new HttpContentCompressor()); ctx.pipeline().addLast(new ChunkedWriteHandler()); //this will cause the channelRead0 to be called as soon as the request is complete // it will also reject requests whose body is greater than the MAX_BODY_SIZE) ctx.pipeline().addLast(new HttpObjectAggregator(MAX_BODY_SIZE)); ctx.pipeline().addLast(this); ctx.fireChannelRead(req); } return true; } catch (MethodNotAllowedException e) {"Method {} not allowed for URI: '{}'", req.method(), req.uri()); HttpRequestHandler.sendPlainTextError(ctx, req, HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } return false; } @Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest req) throws Exception { AuthenticationToken token =; RouteMatch match =; QueryStringDecoder qsDecoder = new QueryStringDecoder(req.uri()); RestRequest restReq = new RestRequest(ctx, req, qsDecoder, token); restReq.setRouteMatch(match); log.debug("R{}: Handling REST Request {} {}", restReq.getRequestId(), req.method(), req.uri()); dispatch(restReq, match); } public RouteMatch matchURI(HttpMethod method, String uri) throws MethodNotAllowedException { Set<HttpMethod> allowedMethods = null; for (Entry<Pattern, Map<HttpMethod, RouteConfig>> entry : defaultRoutes.entrySet()) { Matcher matcher = entry.getKey().matcher(uri); if (matcher.matches()) { Map<HttpMethod, RouteConfig> byMethod = entry.getValue(); if (byMethod.containsKey(method)) { return new RouteMatch(matcher, byMethod.get(method)); } else { if (allowedMethods == null) { allowedMethods = new HashSet<>(4); } allowedMethods.addAll(byMethod.keySet()); } } } for (Entry<Pattern, Map<HttpMethod, RouteConfig>> entry : dynamicRoutes.entrySet()) { Matcher matcher = entry.getKey().matcher(uri); if (matcher.matches()) { Map<HttpMethod, RouteConfig> byMethod = entry.getValue(); if (byMethod.containsKey(method)) { return new RouteMatch(matcher, byMethod.get(method)); } else { if (allowedMethods == null) { allowedMethods = new HashSet<>(4); } allowedMethods.addAll(byMethod.keySet()); } } } if (allowedMethods != null) { // One or more rules matched, but with wrong method throw new MethodNotAllowedException(method, uri, allowedMethods); } else { // No rule was matched return null; } } protected void dispatch(RestRequest req, RouteMatch match) { ScheduledFuture<?> x = timer.schedule(() ->{ log.error("R{} blocking the netty thread for 2 seconds. uri: {}", req.getRequestId(), req.getHttpRequest().uri()); } , 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //the handlers will send themselves the response unless they throw an exception, case which is handled in the catch below. try { RouteHandler target = match.routeConfig.routeHandler; match.routeConfig.handle.invoke(target, req); req.getCompletableFuture().whenComplete((channelFuture, e) -> { if(e!=null) { log.debug("R{}: REST request execution finished with error: {}, transferred bytes: {}", req.getRequestId(), e.getMessage(), req.getTransferredSize()); } else { log.debug("R{}: REST request execution finished successfully, transferred bytes: {}", req.getRequestId(), req.getTransferredSize()); } }); } catch(Throwable t) { req.getCompletableFuture().completeExceptionally(t); handleException(req, t); } x.cancel(true); CompletableFuture<Void> cf = req.getCompletableFuture(); if(logSlowRequests) { timer.schedule(() ->{ if(!cf.isDone()) { log.warn("R{} executing for more than 20 seconds. uri: {}", req.getRequestId(), req.getHttpRequest().uri()); } } , 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } private void handleException(RestRequest req, Throwable t) { if (t instanceof InternalServerErrorException) { InternalServerErrorException e = (InternalServerErrorException) t; log.error(String.format("R%d: Reporting internal server error to client", req.getRequestId()), e); RestHandler.sendRestError(req, e.getStatus(), e); } else if (t instanceof HttpException) { HttpException e = (HttpException)t; log.warn("R{}: Sending nominal exception {} back to client: {}", req.getRequestId(), e.getStatus(), e.getMessage()); RestHandler.sendRestError(req, e.getStatus(), e); } else { log.error(String.format("R%d: Reporting internal server error to client", req.getRequestId()), t); RestHandler.sendRestError(req, HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, t); } } /* * Pattern matching loosely inspired from angular and express.js */ private Pattern toPattern(String route) { Matcher matcher = ROUTE_PATTERN.matcher(route); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("^"); while (matcher.find()) { boolean star = ("*".equals(; boolean optional = ("?".equals(; String slash = ( != null) ? : ""; StringBuffer replacement = new StringBuffer(); if (optional) { replacement.append("(?:"); replacement.append(slash); replacement.append("(?<").append(">"); replacement.append(star ? ".+?" : "[^/]+"); replacement.append(")?)?"); } else { replacement.append(slash); replacement.append("(?<").append(">"); replacement.append(star ? ".+?" : "[^/]+"); replacement.append(")"); } matcher.appendReplacement(buf, replacement.toString()); } matcher.appendTail(buf); return Pattern.compile(buf.append("/?$").toString()); } /** * Struct containing all non-path route configuration */ public static final class RouteConfig implements Comparable<RouteConfig> { final RouteHandler routeHandler; final String originalPath; final boolean priority; final HttpMethod httpMethod; final MethodHandle handle; final boolean dataLoad; RouteConfig(RouteHandler routeHandler, String originalPath, boolean priority, boolean dataLoad, HttpMethod httpMethod, MethodHandle handle) { this.routeHandler = routeHandler; this.originalPath = originalPath; this.priority = priority; this.httpMethod = httpMethod; this.handle = handle; this.dataLoad = dataLoad; } @Override public int compareTo(RouteConfig o) { int priorityCompare =, o.priority); if (priorityCompare != 0) { return -priorityCompare; } else { int pathLengthCompare =, o.originalPath.length()); if (pathLengthCompare != 0) { return -pathLengthCompare; } else { return originalPath.compareTo(o.originalPath); } } } public boolean isDataLoad() { return dataLoad; } } /** * Represents a matched route pattern */ public static final class RouteMatch { final Matcher regexMatch; final RouteConfig routeConfig; RouteMatch(Matcher regexMatch, RouteConfig routeConfig) { this.regexMatch = regexMatch; this.routeConfig = routeConfig; } public RouteConfig getRouteConfig() { return routeConfig; } public String getRouteParam(String name) { return; } } /** * 'Documents' all registered resources, and provides some * general server information. */ private final class OverviewRouteHandler extends RestHandler { @Route(path="/api", method="GET") public void getApiOverview(RestRequest req) throws HttpException { GetApiOverviewResponse.Builder responseb = GetApiOverviewResponse.newBuilder(); responseb.setYamcsVersion(YamcsVersion.version); responseb.setServerId(YamcsServer.getServerId()); // Property to be interpreted at client's leisure. // Concept of defaultInstance could be moved into YamcsServer // at some point, but there's for now unsufficient support. // (would need websocket adjmustments, which are now // instance-specific). YConfiguration yconf = YConfiguration.getConfiguration("yamcs"); if (yconf.containsKey("defaultInstance")) { responseb.setDefaultYamcsInstance(yconf.getString("defaultInstance")); } else { Set<String> instances = YamcsServer.getYamcsInstanceNames(); if (!instances.isEmpty()) { responseb.setDefaultYamcsInstance(instances.iterator().next()); } } // Aggregate to unique urls, and keep insertion order Map<String, RouteInfo.Builder> builders = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Map<HttpMethod, RouteConfig> map : defaultRoutes.values()) { map.values().forEach(v -> { RouteInfo.Builder builder = builders.get(v.originalPath); if (builder == null) { builder = RouteInfo.newBuilder(); builders.put(v.originalPath, builder); } builder.setUrl(v.originalPath).addMethod(v.httpMethod.toString()); }); } builders.values().forEach(b -> responseb.addRoute(b)); completeOK(req,, SchemaRest.GetApiOverviewResponse.WRITE); } } }