package org.yamcs.archive; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException; import org.yamcs.ContainerExtractionResult; import org.yamcs.StreamConfig; import org.yamcs.StreamConfig.StandardStreamType; import org.yamcs.StreamConfig.StreamConfigEntry; import org.yamcs.YConfiguration; import org.yamcs.YamcsServer; import org.yamcs.api.YamcsApiException; import org.yamcs.tctm.TmDataLinkInitialiser; import org.yamcs.time.TimeService; import org.yamcs.utils.LoggingUtils; import org.yamcs.xtce.SequenceContainer; import org.yamcs.xtce.XtceDb; import org.yamcs.xtceproc.XtceDbFactory; import org.yamcs.xtceproc.XtceTmExtractor; import org.yamcs.yarch.DataType; import org.yamcs.yarch.Stream; import org.yamcs.yarch.StreamSubscriber; import org.yamcs.yarch.TableWriter; import org.yamcs.yarch.Tuple; import org.yamcs.yarch.TupleDefinition; import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabase; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.ParseException; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.StreamSqlException; import; /** * Records XTCE TM sequence containers. * * It creates a stream for each sequence container under the root. * TODO: make it more configurable * * @author nm * */ public class XtceTmRecorder extends AbstractService { private long totalNumPackets; protected Logger log; String yamcsInstance; final Tuple END_MARK=new Tuple(TmDataLinkInitialiser.TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION, new Object[] {null, null, null, null}); static public String REALTIME_TM_STREAM_NAME = "tm_realtime"; static public String DUMP_TM_STREAM_NAME = "tm_dump"; static public final String TABLE_NAME = "tm"; static public final String PNAME_COLUMN = "pname"; XtceDb xtceDb; private final List<StreamRecorder> recorders = new ArrayList<StreamRecorder>(); static public final TupleDefinition RECORDED_TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION=new TupleDefinition(); static { RECORDED_TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION.addColumn(TmDataLinkInitialiser.GENTIME_COLUMN, DataType.TIMESTAMP); RECORDED_TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION.addColumn(TmDataLinkInitialiser.SEQNUM_COLUMN, DataType.INT); RECORDED_TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION.addColumn(TmDataLinkInitialiser.RECTIME_COLUMN, DataType.TIMESTAMP); RECORDED_TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION.addColumn(TmDataLinkInitialiser.PACKET_COLUMN, DataType.BINARY); RECORDED_TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION.addColumn(PNAME_COLUMN, DataType.ENUM); //container name (XTCE qualified name) } public XtceTmRecorder(String yamcsInstance) throws IOException, ConfigurationException, StreamSqlException, ParseException, YamcsApiException { this(yamcsInstance, null); } final TimeService timeService; /** * old constructor for compatibility with older configuration files * @param yamcsInstance * @throws IOException * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws StreamSqlException * @throws ParseException * @throws YamcsApiException */ public XtceTmRecorder(String yamcsInstance, Map<String, Object> config) throws IOException, ConfigurationException, StreamSqlException, ParseException, YamcsApiException { this.yamcsInstance = yamcsInstance; log = LoggingUtils.getLogger(this.getClass(), yamcsInstance); YarchDatabase ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(yamcsInstance); if(ydb.getTable(TABLE_NAME)==null) { String query="create table "+TABLE_NAME+"("+RECORDED_TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION.getStringDefinition1()+", primary key(gentime, seqNum)) histogram(pname) partition by time_and_value(gentime"+getTimePartitioningSchemaSql()+", pname) table_format=compressed"; ydb.execute(query); } ydb.execute("create stream tm_is"+RECORDED_TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION.getStringDefinition()); ydb.execute("insert into "+TABLE_NAME+" select * from tm_is"); xtceDb=XtceDbFactory.getInstance(yamcsInstance); StreamConfig sc = StreamConfig.getInstance(yamcsInstance); if(config==null || !config.containsKey("streams")) { List<StreamConfigEntry> sceList = sc.getEntries(; for(StreamConfigEntry sce: sceList){ createRecorder(sce); } } else if(config != null && config.containsKey("streams")){ List<String> streamNames = YConfiguration.getList(config, "streams"); for(String sn: streamNames) { StreamConfigEntry sce = sc.getEntry(, sn); if(sce==null) { throw new ConfigurationException("No stream config found for '"+sn+"'"); } createRecorder(sce); } } timeService = YamcsServer.getTimeService(yamcsInstance); } static String getTimePartitioningSchemaSql() { YConfiguration yconfig = YConfiguration.getConfiguration("yamcs"); String partSchema = ""; if(yconfig.containsKey("archiveConfig", "timePartitioningSchema")) { partSchema = "('"+yconfig.getString("archiveConfig", "timePartitioningSchema")+"')"; } return partSchema; } private void createRecorder(StreamConfigEntry streamConf) { YarchDatabase ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(yamcsInstance); SequenceContainer rootsc = streamConf.getRootContainer() ; if(rootsc == null) { rootsc=xtceDb.getRootSequenceContainer(); } if(rootsc==null) { throw new ConfigurationException("XtceDb does not have a root sequence container and no container was specified for decoding packets from "+streamConf.getName()+" stream"); } Stream inputStream=ydb.getStream(streamConf.getName()); if(inputStream==null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot find stream '"+streamConf.getName()+"'"); } Stream tm_is = ydb.getStream("tm_is"); StreamRecorder recorder = new StreamRecorder(inputStream, tm_is, rootsc, streamConf.isAsync()); recorders.add(recorder); } @Override protected void doStart() { for(StreamRecorder sr: recorders) { sr.inputStream.addSubscriber(sr); if(sr.async) { new Thread(sr).start(); } } notifyStarted(); } @Override protected void doStop() { for(StreamRecorder sr: recorders) { sr.quit(); } YarchDatabase ydb = YarchDatabase.getInstance(yamcsInstance); Stream s = ydb.getStream("tm_is"); Collection<StreamSubscriber> subscribers = s.getSubscribers(); s.close(); for(StreamSubscriber ss:subscribers) { if(ss instanceof TableWriter) { ((TableWriter)ss).close(); } } notifyStopped(); } public long getNumProcessedPackets() { return totalNumPackets; } /** * Records telemetry from one stream. The decoding starts with the specified sequence container * * If async is set to true, the tuples are put in a queue and processed from a different thread. * @author nm * */ class StreamRecorder implements StreamSubscriber, Runnable { SequenceContainer rootSequenceContainer; boolean async; Stream inputStream; Stream outputStream; LinkedBlockingQueue<Tuple> tmQueue; XtceTmExtractor tmExtractor; StreamRecorder(Stream inputStream, Stream outputStream, SequenceContainer sc, boolean async) { this.outputStream = outputStream; this.inputStream = inputStream; this.rootSequenceContainer = sc; this.async = async; if(async) { tmQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Tuple>(100000); } tmExtractor = new XtceTmExtractor(xtceDb); subscribeContainers(rootSequenceContainer); } /** * Only called if running in async mode, otherwise tuples are saved directly */ @Override public void run() { Thread.currentThread().setName(this.getClass().getSimpleName()+"["+yamcsInstance+"]"); try { Tuple t; while(true) { t=tmQueue.take(); if(t==END_MARK) { break; } saveTuple(t); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Got InteruptedException when waiting for the next tuple ", e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } //subscribe all containers that have useAsArchivePartition set private void subscribeContainers(SequenceContainer sc) { if(sc==null) { return; } if(sc.useAsArchivePartition()) { tmExtractor.startProviding(sc); } if(xtceDb.getInheritingContainers(sc) != null) { for(SequenceContainer sc1:xtceDb.getInheritingContainers(sc)) { subscribeContainers(sc1); } } } @Override public void onTuple(Stream istream, Tuple t) { try { if(async) { tmQueue.put(t); } else { saveTuple(t); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Got interrupted exception while putting data in the queue: ", e); } } @Override public void streamClosed(Stream istream) { //shouldn't happen log.error("stream {} closed", istream); } public void quit() { if(!async) { return; } try { tmQueue.put(END_MARK); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("got interrupted while putting the empty buffer in the queue"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } /**saves a TM tuple. The definition is in * TmProviderAdapter * * it finds the XTCE names and puts them inside the recording * @param t */ protected void saveTuple(Tuple t) { long gentime=(Long)t.getColumn(0); byte[] packet=(byte[])t.getColumn(3); totalNumPackets++; ByteBuffer bb=ByteBuffer.wrap(packet); tmExtractor.processPacket(bb, gentime, timeService.getMissionTime(), rootSequenceContainer); //the result contains a list with all the matching containers, the first one is the root container //we should normally have just two elements in the list List<ContainerExtractionResult> result = tmExtractor.getContainerResult(); SequenceContainer partitionBySc=null; for(int i=result.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { SequenceContainer sc = result.get(i).getContainer(); if(sc.useAsArchivePartition()) { partitionBySc = sc; break; } } if(partitionBySc==null) { partitionBySc = result.get(0).getContainer(); } try { List<Object> c=t.getColumns(); List<Object> columns=new ArrayList<Object>(c.size()+1); columns.addAll(c); columns.add(c.size(), partitionBySc.getQualifiedName()); Tuple tp = new Tuple(RECORDED_TM_TUPLE_DEFINITION, columns); outputStream.emitTuple(tp); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("got exception when saving packet ", e); } } } }