package org.yamcs.yarch; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException; import org.yamcs.YConfiguration; import org.yamcs.YamcsServer; import; import org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb.RdbStorageEngine; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.ExecutionContext; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.ParseException; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.StreamSqlException; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.StreamSqlParser; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.StreamSqlResult; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.StreamSqlStatement; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.TokenMgrError; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; /** * Synchronization policy: to avoid problems with stream disappearing when clients connect to them, all * the creation/closing/subscription to streams/tables shall be done while acquiring a lock on the YarchDatabase * object. This is done in the * * Delivery of tuples does not require locking, this means subscription can change while delivering * (for that a concurrent list is used in * * @author nm * */ public class YarchDatabase { Map<String,TableDefinition> tables; transient Map<String,AbstractStream> streams; static Logger log=LoggerFactory.getLogger(YarchDatabase.class.getName()); static YConfiguration config; private static String home; private Map<String, StorageEngine> storageEngines=new HashMap<>(); public static final String RDB_ENGINE_NAME="rocksdb"; private static final String DEFAULT_STORAGE_ENGINE = RDB_ENGINE_NAME; private final String defaultStorageEngineName; static { config = YConfiguration.getConfiguration("yamcs"); home = config.getString("dataDir"); } final JMXService jmxService; static Map<String,YarchDatabase> databases = new HashMap<>(); private String dbname; private YarchDatabase(String dbname, boolean ignoreVersionIncompatibility) throws YarchException { this.dbname = dbname; jmxService = JMXService.getInstance(); tables = new HashMap<String,TableDefinition>(); streams = new HashMap<String,AbstractStream>(); List<String> se; if(config.containsKey("storageEngines")) { se = config.getList("storageEngines"); } else { se = Arrays.asList(RDB_ENGINE_NAME); } if(config.containsKey("defaultStorageEngine")) { defaultStorageEngineName = config.getString("defaultStorageEngine"); if(!RDB_ENGINE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(defaultStorageEngineName)) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown storage engine: "+defaultStorageEngineName); } } else { defaultStorageEngineName = DEFAULT_STORAGE_ENGINE; } if(se!=null) { for(String s:se) { if(RDB_ENGINE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { storageEngines.put(RDB_ENGINE_NAME, new RdbStorageEngine(this, ignoreVersionIncompatibility)); } } } loadTables(); } public static boolean instanceExistsOnDisk(String yamcsInstance) { File dir=new File(getHome()+"/"+yamcsInstance); return dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory(); } static public YarchDatabase getInstance(String yamcsInstance) { return getInstance(yamcsInstance, false); } /** * * @param yamcsInstance * @param ignoreVersionIncompatibility - if set to true, the created StorageEngines will load old data (as far as possible). Used only when upgrading from old data formats to new ones. * * @return */ static synchronized public YarchDatabase getInstance(String yamcsInstance, boolean ignoreVersionIncompatibility) { YarchDatabase instance = databases.get(yamcsInstance); if(instance==null) { try { instance = new YarchDatabase(yamcsInstance, ignoreVersionIncompatibility); } catch (YarchException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create database '"+yamcsInstance+"'", e); } databases.put(yamcsInstance, instance); } return instance; } static public boolean hasInstance(String dbname) { return databases.containsKey(dbname); } /** * * @return the instance name */ public String getName() { return dbname; } public String getYamcsInstance() { return dbname; } public String getDefaultStorageEngineName() { return defaultStorageEngineName; } public StorageEngine getDefaultStorageEngine() { return storageEngines.get(defaultStorageEngineName); } /** * loads all the .def files from the disk. The ascii def file is structed as follows * col1 type1, col2 type2, col3 type3 <- definition of the columns * col1, col2 <- definition of the primary key * @throws YarchException */ void loadTables() throws YarchException { File dir=new File(getRoot()); if(dir.exists() ) { File[] dirFiles=dir.listFiles(); if(dirFiles==null) { return; //no tables found } for(File f:dirFiles) { String fn=f.getName(); if(fn.endsWith(".def")) { try { TableDefinition tblDef = deserializeTableDefinition(f); StorageEngine storageEngine = getStorageEngine(tblDef); if(storageEngine==null) { throw new YarchException("Do not have a storage engine '"+tblDef.getStorageEngineName()+"'. Check storageEngines key in yamcs.yaml"); } getStorageEngine(tblDef).loadTable(tblDef); if(jmxService!=null) { jmxService.registerTable(dbname, tblDef); } tables.put(tblDef.getName(), tblDef); log.debug("loaded table definition {} from {}", tblDef.getName(), f); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Got exception when reading the table definition from {}: ", f, e); throw new YarchException("Got exception when reading the table definition from "+f+": ", e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.warn("Got exception when reading the table definition from {}: ", f, e); throw new YarchException("Got exception when reading the table definition from "+f+": ", e); } } } } else {"Creating directory for db {}: {}", dbname, dir.getAbsolutePath()); if(!dir.mkdirs()) { YamcsServer.getCrashHandler(dbname).handleCrash("Archive", "Cannot create directory: "+dir); log.error("Cannot create directory: {}", dir); } } } TableDefinition deserializeTableDefinition(File f) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { if(f.length()==0) { throw new IOException("Cannot load table definition from empty file "+f); } String fn=f.getName(); String tblName=fn.substring(0,fn.length()-4); Yaml yaml = new Yaml(new TableDefinitionConstructor()); FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(f); Object o = yaml.load(fis); if(!(o instanceof TableDefinition)) { fis.close(); throw new IOException("Cannot load table definition from "+f+": object is "+o.getClass().getName()+"; should be "+TableDefinition.class.getName()); } TableDefinition tblDef = (TableDefinition) o; fis.close(); tblDef.setName(tblName); tblDef.setDb(this); if(!tblDef.hasCustomDataDir()){ tblDef.setDataDir(getRoot()); } if(tblDef.getFormatVersion()!=TableDefinition.CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION) { //temporary upgrade to version 2 from version 1 - should be removed in a future version if(tblDef.getFormatVersion()==1) {"Converting {} from format version 1 to format version 2", tblDef.getName()); if("pp".equals(tblDef.getName())) { changeParaValueType(tblDef); } tblDef.setFormatVersion(2); serializeTableDefinition(tblDef); return deserializeTableDefinition(f); } } log.debug("loaded table definition {} from {}", tblName, fn); return tblDef; } static void changeParaValueType(TableDefinition tblDef) { TupleDefinition valueDef = tblDef.getValueDefinition(); List<ColumnDefinition> l= valueDef.getColumnDefinitions(); for(int i=0; i<l.size(); i++) { ColumnDefinition cd = l.get(i); if("PROTOBUF(org.yamcs.protobuf.Pvalue$ParameterValue)".equals(cd.getType().name())) { ColumnDefinition cd1 = new ColumnDefinition(cd.getName(), DataType.PARAMETER_VALUE); l.set(i, cd1); } } } /** * serializes to disk to the rootDir/name.def * @param algorithmDef */ void serializeTableDefinition(TableDefinition td) { String fn=getRoot()+"/"+td.getName()+".def"; try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fn)) { Yaml yaml = new Yaml(new TableDefinitionRepresenter()); Writer w = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos)); yaml.dump(td, w); w.flush(); fos.getFD().sync(); w.close(); } catch (IOException e) { YamcsServer.getCrashHandler(dbname).handleCrash("Archive", "Cannot write table definition to "+fn+" :"+e); log.error("Got exception when writing table definition to {} ",fn, e); } } /** * add a table to the dictionary * throws exception if a table or a stream with the same name already exist * * @param def - table definition * @throws YarchException - thrown in case a table or a stream with the same name already exists or if there was an error in creating the table * */ public void createTable(TableDefinition def) throws YarchException { if(tables.containsKey(def.getName())) { throw new YarchException("A table named '"+def.getName()+"' already exists"); } if(streams.containsKey(def.getName())) { throw new YarchException("A stream named '"+def.getName()+"' already exists"); } if(!def.hasCustomDataDir()) { def.setDataDir(getRoot()); } StorageEngine se = storageEngines.get(def.getStorageEngineName()); if(se==null) { throw new YarchException("Invalid storage engine '"+def.getStorageEngineName()+"' specified. Valid names are: "+storageEngines.keySet()); } se.createTable(def); tables.put(def.getName(),def); def.setDb(this); serializeTableDefinition(def); if(jmxService!=null) { jmxService.registerTable(dbname, def); } } /** * Adds a stream to the dictionary making it "official" * @param stream * @throws YarchException */ public void addStream(AbstractStream stream) throws YarchException { if(tables.containsKey(stream.getName())) { throw new YarchException("A table named '"+stream.getName()+"' already exists"); } if(streams.containsKey(stream.getName())) { throw new YarchException("A stream named '"+stream.getName()+"' already exists"); } streams.put(stream.getName(), stream); if(jmxService!=null) { jmxService.registerStream(dbname, stream); } } public TableDefinition getTable(String name) { return tables.get(name); } public boolean streamOrTableExists(String name) { if(streams.containsKey(name)) { return true; } if(tables.containsKey(name)) { return true; } return false; } public AbstractStream getStream(String name) { return streams.get(name); } public void dropTable(String tblName) throws YarchException {"dropping table {}", tblName); TableDefinition tbl=tables.remove(tblName); if(tbl==null) { throw new YarchException("There is no table named '"+tblName+"'"); } if(jmxService!=null) { jmxService.unregisterTable(dbname, tblName); } getStorageEngine(tbl).dropTable(tbl); File f=new File(getRoot()+"/"+tblName+".def"); if(!f.delete()) { throw new YarchException("Cannot remove "+f); } } public synchronized void removeStream(String name) { Stream s=streams.remove(name); if((s!=null) && (jmxService!=null)) { jmxService.unregisterStream(dbname, name); } } public StorageEngine getStorageEngine(TableDefinition tbldef) { return storageEngines.get(tbldef.getStorageEngineName()); } public Collection<AbstractStream> getStreams() { return streams.values(); } public Collection<TableDefinition> getTableDefinitions() { return tables.values(); } /** * Returns the root directory for this database instance. * It is usually home/instance_name. * @return the roor directory for this database instance */ public String getRoot() { return getHome()+"/"+dbname; } public static void setHome(String home) { YarchDatabase.home = home; } public static String getHome() { return home; } /**to be used for testing * @param dbName database name to be removed **/ public static void removeInstance(String dbName) { databases.remove(dbName); } public StreamSqlResult execute(String query) throws StreamSqlException, ParseException { ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext(dbname); StreamSqlParser parser = new StreamSqlParser(new; try { StreamSqlStatement s = parser.OneStatement(); return s.execute(context); } catch (TokenMgrError e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } }