package org.yamcs.parameterarchive; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterValue; import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterConsumer; import org.yamcs.parameter.Value; import org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.Value.Type; import org.yamcs.utils.LoggingUtils; import org.yamcs.utils.SortedIntArray; import org.yamcs.utils.TimeEncoding; class ArchiveFillerTask implements ParameterConsumer { final ParameterArchive parameterArchive; final Logger log; long numParams = 0; //segment start -> ParameterGroup_id -> PGSegment protected TreeMap<Long, Map<Integer, PGSegment>> pgSegments = new TreeMap<>(); protected final ParameterIdDb parameterIdMap; protected final ParameterGroupIdDb parameterGroupIdMap; //ignore any data older than this protected long collectionSegmentStart; long threshold = 60000; public ArchiveFillerTask(ParameterArchive parameterArchive) { this.parameterArchive = parameterArchive; this.parameterIdMap = parameterArchive.getParameterIdDb(); this.parameterGroupIdMap = parameterArchive.getParameterGroupIdDb(); log = LoggingUtils.getLogger(this.getClass(), parameterArchive.getYamcsInstance()); } void setCollectionSegmentStart(long collectionSegmentStart) { this.collectionSegmentStart = collectionSegmentStart; } /** * adds the parameters to the pgSegments structure and return the highest timestamp or -1 if all parameters have been ignored (because they were too old) * * parameters older than ignoreOlderThan are ignored. * * * @param items * @return */ protected long processParameters(List<ParameterValue> items) { Map<Long, SortedParameterList> m = new HashMap<>(); for(ParameterValue pv: items) { long t = pv.getGenerationTime(); if(t<collectionSegmentStart) { continue; } if(pv.getParameterQualifiedNamed()==null) { log.warn("No qualified name for parameter value {}, ignoring", pv); continue; } SortedParameterList l = m.get(t); if(l==null) { l = new SortedParameterList(); m.put(t, l); } l.add(pv); } long maxTimestamp = -1; for(Map.Entry<Long,SortedParameterList> entry: m.entrySet()) { long t = entry.getKey(); SortedParameterList pvList = entry.getValue(); processParameters(t, pvList); if(t>maxTimestamp) { maxTimestamp = t; } } return maxTimestamp; } private void processParameters(long t, SortedParameterList pvList) { numParams+=pvList.size(); try { int parameterGroupId = parameterGroupIdMap.createAndGet(pvList.parameterIdArray); long segmentId = SortedTimeSegment.getSegmentId(t); Map<Integer, PGSegment> m = pgSegments.get(segmentId); if(m==null) { m = new HashMap<Integer, PGSegment>(); pgSegments.put(segmentId, m); } PGSegment pgs = m.get(parameterGroupId); if(pgs==null) { pgs = new PGSegment(parameterGroupId, segmentId, pvList.parameterIdArray); m.put(parameterGroupId, pgs); } pgs.addRecord(t, pvList.sortedPvList); } catch (RocksDBException e) { log.error("Error processing parameters", e); } } void flush() {"Starting a consolidation process, number of intervals: {}", pgSegments.size()); for(Map<Integer, PGSegment> m: pgSegments.values()) { consolidateAndWriteToArchive(m.values()); } } /** * writes data into the archive * @param pgList */ protected void consolidateAndWriteToArchive(Collection<PGSegment> pgList) { for(PGSegment pgs: pgList) { pgs.consolidate(); } try { parameterArchive.writeToArchive(pgList); } catch (RocksDBException e) { log.error("failed to write data to the archive", e); } } @Override public void updateItems(int subscriptionId, List<ParameterValue> items) { long t = processParameters(items); if(t<0){ return; } long nextSegmentStart = SortedTimeSegment.getNextSegmentStart(collectionSegmentStart); while(t > nextSegmentStart + threshold) { Map<Integer, PGSegment> m = pgSegments.remove(collectionSegmentStart); if(m!=null) { log.debug("Writing to archive the segment: [{} - {})", TimeEncoding.toString(collectionSegmentStart), TimeEncoding.toString(nextSegmentStart)); consolidateAndWriteToArchive(m.values()); } collectionSegmentStart = nextSegmentStart; nextSegmentStart = SortedTimeSegment.getNextSegmentStart(collectionSegmentStart); } } public long getNumProcessedParameters() { return numParams; } /*builds incrementally a list of parameter id and parameter value, sorted by parameter ids */ class SortedParameterList { SortedIntArray parameterIdArray = new SortedIntArray(); List<ParameterValue> sortedPvList = new ArrayList<ParameterValue>(); void add(ParameterValue pv) { String fqn = pv.getParameterQualifiedNamed(); Value engValue = pv.getEngValue(); if(engValue==null) { log.warn("Ignoring parameter without engineering value: {} ", pv.getParameterQualifiedNamed()); return; } Value rawValue = pv.getRawValue(); Type engType = engValue.getType(); Type rawType = (rawValue==null)? null: rawValue.getType(); int parameterId = parameterIdMap.createAndGet(fqn, engType, rawType); int pos = parameterIdArray.insert(parameterId); sortedPvList.add(pos, pv); } public int size() { return parameterIdArray.size(); } } }