package org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql; import java.math.BigDecimal; import org.yamcs.yarch.ColumnDefinition; import org.yamcs.yarch.DataType; import org.yamcs.yarch.TupleDefinition; import org.yamcs.yarch.streamsql.StreamSqlException.ErrCode; public class WindowSpecification { final String name; //in case it refers to an existing window public enum Type {TIME, TUPLES, FIELD}; public final Type type; public final BigDecimal size, advance; public final String field; DataType fieldType; public WindowSpecification(String name) {; advance=size=null; type=null; field=null; } public WindowSpecification(BigDecimal size, BigDecimal advance, Type type) {; this.type=type; this.size=size; this.advance=advance; this.field=null; } public WindowSpecification(BigDecimal size, BigDecimal advance, Type type, String field) {; this.type=type; this.size=size; this.advance=advance; this.field=field; } public void bind(TupleDefinition inputDef) throws StreamSqlException { switch(type) { case FIELD: ColumnDefinition cd=inputDef.getColumn(field); if(cd==null) throw new StreamSqlException(ErrCode.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND,"Field '"+field+"' not part of the input"); fieldType=cd.getType(); if((fieldType!=DataType.INT) && (fieldType!=DataType.TIMESTAMP)) { throw new StreamSqlException(ErrCode.INCOMPATIBLE,"Cannot create windows on fields of type "+cd.getType()); } break; case TIME: //TODO case TUPLES: //TODO } } public DataType getFieldType(){ return fieldType; } }